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163 Practice Exam Once you've been through all the questions in this book, you should be starting to feel prepared for the final exams. As a last piece of preparation, here's a practice exam for you to have a go at. Is been designed to give you the best exam practice possible for the Higher Tier papers. Good luck! General Certificate of Secondary Education GCSE Spanish Cen name aa Centre number Candidate number earn Higher Tier ——— Surname Listening Paper signature ‘Time Allowed: 40 minutes approximately + 5 minutes reading before the test. Instructions: + Write in black ink. + You have 5 minutes at the start of the test during which you may read through the questions and make notes. Then start the recording + Answer all questions in the spaces provided. + Answer the questions in Section A in English, + Answer the questions in Section B in Spanish. + Give all the information you are asked for, and write neatly. Advice: * Before each new question, read through all the question parts and instructions carefully. + Listen carefully to the recording. There will be a pause to allow ‘you to reread the question, make notes or write down your answers. + Listen to the recording again. There will be a pause to allow ‘you to complete or check your answers. + You may write at any point during the exam. + Each item on the recording is repeated once, + You are not allowed to ask questions or interrupt during the exam. Information: + The rximum mark for this paper is $0. + The number of marks for each question is shown in brackets. + You are not allowed to use a dictionary. Turn over 164 Section A Questions and answers in English School Subjects Whilst in a small café in Guatemala, you overhear a group of students talking about the subjects they study at school. What is their attitude towards the subjects? Write P for a positive attitude. Write N for a negative attitude. Write P+N for a positive and a negative attitude. 1 Maths Geography 22 marks} 2 22 marks} 3 History Biology [2 marks} Free Time You listen to a podcast about what a politician does in her free time. Answer the questions in English. 4 What does she always do in the evenings? [1 mark] 5 What does she like to do when she has the time? Give two details, 22 marks} 165 Eating Out You're on a bus in Seville and you hear Blanca talking about her birthday meal. Answer the questions in English. Give one detail about the restaurant that Blanca went to, [1 mark] Does Blanca think she chose the right starter? Why / why not? 2 marks} Why did Blanca decide against the chef"s speciality? [1 mark Why does Blanca think it would be better to go to the restaurant later? Give two details. 2 marks} Turn over 166 10 u 12 13 14 Weather While listening to Spanish radio, you hear this announcement. Answer the questions in English, The increased temperatures are being caused by , {1 mark] You should avoid. A | doing any sort of physical exercise B | using the oven during the warmest times of the day. | spending too much time in warm places. [1 mark} What are people advised to do if they're suffering from a headache? Give two details. [2 marks] Healthy Lifestyle Listen to this advice from a personal trainer. Choose the two correct answers for each question and write the letters in the boxes. According to the personal trainer, alcoholic drinks. ‘A [are unhealthy because of their ingredients, B | dehydrate you C | are fine in moderation. D |are linked to weight problems. E | have health benefits. 2 marks} She says that doing regular exercise will help you. ‘A | expand your lung capacity. B | keep your organs healthy. C | stop smoking. D E make new friends. feel more energetic. 22 marks) 167 Travel You are listening to some Spanish-speaking exchange students talking about where they’re going on holiday. ‘Complete the sentences in English. Example Danilo is goingto ..... New Zealand... with his parents. He is excited because che loves flying 15 Galia’s father enjoys , 16 17 ‘The disadvantage of holidays is that... + [2 marks] Gorka has decided to go to Nepal because , When he returns, [2 marks} For Irene, short trips are good because She thinks the highlight of her trip will be , + 2 marks] Turn over 168 School Pressures ‘You are on a train and overhear two Spanish people talking about their friend, Elena. Answer the questions in English. Example When did Elena’s parents separate? 