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Dental braces (also known as braces, orthodontic cases, or cases) are devices used in orthodontics that
align and straighten teeth and help position them with regard to a person's bite, while also aiming to
improve dental health


Braces are used for a variety of purposes. For some, braces are implemented in order to straighten out
crooked or overlapping teeth. People with gaps in their teeth may also benefit from having braces. In
addition, braces can be a great way to correct malocclusion, which is a condition in which the two parts
of the jaw do not line up correctly. Braces can even help to align the lips and teeth properly.


The main types of braces you will find offered today are :

1.Metal braces: These are still the most commonly used type of braces since they are strong and durable

2.Ceramic braces: This newer style of braces is becoming more popular due to the fact that they blend in
with the color of the teeth

3.Lingual braces: Braces which fit behind the teeth are known as lingual braces

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