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fe Act I. A lonely spot on the shores of the Mincio On the left, a two-story house almost in ruins, the front of which, open to the spectator, ‘on the ground floor: a broken staircase leads from this to aloft where stands 4 rough couch. On the sido towards the stroot is a door, and a low wallextends ‘Yaskward from the house, The Mincio is seen in the background, bebind a ruined parapets beyond, the towers of Mantua. Night. Gilda and Rigoletto, in great agitation, on the road. Sparafueile in the house, ‘seated by a table polishing his belt, unconscious of what 1s spoken ou NO 15. “La donna é mobile..,, Prelude, Recitative and Canzone. Adagio. a Po-ve-ro cor di Ah tenderheart of ‘Mang p-vrai_ven-det-ta, Thow,my child,sbalt yet have Pie-thathio padi Wu cer-ta fos- stele i tra-dis_se, Ta -mo-resti an- vengeance Nay,rather Rigoletto (ieads her towards the house Rigeiatte. Gilda, ‘2 100k through a fissure in the walD, co-ra? Nol sb... ma pur m’a-do-ra. FE. Si. Eb-ben 1 tovehiin? Perhaps. Ah, he does iove mei Lovethe?Yea, Come herein lovkwitiran One PP 173 (The Duke. disguised as a cavalry officer, enters the inn.) ei Rigoletto. Allegro.(d. 182) RO in uo-mo ve-do. Per po-cgat-ten- Aman is entring. Observebim close-ly. Pig Gilda (starting. Duke (to Sparafucile), Sparafvelle, uke, we oo Ah pa-dre ini-ol” Due co- se, e to-sto.. Qua-li?) U-na Oh, dearest father! Comoserve me’ di rect- ly. 8) sir, An a - Rigoletto, ‘Sparatucile. stan-za © del vi-no...(Son que-stij suoi co - stu-miD (yp ‘bel zer - partment, andsomewinehere.(Tis thus he seeks ad - ventures.) gal-lant (Retires to an adjoining Toom> ATlegretto.(d): 199) mn => bi - nol) Hate a stranger!) M Duke. Ae ley Lo donug 5” mo-bi-fe qual plum Yen-to, mu-ta d'ac- cen-to Plume in summer wind Way-ward playing, Neeroneway swaying, 15959 e di pen- sie-ro. Sempreun a-ma-bi-le leggia-dro vi $0, Eachwhim 0 - dey-ing; Thusheart of womankind Evry way — bendeth, PP —. mo-bil ‘wo-mun in piantog in ri 805 men-z0 ~ Woe'who “de - pendern On joy she gne-ro. La donna & Spendetit Yes,heart of P be, —— —— I qualpiumaal ven-to, mu-tad’ac-cen- to edi pen - sier, Ev-'ry way bendeth, Woe whod pend-eth On_joy she spends, *, 2 > 2 . or. ep - —aSS a o— sn sler, ‘ge who de - pends ia Jorsa —~ e— di_ pen - sier, on— joy she— spends A AA 175 ‘Esempre mi-se-ro Wei Saf - lay chi le con ~ Sorrowand mis-e-ry Fol-lowher smiling, Fondhearts be - — mal cau-t¢ co-re! Purmainon sen-te-si fe li-ce ap - pie - no Fulschood’as — soiling! Mer all wei city Ie her “Ge Stowing, chi su quel se - no f iadonna mo-bil No joy worth knowing ing. Yes,heart Of © wo-man Bp <——~ = S, pp leggero gertelomest vento, muta dao. con - to oo di pin - 5 Mt ni - |~¢ i he br hry Wa xy end foe who de- pen eth © On_joy she sper 7 ser, eH Wn ee e— di_ pen- sier! on joy she— spends, Lf Ed lo with @ flask of wige and which he places on the table; Re-enter Sparsfuello with 4 flask of wige ond two glassen, whi Dace the table; them with the hilt of his long sword he knocks on the ceiling twiee At this vignal,a smiling young as his tong signal, emiling: irl drened an Dounding down the steps from Gypsy, come . The Duke runs to embrace her, but she eludes ‘Sparafucite. Tail vo- Your mins with- fiver de-e Shall I sparehim, —s (Gparstucile goes off behind the 17” house, toward the river NO16. “Un di, geben rammentomi.,, Gide und gettin the streets Maddaleda and the Duke_on the ground floor. = 120) Duke, vel - fa, din - con-tra = - i fair_-_estytwas 1 met. Piac - = que fe ame 1 sought in. P ———— de-re, e@in- te - ~ fi cheqi sta - i. Or tolearm, But, ge'er__—_could T for - get thee; Thy os te he a, (Fa oat ‘Ob. ha te Sitar, Maddalena. ° ah, ¢ ven-falt pres - 30 le ha, empty pro- - ta - tion, The o - fal dore thee! a — nf a eee —<$__— = . —= - sea deseo? Haun ariail si-gno- ri-no da ve-ro li-1 - @ - ation! Thus twent ean bate ea fa Fae meee Fe tino... utteral Duke (trying to embrace her). La-seia-te-mi, stor - di-te. ‘You're bold-erthan po - lite,sir! Sil. un mostro son Tm all that's bad, Duke. slia 3, E tu sii do-ci-le,nonfa-re tan-to coldness? What nonsense! Comejcome know you like aman should woo with rhe he pe he he Sf i989 - gni sag-gez - za chiu-de-si nel gau-dio ¢ nel-T'a- Think fot ofaught but ‘pleasure now; My fair-est, I live to Sil cof canto (takes ber hand) mo- re. a bel- Is ma-no can please thee. ‘That hand sosoft, oh. eive > = |" . p= Gilda, ta - tevoiy si- gno-re. ‘Son brut-ta. T-niquo! Tet me be, youtease me. Pmfrightful. ‘The traitor! io, to, ‘Ab-brac - cla-mi. . Noy nwy__ tests delight. P —= Maddi ma] Ero! Signor Tin-dif - fe- rente, vi pia-ce canzo - Madman! laughing) Try soft-erhearts to movesthen,All trifling I with- ‘amor ar- den - te. rm ee ri ee e. « te 180 fe vo-glio Ia pa- ro-la., Willthoa' be-tore ‘a. witness?4ronieaty) Ko, no, fi wspo - sar. I offerthee my hand. tts tot te teet ‘A-ma-bi-le fi - Inthat indeed theres Madéelena._0 ghieai am a beat Ne voglio “la pa - ro-la Duke. Wilt_thou be-fore a witness? ‘Bhuo—tat 7 Ama-bi-le fi - ‘Higviatle (to ivan, who has heard ald. In that indecdtheres ® ¥ Enon ti bastaan-cor?, E non ti baste an- il this thyheart persuade? wall this thy heartfer — hi quo tra = Ohbeaw'n Tam ii tor’ = tray! Ma Ne ‘woglio Ia pa - ro-lal ne voglio la pa- ro-la, ne voglio la pa- wit thou be-fore ‘kwitncss?wittineabetore "e witaesd?wiitthen befire gliuola! fitness! ‘a-ma-bi-le inthat indeed the: liuo-lal 8 -ma-bi- 16 fsfitnoss! inthat indeedthere’s @ non ti aan-cor? non sw thintyheart persuade? vwilthotignenrt 0 tere eH > = > tan 184 Bel-la fi-glia del-Ta- mo = Te, sehia vo fitness! Fuirest Grae - es, 1, thy son de vez- zi fu - ih Sim un dettegun det = to aol tu humble slave, im - plore thee | With one ten. lerword to joy re - pp dolce, puo - i le mie pe- ne, le mie pe-ne con-so - lar. Vienie cn Store _me,End the pangs, thepangs of un—re-quit-ed love, of my Pg = SS ees od seni delmio co-re ill fre - quentc —_pal-pl - tar, eon un anguish seethe traces, Thee I treasure all a — bove, Withone at pee See lo sod T ne, lo mile pe 10 joy Rore—_meEndthe pangs, thepangs of ua-reqult sed Ah! co-sI -lar da- An! _to speak of love thus Ahtah! ri-do bedi eo - rejch® tai ba-fe costan po-e03 Duke. I appre-ciate you right-ly, Allyoucay 1s but to flatter.” Tar. love, Ft: 7H 2p. =re Tight-Iy! Maddelena, quan -to val-ga yo- stro gio coy mel cre - le - te, 50 ren = Aly tang Ff ink how pny, Wet yen your ten- der a a—— me pur in-fa-me how-Wi- to! Words like these to me_were spok-en! Ta-el, il pian-ge-re non va - Silence,thytears will not a- vail —_—_—_—_— —=—_ =>—_ = i - - ce cor tra- di - to, per an- false,. myheartis bro - ken, “Pwasin eae Son av-Vex -2a,bel si-gno - - 1, I amproof,my gentle woo - - er, Duke. bp ° a un det - to With a kind word, ~ c . — le; ta : ci, ta-ci, ilpian-ge-renonva = - thee, si - lence, silence,thy tears will not a-vail I po —_— — thot = scia non scop- pisr, no, for bliss I strove, ah, no, “Hon seop- ah, ‘all-in mm ad un si - mi-lescherza - - rey mio 'Gainst thy sweet and emp-ty noth - - ings, oT = eo tm puo-i le mi- © with a word end the pangs of Te, val 0, 0, non