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Tamar Jojua, Mzia Topuridze

Enhancing Vocabulary Teaching to Foreign Language Students

Since 1990s many researchers and methodologists have shown growing interest and a great
deal of attention to L2 vocabulary teaching/learning, though in the past vocabulary teaching
and learning was partly ignored in second language programs. Nowadays the importance of
vocabulary teaching is widely accepted in modern FL teaching methodology.In the process of
formation all basic language skills vocabulary teaching is considered as one of the most
serious and difficult aspects in foreign language acquisition.It is well understood that without
a strong command of lexicon nothing can be conveyed. Second language students need
approximately 2,000 words to maintain communication, 3,000 word families for reading
authentic texts and as many as 10,000 words to comprehend challenging words [5].

We distinguish between two types of vocabulary : active or functional and passive or

recognition. The active vocabulary of a person encompasses the words that he/she can
actively and correctly use in speech activity. The passive vocabulary of a person consists of
such words that can be recognized when met in written form or in others’s speech, but can’t
be used by a person in his/her speech or writing. Single words, set and variable phrases,
phrasal verbs, Idioms belong to the integral components of a vocabulary. According to the
principles of selecting vocabulary , the words selected may be grouped under the following

 Sructural words ( limited in number- approximately 220, mostly used in spoken

language, analysed in terms how they function in the sentence, are of high
frequency, generally unstressed but sometimes stressed for emphasis, can never
be invented, apart from changes over time) which make up the form of the
 Words that we talk about or content words( exist in large number, are listed and
defined in dictionaries, are used more in written speech, generally have fixed
stresses, can always be invented, pronounced and spelled in the same way)

In the process of vocabulary teaching for practical usage both structural and content
words are really very importance. Due to their value they are included in the
vocabulary minimum.

To know a language means to master its structure and words. In order to acquire and perfect
language skills there is no escape from learning words. words are the tools used to access
a person’s background knowledge, express ideas, and learn new concepts. Without a well-
expanded vocabulary, one can’t communicate fluently and will meet a barrier every time
when he/she has to express his/her own thoughts verbally or graphically. Acquisition of
words of a foreign language is not an easy task. Learners with effective vocabulary skills
should recognize and understand the word receptively (while listening and reading) and
productively (in oral and written communication). For successful understanding of a text a
person needs to know 95-98% of words[5]. S. Thornbury [7] suggests that to meet
challenges in the process of L2 vocabulary acquisition students need to:
 Acquire a critical mass of words for use in both understanding and producing
 Remember words over time, and be able to recall them readily
 Develop strategies for coping with gaps in word knowledge, including coping with
unknown words, or unfamiliar uses of known words

It is surprising but the fact that vocabulary errors are potentionally more misleading than
those of grammar.[4] Young and old students alike can be uncomfortable and shy when
dealing with vocabulary words they do not know. In most cases teachers’ concern is how to
arise students’ interest and motivation while learning new words, what kinds of activities
should be presented to meet the requirements for enriching and broadening students’
Today it is well acknowledged that for vocabulary expansion it is not enough to present
new words and phrases which appear while reading or listening some teaching materials.
Vocabulary teaching should be based on well-planned, well-organised and motivating
activities. Teachers must have a rich repertoire of basic techniques for presenting new words,
before reading a text or as they arise in the course of the lesson. If Vocabulary teaching is
based on dull, uninteresting instructions such as drilling, mechanical repetition then words
most likely will be forgotten very soon. Students need to be encouraged to get better results
in vocabulary acquisition and its further mastery with the help of effective teaching
instructions which will really create the basis for them to retain large amounts of words in
their long-term memory. As vocabulary learning is one of the major challenges foreign
language learners face during the process of language acqusition, one way to alley the
burden is to assist students in becoming independent learners during the process of second
language vocabulary learning. They have to realize that it does not promote real word
growth to learn only the word’s basic meaning. Efficient learners systematically need to
expand and enrich their lexicon, they have to be reflective and responsible to be able to
move forward to express themselves clearly and adequately in different communicative
situations[4]. In the process of vocabulary teaching it is practically impossible for teachers to
give detailed instruction for all new words which will be met in different teaching materials,
therefore in vocabulary study it is crucial for students to rely directly on their own efforts.
by[6]. They need to develop effective word-learning strategies.

