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Research Journal of Forestry, 2014 ISSN 1819-8489 / DOI: 10.3923/rjf-2014. © 2014 Academic Journals Inc. Species Diversity and Regeneration Potential of Some Mixed Mangrove Forests in Eseravos Communities Delta State Nigeria JK, Ebigwai and F, Akomaye Department of Botany, University of Calabar, Zalabar, Nigeria Corresponding Author: J.K. Bbiguai, Department of Botany, University of Calabar, Calabar, Nigeria ABSTRACT Mangrove forests are among the most. productive eccsystoms in the world, Regrettably, this resource is threatened by natural and anthropogenic factors. The failure rate of most restoration programs worldwide underpins the need to determine factors inhibiting natural mangrove regeneration. Paucity of such data in Nigerian mangroves justifies the need for this study. The research reearded 60 woody species across 31 families, Elaeais guincenais and Nypa fruetieans are tho most abundant species while Pterygota macrophylla and Grewia auriculata aro the least abundant species. Species diversity was observed to vary between 20 (plot 7) to 28 (plot 2) with an average of 25 species per transect. Shannon and equitability indices had values ranging between 2.85 (plot 7) and 8, 25 (plot 2) and 0.95-0.88, respectively. The Regeneration Potential (RP) for each species was recorded. The average regeneration potential of 64.48% along transect 1 was the highest while that of 42.43% for transect 4 was the lowest... A total of fourteen species had RP of at least, 60% while 5 species had RP less than 45%, The study further revealed that the average regeneration potential (61.05%) of the 4 recorded mangrove species was lower than the RP for the entire study, Key words: Delta state, ogidighen, regeneration potential, mangroves, species diversity INTRODUCTION ‘Mangrove forests are among the most productive ecosystems and offer a wide range of resources and services including shoreline stabilization (Teas, 1977; Field, 1996), habitat, nursery and breeding ground for many fish species and other fauna (Teas, 1977; Collete, 1983; Ahmad, 1984; Kurian, 1984; Robertson and Duke, 1987; Ngoile and Shunula, 1992; Sasckumar ef al. 1999} wood for fuelwood, timber, poles, boats (Ahmad, 1984; Burbridge, 1984; Fredericks and Lampe, 1984; Aksornkoae, 1987; Dahdouh-Guebas et al, 2000; Bosire ef al., 2003), establishment. of restrictive impounds that offer protection for maturing offspring, filtering and assimilating pollutants from upland run-off and stabilization of bottom sediments (Saenger and Bellan, 1995) among other products. The common characteristics they all posses is tolerance to salt and brackish wators, Despite inereasing awareness regarding value and importaneo, the destruction of mangrove forest continuss to take place in many parts of the world under a variety of economic as-well-as political motives. In recent years, the pressures of increasing population, food production, industrial and urban development, introduction of alien invasive species and wood chipping have caused a reduction in the world’s mangrove forests, In Nigeria, the mangrove of approximately 10515 km* (Saenger and Bellan, 1995) extends the littoral states of Lagos, Ondo, Cross river, Delta, Bayelsa, Res, I. For, 2014 Rivers and Akwa-ibom, with the ‘core’ Niger Delta States (Delta, Bayelsa, Rivers and Akwa-ibom) with 1,0310.7 km? (INDP, 2013), accounting for about 98,05% is being destroyed at an alarming rate, In Nigeria, the major factors for disappearance of mangrove forests are over extraction of fuel wood and chareoal, human settlements, oil exploration, conversion of mangroves into aquaculture and high ineidenee of invasive species. The Nigerian mangroves are comprised of 6 species in 3 families, These are; Rhizophoraceae (Rhizophora racemosa, R. harrivonii and R. mangle), Avicenniacoas (Aviconnia africana) and Combretaceae (Laguneularia racemosa and