thee, not a- vail thee, 00, 0, SL DW ne con - so = lar. Bel - Ia re-quit - ed f- glia del Va- mo - Joye, Fair-est daugh-ter of the Grac- Abtah! ri-do ben di 69 - re, chb tai ba-fe costan po-co, I apprd-ci-ate you right-ly, Allyousay is but to. flatter; —— oo. re, es, OWei It sohia a vo son de’ver-zi tuo thy hum - ble slave, im - plore FT OOOO_O—E™E_E_—ES cor tra - heart is_—_____ + By 2 — 1S = == = a= =i BS quan - to val-gail vostro gio- co, mel cre - de - fe, sb ap-prez- Ah, I laugh to think how man-y Yet your ten-der tale will is con un thee, ‘With one ei men - : naught but. ss - oo, - Songavvez-za,bel signo-fe, ad un si - mi-lescher- T amproof, my gen-tle woo-er/Gainstthysweetand empty aspera ey een tie detto,un det-to sol fu puo tender word to jay re - store. Ro, non scoppiar. fe-li = coco - re, cor ‘tis’ all in vain, isfalse, myheart, my heart, + re. Ablah! — ablaht - ings, ba,ha, —ha,ha, e- ney le mic pe-ne con-so- lar. Ah! con pangsithe pangs of un-requit-ed love, ak, With ‘Tacise mia sa-ra la ‘Thoumest shun him and for- e & i pia - fe - li strove, is false, ai cor, — must laugh, ta-ch,e thou must shu 188 re, in fe - strove, for he is false, my heart is ah! ah! ri-do ben laugh, 1 — ap-pre- ci - ate di ou co- re, che tai co stan rightly, all you say is but to y_io_bot te nie sen - ti del mo my_an - guish see the , pron — prove. The strength to _ an-go - scia non scoppiar, no, no, no,no, no, in vain for bliss strove, ah, i > pocogquanto val-gq fl vo-stro gioco,melcredete,sqappreszar, sl, Hatter, a I laugh to think how manyyetyour tender talemay move,, il frequen-te pal trac- es, thee Lotreasure all £ Ms, S0-n@avver - za, bel si- gno-re, 1 20f, n-tle_woo-er, 'gainst vie = = = = = = = end my woe STO m..LLu ftps Fe pope 7 > > > = fF jo sa - prol-lo ful-mi- nar, fo sa-prol - lo ful = That. I vow to ev-'ry pow, ey - ‘ry pow that rules a pia - “Fe in - fe- Ti - ce cor tra = zar, ah, ah, ah, ah! ri- > = - noth.ings,yes, ha, ha, yO ni, ah! con un pangs, ah! with oa con rece cupa mar; ta -cie mia sa-ri la bove, thou shalt shun him and for = 490 jo di cor, —_must laugh, cu - get him, thy = venga er yy _~ - -ra Is ven-det-ta daf-fret - will ay < by mana pia - Te, in fe-li = ce cor tra = strove, for he is false, my heart ————————— lo di cory ab! ah! Hi - ~ - - — must laugh, ha, ha, Po SS ——_ puo - 1 le mi- store me, ob end the tar, ta - che ra Ia prove, thou shalt shun him and for - _ 191 = Ta la ven- det-ta diaf~ fret - him, thy a - ven-ger I will ih — UW pla - re, in- -fe - li- -ce cor strove, for he is false, my heart is ba -ie co - stan bu do ah! ah! ri- do ben di co - re, chd tai Jough, 1 ap-pre~-ci- ate you_right~ly, all you say lar; vie nie sen - ti del love; of my an - _guish see the tar; sl, pron - - ta prove, the strength _ —, Thos sela non for poco; quanto val- gail vo- stro gio-co, mel cre - de - te, sq.ap-prez - flatter, I must Iaugh to think how man-y ' yet your ten-der tale will _tiatctog I NO, NO,NO, no, no, no, in vain for si, song_avvez-za, bel. si-gnore,ad un 61 - hi - le: yes, 1 must laugh to think how: thy tender tale will 7 - - the sée+.hUL.. eo seeep> > l= = prol-lo ful-mi- nar, io saprol-lo ful-mi- 41 vow to ev-'ry powrev'ry pow'rthat rulesa = 4 f 193 S55 8 SS & pinr, in- fe- li - ce cor tra - di- to, per ango - scianonscop- strove, he is _fulse, my heart is bro-ken, ah, in vain for bliss T zr, iL tio - 0. xo Ap-prez = move, to think man = ¥. ou yet ‘all ———eEeeeskL mi co - Feil pal pangs, the pangs of u = Te = quit ta-cie mia sa - ra Ia cara Ia ven-det-ta daf-fret - ‘vove, thou must shun him and for- get