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Spiritual Assessment Scale Instructions: Please check the response category that best identifies your personal belief about the item (response categories: SA—Strongly Agree; A—Agree; U—Uncertain; ‘D—Disagree; SD—Strongly Disagree). A. Personal Faith 1 ‘There is a Supreme Being, or God, who created humankind and who cares forall creatures. SA__A__U__ psp ‘Tam at peace with God. SALA Usp 1 feel confident that God is watching over me. SAL AULD sD receive strength and comfort from my spiritual beliefs. SA uU__p__sp___ 5. believe that God is interested in all the activities of my life SA___A__U___D___sp 6. Itrust that God will take care ofthe future. SA__A__U___D___sp ‘My spiritual beliefs support a positive image of myself and of others, as members of God's family. SA__A___u___p__sp_ B_ Religious Practice Belonging to a church or faith group is an important part of my life. SA___A___U__D__sp___ 9. Tam strengthened by participation in religious worship services. SA__A__U__pD__sp__ 10. i 12. 1B. 4. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. a. I find satisfaction in religiously motivated activities other than attending worship services, for example, volunteer work or being kind to others. SAA UL DD Tam supported by relationships with friends or family members who share my religious beliefs. SA Aus receive comfort and support from a spiritual companion, for example, a pastoral caregiver or friend. SALA UD sD ‘My relationship with God is strengthened by personal prayer. SALA UL DD lam helped to communicate with God by reading or thinking cbout sD. experience pain associated with my spiritual beliefs. SA___A___U__p__sp I feel “far away” from God. SA___A__U__i___s> Tam afraid that God might not take care of my needs. SA___A__U___D__sp Thave done some things for which I fear God may not forgive me. SA___A__U__D___sp I get angry at God for allowing “bad things” to happen to me, or to people I care about. SA___A__u__p__sp | feel that I have lost Gods love. SA___A__U__D___sp believe that there is no hope of obtaining God’ love. SA___A__U___D__ssp

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