Conocarpus erectus) (Abore and Ekeke, 2011). The realization that in some parts of the world mangrove ecosystems are being destroyed, with a consequent loss of inherent services has prompted an upsurge in the number of rehabilitation projects (Field, 1995). Examples of such mangrove rehabilitation projects are reported from, eg, Thailand (Aksornkoae, 1996), Pakistan Qureshi, 1996), Australia (Saenger, 1996), Bangladesh (Siddiqi and Khan, 1998) and Kenya (Kairo, 1995). Regrettably, the success rate of these restoration programs has not been encouraging since restoration management has, unfortunately, emphasized planting of mangroves as the primary tool in restoration, rather than first assessing the reasons for the loss of mangroves in an area and working with the natural recovery processes that all scosystems have (Lewis, 2001). baseline study to determine the failure of natural regeneration in situ is the first step in any suctessful regeneration program. It isin light of this that a baseline study to document the species list and then their natural regeneration potential in the deltaic communities under investigation. Study area: Tho study aroa is a component part of the Upper floodplain forest. and the lower flood plain mangrove in Delta state, The vegetation belt of the former is non-tidal and is characterized by a seasonally flooded forest mosaic of small lakes and broadleafed species such as Symphonia globulifera, Raphia palm (Raphia vinifera) and the indigenous oil palm (Elacis guineensis), The palm species R. vinifera is particularly abundant along the creeks, The lowor flood plain mangrove is characterized by high tidal regime, reaching amplitude of about 1-3 m. The mangrove zone runs roughly parallel to the coast and reaches betwoon 15-45 km. inland. This doop belt of mangrove forest protects the freshwater wotlands in the Inner Delta (UNDP, 2013) Study site: The study site covers 7 transects across the Ogidigben, Okegbe, Olegin and Madagho, Ugbagboro, Remure and Kpckpo communities in Warri North Local government, Area of Delta state, Figure 1 shows the map of the study area, MATERIALS AND METHODS Floristic data were collected in each of the area using the plot less method of Curtiee and Cotto, (1958) at, preselected points, approximately 5 km apart, At each point along the direetion of the transoct-Point Centre Quadrat (PCQ), the area was divided into 4 quarters. In each quarter, woody plants were identified and enumerated. The heights of the woody plants were also measured. The distance between the woody plants and the sample point (PCQ) was also measured (D = 100" day~) where d is the average of the estimated distances in m®, Wildings of the young species were also counted, The regeneration potential was obtained by dividing the wildling of individual species by the density of the woody stem, Res, I. For, 2014 Fig. 1: Map of Study area showing study site RESULTS Flora: A total of 50 woody species, comprising mangroves species, fresh water species and tropical rain forest species were identified across the 7 transects established. Table 1 shows the checklist of the species, families, abundances and their stem densities. Result on regeneration potential: The regeneration potentials of the various species far each transect is presented in Table 2 DISCUSSION Checklist: As could be seen in Table 1, a total of thirty-one families resulting in 50 species with an abundance of 2755 individuals were censured in the mixed mangrove forest. of Ogidigben and associated communities, Delta state, Nigeria, The species comprised mangrove indicator genera (Rhizophora, Avicenna and Laguncularia), brackish indicator genera (Nypa, Symphonia and Pandanus) and typical low land rain forest species (Klainedoam, Diospyros, Canarium amongst others), Species diversity ranged from 20 species along transect 7 to 28 along transect 2 with an average of 25 species per transect. This was further