him,thy a-veng-er I will piar, in-fe-li - ce cor tra-di-to. per ango - sclanonscop- strove, he is false, my heart is bro-kenyah, in vain for bliss I = = Tair, TT to + airo Elo - C0. sO aps prer mov to think how man — 3 you yet will . = $ Lie. — =| sen = tl del co- rel pal - pl - tar, tu-cie mia sa = ra la cu-ra In ven-dot-ta daf-fret ~ prove, thou must shun him and for ~ get himthy a-venger I will Debad SDI Nudd intial Petetea | — SS in9K9 194 plar, no, non strove, in’ vain zar, il vostro gio - ¢oso_apprez-zar,___ il vo-stro gioco 89 apprezza - -move,ah,] must laugh to think how man _~ y yet your tendertale will move, tar, vieni, vie-ni, _leve, oh end the pangs, no! strovel, inane 195, N17. “Modi!.. ritorna a casa.» Recit. ri-tor-naa ca-sa.. oO» ro pren-di, un de - ‘be-takethee home-ward, there disguise thee as a Piano. striero, u- ua ve - ste vi- ril che Tappre-stai, e per Ve-ro- th; find u steed, andwith all convenient speed fly hence un-to Ve - Gilda. Ri iggelette Gilda. Rig. oF parti, sa-rovvijopur do - man. Or ve-ni -te ro-na, and T will meet thee there.Ply thouwith me. (Utigoletto gov, behind the house, and (The Duke and Mrddatena remoin — efurnw with Sparatueile. gounling a) talking, laughing and drinking.’ him out his money.) PP = = = vs UO 7 Voki sD Oe = = z Rigoletto. (This Recitative must be sung without the usual apposginturas,) ae tO SSS Ven-ti seudi,hai tu det-to?. Ee-eo-ne die-ci; ¢ do-po Toprail ‘Twas to be fortwenaty pieces, half paid be ~ fore-hand, the rest to fol-low ma-ne? Si. Al-Ia mez-za - not- te ri-tor-ne-1 after. Here are the first ten. Good. At themidnight hour I willcome again. Thou s— ~o— = Rigoletto. Sparafucile, ca-le, Aget-tar-lo nel fiumebastojosolo. No,no, ilvofar 10 stesso. S 1 suo need'st not. Icanthrow him a-lone into the river. No,no, Imyself must dothat Comethen,say.who oo eee, = “2 = = (exit) lett. nome? Vuoi sa-per anchejl mio? E-glit, Pu-ni-sion son i - 0. is he?Wouldst thou know,too,who I am?Hisname is Guilt andmine is swift A - tone-ment. ———— —— —~ - = PRP (it begins to lighten) Sparatucite. La tem-pe-siaé vi- ci-na\.pliiscu-rafiala We shall soon havea tempest, Thenightisgetting fet 12 (escaping from him). Duke (ising ber. ‘Tempo, Mad-da-le - na!” A - spet-ta-te... mio fra-tel - lo Mad-da-le - na! Stay, be cautious, forhere comes my _Madada = Ie 197 Duke. Maddalena, PF vie-ne. importa? Tuona! brother. Whatmatter? It thunders TENOR. ere ie (Behind the scenes, umming With closed mouths] ———$—= |] ———— Ee oPS>. fy iehtning) it gape (thunder) Chorus. AS Sparstucile (re-entering the house). D (to Sparafucite) E plo-ve-rh fra po-co. Tan-to me-glio! Tu dor-mi - Andrain will fall in torrents. All the bet-ter. Here I will Maddalena (aside to the Duke). “ : Ss (Ah no, par (Thou must not + al -Tin-ferno.., o- ve vor-ra-i! Oh grazie! stay, leave me a-lone now,make thy ex-it, go to the devill Howgracious! ea ti- ted stay here) puke (to Maddatens). Sparatucile (aside to Maddelens) Mgthe Duke) (Con tal tem-po?) (Son ven-ti seu - di do-ro.) Ben fe- (You'd re~ fuse me?) (Tis twen-ty gold = en pieces.) Sir, I a (takes light and goes toward the Indder). = ce dof-trir-vi , Se a voi pla-ce, to-stoa veder-lan pray you, takeshel-ter in my chamber, ‘tis at your ser-vice, if you per-mit,Til (Whispers a word to Maddwesaand follows Sparafucile). dia-mo: Eb-ben! so-Ho con te... pre-sto... ve- dia-mo show you, Lead on! (Ill soonre-turn.)Come then, con-duct me. Po-ve-ro gio-vin! gra-rio-50 tan-to! Oh, shall he per-ish? would 1 could save him! = “a 2 s Bp i989 198 Duke (on the upper floor), Di-o, qual