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Reiki Initiation and the Three Attunements

As described before, Reiki is the simplest healing method know to our present world.

In the Reiki seminars, the master initiates or awards attunements to the students, in three levels. This is
after the students learn the theory very well and become qualified by successfully performing necessary
exercises on the practical level, as may be prescribed by the Master. A Certificate of Degree is given for
each level of attunement.

During the attunements, the Master by transmitting mantra energy, opens up certain
metaphysical/physical energy centers. This enables the students to link and channel deeper vibrations of
life-energy. Japanese symbols of relevant mantras are subtly inscribed on the person by the Master.

Once attuned strictly according to the tradition, the 1st degree holder can lay the hands on oneself or
another person and help accelerate healing by transferring Reiki energy. By drawing in the exact amount
of energy as needed by the recipient, Reiki activates physical, psychic and cosmic level energy sources.

In the second attunement, there is a greater transaction of Reiki power. Even though shorter in theory,
the practice involves deeper and more demanding ‘sadhana’. The flow of Reiki energy is multi-faced
with the deeper techniques. Linking the mental and emotional levels of the psychic, the experience of the
student is more subtle in this attunement. Awareness is immeasurably is increased.

Distant healing is one of the important features of this attunement.

Establishing access to the different subtle energies, one can purify them on physical, atmospheric and
cosmic levels.

Transmitting Reiki energy to several people at shorter times, even subconsciously, is the wonderful
aspect to the second attunement.

The third attunement makes one a ‘Reiki Master’. After receiving this level of attunement one can
initiate others in the first two attunements. This attunement requires a lot of sincere practice, selflessness
and dedication. Deeper connection to the mantras and symbols are spontaneously established in the

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