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The Switch

By: Amira P

In the short years before the millennium of 3000, a war broke out between whites, and all

other minorities residing in the United States. This war lasted five years before the Switch

Treaty was signed. The Switch Treaty stated, “all majority and minority parties will each

be given 10 consecutive years of power.” When these years were over the parties will

shake hands without quarreling and power will be transferred.

Here are the stories of the children during this time.

January 17th, 3038

Dear Pen pal,

My name is Alice. I am 15 years old and I am a part of the minority party. I have dark skin,

brown/golden hair and green eyes. I grew up with a mother that was from Barbados and a

father from Ireland. When I was six years old, my mom died from a hit and run by drunk

whites. Thinking about this makes me hate whites even if I am one. I have had to live with

their mistakes, even if I had nothing to do with them. This was at the time of the whites

and when they were in power. In two year, there will be a new president, things will

change and I’ll get to move to The Gardens. The Gardens is a residential city that smells of

privilege. They have indoor swimming pools, brand new sporting equipment and my

favorite, art supplies. My mother is the one who got me involved in art She used colored
lead* to draw the sand sides* of the home she missed. (*colored

pencils),(*beaches)Although I do not clearly remember these drawings, but there are

plenty hung up around the house. It is sad to think about how short our time is, but that is

why we live it to the fullest in this pretty, pretty, pretty* city.(*very) I say I because my

father is a full white man and is unable to go with me. This is the sad part about being a

mixed mutt. My father usually stays when it is the majority year come up because he feels

obligated since my mom died. When she was alive he went to The Gardens once but felt

lonely seeing that white families have the time of their lives. I would tell the government

that there should be a rule in play for this but the United States has a moboton* of people

from different backgrounds. (*a lot)

I am planning my career pathway of the Visual Arts. My favorite type of media in art is

painting and drawing., I have heard that there are a lot of fancy new art equipment.

Another reason why I feel like this is the job for me is because this job can be done on

both sides which would help in supporting my father.

What is your family like?

What are you like?

Did/do you wish to go to the gardens?

Do you think it is wrong for me to be biased towards whites?

I hope this gets to you,

February 7th 3038

Dear Alice,

My name is Rico, its short for Ricardo and I am 16 years old. I have brown eyes, brown

hair, and brown skin, so in other words, I am I am also apart of the minority

party. My dad… stepdad, John is American. My mom and my real dad, on the other hand,

are Mexican and they came from the small town of San Sebastian Bernal, Querétaro. I

have been there a couple times to visit mi familia pero I always miss the United States

every time I go. Maybe it has something to do with all the scandals in Mexico that makes

me feel uneasy. Of course, the Whites have “nothing” to do with anything bad that

happens in this world but they somehow grow richer because of the issues. Well.. talking

about their stereotypes won't solve anything, and we shouldn't label all of them because

there are still good whites out there.

If anything my life story fits the stereotype of 1000 years ago. Nothing has changed from

my side of the spectrum. For example my real dad… so says, my mom… left when he heard

that she was pregnant… but that story does make sense as to why her family didn't kick

her out or why she never wants to talk about him. So I have come up with the conclusion

that my mom was raped and her family felt angry that my dad so they kept me and chased

him out of town. Is it bad that I think of my real dad in this way? I feel he is an evil presence

that lingers over my mother even if John tries he can never fully cure her. I might always

be too young to have that conversation with my mom but I have

John and my mom got married when I was five years old. They have lived and accepted

each other for the longest time and like your dad, he dislikes leaving his family and having

fun and either does we, But they want me to go. They want me to witness the world we
live in and not stay in the commons (in Florida) for the rest of my life. The commons is the

places I have always know that is filled with all types of cultured people, even some I’ve

never heard of.

I guess I can see where you are coming from with your identity crisis of being half white

but I think you should embrace your culture and see both perspectives. I might have given

you more than you asked for but that is my story.



