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Development, in my opinion, means the growth of a country.

Ecuador, is a country
that is in development, trying to get out of the classification of "third world" country.
As a future veterinarian, I’m against of the indiscriminate hunting of endangered
species of animals, being clear that Ecuador is a multidiverse country. It’s for this
reason that the national policies that seek to defend the Natural Heritage through the
actions that promote conservation are very interesting, which has led to a decrease in
the illegal hunting of our animals. A development project that I’m interested in, is one
that seeks to strengthen access to basic services of the indigenous communities Shuar,
Achuar, Awajún and Wampis; which will be benefiting the development of their
education, health, protection of rights and strengthening of local capacities. I believe
that although these projects are focused on certain populations of our country, it’s
bénefiting all Ecuadorians for our development as a whole.
On the other hand, I’m against of the project called Yasuní- ITT, which only seeks to
obtain a monetary benefit for the country by destroying our Amazon because of the
pollution that it will cause and the dislodging of the animals that are living there,
among other things. One of the improvements that I would like to see implemented is
one in which the state imposes very expensive fines for those who mistreat the
animals, and that people have to be punished with several years in prison.

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