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Ninety percent ofthe indigenous population inthe of Bolivia, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru; and ial movements in thes te the connections between present-day dseinaa violence: In Historie of Race and Raia anthopalg consider the experiences and representations of Anda sali Peoples from the early colonial ers othe present. Many the slction ofthe county fest indigenous president Bp Maga over politcal power, ethnic rights, and visions ofthe nation: Hiei the interplay of race and racism with las, Ecuador, Guatemala, * “Among these people, the State was sepa- rate from the Church, and this wise disposition led to the formation of two distinct classes, whose paths were nether confused nor conceived as obstacles to genius oF valor: to this they owed their importance and respectability, Moreover, by regulating the Indians’ conscience, religion established the peace and well-being of families, and contributed tothe working and prog- ress ofthe State” ‘Muchas the French philosophesInoked to the Incas and Aztecs for exam: ples of enlightened monarchies and purer, deist religion, Martinez Gracida held up the pre-Spanish Oaxacan civilizations as models ofa secular, progres: sive social order, civilizations whose vitality was demonstrated by their suc cesful resistance to Aztec rule, aswel as by their religion, which he described asboth “reminiscent of Masonry” and distinct from that ofthe Aztecs in its disdain for human sacrfice> As a Oaxaca City liberal, Martine Gracida