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The United Kingdom includes the following countries: Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, and

England, when Scotland was added in 1707, the area became known as Great Britain. The addition
of Ireland in 1801 brought about the name change to the United Kingdom, the capital is London,
and the total area is 242,514 sq km (93,638 sq miles).

All of the United Kingdom has a population of 63.1 million people, while London is home to 8.1
million people, England is the most populous country in the United Kingdom.

The official language of the country is English, with numerous different dialects spoken throughout
the four countries, there are several regional languages that are recognized, including Welsh, Irish,
Cornish, and Scottish Gaelic.

There is no official religion in the country, but most people follow some form of Christianity, life
expectancy 78 years (men), 82 years (women), the United Kingdom uses the pound sterling as
their official currency through the entire country.

The United Kingdom runs under a unitary parliamentary constitutional monarchy, while the head
of state being Queen Elizabeth II.

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