revealed by the Shannon index and abundance data which showed transect 2 with an abundance of 405 individuals and a species richness of 3.25 as the most luxuriant plot. as against transect 7 with 809 individuals and a Shannon index of 2.85 as the least luxuriant plot, The probability (equitability) of inventorying any of the recorded species ranged varied between 0.95 (95%) along transects 1, 3, 4 and 7-0.98 (98%) along transect 5 with a study average of 0.96 (95%). Analysis of species density revealed a study average of 1294.285, with transect 5 (1716) and transect 1 (11) as the highest and least dense, respectively. Elaesis guineensis, Alchornea cordifolia, Pandanus candelabrum, Nypa fructicans and Anthocleista vogelii are the most abundant plant species across the study area, Species abundance data per transect indicated that. Alchornea. cordifolia (46 and 37 individuals), Nephrolepsis spp. (22 and 88 individuals) and Nypa fructicans (43, 45 and 82 individuals) were the most abundant species along transects 1 and 7, transect 2 and 6 and transects 3, 4 and 6, respectively. On the other hand Pierygota macrophyla (17), Grewia auriculata (20), Beilechmiedia mannii (22), Ricinodendron huedetotti (23) and Clistopholis patens (27) are the five least abundant. species Table I Chocks of woody epecias in study site Res, I. For, 2014 Species Family i 3 a 5 CE ‘erotica aureus ‘Coratoptadiaceaea = 18 a Alohorrea cordifolia Buphorbisces 8 » 2 2 om Aelia Africana Caesalpinideae iB 2 Alstonia boonei Apecymaceae » 18 n AnogeissusFeiocarpus Euphorbiaceae 5 2 1s 6 Anshoeleista voli Loganiaceae 18 19 » Anshostema aubraunum —— Buporbiaeese a 15 18 Aviconniaafricona, Avisinacoae w 2 1" 10 Beilichmiedia mannii ‘Lauraceae a 4 Canoriwm schuanfurthii —Bursaraceae 9 16 6 Carapa provera Matiaoane “4 16 1 CHorophora eeela Moraceae 8 Cistopholis patons Cuppresicceae 6 ° 12 CCrstospema senegalensis Araceae 1 2 Dalbergia melonoxgton —_Paplionsiene 6B 2 Diageyres prow Ebenaceaca 2 16 0 Puntumia elastin Apeeynaceaea n 1 1 6 esis guineensis Arooaceae 2 st 2 16 er) Grewia auriculate Blioxe 12 8 Guarencedrala Matianeae 18 6 2 6 Holi leadermanis Rusbineene » 6 ry Homalium spp. Balicaceae 4 n 1 haya ivorensis Motiscons 12 BB loinedoza gabunensis __rvingianese 6 13 10 a Lagumeularia racemose Combretacene 1s 4 16 w Lophiracalota Cohnaesae 6 B 10 Loa trichilindes Metiaoene 6 18 Macaranga barteri Buphorbiseeae 2 on 18 aL Machocriam loncetum ——Papliniese 1% 6 2 Miragyna sipulosa Rubisseae 16 Bow ‘Musonga cesrpoides (Coorpiaveae a 4 6 18 Nancleadiderrichi Ruisoese 6 1 ‘Nephrolepei sp. Nepheolepidaceae 17,8. a Napa ructicans Araceae 2 * 32 [Netagodonia papaverfera— Malvacene a" n Bow Oldfield africanum Buphorbiacene a 16 19 Pandavas condatabrum ——Parvlanacaae 20 2 a Bs 18 Piptodeniastrum africanum Nimcivoeae 1" 12 » Prerygota macrocarpa Stereliaccae 1 2 a Pycanthun angolensis Myristaneae 2 8 16 19 Raphi hooberi Areoavene 6B 1 6 Rhizaphoraspp Rhizophoraceae 10 1 18 2 19 icinedendron huodeloti —Buphorbiacone B 6 4 Sacogletis sv, Celastraceae 10 4 n Soreocephalus diderrichii Rubiswene 12 6 1 9 Symphonia lobulifera _Cusiaveao 8 n 6 9 Tilia americana Tiss 3 n 8 Turracantusafriconue __ Malinoone 1s 10 16 a Table 1 Contino Res, I. For, 2014 Species Family i z 3 a 6 4 apace heudolans Uapsssoeae w S 7 ° Vooearga africana Apeeynaceae 19 3 2 ° Species diversity a 28 ™ 2 26 2 Shannen index am a5 ak ada Abundance aa 405 sar ate an an 39 Bauitabiityindes a) Deity (Woody stem a) outs orto tata 1080 ‘Tale 2 Regensration potential of spices in the mise mangrove fares of Opidighen and abteiated communities ‘Averaxe pees pecs regeneration regancration Species 1 2 a 4 a) 7____otential potential) ‘erotichum aurea 0.008 00050017 0010 9.00 Alehornea cordifolia 0x2 coz ome 0018 0017 0016 oa fel Africana vor 004 0.08 007 246 Alston boonei oo1s 0.005 0005 0008 Anogeissusleiocorpus 00 0.000 0.008 0008 0.00% ats Anthocleista wages 019 