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Meeting of Styles is an international graffiti festival that brings together artists of all

styles and backgrounds. These artists give old, abandoned or neglected buildings
a new lease of life by covering the walls with graffiti.
With the aim of showing the most important ephemeral art, the Urban Art and
Mural Festival "Meeting of styles" will take place, from October 10 to 12 in the cities
of Guadalajara Monterrey and Mexico City.

"Meeting of Styles" began as an international gathering of graffiti artists that took

place in the Hall of Fame of Weniesbaden within the Kulturzentrum Schlachthof, a
large and abandoned structure. The idea arose in 1995, but the first event took
place in 1997 with the name "Wall Street Meeting". By the year 2000, the event
had attracted the attention of more than 10,000 people. However, problems with
the authorities began when the participants began to mark wagons of the nearby
train. In 2001 the building was destroyed.
The current organization was founded in 2002 and since then has sponsored more
than 250 events around the world. However, the events related to this organization
have not been spared from the controversy. An event was organized in 2007 for
the concrete walls for the channel of the "Arroyo Seco Confluence" (Confluencia
Arroyo Seco) of the Los Angeles River in California. After the event, the municipal
government established that the process for the permit had not been completed so
the murals had to be removed; the organizers refused and in 2008 the municipality
ordered that they be covered with paint, giving rise to charges of censorship and
other accusations.
you will find new colors and shapes that adorn the urban landscape

Its most important objective is to publicize the work of emerging artists and support
suitable for artistic expression.
Participating in this event is important as many international graffiti artists
participate and it is a way to exchange cultures in different styles of each one,
besides promoting this type of festivals makes people know this type of expression
and stop seeing it as vandalism

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