There are several aspects that need to be taken into consideration. The knowledge of a word
covers various linguistic aspects. Any presented word can be analysed from the different
angles: its basic and other meanings, parts of speech, usage, connotation, collocation, level of
formality, frequency of appearance. The list of questions that learners should be taught to ask
themselves while working on new words are suggested by D. Snow[6]:

 Does this word have a local language equivalent or not? (if this word has a local
 How is this word used? (an example how the given word is used, a model)
 Does the word have a strong connotation? (what kind of feelings strong negative or
positive are associated with it)
 Is this word markedly formal or informal? ( looking at the examples)
 How it is spelled? ( English spelling due to its complexity requires special attention)
 How it is pronounced? (Saying new words aloud for several times promotes not only
pronunciation but remembering of it as well).

We distinguish between incidental and explicit vocabulary learning instructions. New

words are incidentally acquired through extensive reading and listening to everyday
speech. In explicit vocabulary learning students are taught individual words, giving
special attention to the acquisition of difficult lexical items. Penny Ur[8] argues that
incidental vocabulary learning is not sufficient. Students should be encouraged to do
better in extensive reading for fuency and vocabulary revision. Though, as he stresses
extensive reading doesn not provide enough vocabulary on its own, through extensive
reading new items are learnt very slowly. It is needed that vocabulary should be taught
deliberately, in focused activities in the classroom and for home assignment: basically
from reading texts.

While choosing words a good start is to look for words that will be important for
comprehension, selected words must be useful and interesting, that turn up in a wide range
of contexts, working with chosen words must improve students’ contextual and structural
analysis and dictionary skills. High-frequency words are more important than words which
are seldom used. Though this does not mean that low-frequency words should be ignored at
all. At advanced level students will be offered high-level resources in the classroom and they
likely meet more exciting ways to analyse, describe and practise. Stylistically specific must be
avoided on the beginning stages of teaching. Difficulty level of the vocabulary under study
must correspond to the age of learners. [3].For younger learners concrete illustration is more
affordable, while older ones deal better with more abstract explanation or definition. [9]

Among various techniques which can be good candidates for vocabulary instructions I
would like to illustrate the ones suggested by famous researchers and foreign language
teaching methodologists :

Penny Ur [8] lists the types of vocabulary knowledge expansion and deepening activities
based largely, but not only on the students’ own research and thinking, such as:

 Find at least three meanings for the words under study and the combinations in
which they are used
 Look for opposites
 Find out more words and expressions that mean the same sort of thing
 Distinguish between synonyms
 ‘Word/expression of the day
 ‘Show and tell’
 Current event words and expressions
 ‘Something I came across’
 A list of new items to learn

For effective revision P. Ur [8] suggests various techniques that will be helpful for students
to fix studied items in their long-termed memories:

 Weekly (‘translation’) dictations

 How many words we’ve learnt can you remember?
 Bingo
 Time during the lesson for individual review
 Sentence completion
 Make up a new story that includes all the items
 Brainstorm

Among vocabulary deepening activities he offers using of reference tools; dictionaries, the
Internet, thesauri, dictionaries of synonyms and antonyms.
According to M. Celce-Murcia [2] presenting new vocabulary should be based on the
following techniques:

 Visual aids ( pictures, objects)

 Words relations (synonyms, antonyms)
 Pictorial schemata (Venn diagrams, grids)
 Tree diagrams, or stepped scales
 Word roots and affixes
 Definition,explanation, examples and affixes
 Context

As J. Allen [1] states word-learning can be brought to a conscious level in the following
ways :