0005 0.008 oo oon 28 Anshostema aubraunum — 0011 0.007 0.08 0008 210 Avicennia africana 0009 m5 0.005 aver 00 step Beilschmiedio mannii 0014 0008 oot Canorium Sehuanfurthit 008 010 00 0.008 Carapa procera 0.007 0.001 0.005 0.008 CMorophora exeelsa 9.008 000% 0004 Clisopholi patons 0.08 02 007 001 CCrystonpema senegalensis oo12 0.008 0.000 Dalbergia melonoxsten 0.008.005 0005 0006 Diageyres prowsit 001s 000s 0.002 0.008 Pantumia elation on 0.008 001 9004 0.008 loess guincensis 004 9010021006 0.008. aoIe-oa1s——awI0 Grewia auricuate 0.006 001 oot Guarencedrala 007 ooo 000% 008.008 Haliealodermanis oon 0.008 000 0.000 Hromalium sp. 0.009 m3 0.008 0.008 haya ivorensia 0.006 o0or o010 0008 loinedoxa gabunensis 0.000 0008.00 0.002 0.008 Lagimeutaria racemose 0.008 ows, 0.001 000s 00 Lophira alata 001 0.004 0.008 0006 000s toa trichiliodes 010 0.000 010 Macaranga barteri 01 0.006 0.005 0.000 6.008 ‘Machoerium lancetum 0.009 0.008 0.000 0.006 Mragyna sipulosa 006 oo oot aor Musonga cesrpoides 9.008 0.009 0.008 0008 aor Nacleadiderrichi 0014 0005 0.005 0.008 Nephroepsis sp, voz 0018 0000 ou Napa jructicans 0024 013 0.005 oon Nesogodonia papaverfera 0012 __ 0.004 04 010 6008 Res, I. For, 2014 Table 2 Continve ‘Averaxe species Species regeneration regeneration Species 1 28 4 8 T__peteiat potential) Oidilda africanum ‘oone 9004 0008 0.00 are Pandanuecondatabrum m9 0002015 0005 om12 aot 008 s365, Piptodeniastrum africanum 008 008 0010 000 e019 Prerygota macrocarpa 0.008 002 001 0.002 aa9 Pycanthus angolensis 001 9.008 0.005 oot 08 oan Raphi hookers 0.008 0.005 0.00 ome a0 sam Bhizephoraspp 002 0.00% 0.005 0.008 9.008 2.006 saz icinedndron huedltts 0005 0004 ot aoa 5278 Savogetis sp, 9.007 001 090) 008 010 sse2 Soreocephalnsdiderrichit 0.005 0008 0002 001 08 4620 ‘Somphoniaslobulifra 9.002 ‘0.008 e001 0002 0.008 2039 Tillie americana 007 000 010 ovr r00 Turracantius africanus 0.000 0004 0.008 0.003 0.08 50.05 apaea heudotait 0.008 9.601 0.001 0.002 0.008 248 Voacanga africana ors 001 0004 000s ams sae ‘otal plot regeneration potential 02180108 O24 0178 0B 9:1T OAL Average plot regeneration potential 0009 0.005 010 OBL OCS OT OOK Regeneration potential) cool 62016448 4249 bom) 4993 SOOT ‘Meat af stanly area regeneration potential oon ooo Mean percentage of study area regeneration potential sa.68 across the study area with Symphonia globulifera (8 and 6), Pycanthua angolensis (2), Pterygota macrophyta (@), Voacanga africana (8), Canarium sehwanfurthii and Ricinodendron huedelotti (4) as the least abundant across transects 1 and 5, 2, 8, 4, 6 and 7, respectively, The frequeney of species per plot and for the entire study area was equally checked. Elaesis guineensis occurred along all transects sampled. Pandanus candelabrum was recorded along all but one (transect 7) of the transects, Alchornea cordifolia and Rhizophora species occurred in all but two {2 and 5) (2 and 7} of the transects. Nineteen other species were recorded along 4 transcets, 22 along 3 transects and 6 along 2 transects. No species was recorded in only one transect. ‘Tho flora of Niger Delta is one of the most poorly studied in West Africa despite obvious high level of endemism (Campbell and Hammond, 1989), Most of the few that hed been conducted remained langely inaccessible as they are held as propriety rights of the multinational oil companies Nonetheless, (Kumar, 2005) described the delta as consisting of 8 main ecological zones buttressed by Niger (2012) as the upper freshwater riverine floodplain, the lower tidal floodplain (estuaries, mangroves and creeks) and the outer chain of barrier islands. The study area, a component part of the 2863.1 km® lower floodplain mangrove and the 18,271.5 km? upper flood plain forest (FORMECU, 1999) was dopictod vogotationally by Kumar (2005) as comprising of Rhizophora, Avicinnia, Mitragyna, Phoenix, Raphia, Elaesis, Alstonia, Acrostichum, Paspalum, Polygnium, Pistia and