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1. Describe the main setting and the time frame.

The main setting of in the film is a starkly lit room set up classroom styled and a windowless
room and the time frame of the film is just limited because they are only given 80 minutes to
take the test.

2. Describe each of the characters role in the story.

The characters in the movie entitled “EXAM” are the following:

 Adar Beck as Dark
- He is a psychoanalyst who seems to be only one who has some information about
the company .
 Gemma Chan as Chinese Girl
- She is the first one got eliminated in the test because she doesn’t follow the rules
that was given by the Invigilator.
 Nathalie Cox as Blonde
- She is the one who discovers that Brown stole White’s pills and stick it under his
 John Lloyd Fillingham as Deaf
- He is the one who can speaks only in French and has a mental disorder.
 Chukwuai Iwuji as Black
- He is the one who have a strong personality of all the candidates.
 Pollyanna Melntosh as Brunette
- She is a brilliant woman because she is the one who discovers that they can touch
the guard as long as they don’t talk to him.
 Luke Mably as White
- He has a strong personality because he is the one who convinces the group to work
together until they find what the question is all about and what written behind that
blank paper.
 Jimi Mistry as Brown
- He is a professional gambler.
 Colin Salmon as Invigilator
- Heis the one who give the test to the eight candidates or examinees and set rules
for the test and the one who sets the clock at 80 minutes.
 Chris Carey as Guard
- He is the one who are assigned to guard the examinees during their examination
and also get the examinees to their respective place in case they will be eliminated.

3. What is the central idea of the film.

The central idea of the film is not only measure how intelligent the person is to be hired and
work and has a higher position in the powerful company or corporation but the your attitudes
and how that person deals with people around him or her.

4. Question: Even if you are the strongest character in above story would you kill your colleagues
so you can get the job to yourself with the competition.

Every person wishes to have a good job and have a higher position in the company because
of the benefits that can get and a big salary. This benefits and salary doesn’t only for your own
benefit but also for your family and this you have a stable life in terms of financial and
comfortable one. The film is entitled “Exam” is all about the 8 candidates who took the test to
have a desired a position in a powerful company and they only have 80 minutes to answer the
test with the rules that was given by the Invigilator. As the candidates or the participants open
the test question they are surprised because there is no question written in it. The participants
made many alternatives test or ways in order for them to see the question in the blank paper.
As the time runs there are many tensions and arguments arises from the candidates as a result,
they killed their colleagues in order to get the desired position. Based on the film if I am the
strongest character I will not kill my colleagues because we took the exam together which would
tell me that we deserve to be on that company as employee and we are deserved on that
position. Aside from that , I am not proud of what I’ve got because I got that position in a bad
way and i feel guilty what I did to them.

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