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Hadi | March 10, 2018

Louis P. Pojman, PhD, former Professor Emeritus of Philosophy at West Point Military
Academy, in an essay titled "Why the Death Penalty Is Morally Permissible," from Adam
Bedaus' 2004 book titled Debating the Death Penalty: Should America Have Capital
Punishment The Experts on Both Sides Make Their Best Case, wrote:
“Public execution of the convicted wrongdoer (criminal) would serve as a reminder that
crime does not pay. Public executions of criminals seem an efficient way to communicate
the message that if you shed innocent blood, you will pay a high price.”
Public execution is a just and rightful end to a barbaric human being.
Lethal stoning and beheading in
‘public’ in Islam are referred to in
Qur’anic verse 24:2:
“. . . and let a group of the believers
witness their punishment.”
Mawlana Sayyid Abul A'la Mawdudi in
his 6-volume translation and
commentary of the Qur'an, Tafhim al-
Qur'an, in an interpretation of public
execution, writes:

"The punishment should be awarded A 22-year-old man named Hussein al-Saket’s (convicted of raping and
publicly so that, on the one hand, killing a four-year-old girl) public execution in Yemen.

the guilty one may feel disgraced

and, on the other, it may serve as a deterrent for other people. This throws light on the
concept of punishment in Islam. In verse 38 of AI-Ma'idah (V), in connection with the
punishment of theft, it was said:
". . . it is the recompense for what they have earned, and an exemplary punishment from
And now here it is being enjoined that the adulterer should be given the punishment
publicly. This shows that in Islamic Law punishment is awarded to meet three purposes:
(a) To inflict pain on the criminal for the excesses he committed against the other person
or society,
(b) To stop him from repeating the crime,
(c) To serve as a deterrent for others,
so that the people having evil inclinations in society may be deterred and dare not commit
such crimes again.
Another advantage of awarding the punishment publicly is that the officials concerned
should not be able to reduce or enhance the punishment at will while executing it."

(Material presented in this note is procured via Google searches.)

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