not - te® que-sta! Si dormeaHaria a- Heaven, what dread - ful thunder! An o-pen-air en- Searatucile. . —~ nel. Buo-na not-te. Si-gnorvi guar-di Jd-di - ‘You may go now. Good sir, may he per-ta? je-ne, be campment? this is charm (The Duke takes off his hat and sword.) Duke. freve son-no dor-miam...stanco son Oneshorthourl will sleep, I am quite A San im Allegretto. dh: 1m) La donnaé mo-bi-le qualpiumaal ven-to, mu-ta dac- Plume in the summer wind Wuy-wardly play-ing, Ne'erone way i989 200 cen - to e pen - si¢- ro... sway-ing, Eachwhimo - bey-ing, (gradually falling steep) muta dac-cen-to ¢ di petun ja donna Néeroneway swaying, eachwhimob— yes, woman, ca allarg. mm-ta dac-cen-to e_— di pen- sier.. woe who de- pend-eth on joy she spends, sempre pitt allarg. # Tempo J (ds) allarg. yt ED penasier.. musta dacacen-tee di pen E ama-bile jn -ve-r0 co- tal gio-v1- ‘she spends_woewho de-pendson joy she— Soyoungandso gentle wouldhencerhad = a $p not-to! Oh si, venti seu-di ne da di pro- dot - to. Sol ven-ti?son sought us! Yes,he'swell e - nough,twenty piec-es he's brought us. But tweaty?how o. 15989 208 Sparatusile. aes - va di pia. Hesworthmorethan that. La spa-da, sei dor- me, My dagger go fetch me, -—s> (Maddalena ascends the stairs and gazes on the Duke.) Va... por-ta-mi gii. quick, ‘tis get-ting late. N? 18.“Somiglia un Apollo.,, Recitative, ‘Trie and Gnter at the back Gilda, in male attire, with boots and spurs. She comes slowly forward towards the inn, where Sparafucile is seated drinking) ‘Ah plit_non ra-gio-no... Amor mi tr: mio pa - dreper- For love'ssake I lin-ger, oh father, for- 1 cam - not 0 - Piano. (Maddalena returns to the ground floor and lays the Duke's sword on the table.) do = no. bey thee Qual not-te dor- or - rel.. Gran Oh nightfall of hor-ror, what (Behind the seenes, with cl ‘mouths.) (thunder) 202 acere (ooking through the crevice) Chi par-la?.. ‘Who spoke then? Fra-tel-1o?. My brother (groping his way to a cupboard) Hes Sparafueile. 2 ‘Aldiavol ten Be silent, and wait. Tempo I. Maddalena, mi-glia.un A - pol-lo quel gio-vi-ne... io Ta-mo..ei ma-m ne fair as A - pol-lo, he pleases me, 1 love him, he lovesme, he trusts me,sball = a Me. Per- che? For what? im per=ish? Gilda (listening). cle - lo! Oh heav-en! Sparafucile (hrowing her a sack). Rattop-paquel sac-co— Endresso il tag A- Iwant you to mend this twillholdyour A - a PV Pl e = = > 203 Sparafucite. Gilda. oe polo,sgozza - toda me, gettar dovro al fiu - me... Lin-fer no qui pol-lowhenbornetohis fate, thebed of the riv - er. A den of as See lightning) Ee ve-do! Ep -pu-re il da-na - ro sal-var- ti scom~ sassins! Wer't not for the mon-ey, T know thouwouldst us ___—_——_ | ———_| PP t I met - to, ser-ban-do-lgin vi = ta. Dif-fi - ef - Ieil spare him— Oh could I per- suade thee ‘Tis more than T Maddalena Ts Me Ya = sco} = ta., an - zi fa- cil ti sve-loyn pro - Oh hear me; Ive a plan will make all matters De scu-di gid die- ci dal The half of the. — Ratkalasti Mra Gel i ja - dret gen - tol Ta ~ ther! fo hor ~ ror! a fa mw > vTa tend = ed. al-lo- yougain as. ico has been Te = main- der; b= bo nqa-ve- Stl; raid thee at ~ rend. Oh Uc- ci - di - lo. Kill tum, and_ ‘thi ~~ as co- st tu Thus no-thing you fo-der si “po my heart is at i989 gob = be hunch - back? che dia- vol di- ce - sti hast thou lost thy sens - es? Un Ta- dro son Dostthink me a Son for-seunban- di - to’ jual al - tro cli- tukeme for a ban - dit? idst thou ev-er Z s “da me fu tra-di - to’ Mi pa - ga que- to cheat my em-ploy - er? The hunch-back ‘Sparatuejle. Zia per es- so & duo-pe da thoumust