February 23rd 3038

Dear Pen pal,

My name is Silver Jones and I am 16 years old. I live in the commons in a place that used to

be called Ohio with my mother and grandmother. I have three siblings, one is younger

while the other two are twins and are older than me by a year. My dad is a running

politician for President in two years and lives with his new family. My hobbies include

reading books, doodling, and play sports. My hope for the upcoming years are peace and

keep prosperity between the powers. I dream to be a politician to benefit the world for the

people without a voice. What is your outlook on the government we have?


Silver Jones
March 3rd 3038

Dear Silver Jones,

My name is William and I live in The Regional, that used to be known as Colorado. I live

with my mom and dad in an apartment on the third floor. I have one other sibling and her

name is Rose, she is three years old and is now learning to talk. She always follows me

around the apartment... I feel like she looks up to me in a way. My hobbies include

baseball, gaming, and reading. By reading do you mean on the ebooks or actual books

What do you like to read?

I am 17 years old, so I am learning drive/ride a hoverboard (it is very scary). My parents

are planning on getting me a hover automotive soon. Although my mother still does not

want me to go out into the big bad world all by myself. I think she just worries too much

but I think the world is a lot safer than before.

I am happy to hear that you are following your dad’s footprint, it sounds like it is in your

blood to be in politics. In my family, it is common that the males join the military and the

females community helper. It has been like this for a number of years, even back before

the war even started. Even though I dislike this idea very much because it is like my family

just take orders from people even if they make their way up the chain there is still a higher


My outlook on the government today is that it is a very dumb system and distances people

of different cultures. This will affect the country and it will make people want a separate

into two countries. I think the system before the war was better than this. Even though it

came with a lot of negative at least the country was one in unity. But I guess there have
not been that many people in power for enough years to make a change in the way I think

about the government.


March 11th 3038

Dear William,

It sounds to me that your family is very patriotic and have been here for a while. Your

sister sounds like a very cute girl and I hope you make good choices so she can follow you.

You sound like a good older brother.

I like to read fictional books about society. Most of which is almost 1000 years old. Its

crazy, the stuff that these older authors came up with. They talk about the different paths

society can take and what the outcome will be. It's funny to read what they have to say

when their world was in such conflict. These books include The Giver, Animal Farm, The

Handmaid's tale and Fahrenheit 451. These were the classics back then and they hold a lot

of wisdom as our society to that is constantly changing.

The system that you speak of that is “dumb” has kept us from another war, that could

happen at any moment. The only way that I believe America will stay strong is by following

the regulations that are in place. You might not think these things because of you’re of

higher than the people who live in the commons and feel threatened that the minorities

get a chance of power. I am not trying to make assumptions about you by that is how we

are raised to believe in the commons. We are told that “The whites are greedy about

everything and everyone.” Which it sounds like what your family wants but not you. Why

is that?
Truly yours, Sliver

March 4th 3038

Dear Richo,

Thank you for all the information that you have given me about yourself. You seem like a

very smart kid so I think your predictions might be right. Your mom probably does not

want to think about the god-awful that has to happen to her. I also appreciate your

thoughts about my identity crisis. I would like to give the same advice to you; even though

you “father” is not related to you. I can tell you are a very expecting person. I hope you are

able to go to The Gardens so I am able to see you. I would like to see you face to face and

teach you some of the things my mom taught me about painting. I say this because

painting helps me express emotion that I do not want anyone else to know.

Some crazy things have happened to me and my father are planning to celebrate

emancipation day. This is one of the most important events in the history of Barbados;

when Bussa’s rebellion took place. This happened about 1300 years ago it 1816. Its kinda

sad I think that the war has taken much of the history with it, but I guess that is what war

does, it repeats itself and takes repeated history with it.

We also have a new neighbor. I think it's an Arab family. They seem like nice people,

even though I have not formally met them. I know the girl’s name is Laila.

What are your hobbies?

Are you interested in anyone?

Have fun,

March 10th 3038

Dear Alice,

I feel like you are someone that I can open up to and that is the reason that I have shared

so much of my story with you. I know that we have not been doing this for long but you

seem to know what I am talking about. Especially since we are in this illegal foundation in

of itself.

