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The structure of a thing is not in any way something we can ‘invent’.

We can only
patiently, humbly put it into play - making it known, ‘discovering’ it. If there is
inventiveness in this work, and if we happen to perform something like the work of
the blacksmith or the tireless construction worker, this is not at all to ‘fashion’
or ‘build’ structures. They do not wait for us in order to be, and to be exactly
what they are! It is rather to express, as faithfully as we can, these things that
we are in the midst of discovering and sounding out - the reticent structure toward
which we try to grope our way with perhaps a still babbling language. And so we are
lead to constantly ‘invent’ the language that can express, even more finely, the
intimate structure of the mathematical thing…


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