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Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in ART 3


to be able to appreciate that artists create visual textures by using a variety of lines and colors. (A3PL-Ic)

Materials: Slide Presentation on different textures, and the art techniques to replicate those

Crayons, Pencils, Short Coupon Bond



Show a series of images to the class. Allow them to describe the texture of each object.

Ask them how they knew the textures of the objects without touching.

Proceed to Introduce the Lesson.


Explain that artists can use different lines to give the illusion of texture.

Explain that artists can add or lessen lines to roughen or smoothen the texture of

Show them three pictures of cubes and ask them which is rougher or smoother.

Explain how artists use hatching and cross-hatching

Explain that artists can use other types of lines as well.

Show them another set of three squares and ask what is rougher or smoother.

Explain that artists can also create texture through color.

Show more examples and ask how these objects would feel.


The Learner chooses four objects: Two smooth, and two rough. The Learners must use
the techniques they learned today to make the objects rough or smooth: Two objects
through lines, and two through color.

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