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The dictionary meaning of Bail is the temporary release of an accused person awaiting trial,
sometimes on condition that a sum of money is lodged to guarantee their appearance in court. So
if the presence of the accused can be secured otherwise and the court feels that the accused will
not flee and justice will not be denied then in these cases court can grant bail. A person accused
of bailable offence can claim for bail as a right but scenario is different for the non-bailable
offences. In non-bailable offences grant of bail is on the discretion of court. In many cases it is
found that the accused are behind the bars for long time and they were not given the bail hence
interfering there right unreasonably .So putting a person behind bars without being proven guilty
is also not reasonable. But at the same time another problem arose that some dreaded criminals
gets benefit of these provisions and flees from the process. In granting the bail court must be
satisfied with the contents of its application whether he can be granted bail or not.While drafting
a bail proceeding we have to be clear about the grounds and other things which will be
important. The facts of the case, criminal history of applicant , FIR no. etc

In this project on certain hypothetical facts a bail application will be drafted.

Research will be doctrinal and for help various books and research will be referred.

The objective is to learn the format of bail application which is to be filed before court.




3-Bail Application


1- CrPc by R V Kelkar
2- Scc Online

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