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MFM2P1 Name: _______________________________________.

Rollercoaster of Parabolas!

Instructions: Use pencil first to add the elements from questions #1-7 before using colored pens and
markers. All measurements are in feet.

1. Draw two roller coaster cars with two passengers at the vertex of the parabola with a
maximum value.
2. Draw a one roller coaster car with one passenger at the vertex of the parabola with a minimum
3. Draw a flagpole at each of the axis of symmetries for both of the parabolas.
4. Draw a sun over the parabola that has a maximum value.
5. Draw a bird in the sky over the parabola that has a minimum value.
6. The vertex of the parabola with a minimum is (15, 40) and the vertex of the parabola with a
maximum is (35, 60).
a) How high off the ground is the rollercoaster car on the parabola with a minimum?
b) How high off the ground is the rollercoaster car on the parabola with a maximum?
c) Draw a mom standing directly under the rollercoaster car on the hill with a minimum, and
draw a dad standing directly under the rollercoaster cart on the hill with the maximum. How
far apart are the parents standing from each other?

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