18 19 20 24 21.2 22 During the summer term. What was the worst effect on Elena? [mark] What did the school suggest Elena should do? Ll mark] What does one of the girls decide to do? [mark] Voluntary Work You've asked your Argentinian classmate, Omar, about his experience of voluntary work. Answer both parts of the question, What does Omar say about the people who come into the shop? Write the correct letter in the box A | They are mostly teenagers B | They don’t have a lot of money. C | They come from different backgrounds. [1 mark) What attitude do all the charity shop’s customers share? Answer in Eng [1 mark] What did the man give to the charity shop? Write the correct letter in the box. A [ O14, battered furniture B | Furniture that he no longer wanted. [ ] C | Fumiture made of glass. £1 mark} 169 A Story Your teacher has asked you to listen to an extract from Dos dias en Salamanca by Pedro Antonio de Alarcén as part of a group project. Choose the correct answer and write the letter in the box. 23 Salamanca. A [is home to lots of historical buildings. B |is a small city. C [has enough to keep you busy for a few days at most [I mark] 24 Why wete they so worn out? A | They had done a lot of walking. B | The sun was too hot, | They hadn’t had time to rest. EE mark} Turn over 170 25.1 25.2 26 Las Fallas Listen to this tourist advert for the Las Fallas festival in Valencia, Choose the correct answer and write the letter in the box. Answer both parts of the question. In winter, the carpenters had to... A [use more electricity. B | use oil lamps to see. [stop working. In spri the carpenters burnt things to... mark the start of the new season. w|> keep warm. € | remind them of the Middle Ages. — Now answer this question “Ninots’ are. A [very rare. B | constructed in the squares C | made of cardboard. [mark] {1 mark] [I mark] 171 Section B Questions and answers in Spanish 27 28 29 30 Los medios sociales Escucha este anuncio que trata de las desventajas de los medios sociales. Segiin el anunei , {Cudintas veces al dia es aceptable usar los medios sociales? dos 0 tres veces A B | mas de tres veces ic nunca LL mark] {Por qué es importante saber comunicarse con la gente? [1 mark] La misica Escuchas una entrevista en la radio con una persona famosa que promociona su nuevo programa televisivo en el que se busca talento musical. Selecciona las dos frases correctas y escribe las letras correctas en las casillas. {Qué dice Gerardo sobre las habilidades musicales de los concursantes? A | La mayoria de los concursantes tiene una voz pertecta. Unos tienen mucho talento, Los concursantes solo pueden participar si cantan bien, Hay unos que tocan un instrument, y otros que no saben. ml[slala Dependen de la edad del concursante. 2 mar {Cudles son los aspectos de participar en el programa que menciona Gerardo? Puedes hablar con la gente sobre sus suefios. Hay la oportunidad de conocer a mucha gente. Es posible cambiar la vida de alguien No es posible decir ‘si’ a todo el mundo, Hay que elegir tus palabras con euidado. mlolalal> £2 marks} Turn over 172 Planes para el futuro Escucha a la directora de un colegio que da consejos a sus estudiantes sobre las carreras, 31 Selecciona las dos frases correctas de la lista. A | Todos los jévenes saben lo que quieren ser de mayores. B | Elegir una carrera no es facil | Hay que hablar con los demas. D | Noes la decisidn del individuo, [2 marks] 32 {Qué consejo ofrece la directora? Selecciona las dos frases correctas de la lista A | Es importante trabajar duro. No es posible tener éxito sin buenas notas. Lo mejor es elegir una carrera ahora olala Hay que prepararse ahora, [2 marks} END OF QUESTIONS 173 General Certificate of Secondary Educa GCSE Spanis CGP Higher Tier one Ss Candidate number GCSE Spanish Surname Speaking Paper Other names Candidate signature ‘Time Allowed: 10-12 minutes + 12 minutes of supervised preparation time. Instructions to candidates + Find a friend or parent to read the teacher's part for you. * You will have 12 minutes to prepare the Role-play and Photo Card tasks. * You may make notes on a separate piece of paper during the preparation time. + You must not use any notes during the General Conversation + The General Conversation will be on the following themes: Local, national, international and global areas of interest; Current and future study and employment. + You must ask at least one question in the General Conversation. structions to teachers + Itis essential that you give the student every opportunity to use the material they have prepared. * You may alter the wording of the questions in response to the candidate's previous answers. However you must remember not to provide students with any key vocabulary. st One question during the General Conversation. + Candidates who have not yet asked you a question towards the end of the test must be prompted in Spanish with the following question: ‘Is there anything you want to ask me?” Information + The test consists of 3 tasks. * You may only prepare the Role-play and Photo Card tasks during the preparation time. + The Role-play task will last approximately 2 minutes. + The Photo Card