My family is planning to visit Mexico before I enter The Gardens. I am pretty excited but

the only downfall is that that you will be reassigned to someone else. I cannot tell you how

sorry I am that is has occurred but I glad that you want to teach me what your mom taught

you, it must be a very precious thing, I am glad that you are such a thoughtful person. I

hope that one day we will meet each other.

My mom still is hiding stuff from me and I still do not know the reason we are even going

to Mexico. I hope nothing back has a happened to mi Abuelo o mi abuela that is my worst


I will answer your questions the next time I see you.



Pen-Pals is an organization that older children/ preteens/ teenagers have made to distract

them from the world around them. The children from different regions are not allowed to
see each, except the time that they go to the gardens. If the children leave the country

then their pen pals change.

March 30th 3038

Dear Silver,

I am sorry I have not written to you in a while but I have come across some differing news

from my parents. I've been trying the clear head and take the news into consideration.

Adopted. I have just learned that I am adopted. This piece of information is going to

change my life. My perspective has now changed after they had told me the story.

My “parents” told me that I come from Australia. They found me when they were taking

their honeymoon, they say that a looked so lonely in a candy store and they thought I was

an orphan so they took me. Of course, they ask around to see if I was anyone’s but there

was only dead silence. They took me from my home country so they could raise me in the

United States for a better life.

After they told me this I felt like I was a puppy that they both thought was cute and took

home. I haven't talked to them for half a week because of this. I guess they told me this so I

could make my decision if I want the Gardens or not. But I have no idea what to do with my

life. I feel like I have been living my whole life as a dream and now I have woken up and

seen reality. I know I can't help where I am from but for them to keep this a secret from me

and allow me to believe was mine is something unforgivable. I can’t concentrate on

anything or look them in their eyes. I want to know what they were thinking when they

picked me up from the streets and took me in.

What should I do?

Truly Yours,

April 2nd 3038

Dear William,

I cannot think of any word that could help you at a moment like this, but I would like you to

think of what your parents were thinking at the time they saw you. Have a child is a big

responsibility especially if they were newlyweds. I know that that type of news can be

very shocking and can hurt but look at the positives in your life that probably could not

have been achieved without your parents taking this course of action. I hope you do

choose to go to The Gardens so you can see people who are just like you and bond with

them, eventually you will be able to visit your homeland and see if you do have family

there but for now, you should be thankful for what you have and the people who love you.

I am not trying to blame anyone in this situation but I hope that you see a brighter


Truly yours,


That was the last letter I received from William. I can tell from the last letter that he was

under a lot of stress and he was doubting himself. I hope that he can see the positives that

he has in his life.

Two years have passed and the minority is in power, the teenagers from these letters will

finally meet face to face as they travel around the United States making it to The Gardens.

These are the events that occur during their interactions.

My palms are sweating and the vigorous shaking of the train doesn't help calm my

nervousness. I look to the left and right of me, it is filled with children that I have never

seen before. I close my eyes and picture myself painting all the faces in this train. How

would I paint them? Would I blur the faces and paint the reflection that I see? Would I be

able to mirror the emotions that I am feeling or the fears that I have to stand inside a

crowded train full the colored races? I suddenly realize I am studying the people to close

and people are getting offered. Pen pals have told everyone to wear an orange hat, so the

others are able to recognize us. I can't wait until I am able to see Rico after his sudden visit

to Mexico. I hope he still remembers the short time I wrote to him. The bus is about to stop

at the next Commons. Another large group of children is wanting to come on, but then I

suddenly I noticed a boy getting on the train with an orange hat a from that moment I

knew it was Rico. I squirmed and slivered through people to get to the same location he

was at. I had finally reached him, to his surprise. He had instantly recognized me.

“Alice? I’m so happy that you are well.”

“Rico I’ve missed you. I’m so glad that you decided to go to The Gardens”

“.... yes it was in the best interest of my parent”

I could tell he was hiding something from me and I wondered what it was. Could it be

something that happened in Mexico… I would not dare ask. I could see he was hurting but I

could also see that he didn't want to talk about it.

“So what have you been up to?”

“Hey, Alice…. Do you ever feel like you want to say I told you so to an important person

but you stop yourself?.... Nevermind.”