 Use context to figure out meanings

 Demonstrate how to use dictionaries, thesauruses, and hadbooks as resources
 Highlight the importance of specialized vocabulary
 Connect individual words to a larger concept
 Show why some words require deeper understanding than other words
 Create visuals, webs, or organizers to develop memory links for words
 Extend knowledge by pointing out multiple meanings
 Show students how you can learn incidental words
 Help syudents discriminate between common knowledge and specialized vocabulary

N. Doghonadze [3] in her work gives examples of activities for raising the vocabulary
component of productive (mainly, speaking) and receptive (listening, reading) habits :


 Imitation(repeate, if it concerns you)

 Substitution in a given model/pattern
 Question/answer(words may be promted or come out the situation
 Name the things you see in the picture
 Describe the picture
 Name the synonyms (antonyms) of the given words
 Group the following words into pairs.logical rows.make up sentences with the given
 Name the word according to its definition
 False/correct statements
 Speak (make up a dialogue) about …using the words…


 Listen to/ Read the words (word-combinations) say to what topic/situation

they belong
 Listen to/ Read the words (word-combinations) say which of them do not
belong to the group logically
 Listen to/ Read the phrase, text and name the words characteristic for….
 Listen to/ Read the phrase, text and explain which of the homonyms,
(homophones, homographs) you come across
 Listen to/ Read the text, name the words formed by the given word-derivation
model, explain or translate them
 Listen to/ Read the text, explain the meaning of the word or give a
synonym/antonym or choose them among the given words.
The techniques described above can really help to create interesting and motivating
atmosphere during L2 vocabulary instruction, though it will be more reasonable
while choosing the types of activites to come out of the nature of words under study.
Memorising myriad of words will not help students unless they are aware the best
ways that really promote their better acquisition of those words. For successful
vocabulary teaching present-day teachers should be equipped with a wide range of
current methods and word teaching strategies, remembering that frequency,
attention, practice and revision are all necessary for successful vocabulary learning
[4]. Students need to become self-dependent and responsible for their vocabulary
growth and enrichment in and out of class.

1. J. Allen, Words, Words, Words: Teaching Vocabulary in Grades 4-12.
Stenhouse publishers.MM 2006, pp8-12.
2. M. Celce-Murcia, Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language. Boston:
Heinkle & Heinkle Publishers. 1991, pp 301-302
3. N. Dogonadze, Methods of Teaching Languages as the Guidelines of Creating
EFL Textbooks. Tbilisi. 1996, pp.47-58
4. T. Hedge, Teaching and Learning in the Language Classroom. Oxford
University Press. 2008, pp.110-125
5. N. Scmitt, Vocabulary in Language Teaching. Oxford University Press. 2000,
6. D. Snow, From Language Learner to Language Teacher:An Introduction to
Teaching English as a Foreign Language. 2007, pp.171-184
7. S. Thornbury, How to Teach Vocabulary. Longman. 2002, pp 2-3
8. P. Ur,Vocabulary Teaching in Middle and High School. ETAI mini-
conference. Afula, 2010, pp1-4
9. P. Ur, A Course in Language Teaching:Practice and Theory. Cambridge
University Press. 1991, pp.60-65

Tamar Jojua, Mzia Topuridze

Enhancing Vocabulary Teaching to Foreign Language Students


The article deals with one of the actual and important aspects in present-day foreign
language teaching methodology- L2 vocabulary teaching to FL students and ways of its
enhancement. Nowadays the importance of vocabulary teaching is widely accepted in
modern foreign language teaching methodology. In the process of formation all basic
language skills vocabulary teaching is considered as one of the most serious and difficult
aspects. It is well understood that without a strong command of lexicon nothing can be
conveyed. To know a language means to master its structure and words. In order to acquire
and perfect language skills there is no escape from learning words. words are the tools used
to access a person’s background knowledge, express ideas, and learn new concepts. Without a
well-expanded vocabulary, one can’t communicate fluently and will meet a barrier every
time when he/she has to express his/her own thoughts verbally or graphically. Vocabulary
teaching should be based on well-planned, well-organised and motivating activities. For
successful vocabulary teaching present-day teachers should be equipped with a wide range
of current methods and word teaching strategies, remembering that frequency, attention,
practice and revision are all necessary for successful vocabulary learning which perfect
students self-dependence for their future vocabulary growth and enrichment. Selected words
must be useful and interesting, that turn up in a wide range of contexts, working with chosen
words must improve students’ contextual and structural analysis and dictionary skills.
Difficulty level of the vocabulary under study must correspond to the age of learners.
Different types of techniques and ideas suggested by famous scientists are discussed in the

