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I WANDERED LONELY AS A GUERN – aindre reece-sheerin 08-Aug-2017

I wandered lonely as a Guern

When something seaward, drew my concern
Some surfers, more than two,
were seemingly drowning, trapped in pee and poo

The smell so intense, I started to wretch

So a friend I sent for a Scientist to fetch
Don’t worry says he, it’s just a bit of a to do
The wind and the Tide, will hide our pee and poo

The surfers, everyone of them drowned,

Not far off of Le Poidevin’s sound
Their bodies to this day
Have never been found

So much to my disdain, from fish I’ll refrain

For somewhere down there, is the bigger foodchain
From Pee to Pharmaceutical and Poo to someone’s Cuticle
It’s all in the food we eat, who knows,
tomorrow you could be munching Surfer’s feet

Now in haste, please pick up ‘Your’ waste

Don’t wait for the wind and the tide.
For the rubbish you do, can soon came back to you
In fact you might even find it, in 'Your' inside

So this wandering Guern, will look out still, with concern.

For anyone who thinks everything in life is free
knows nothing the sea and what it gives to you and to me
So do be ‘Aware’ and if swimming take extra care
in my beautiful, Sarnia Cherrie

aindre reece-sheerin copyright 08-Aug-2017

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