Tectona, Blench and Morakinyo (2018) although added low land rainforest. as the fourth ecological zone, agreed with the check list provided by Kumar (2005) and added Eichornia crassipes while Adegbehin and Nwaigbo (1990) reported the occurrence of Calamus and Alchornea spp. 6 Res, I. For, 2014 on the river fringe with Irvingia gabonensis, Symphonia globulifera, Alstonia boonei, Berlinia spp. on the higher levees, Osuji and Ezebuiro (2006) listed Antidesma spp. Paulina pinnata, Ouratea spp. Chaseatia spp. Cuvaria spp., Dryopteris spp., Memeeylon, Blackiodes, Agelaea oblique and Peychotria manii as candidate species in the Delta. SPDC (2004, 2008) reported Albizia adianthefolia, Nauclea diderrichii, Triplochiton scleroxylon, Cletgpholis patens, Funtumia elastica, Terminalia ivorensis and Entradrophragma angolense amongst. others while (Abere and Ekeke, 2011) revealed the existence of Conocarpus erectus. Aremu et al. (2008) showed the dominant plant species of Gele gele reserve as Lophira alata, Uapaca stand! Macaranga bacteri, Milleitia griffoniana and Raphia hooker, Akinnibosun and Omatsola (2011) showed Tricaiysis, Pentaclethra and Sterculia tragacantha amongst others. Adoki (2012) listed some transitional species of the Niger Delta to include Ceiba pentandra, Lophira alata, Chlorophora excelsa, Bombaxbuonopozense, Sterculia _tragacantha, Bligha sapida, Piptadeniastrum africanum, Cleiostopholis patens, Alstonia boonei, Acio bateri, Dichrostachys cinerea and Cynometra megalophylia. Others are Harungana madagascariensis, Musanga cecropioides, Symphonia globulifera, Uapaca heudelotii, Entandrophragma cylindicum, Terminalia superba and Cola, LNG (1999) and Okafor (2006) listed additional species members of the Delta to inelude Oneocalamus mannii, Pierreodendron africanum, Pararistolochia goldieana and Spondianthus preussii, Floristic diversity studies by Edet et af. (2012) in Afi forest and Aremu ef al. (2009) in Gole-gele reserve in the eastern and western flank of the delta estimated Shannon index for the forests as 4.85 and 8.85, respectively. Regeneration potential: ‘The natural regeneration potential was analyzed for plots and species. The regeneration potential for the plots varied between 0.118 along transect 4 to 0.244 along transects 8 with an average of 0.007. When this data was computed on a percentage basis, plots, 3 with 64.48% had the highest. regeneration rate, followed closely by transect 2 (62.81%) and transect, 1 (60.91%). Transeets 4, 6, 6 and 7 had the lowest regeneration potential with 42.43, 49,38, 50,60 and 56.07%, respectively. The overall percentage regeneration potential for the plots was 65.17%, When this data was subjected to statistical analysis at the 0.05 confidence limit, a statistical significant (p<0.001) difference was obtained among the regeneration potentials ofthe plots. Furthermore, the regeneration potential for each species revealed wide variations in regeneration ability. Beilechmiedia mannii, (108.60%), Hallea leadermanit (77.02%), Khaya ivorensis (73.25%), Canarium schwanfurthit (72,22), Tillia americana (67.99%), Macaranga barteri (67.42%), Nephrolepsis spp. (67.25%), Lovoa trichiloides (65.87%), Musanga cecropoides (65.88%), Laguncularia racemosa (63.49%), Clistopholis patens (62.03%), Alstonia boonei (61.87%), Funtumia elastioa (61.25%), Piptadeniastrum africanum (60.19%), are 14 species with regeneration potential of at least 60%. On the other hand, 6 species had less than 45% regeneration potential, These are Afzelia. africana (84.46%), Chlorophora excelsa (34.60%), Vapaca heudolotii (4.64%), Rhizophora spp. (41.42%) and Nypa fructicans (44.52%). Thirtyone species had regeneration potentials of between 46 and 69%. The study had an overall regeneration potential of 55.68%. Similarly as could be seen in Table 3, when the regeneration potentials for each of the transect, was computed, 12 species had regeneration potentials of 60% and