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Btec Media level 3

unit 4 Task 1.2 Sarah 20/09/17


On-Site Report for Star Wars; the flash flood situation

Figure 1: Before Production

Figure 2: After Production

The set for the

Rebel Base in
Star Wars: The
Force Awakens
is located in the
former Royal
Air Force Station Greenham Common (Berkshire) UK.
How we got here; Firstly, we had to create a script and a
storyboard, then once that was finished we hired a location
scout to travel to places and take photos of areas that might
be appropriate for the scene. He would have had to do a
locational report on the areas.
The flood; The recent events of hurricane (Hurricane Bertha)
which took place between the 10th-11th August 2014, has
caused the filming to be paused and has therefore delayed
Btec Media level 3
unit 4 Task 1.2 Sarah 20/09/17

the release of the film. There are many alternative ways of

filming this scene as a result of this disaster. Above all, the
most important thing is to make sure the film isn’t delayed
for too long to illustrate this.
Whose fault was it?; Due to the location scout failing to
mention the risk of flooding in their locational report, the set
has been raised to the ground. Upon investigation specialists
discovered that the site has indeed flooded before. They
should’ve had preparations in place knowing this about the
location. Due to this accident, the following options are
available to us:
1. As a result of the flood we could remove the scene from
the storyline to make it work around the situation.
2. We could plan to shoot the scene next week on Friday
the 22nd once the water has been removed.
3. We could incorporate the aesthetic of the flood to
accommodate for the situation.
4. We could scrap shooting the scene at that location and
then CGI the rebel base into the film.
5. Lastly, the scene could be completely changed to match
the environment and can be linked into the main story.

Proposal 2

We could reschedule filming Star Wars; the force awakens

rebel base scene a week ahead due to the flood that
appeared the night before.

Firstly, if you left the flood to clear up naturally and filmed

the scene next week, you would not have to go through
Btec Media level 3
unit 4 Task 1.2 Sarah 20/09/17

private sources asking for money to tidy up. However, the

food order would have to be rescheduled. This means you
would need to go to the private source after all.

Unavailability of equipment may be a problem filming a week

ahead but having said that; no workers would be at risk from
electrical problems. Therefore, the Trade Union cannot
disagree with the health and safety when filming. To add to
this, the location would not be under any limitations or risks.

As a result of the availability of personnel, deadlines would

not be met. This would cause inconvenience to the rest of
the cast because they may not have anything to do.

Generally, you would need more money from your private

source of finance due to facility hire being unavailable a week
ahead. Alternatively, money would be saved on transport
hire because you are still using the same location.

Templates for the scripts would not have to be changed due

to the flood. Resulting to saving a lot of time. Meanwhile,
extras would have to get a pay rise if they took another cast
member’s place. Overall, money would be lost.

Proposal 3

We could reschedule filming Star Wars; the force awakens

rebel base scene a week ahead due to the flood that
appeared the night before.
Btec Media level 3
unit 4 Task 1.2 Sarah 20/09/17

Firstly, if you left the flood to clear up naturally and filmed

the scene next week, you would not have to go through
private sources asking for money to tidy up. However, the
food order would have to be rescheduled. This means you
would need to go to the private source after all.

Unavailability of equipment may be a problem filming a week

ahead but having said that; no workers would be at risk from
electrical problems. Therefore, the Trade Union cannot
disagree with the health and safety when filming. To add to
this, the location would not be under any limitations or risks.

As a result of the availability of personnel, deadlines would

not be met. This would cause inconvenience to the rest of
the cast because they may not have anything to do.

Generally, you would need more money from your private

source of finance due to facility hire being unavailable a week
ahead. Alternatively, money would be saved on transport
hire because you are still using the same location.

Templates for the scripts would not have to be changed due

to the flood. Resulting to saving a lot of time. Meanwhile,
extras would have to get a pay rise if they took another cast
member’s place. Overall, money would be lost.
Btec Media level 3
unit 4 Task 1.2 Sarah 20/09/17

Proposal 4

One option to C.G.I the scene of Star Wars “REBEL” This

could enable us to save a large amount of money from our
budget however there is more risks involved, in other words
one move could effect the entire scene when editing. As a
result of this we would need to re – shoot the entire scene.
We would then need to sign paper work and hire the location
but there is a high chance the location has already been hired
by another party.
Consequently, we will lose a large sum of money to pay
actors and to rent the location again.

