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Stephen Christian F.

North Manila – MCIS/EVCDC

ZPMI 13th Anniversary Devotional Reflection Paper (Ephesians 3:20-21)

1. Are you excited about the vision God has for our future? How and why?
Hearing about the various testimonies of ZPMI’s humble beginnings and even experiencing and
witnessing the growth of the company for myself, I am looking forward to how God will continue to
grow and flourish ZPMI corporately and also within its individual members.

2. Have you embraced the vision God has for our future? How and why?
I am committed to serving the vision of ZPMI, by continually giving my best in teaching, and by
continually equipping myself so that I can be an excellent teacher and a role model to the students.

3. Are you fully trusting God to meet ZPMI need?

Yes, I trust that God is able to supply and meet the need of ZPMI family.

4. Do you desire continued growth for ZPMI? How?

Yes, I desire for ZPMI to grow in all aspects. Increase in employer benefits, growing in knowledge of
business, continuous dedication to excellence in music education, and growth in the professional
relationship and friendship between employees, and faith in God.

5. Are you burdened for a loved one? Why?

As of now, there is no particular burden for a person placed on my heart.

6. Are you fully trusting Him to meet your need? Why?

I trust that He is able to meet my need because I know my capabilities and my limitations, and that
despite of these I have seen my family’s needs met every single time.

7. Is the LORD leading you down a path that seems impossible? Why?
Not impossible, per se, but a path that is still unclear and unknown. I have many dreams that are
yet to fulfill, and aspirations for a better life. As of now I do not know how I will reach those
aspirations, but I know that the LORD will lead me every step of the way.

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