above along transect 1 with Beilochmiedia mannii, Nephrolepsis spp., Hallea leadermanii and Musanga cercropoides having a regeneration potential above 100%. Res, I. For, 2014 oF a Fe a 09 o ote ost ro ot Gott oe oe tore om 8 6m om zee Fe tH 8 sea ot a e st re nr) oon ot om 60 ee ret owe om 2 oes 6 28 z ovo oar soo ovr w 009 9 m8 ow 9 ow ¥ ova fo oe 8 re 8 oreo saa w er a oot e 09 « eee ot om ot ow 6 st9 ca woo ot roe Fe ¥oa ow yor +t ec * 520 a om oe ne Gon o 08 3 oo Fm Oram our 0 ar) em ko ° 29 « eu oo at 209 or ou 6 eek vw oF ous 8 om 8 ost ® wu mB ree cor et ea oe 008 B oe or out o or we ee er om ot Regt ve & oo eee 9 e oo * 509 & ow 9 ow ot om et ree 6 om 8 ew a a9 8 veer ow ose ot wat va % ove sr out om aE aS Ty SRE ay TESTES nse ES wu RED TSS p RHR DTI PE STS TOL Res, I. For, 2014 Fo = Tee a Te a 90 a ee € om = ee = om 9 « ye oF om G rr) ® % rao, ot voor om at a om ot ee te Cr ove z 1% oe va eo ke 2 « em 9 om @ we 9 oor L om og our ow e oe oo ou oa 9 ro et z a ® = Se a 5 rg a a 9 queried 9 4 . t STI ToL, Res, I. For, 2014 Other species in this eategory include Funtumia elastice (91.67%), Macaranga barteri (90.91%), Pandanus candelabrum (69.28%), Alchornea cordifolia (68.09%), Symphonia globulifera (68.576), Sacoglottis spp. (63.64%), Nesogodonia papaverifera (63.16%) and Voacanga africana (61.9%). Chlorophora ewelsa (13.64%), Elaesis guineensis (1.79%), Rhizophora spp. (18.18%), Lophira alata (27.22%), Pterygota macrophyla (37.5%), Afzelii africana (40.63%), Klainedox gabunensis (42.85%), Raphia hookeri and Anogeissus leiocarpus (44.4%) are 9 species with less than 45% regeneration potential along transect 1 Along transeet 2, 17 species had regeneration potential of at least 60%, They species are Pycanthus angolensis (100%), Tillia. americana (77.78%), Clistopholis patens, Grewia auriculata, Khaya ivorensis, Piptadeniastrum africana (75%), Hallow leadermanii (72.72%), Anthostema macrophylla (10%), Carapa procera (706), Funtumia elastica (Laguneularia. racemosa, Ricinodendron heudolotii (66.67%), Anogeissus leiocarpus, Dalbergia — melanoxylon, Elaesis guineensis, Macaranga barteri and Sarcocephalus diderrichii (62.5%) had at, least 80% regeneration potential along transect 2 while Pandanus candalabrum (28.57%) and Afzelii africana (83.33%) ave the only 2 speeies with less than 45% regeneration potential in plot 2. ‘The 79.16% of the 19 species recoded slong transect 8 had a regeneration potential of 60% and above. The only exceptions are Rhizophora, Nypa, Laguncularia, Grewia and Avicinnia with values between 50 and 69%, No species within this transect, had regeneration potential less than 50%. Avicinnia africana (62.5%), Lophira alata (62.6%), Diospyros preusii (60%) and Musanga cercropoidea (60%) are 4 species with regeneration values of at least, 60% along transect 4, Six species; Voacanga africana, Sarcocephalus diderrichii, Piptadeniastrum africanum, Nauelea diderrichii, Machaerium laneetum and Klainedoxa gabunensis are species within the 45-59% regeneration potential bracket. Seventeen other species had values less than 45%. ‘The 9 species (Pandanus Candalabrum, Raphia hooker, Elaesis guineensis, Rhizophora spp., Alstonia boonei, Homalium spp., Macaranga barteri, Sacogglottis spp. and Acrostichim aureum) had regeneration values between 60 and 76% along transect 6. Conversely, 8 species (Grewia auriewlata, Machaerium — lunatum, Diospyros preusti, Klainedoxa gabunensis, Symphonia globulifera, Nypa fructicans, Uapaca heudolotii and Laguncularia) had values less than 45%, Along transect 6, 9 species (Canarium schwanfurthii (100%), Laguncularia racemosa (85.71%), Clistopholis patens (77.77%), Elaesis guineensis (71.48%), Guarea cedreta (71.43%), Acrostichum aureum (70.83%), Lovoa trichiloides (69.25%), Alchornea cordifolia (68.18%) and Anogeissus leiocarpus (66.67%) had regeneration values of at least 60%, Macaranga. barteri (66.25%), Khaya ivorensis, (53.85%) and Avicennia africana (50%) are 3 species with regeneration potential values between 60 and 69%, There are 14 species with regeneration potential less than 45% along transect 6, Notable among them are, Funtumia elastiea (20%), Rhizophora spp. and Symphonia globulifera (28.57%) and Pandanus candelabrum (80.77%) are among those with less than 45% regeneration potential, ‘Transect. 