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Februay, 16, 1789

Comte Fenalicheque was well educated. He knew of many languages, also foreign ones, spoken in

faraway lands such as Arabia and Russia. He did also speak Latin, to much amuse among the older

women at the court. He knew of history and he had been travelling much. He always refused to act

as a teacher for some of the younger noblemen, despite being asked every time he came to us.

May, 26, 1789

The Comte was like a sun amongst us, shedding his light and making all rejoice in his pleasures. He

was pleasant to be with and he was as an ever lasting sun, bringing light upon the people he spoke to.

He was both handsome and well-spoken. He had always many women with him when visiting the

Queen’s court. His feasts are said to be the most lavish and magnificent yet seen in our city.

June, 21, 1789

It was then that it became apparent that much evil was afoot, and the Queen became angered. Evil

things were going on. Can it be true? The Comte was such a likable person. Many were questioning the

stories about evil and crime, but to no avail. The order was given – an order that could not be taken back.

The King’s men did raid the house, and much was destroyed, and the Comte was arrested.

I did not see the Comte again.

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