task will last approximately 3 minutes. + The General Conversation will last between 5 and 7 minutes. + You are not allowed to use a dictionary at any time during the preparation time or the test. ET In the actual exam, you will nominate one theme to be asked about in the General Conversation. = This will determine your Photo Card theme and the remaining theme for the General Conversation, For this practice paper, you dorit need to nominate a theme as there's only one Photo Card, so the General Conversation will use the two themes not covered by the Photo Card. = OOP UUELUUPEUUVUEEEU ET DELS COU EEG RLEUEPEEEEPTECS UF ELUELPEUEEEELELEETPEEL LL ELS hans, yun Turn over 174 ROLE-PLAY. CANDIDATE’S MATERIAL Instructions to candidate + Your teacher will play the role of your Spanish friend. They will speak first, * You should use fi to address your friend. +t 3.3. Marta Gomez wants her children to.. > carry on studying. enrol on one of the new bullfighting courses, C | support the bullfighting industry. [1 mark) w Turn over 182 4 Healthy Living You are in Spain and you read this article in a lifestyle magazine, El yoga: un billete para una vida mejor. Practicar el yoga no es nada nuevo. De hecho, la practica existe desde hace mas de dos mil afios. Sin embargo, se esta haciendo cada vez mas popular en Espana y ahora se estima que un 12% de los espanoles lo practican. Yashira, una instructora de yoga, me explica los beneficios del ejercicio. —Tiene muchas ventajas relacionadas con la salud fisica. Por ejemplo, practicar el yoga mejora la coordinacién y la flexibilidad y algunos expertos creen que reduce el riesgo de sufrir un ataque cardiaco. Hay beneficios para el sistema respiratorio también. Pero el yoga no solo contribuye a la salud fisica, sino también al bienestar mental. Para mi, hacer yoga es una buena manera de relajarme, luchar contra el estrés de la vida modema y recargar las pilas. Debo admitir que todo me parece muy interesante. La semana que viene se celebra el Dia Internacional del Yoga. Habra clases de yoga gratis en Madrid para que todo el mundo pueda aprovecharse de los beneficios que trae este antiguo ejercicio. ,Quién viene conmigo? 4.1 Which two of the following statements are true? Write the correct letters in the boxes, A | About 2000 Spanish people do yoga B | For Yashira, the physical benefits of yoga are more important than the mental ones C | Yoga helps Yashira cope with the problems of everyday life. D | Yashira says that according to some people, yoga helps to prevent some illnesses. E | The number of people who do yoga in Spain has decreased recently. [2 marks} 4.2. Why have the organisers of International Yoga Day decided not to charge for the classes? Answer in English. [1 mark] 183 5. 5.2 53 Customs and Festivals Whilst on holiday in Spain, you read this article about how Carnival is celebrated in Cadiz. Durante por lo menos diez dias en febrero 0 marzo, los habitantes de Cadiz salen ala calle para celebrar el Carnaval. Lo que realmente distingue esta fiesta de las otras que hay en Espafiay por el mundo es que al pasear por las calles, se ven ‘chirigotas.. Estos grupos de miisicos cantan coplas, canciones graciosas cuya letra habla de politicos o de gente famosa. Cédiz tiene fama de ser una de las ciudades mas divertidas de toda Espafia, y esta musica forma parte de su imagen. La tradicion de celebrar el Carnaval en Cédiz no es nada nuevo, Hace unos quinientos afios, Cédiz era un puerto muy importante y de esta manera llegaban muchas influencias extranjeras, sobre todo de Venecia, El estilo de musica, los disfraces y la atmésfera de alegria tienen sus origenes en las festividades venecianas, pero las celebraciones en Cadiz ahora tienen un cardcter muy espariol. What is a ‘ehirigota"? A [A funny song about politicians or celebrities. B_| An area where groups of musicians sing songs. C [A group of singers who perform for the passers-by. 1 mark) What reputation does the eity have? Answer in English, 1 mark] How has the festival changed over the years? A [It has become more ‘Spanish’ over time. B | It has been increasingly influenced by foreign traditions C [Ithasn’t changed much — it’s the same as it used to be. ft mart} Turn over 184 6 Education post-16 Your Spanish friend has sent you an email about his plans for after his exams. Read what he has to say, and write the correct letter in each box. [><] [[ctromfoowatopsrcsgesnaues | iHola! Por fin he terminado mis examenes, jno me lo puedo creer! Pienso que la mayoria de ellos. me han salido bien, pero es dificil saber, sobre todo cuando hablas con los amigos sobre lo que has escrito y resulta que algunos han puesto algo completamente distinto. La titima vez que te vi, me preguntaste qué querla hacer después de los examenes. Mi respuesta