7 had 8 species (40%) with regeneration potential of at least. 60%. They are Khaya ivorensis (90.91%), Tilia americana (83.88%), Funtumia elastica (66.57%), Voacanga africana (68.67%), Beilschmiedia mannii (61.64%), Alsionia boone? (60%), Lophira alata (605) and Raphia hookeri (60%). Three other species; Elaesis guineensis (44.83%) 10 Res, I. For, 2014 ‘able & Ranking of the recorded species as a function of Ur rogoneraton potential SIN Species RPO) SN Spees RPC) SIN Spaiew RECO 1 Beilchmicaia mannii ‘1086 18 Cryeteapemavonegolonsio 6837 85 MochaoriumTancatum 5005 2 Raed leadermanii 720219 Homalium spp. 05.12 86 Symphonia glodulfera 5083 3 Khaya norensie 7225 2 Alshomneacoriflia S669 97 Tumacanthue apieans 5005 4 Conarium schwanfurthii 72.221 -Prenfus angolensis 80-4138 Laphira alata 38.03 5 Tillio americana 5199 22 Aniennia ajpieana 5459 so Pandanuscandolabrum 48.55 5 -Macaranga bacieri 6742 22 Olefilda africanum 13.74 40 Sacoglits sp. 4802 1 Nephrolepsis spp 6125 2A Naueleu diderviehi 1362 41 Miragyna stipules 4818 8 Lovoa trichiiodss 6587 25 Cargpa procera a8 42 Guarea osirala ane 9 —Musanga ceurepoicks 6580 2 Anthocleista vogelit 6.26 48 Crewia aurculata a0 10 Laguneataria rcemona —«68.49«-27—_—Diogpyron preusit. 5285 44 Klainadaagabunensie 4695 11 Glistophotispatens 6208 28 Rlcinadendrun huedbleti 62.7845 Sarvowphalue diderrichit 46.70 12 Alotonia Boone 6167 29 Nesopndonia papaverira 5218 48 Nypa frctieans 452 12 Fantumiatasion 6125 30 Anthostema oubraumum 6210 41—_Rhizophora spp ae 14 Fiptadeniostram africanum 60.18 91 Anagessusleiocarpus D174 48—Uapaca hewdoti 408 15 Aerestichum eureum 92032 Blasi gincenaia DLA? 40 Chlorophoraenelso 3400 16 Voacanga africana 589099 Plerggota macrocarpa «613060 Afeliaafricana ous 17__Raphia hookers 87434 _Dallergia melanaxslon 00.99 ‘RP: Regeneration petetial Guarea cedrela (40%) and Ricinodendron heudolotii (25%). Seven_—_— others, Piptadeniastrum africanum, Mitragyna stipulosa, Hallea leadermanii and Chlorophora excelsa are among species with regeneration values between 45 and 60%. As could be seen in Table 4, the mangrove species represented by Laguncularia racemosa, Avicennia africana, Nypa fructicans and Rhizophora spp., are ranked 10th, 22nd, 46th and 47th, respectively among regenoration potentials for 50 species. Their average regeneration potential was 51.03%. Natural regeneration potential of these mangroves could have been affected by several biological and physical factors, There are several published articles on the various causal factors influencing natural regeneration potentials of mangrove species. They include soil stability and flooding regime (Pulver, 1976), site elevation (Hoffman et al., 1985), salinity and fresh water runoff Gimenez, 1990), tidal and wave energy (Lewis, 1982; Field, 1996), propagule availability (Loyche, 1989) propagule predation (Dahdouh-Guebas et al., 1997, 1998; Dahdouh-Guebas, 2001) and hydrological regime (Field, 1996, 1999), Elster et al. (1999) reported the effects of flooded soil, high temperature above 45°C, wind, wave and phytophagous insects on the regeneration potential and response of Avieinnia africana and Laguncularia racemosa. Hoyos et al. (2018) showed the effect of bare soil, sediment load and seasonal variations on the natural regeneration pattern of Rhizophora racemosa. CONCLUSION Absence of basic understanding of the biological and physical processes operating in the mangrove has beon the bane of most mangrove restoration projects worldwide. 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