spare me. Fvepromind to -"Fug-gi-re jlfo_a-des-so!” Oh buo-na fi - gliuo-lal.. Gli_scu-di Slay iin. Thee ho shall eS ape thee, On true-hearted ——F per - maiden! Thowlt loseme the 206 ing hep) wadeatona, Spartuele. gM Eu ‘dia-mo. ver! La-scia fa - re..." Sal-var-lo dob = bia-mo, sal-var-lo dob- money! “Tis true. | must kill him. Ah no, thou must sparehim,my brother, oh Sepria ch'ab-bia_il mez-zo In not-te the - ¢a — to al-cu- no qui ff some one should en -ter ere mid-night has sounded, I prom-ise that > = * f Gightning! pp v f t not = te, il ciel troppo i= this ev="ry sense is con- > giun-ga,per es = 30 mor = ra.” he for'thy fu- write shall d > ‘ > lightning) Git ra~"tones-susMo_a que «sto=Ta da gl pas-se - ra. Ohqual ten-ta - found- ed, No waned'rer venture our door to come nigh. at a tel = = = i 207 tol. Mo-ri - ree mio pa-dre!.Oh cie - lo! pie~ and fnorir per Yin-gra i my fate, T have found it, In si = lence and darkness to save fe = dence and EB bu In night Sparatucile. Se pria chiab: - bin il If some one should (heavy rain and continued lightning) ae - ~ tat thou nigh, trop - poi-ra : to, is con-found = ed, fo no qui ed, ise that ine Chorus. 35909 = ~ tia thou nigh, oh yas - 86 - FR, 0, to come nigh, no, 30 MOF-Fa, se pria ehabbia {1 yrite shall die, if— someone should eny 7 no) our giun-xa.per es - 80 mor. he— for thy fa ~ vriteshall mez-z0 Ta not- te toc-ca-to al-cu - no qui en= ter ere mid=nighthas sound-ed,T pr that (wiolent thunder. the lightning eases) CAnother clock strikes the (A clock strikes) Maddalen cin teary. t= ten -di, fratello. Sparatucile. Then waitjoh my brother, An-cor cé mez-z'0-ra. Theresstillhalf an hour. Che! plan-ge tal don-ma!. Neplui da-rga-i-tal— What, yon stranger weep-ing? Can I let him perish? a0 o-re di-ven-ne ru-bel-1o, io vo'perla su-a get-tar la mia for- gotten the faith he has sworn me,For him I willdie,for I love him for (Gilda knocks at the door.) __Meééatens. Sparafucite. 2, 3 Si pic-chia? Fuil Whe'sknocking? ‘Tis ab. Afwander andl ing, . at, | Ld owe oo os ell Gilda knoeks again) Maddalena. Sparatucile. Sipic-chia,ti di-co. B stra-no!.. Chi ‘Yes,yes,some one’s knocking. A stranger— who be SPF dvander and lightning on Pie-ta dun men-di - co; a-sil per Ia not-te a lui con-ce- A lone, weary wan Srer for shel-ter im-ploresyou,your pi-ty de~ 15908 zu Maddalena. Sparafucile (searching in thy cupboards. +e dete." Fia lun- ga tal not-tel Al-quon-togt-ten- de te. nynot. A stranger be-Int-ed. A guest um_ex-pected, Suspic-cia - ti, pre-sta, fa Io ~ pracompiMa:a-nelou-na viztacon al . tra sal- __Makshastewiththedeed,Thelife of this strangermy love will have Ais be = nat he Sparatueile. Wir, _Eb-be- ne... son pron-to,quel-lu- seio fi-schiu - di, pia chal-tro gli sad. Ti do what Tve promis, tho’ had I re- flect - ed,The sting of my be = _ > = TERE Gilda. = Seu = di thi pre - me | Bal Vari Ab! pres-soal- la mor fey Bi gio — ra con-science I meer would have bravd. Oh heay - enyhave mer- er iim pre- = so - nolOh ciel, per que-glem-pi ti chieg-go per-do- no! tect - ed,For-give me the love that my heart has en-slava! Fa. — = a que- stn - fe — do thou for - Spic - cia - ‘ti, Haste thee, my Sparatucie. Be ne, son quel - 7 Thou hast my Ta but had Af eain, and continued a - ne ta ‘The life i ger ai science iu eh the sting aia. sal — vary is. savas salvar; si, si, fa pre = have savd;make hastemake te me sal-var, eb - be - ne; son pron-to,quel-Iu - scio would have bravt IM do what Ive promicdbut had T Cghtning.t hunder-aitFain) jo - na, Ter-do fa, ive them, oh heavy - em, sf su, fa pre So, Su, Su, fa ‘Sty with the deed, make haste with the deed make ~~ Schin-di; pit cWal-tro gl sou - di mi pre- me sal - var; eb be- ne, son flect-ed, the sting of my con-science I neer would have bravd, Ill do what lve Fy a o = dre! oh Pa 2 ther! sto, a, su, re with the, sees my Broth fal-trogli scu-di mi pre-me sal - sting of my con-science! neerwould have pacts a seu- di mi bravds no, no, sting of my or . - of this stram, = sal - a hal = tro— gli. seu — 1, acer. neer—— would have brava, = ightning and thunder ceawe) Sk dior va - doa ing.ah yes, yes, ta con al - tra sal = yar, —___ ne + ley -n vi ger my love will have” sav life: this stran, = > . di mi pre - me sal- Var, «hal - tro gli_ sew no, TF neer would have bravi, sting of my— con > ~ An hy 2 (Gilda knocks againy co chor var, ings for sav! > con var. ger my savd! > = > - + di mi pro-me sal - var. science I neer would have brav'd. LE tounder and lightning) pp loro per-do- na is it thas T die, in - trate... En - tra = Come in! Thourt wel - (Sparafucile places himself behind the door, with a dagger; Maddalena opens, then runs (oshut the ——_ Ae Pri 0. pen. lightning and thunde arched gateway Gilda eaters meanwhile, Sparafucite closing the door behind her. All remains in The te Bz (thunder recommences) (continual lightning) (thunder) (cain ceases) NO 19. “Della vendetta alfin giunge listantel,, ae Recitative. Rigoletto alone, clovely wrapped in his mantle, comes forward from the back of the stage. The violence of the storm gradually abates. There are still a few flashes of lightning, and thunder in the distance. Recit. Rigoletto. Del-la vendet-ta alfingiun-ge Vi-stan-te! datren-ta di la- Blest hour of vengeance)! at last sce theedawning! Af-ter long years of Piano. Spet-to di vi-vo-san- gue a la-gri-me plangendo,sot-to Ia Inr-va del buf. anguish after the tears wrung frombit-terness of spirit, hid’aeath the jester galling (examining the house) Cightning) Quest'u-scio,, Ah non @ mask. ogee. Thedoorway is fasten'd!Thedeed is not yet Allegro (J- 1) oo vf is not ys PP Qual dotte “At mi ste-ro! | Una tempesigin cielo! in terrany 0 ‘Onthou mysterious’ darkness! Shroudwiththyaw ful thundersthe deed t ere a ft snon8 220 ——_ m ‘Oh comejn-ve-ro qui gran-de mi semto! ‘Thoughts of a fu-tureonee more rise me! VVVV Vv VY VVVY Ff Kienocks af thedoor) Sparafucile. Sparafucile (goes within and returne droge ing « sack). Rigoletto Gabout to enter) not fet Chis, la? Son i - 0 E qua spentoil vo- midnight. ‘Who's there? Thou know’st me. Here 1 bring youyour Rigoletto. Sparafucite. Rigoletto gives him a purse) struo-mo! Oh gio-la! Un lu-me!. Un lu-me?.No, il da-na-ro. Le-sti al-ldn -" dajlget foe man! Thank heaven!a light here To see what?No,pay the money. Quickly wellthrow him in the OO * figolette, Sparatucile tiam. No,bastdjosolo. Come vi pia-ce..Qui men at-toil si- to-pili a-van-ti'e pia L s:ream, No, I will dothat Bet at your pleasure Herethe tide is shallow,yaulll find it deeperfurther Fa Ga * * (re-enters the house! gor- go. Presto,chealeinnon vi sor-pren-da.. Buo-na not - downward.Hasten,let no one here sur-prise you. Now good night, Rigol gli li mor-to! oh si! vorrei ve- He’ isthere! _pow'rless!he’s der jm-por-tal , & ben des-so! Ec-co) suoi spro-ni. ‘O-ra miguarda.o were fol-ly! ‘tis he surely! 