თამარ ჯოჯუა მზია თოფურიძე

ლექსიკის სწავლების ინტენსიფიკაცია უცხოური ენის შემსწავლელთათვის


სტატიაში განხილულია უცხოური ენების სწავლების თანამედროვე

მეთოდიკისათვის ერთ-ერთი აქტუალური და მნიშვნელოვანი საკითხი ------
უცხოური ენის ლექსიკის სწავლების ინტენსიფიკაციის გზები და მეთოდები.
სამეტყველო აქტივობის ძირითადი უნარ-ჩვევების ფორმირების პროცესში
ლექსიკურ მარაგზე მუშაობა ერთ-ერთ ყველაზე უფრო მნიშვნელოვან და რთულ
ასპექტად განიხილება. ეჭვგარეშეა რომ, სიტყვათა სათანადო მარაგის ფლობის გარეშე
შეუძლებელია საკომუნიკაციო მიზნების წარმატებით განხორციელება. ენის ცოდნა
გულისხმობს მისი სტრუქტურისა და სიტყვების დაუფლებას. უცხო ენის შესწავლა/
სრულყოფისას შეუძლებელია ლექსიკური მარაგის გვერდის ავლა, ვინაიდან ის
წარმოადგენს ადამიანისათვის მთავარ იარაღს საკუთარი ცოდნის, აზრის
გამოსახატად და ახლის დასაუფლებლად. მდიდარი და გავრცობილი ლექსიკური
მარაგის გარეშე ენის შემსწავლელი ყოველ ჯერზე აწყდება ბარიერს ვერბალურად და
გრაფიკულად კონუნიკაციის განხორციელებისას.

უცხოური ენის ლექსიკის სწავლება უნდა ეფუძნებოდეს თანამედროვე , კარგად

დაგეგმილ და მოტივაციის ასამაღლებელ აქტივობას. თანამედროვე მასწავლებელი
აღჭურვილი უნდა იყოს სწავლების მეთოდების ისეთი არსენალით, რომელიც
ნამდვილად სარგებელს მოუტანს შემსწავლელებს ლექსიკური მარაგის წარმატებით
დაუფლებასა და გამდიდრებაში და რაც არანაკლებ მნიშვნელოვანია
დამოუკიდებლად მუშაობის უნარ-ჩვევების ჩამოყალიბება/სრულყოფაში, ეს იქნება
ლექსიკონთან მუშაობა თუ მოცემული მასალის გაგებისათვის აუცილებელი
სიტყვარის დამოუკიდებლად დამუშავება. შერჩეული ლექსიკის სირთულე უნდა
შეესაბამებოდეს შემსწავლელთა ასაკობრივ თავისებურებებს. სტატიაში განხილულია
ამ პრობლემასთან მიმართებაში წარმოდგენილი ცნობილი მეთოდისტთა
შეხედულებანი და მათ მიერ შემუშავებული სხვადასხვა სახის სავარჯიშოთა
სისტემა, რომელიც განკუთვნილია უცხოენობრივი ლექსიკის წარმატებით
თამარ ჯოჯუა------სოხუმის სახელმწიფო უნივერსიტეტის ასოცირებული

ტელ. 2371774, მობ. 599565704

მზია თოფურიძე -------სოხუმის სახელმწიფო უნივერსიტეტის ასისტენტ


ტელ. 2688968, მობ. 555514485

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