I knew exactly what he was referring to the moment he opened his mouth. It was his dad.

He was right the whole time but which hurt his my the most. I thought he would be more

cheerful that he was able to have that type of conversion with his mom. I wonder what

actually happened in Mexico.

I leaned over and hugged him, but while I hugged him I could hear his silent cry on my

shoulder. The whole way to The Garden the train readily stayed on the tracks with no

bumps or sharp turns. Just before we reached the gate Richo lifted his head up and said:

“Thank you.”

We saw the other Pen Pals at the fountain near next to the gates. There was another

pair and male standing there waiting for the others. The couple seems to be getting along.

But the boy seemed lonely. He was tall and blonde, and he had green/hazel eyes. He was

looking down on the ground in despair. Richo and I made our way over to the group and

just as we arrived an African-American girl ran towards the blonde and face lit up as

though his sun had been taken away but as soon as she came his sun had come back. She

hugged him as hard as she could. I wondered what their story was. But now I had to take

care of Rico, I needed to find out what happened.

When everyone had finally made to the meeting point a messenger boy had dropped off

the letter. On it said Pen-pals, African girl took the letter and unhooked from her blonde

companion. After opening the letter her face looked puzzled. She read, “Dear Pen pals,

your journey has come to an end ”... “You all will be on your own for now but do not worry

because have all have each other.”... “I hope you all do not feel like you were chosen at

random because you were not. Each of you is broken inside from what has happened to

you in the past and our job was the fix you so you could fix others.”... “This is the last letter

than any of you will be getting.” There was a pause from everyone in the circle. No one had

a clue of what came next. Suddenly I heard and voice, “My name...”, it was Rico.. he wasn't

the spontaneous person that he used to be. “My name is Rico and my pen-pal’s name is

Alice. Alice is a strong independent person who sees beauty in everything, but the one

thing that tears us apart is the government.” I a started at him as he continued

talking and when he finished I pulled him up and gave him kiss. I knew he had changed but

I did not care. I was going to accept him for who and what he was.

My whole family was boarding the train to The Gardens. They had been waiting for this

for the last two years. But for me, I was still worried about why William had not written

back. I was terrified and could only think about bad things that could have possibly

happened to him. Was he going to be at the pen-pal meeting? Would I ever see him again?

These questions were the ones that kept me up all night.

When I had first started talking to him,....I hated him. He was just a snobby White

kid that was apart of this organization because he wanted to be. He did deserve the things
he had. I could say that I was jealous of the things we had. I would purposefully would not

answer his letters until I had bored myself into doing it. But as soon as I has gotten the last

letter he sent I could tell that he really needed me and it hurt that he had confided in me

and I thought it was all a joke.

When I had gotten on the train i tired not to get my hopes up to find William

waiting for me. I was on the brink of tears when I heard I boy cry in the arms of a girl. I

stopped myself and told myself that I needed to be strong and believe William was strong

as well. When the train stopped I had to help my life unpack into our new home. It took a

while because my grandmother thought it was necessary to pack the whole house it took

us two or three hours to finish. I still had time to spare before the meeting time, but I

could not help and want to go and see everyone. I stood behind I flower on the arch before

the fountain and I suddenly saw a strangely tall white male with blonde hair looking down

at the ground like he had lost something. Without even thinking twice my legs were

running as fast as they could and before I reach him, he open his arm out wide and smiled.

His smile was like a ray of sunlight inviting me in, and without a thought I did exactly that.

I smiled back at him and gave him and kiss.

Another couple had shown up and then the messenger boy came up to us and

handed me a envelope. I opened it up and read the letter for all to hear, and as I came

across the word broken my throat began to clog up as I was holding back tears. After I had

finished read I gave William another big hug and this time whispered in his ear that I had

miss him and too never leave me ever again. I was thankful to the people of penpals and
everything that they had for us. But we all knew that this war wasn’t over and it was our

job to rebel against the world had made us broken. We want the world to live in peace and

not have to be separate….

And that is the story we together chose to write,

Alice, Richo, Silver and William

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