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Gains from Developmental Projects

Teachers must be aware of the abilities of their students, both academically and

developmentally. It is imperative that educators are aware of what normal knowledge and

behaviors are for their students. Educators must be mindful of when students are in a time of

transition. Students are curious and push limits. Although these actions may be frustrating to

adults, it is how children learn about the world and themselves. As is the case with most ages,

students of almost all ages enjoy more active style learning activities and situations that

demonstrate real life activities. Because students are often focused on themselves as they get

older, they respond positively to learning about situations that involve themselves directly and

material that they can understand because it applies to their life and family.

Parent communication is as needed in middle school as it is in elementary school.

Educators must continue to keep parents current with grades and behavior situations. Middle

school students are at a time that they are looking for acceptance and it is important that they are

aware of positive and negative consequences.

As students move from middle school to high school, students are transitioning into high

level beings. During this time, these students are also finding their own beliefs and may begin to

challenge what they have been taught from their family. At this point, they look to the adults that

they trust in school to explain certain topics in order for them to better understand. It is important

that adults model the behavior that they wish to see in their students. Middle school students are

very vulnerable as they are learning about themselves and determining the important parts of

their life. It is at this age that students begin to determine the path of their life. It is vital that
middle and high school teachers and administrators give students the strategies to find their way

into the adult world.

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