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Jon Patrick Bacongallo BSA-II


Corruption is one of the problem of our country nowadays because there are some
people especially the government officials corrupt the money of the people in a society or in
a country. This action happens not only in the government but also to the people within our
surroundings. The culture of corruption exists and nurtured by the politic and economic
elites of the society. Their political and economic status is their passport to power. Personal
gains earned through abuse of their political and economic status their commonality. As
what I can see in this picture people who are striving to work to pay their taxes in the
government but the officials are just smiling and happy because of the money that they
accumulate from the people and some or portion of the this money that they collect will just
go to their own pockets. And this is a sign of a corruption.

The culture of poverty itself relatively fixed and unchanging because once a population
exits within a culture of poverty, no amount of intervention in terms of the development of
poverty will change the culture attitudes and behaviors held by members of that
population. Thus public assistance to the poor, in the form of welfare of their directs
assistance, cannot eliminate poverty, since poverty is inherit in the culture of the poor. As
what can I see in this picture people who experience poverty is craving or trying to grab the
things that they need in order to survived poverty and this things are basic health care,
education and job.


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