Firstly, by keeping to deadlines and shooting schedules, the

timescales for filing would be on time therefore we would
generally have more time for filming. However; this will
require us to go back to our source which is the bank. The
present flooded location has a close proximity to the harry
potter film studio; Having said that we are required to hire a
CGI technician in addition this will cost us a considerable
amount of money. Subsequently this will then lead us to go
back to our financial source. In the other hand this will speed
up the process and allow us to keep up with our deadlines.
Lastly using CGI would be a safer alternative to just doing raw
video shoot because people are required to do less work,
minimising their hazards.
Btec Media level 3
unit 4 Task 1.2 Sarah 20/09/17

As a result of us hiring a CGI technician we have been able to

keep up with our set deadlines and because of this we were
able to save more more money.

On the whole it may cost more money but at least we are

able to meet our deadlines.

Proposal 5

We propose to continue shooting and add the flood to the

aesthetic of the scene therefore no time is wasted when
shooting the scene. As a result of this there is time left over
to shoot another scene. However, If there’s no one cleaning
up health and safety could be a problem because of the wet
floors, and bad weather, actors as well as actresses could get
a sick. There is a possibility that equipment may be damaged
so we would have to request for another loan from the bank
in order to pay for replacement equipment because funding
may be hard to come by for the digital media product Star
Wars the force awakens. As a result of this you may not want
a third party to clean up the mess. Also, If you are on a
budget and someone gets hurt there wont be enough money
cover the cost if someone sues.
By deciding to carry on and include the flood in the scene it
could be really good for the films popularity and could
potentially get the film more recognition. On the other hand,
by changing the stories plot and adding the flood could ruin
the aesthetics because by changing it you would have to alter
more scene as well and if C.G.I is needed you would also have
to cover the costs for that as well.
Btec Media level 3
unit 4 Task 1.2 Sarah 20/09/17

I have chosen proposal 4 as I think proposal 4 is the easiest
option for finance.
Because to cgi a scene I think it would reduce the budget
compared to the what the budget would come to if it as
another proposal such as a proposal 2.
It would have a lower budget compared to shooting the
scene on another week as what is suggested in proposal 2
Also proposal 4 would not require a new set of props or
costume or a new makeup artist as it would if they were to
shoot a completely different scene which is proposal 5 this
would increase the budget. Proposal 4 means not having to
pay a location scout to find a new location or the need to ask
for the permission for filming. Or the need to go through
equipment booking which would increase the budget a lot
because of the short notice booking time. However, cgi could
take a bit of time which could disrupt the shooting schedule.

I have chosen proposal 4 as I think it is the best proposal for
logistics as it does not require a change of scrip drafting
compared to proposal 2 where the scene would have to be
rescheduled and the script would be having to be drafted
again. Which could waste a lot of time and jeopardise the
shooting schedules and the shot list and cause the
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unit 4 Task 1.2 Sarah 20/09/17

wholemovie to not be done on time. It also means that the

people on the set do not have to go over basic set
requirements such as lighting test shots which would save
the production a lot of time. Whereas proposal 2 would
require a change of script drafting and a whole new set in
general which would waste a lot of time.

Proposal 4 is the best option for legal as it does not
require a new or updated health and safety risk
assessment requirement because the scene is just being
cgi because they would be using the same set that they
would have already had a health and safety risk
assessment. Whereas in proposal 2 they would need a
whole new health and safety risk assessment because
they would be using a new set which could get some
time being authorized. Also proposal 4 would not need
them to find a newest for filming so they would not
have to get permission for filming like they would for
proposal 5 they would need a new set to shoot a
different scene so they would need permission for
filming which they may not get and this could make
them scrap the scene or even the whole movie.
Btec Media level 3
unit 4 Task 1.2 Sarah 20/09/17

Proposal 4 is good for the narrative because it means
the storyboard does not have to change where as in
other proposal such as 2 in 5 they would have change
entirely. However, because proposal 4 is about cgi the
background of some of the story board and the colours
would most likely change.

In my opinion proposal 4 is the best option as it less
time wasting out of all of the proposals and gives the
production more time than any of the other proposals
such as proposal 3 where you have to reschedule the
scene next week

Figure 1:
Screenshot from video
Figure 2:

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