entonces fue que no lo sabia, y jtodavia no lo sé! Estoy pensando en hacer una préictica durante las vacaciones, pero segiin mis padres, seria mejor conseguir un trabajo a tiempo parcial y luego volver a mi instituto para hacer el bachillerato, como han hecho mis primos. {Qué piensas? Un saludo, Gonzalo 6.1 How does Gonzalo say his exams went? A | He's pleased because they all went very well. B | He thinks most of them were alright. C [He's worried because his friends all wrote different things. (L mark] 6.2 What did Gonzalo think he wanted to do when he last saw you? A | He wanted to do some work experience. B | He didn’t know. C [He wanted to get a part-time job. fl marky 6.3 What do Gonzalo’s parents want him to do? A | They want him to go to a different school B | They want him to do an apprenticeship. C | They think he should follow in his cousins” footsteps. i mark] 185 7 Marriage In this extract from El paraiso de las mujeres by Vicente Blasco Ibaiiez, Margaret is contemplating getting married to Gillespie. Margaret le amaba; pero el amor de una sefiorita de buena familia y excelente educacion, acostumbrada a las comodidades que proporciona una gran fortuna, debe tener sus limites forzosamente" No iba ella a abandonar a su madre y a refiir'* con todas las familias amigas para casarse con un novio pobre, dedicado por completo a su amor ¢ ignorante del camino que debia seguir en el presente momento. Estas resoluciones desesperadas sdlo se ven en las novelas. “forzosamente — out of necessity “refi — to fall out with Put a cross in the correct box. 7.1 Margaret's family is. A small. B rich, C dedicated to her. ojoyoO|o D loving. ame 7.2 A marriage between Margaret and Gillespie wouldn't be considered suitable because A Gillespie is too old for her. B it would cause conflict with Gillespie's family. C Gillespie doesn’t know what he wants to do in the future. Ojo|oO|o D people think that he doesn’t love her. 1 mark} Turn over 186 8.1 8.2 83 84 Contributing to Society Some young people are talking about how and why they started volunteering with a charity. Identify the people and write A (Aimar), P (Paula) or A+P (Aimar and Paula) in the boxes. c- Aimar Elafo pasado estaba esperando el autobiis cuando unos chicos me robaron. Nadie me ayudé, menos un hombre que estaba dando un paseo. Cuando hablé con él, resulté que estaba sin techo y que dormiaen las calles desde hacia dos altos, Esta experiencia me animé a hacer algo por los sin techo, porque son personas exactamente como nosotros y ahora son mis amigos. Lavolaropa de la gente que vive en las calles, sobre todo cuando alguien tiene una entrevista para un trabajo. Creo que todos deberamos pensar en lo dificil que es vivir asl Paula No conocia a ninguna persona sin techo antes de empezar a trabajar con la organizacién, Decidl ofrecerme como voluntaria hace nueve meses porque un amigo mio me dijo que sino hubiera suficiente gente para ayudar, la organizacién tendria que cerrar. Ha sido una experiencia muy gratificante y tengo muchos amigos entre los voluntarios y los sin techo. Intento organizar cursos de formacién profesional para que los que reciben nuestro apoyo puedan entrar en el mundo laboral Who had met a homeless person before they started volunteering? [1 mark] Who makes it easier for homeless people to get a job? {mark Who has made friends through volunteering? mark] Who says that the charity has been in some difficulty recently? [ marky 187 Ls Film reviews While on holiday ‘You read these fil in Spain, you decide to go to the cinema. Im reviews a magazine, El castillo Generaimente, me gustan las peliculas de terror. Sin embargo, esta pelicula me aburrié un montén, La trama cuenta la historia de un castillo en un bosque casi inaccesible que hace desaparecer a las personas que tocan los &rboles. No hay ni suspenso ni tension, solo una serie de eventos estipidos. Los hombros del enemigo Para los que les gustan las peliculas histéricas, les recomiendo esta obra maestra. Se trata de dos ejércitos que luchan por conquistar una isla en medio de una tierra desconocida. La actuacién de los protagonistas crea una atmésfera increible, iNo hay otra pelicula que pueda ofrecer una experiencia igual! No dejes de ser loca ‘Tenia muchas ganas de ver esta pelicula, pero me siento verdaderamente decepcionada. Se trata de dos amigas que se enamoran en circunstancias inusuales. A pesar de que se descriva como una comedia, hay algunos aspectos muy tristes, lo que me fastidio. Botas de papel Preparate para dos horas llenas de emocién. Basada en hechos reales, esta pelicula presenta la historia de un viudo que debe afrontar las dificultades de vivir sin la mujer que ama. Aunque sea una pelicula encantadora, no menciona ningtin

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