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A woman 29 years old comes to hospital with a chief compalaint of decreased visual
acuity on the right eye that has occured gradually for 5 days. This is a accompained
with eye pain particularly on the funduscopy revealed optic disc swelling on the right
eye, however left eye is within normal limit. The appropriate examination ?
a. MRI-Scan
b. ESR and C-Reactive protein
c. Cocain test
d. CT-Scan
e. Tensilon test

Answer A (AAO Clinical optics 2014-2015 p.63)

2. The advantages of CT- Scan include

a. Assessment of bony abnormalities
b. Assessment of orbital and hyperacute intracranial hemorrhage
c. Detection of calcification in lesions
d. All of the above

Answer D (AAO Clinical optics 2014-2015 p.63)

3. The disadvantages of CT- Scan include,except

a. Exposure to ionizing radiation dose (CT head radiation dose= 150 millirem)
b. Iodine-based dye contrast reactions
c. Greater cost
d. Limited resolution in the posterior fossa

Answer C (AAO Clinical optics 2014-2015 p.63)

4. The advantages of MRA include

a. May overestimate carotid stenosis
b. Less invasive than catheter angiography
c. Artifacts from superimposed bone and adjacent vessels, especially where aneurysms
lie within or close to bone
d. Better able to visualize posterior fossa pathology

Answer B (AAO Clinical optics 2014-2015 p.63)

5. The advantages of MRI include

a. Better able to distinguish white from gray matter
b. Can establish evolution of intraparenchymal hemorrhage
c. No ionizing radiation
d. All of the above

Answer D (AAO Clinical optics 2014-2015 p.63)

6. The disadvantages of MRI include
a. Contrast dye reactions and systemic nephrogenic fibrosis
b. Lack of direct sagittal imaging
c. Iodine-based dye contrast reactions
d. Limited resolution (in aneurysms < 3 mm)

Answer A (AAO Clinical optics 2014-2015 p.63)

7. The Contra indications of MRI include,except

a. Cochlear implants
b. Gadolinium should not be administered in pregnancy
c. Metallic cardiac valves
d. none of the above

Answer D (AAO Clinical optics 2014-2015 p.63)


What is diagnosis of MRI ?

a. Meningioma
b. Optic neuritis
c. Wallenberg syndrome
d. None of the above

Answer A (AAO Clinical optics 2014-2015 p.67)

9. What is the gold standard for intracerebral vascular imaging ?

a. Digital subtraction angiography
b. Magnetic resonance imaging
c. Computed tomography
d. None of the above

Answer A (AAO Clinical optics 2014-2015 p.70)

10. What would you do investigation on the condition of optic neuritis?

a. MRI
b. CT-Scan
c. MRA
d. CTA

Answer A (AAO Clinical optics 2014-2015 p.74)

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