Word Meaning

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WORD MEANING Probe – Investigate thoroughly

to see if true (examine)

Bumbling – acting in a confused
or ineffectual way Futile – producing no result or
Refrain – stop oneself from
doing something (Rukna) Cynical (Misanthropic) –
Believing the worst of human
Abstain = (alg rkhna) restrain
someone in doing or enjoying
something Embitter – cause to be bitter
(These injustices embittered her
Disheveled (personality) –
even more)
untidy (ganda krna)
Scorn – intense dislike, Lack of
Fierce – having or displaying a
violent or ferocious (cruel or
violent) aggressiveness Institution – a custom that for a
(bhayankr) long time like marriage
Peculiar – different to what is Austerity – refrain from
normal or expected, strange pleasures, self denial
Baffling (problem) – impossible Austere – Very plain, minimally
to understand, perplexing functional
Bewilder – cause to become Parry – Avoid or try to avoid
perplexed and confused fulfilling, block, and ward off
Lenient (parent) – more Prevalent – most frequent or
merciful or tolerant than common
Quarrel – Have a disagreement
Conceited (narcissism) – over something
excessively proud of oneself
Profanity – vulgar or irreverent
Audacious (attempt) – showing speech
a willingness to take surprisingly
Obscenity – The trait of
bold risks (Sahasi)
behaving in an offensive.
Inferior – characteristic of low
rank or importance

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