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Proiectul ProWeb – un model de formare continua pentru integrarea utilizarii multimedia,

instrumentatiei virtuale si web 2.0 in activitatea profesorilor de matematica si stiinte

In ultimii ani, profesorii se preocupa din ce in ce mai serios pentru integrarea mijloacele
TIC in activitatea de instruire desfasurata in scoli. Potentialul remarcabil al aplicatiilor
informatice, ca instrumente de impunere a unei noi paradigme pedagogice a inceputului de
mileniu III, este in general cunoscut, iar actorii educatiei sunt familiarizati cu utilizarea lor. Nu
acelasi lucru se poate spune despre abilitatile profesorilor de a integra TIC in instrumente de
invatare eficace, concepute si elaborate chiar de ei, care se mentin inca la un nivel redus. In
consecinta, au fost dezvoltate mai multe programe de formare continua a profesorilor, destinate
formarii competentelor specifice pentru realizarea unor astfel de continuturi educationale.
Articolul ilustreaza modul in care, prin proiectul “…”, un consortiu de cinci universitati
romanesti ofera un program de formare continua de acest tip, avand ca obiectiv dezvoltarea
competentelor specifice pentru 850 de profesori din invatamantul preuniversitar, specializati in
aria curriculara Matematica si stiinte.

This paper illustrates the main aspects developed in a Romanian teacher training program,
dedicated to all the educational levels, organized in the frame of the project called “EDUTIC - A
network for teachers professional development with the view to increase the quality of ICT
implementation in the Romanian primary and secondary education” (code
POSDRU/19/1.3/G/37002). The overall objective of the project was to improve teachers’ skills
and attitudes by developing and delivering a training program which aimed to integrate ICT tools
in the educational process. The training program proposed one compulsory module and two
optional ones - the teachers having the possibility to select one of those last two. After the
ending of the training phase, the teachers expressed their feed-back in related on-line
questionnaires. In this sense, the paper presents some of their main opinions.


 teacher training;
 blended learning;
 educational use of ICT;
 multimedia, virtual instrumentation
 web 2.0
 POSDRU Project

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