1 feel hisspurs here. Lookon me now, ye -~To: mon- do! Que-stiun buf - fo - ne, ed un po-ten-tap quo-sto! cour. tiers! Look here, and trem- bie! Here the buf-foon is mon arch! aT 2 Ei sta sot-tojmiel ple di! E des- so! oh Yes, my foot 1s up - on him! I hold thee,thou E giun-tasl-fi- ne, la tua vendlct-tao duodlo! . ja Ton-da.a lui se- My grief has vanishd,'tis turn to joy tri-umphant; thy tomb shall be the i809 le $b ep te .ta~ ol- cro, un sac - co il suo len - zu0 - lot wa. ters, This coarse sack thy shroud and grave-cloth. Allegretto. — La don-na mo- bi - Ie —_ Piume in the sum-mer wind fa (Rigoletto ix about to drag tho sack toward the dat al - To - ". dat now! ao. way now! Allegretto. 188) qual piu-maal ven-to, mu-tadac-cen-to ¢ di pen- sie-ro. vard- ly pliy-ing, Neer one way sw Eachwhim o - bey-ing, river, when he hears the voiee of the Duke. who crosses back of stage.) Qual Those Sempreyn a-ma-bi- lo leg-gin.dra wt = $0, in plan-tobin ri - say Every ‘Thus heart of _woman-kind way bend-eth. Woe who de - pend-eth Youve! n—fu-sion not aceents! AmI mad? what @ men-zo- gné- ro. La don-naa& qual piu-maal — ven-to. ‘On joy she spend-eth. Yes,heart of an ev ty way bent, Sotartin tur = nae que - stal. No, fiend de tudes me? No, Allegro. mu-ta dac-cen-to edi pen - — sier. Woewho de-nend-eth On—joy she spents. ‘Ma-le - di- zio-ne! ‘Oh fite ac-curs-ed! a) eglie des. hers Told hi Allegro.( (toward the house) Allegretto. la di - mon. , lay thou thief, aa. pena ath (his voice divs away in the distance) ———r e— di pen-sier. ¢ di pen-sier, e di pen-s on joy she spends,on joy she spénds, on joy. she spen N® 20SV’ho ingannato. . colpevole fui.,, Recitative and Final Duet. Moderato.(d - 100) _Rigolete. Chis mai, chie Then whom have Piano. (outs open the snek) ~ na) Efu-ma - no cor-po'. the form is hu man! 4 = 4a) Di-o! mia fi- gl ‘oh heavh, my daughter @ im-pos -si - bill, Por Ye-ro - nadin not _my daughter! She isin Ve - ings vi- siont.. ‘Twas a dream! the as- sas sin de-ceivd mel. erately at the door of the hours) Nes 50 ne. an-swer! mia Gil-dat im FL glia’. my Gil-da! oh my danght ~ma? > El-la par - si omo- vel. © vie val. calls me? Ay sho hogs mel she sees me! she tives then! ben— soloin ter hearts on-ly trea i = of O. fa_< ther! Qual__mi - ste-ro!.. Fa - tal — se-creti sei ty fe - ri - tar. how wert thoa wound-ed? S. oh oh figotette Rey Apointing to her heart) imi pia gd... Chi tha, col- A, Th Bs Shea Who teat fat ndantedd = 66) gilda, ‘Vhgin-gan-na-to... col. ‘On oy father, for him that 1 el-la stes- ca fu col - ta in its wrath has un - done— me! ee ee i be - lee ke 7 (to Gitta) 8 Pp ey siral— di mia giu- sta ven ~ del ~ ‘An giol lose all_ on earth that was = teft___me! Turn thine by 1 bee: ca - FO..miguar-da, ma-scol - Par - L...par = Ta-mis iad = eyes, oh myun-gel, up-an me, —Speukyoh speak {0 me, whohath be- PP’ I T= 0” tao ch = Tui per- & ther, oh ask not! give, ‘tis all 1 im- bi ‘Tempo I. wallarg.un poco. al-Ia fi- glia... 0 mio bless thy daughter, and for- pa-dre.. Las - st 1, vi-ot - ndal - la give her! From with the a an - gels ~ 8 Stay "thou to bless “ee in tie - ? to, vi-el_- nisl - 1 der sky—with theBlest” “in "gels ‘delsn6, Jone,n0, 00, leave menot lone! 4 el pre= ghe- ther, for No,lasciarmi non del... non mo-rir Ah’no no; leave me not; live, my child! ro Me a, be se tin-vo-lh qui sol, qui sol ri-mar-rei. non mo - ri-rep qui Canst thou leaveme a-lone, de - spair - ing to mournliveoh live, my be ~ co ol pos aaa ? ~ 231 no, la- selar- mi non di oh’ my. child, leaveme —_not! Jas-si in ciel... + him.Fromyonder sky, fromyon-der sky. ‘No, la-sciarmi non dé ‘eave me not in des-pai 232 2 a = a) Gil-ds! mia Gil-da!,.E mor - tal. Git-da! my Gil-da! T've lost her! Allegro. - wa) Ah! | Ja ma-le-di-zio Ah! “twas a fathercursed anasto Te [== PP noe End of the Opera.

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