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Period ½
Chinese Achievements : Paper Money

The Chinese had accomplished many achievements throughout their many dynasties but

one achievement stands out of all of them. Paper money was a major achievement that affected

the past and the present. This kind of money was originally invented in the ninth century during

the Tang dynasty. Before paper money, copper and sometimes iron was used as currency in

China, but these metals were heavy and hard to carry around, thus came the creation of paper

money. As the metals were running out, paper money inevitably became more widespread.

Finally, in 1024, the Song government were responsible for printing paper money. Muslims were

amazed at this paper money idea and developed a checking system. Inevitably, paper money and

the checking system has grown and is still widely used in the world today. The outcomes and

benefits of this achievement really prove that paper money is an achievement that stands out in

front of all the Chinese achievements.

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