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Minutes of the meeting of New Hutton Parish Council on Monday 5 March 2018 at the Institute

180305-1 Present
Pat Bell, Hazel Hodgson, Henry Robinson, Kath Twist, Martyn Welch (chairman), Arthur Robinson (clerk), Stan Collins (CCC) and
one parishioner

180305-2 Apologies
Peter Thornton (SLDC) and Judy Adams

180305-3 Acceptance of the minutes of the previous meeting

The chairman signed the minutes of the parish council meeting held on 22-01-2018 as a true and accurate record [see the
document on the website]

180305-4 Chairman’s announcements

a) There will be a ceilidh and Jacob’s Join supper at Old Hutton Public Hall on Friday 9 March. This is to raise
money for Statera’s expected appeal against refusal of planning permission for a power station.
b) The annual parish litter pick will be held on Saturday 24 March. Please choose a lane in the parish and pick
up the litter on that day or during a neighbouring week.

180305-5 Declaration of interests

Martyn Welch in relation to item 180305-8

180305-6 Open session

a) BT plans to install a cabinet next to the B4RN cabinet at the Institute. A parishioner commented that this will
be a poor use of money as the parish will be almost 100% connected to B4RN and the money could be used
in other communities which have no prospect of a BT broadband connection. Stan Collins reported that the
CCC portfolio holder has said that it has not been authorised with BDUK (government) money. Stan will ask
whether any BDUK money has been used in the B4RN area and, if so, will ask for BT to hand it back. Martyn
Welch said he would send a letter to the officer in charge of Audit and Assurance at CCC.
b) The following road problems have been reported to CCC Highways:
A burst water pipe or blocked drain at the Hayclose Lane/A684 junction which is dangerous in icy weather
A new kerb at the junction of Butterbent Lane and the A684 which has been poorly sited and is forcing traffic
turning into the lane to go on to the wrong side of the A684.

180305-7 Planning applications

a) Applications submitted requiring council comments: none
b) The progress of the following applications was noted:
SL/2017/0425 and 0426 – Battery storage facility and gas-fired power station at Greenmoor Bank, Old Hutton.
The Parish Council strongly opposed these applications at its meetings on 13-06-2017 and 09-11-2017. Refused
by SLDC on 04-01-2018

180305-8 Payment of accounts

Payment of the following amounts was authorised:
£103.20 to Martyn Welch to reimburse him for two tyres for the digger trailer [proposed by Pat Bell, seconded by Kath
£39.80 to L.A.Robinson for clerk’s expenses from 01-04-2017 to 05-03-2018 [proposed by Pat Bell, seconded by Kath
£30.00 to New Hutton Institute for the hire of the Supper Room from 01-01-2018 to 05-03-2018 [proposed by Pat Bell,
seconded by Kath Twist]

180305-9 Financial report

a) There will be new Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) arrangements for the 2017/18
accounts. PKF Littlejohn LLP are the new auditors but the Council will be able to submit an exemption
certificate which will allow internal auditing only as well as publication of the full accounts on the parish
website which we have done already for several years. These procedures will mean that an external audit will
not be required.
b) On 14-02-2018 MBE Accountancy Ltd confirmed that an adequate and effective system of internal controls
meets the needs of the Parish Council.
c) Internal financial control and risk assessment and management were reviewed. (see the attached document)
d) Martyn Welch will raise the topic of road gritters at the LAP to identify sources of funds. Failing that, the
Council will consider applying to the Armistead Community Fund.
e) A VAT refund of £396.13 has been received for the year 01/01/2017 to 31/12/2017.

180305-10 Correspondence
The following item of correspondence was received since the last meeting:
06-02-2018 from CALC - February newsletter [forwarded to councillors]
180305-11 Extension of the B4RN broadband network to the parish
Tony Swidenbank, our contractor, has been with us since late January. All the trunk routes and spurs have been
completed except for short sections such as road crossings which will join the parts together along route 3 from the
Institute to Hayfellside and to Singleton Park. Route 2 has been fully completed and fibre will be blown through it to
Hawkrigg Lane later this week.

180305-12 General Data Protection Regulation policy

The parish clerk will attend a CALC course about the GDPR on the 8 March and will report to the next meeting about
the implications of the new regulations.

180305-13 Date of the next meeting

a) As officers from United Utilities were unable to attend this meeting, the parish council will hold an
extraordinary meeting, probably before the end of March, to discuss their major project with them and to
discuss the significant narrowing of Beehive Lane.
b) The Annual Open Meeting, the AGM and an ordinary meeting will be held at 7.30pm on Thursday 26th April
at the Institute.

Arthur Robinson, parish clerk, Over Bleaze, Old Hutton, Kendal, LA8 0LU
Telephone – 01539-725955 e-mail –

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