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sch@3n3 Comments ther Discussions (1) v (8+23)| |_| preferences | @F| logout Listen to new Red Pill Podcasts on TRP-RED - or start your own, free! search his isan archived post. You won't beable to vote Briffault's Law (ean renosen)| Submited years goby __reoiscrat © This has been posted a few times, and comes up in comments a lot, but we've got a lot of new users here BRIFFAULT’S LAW: ‘The female, not the male, determines all the conditions of the animal family. Where the female can derive no benefit from association with the male, no such association takes place, There are a few corollaries I would add: + Past benefit provided by the male does not provide for cont ‘oF future association + Any agreement where the male provides a current benefit in return for @ promise of future association is null and void as soon as the male has provided the benefit (see corollary 1) ‘+ A promise of future benefit has limited influence on ‘current/future association, with the influence inversely proportionate to the length of time until the benefit will be glven pei conte ReePieormertanees fw! 81 points (22% upvoted) ‘Submit a new text post TheRedPill tse strc ye 250,818 unplugged 1,683 swallowing the red pill naw 2 stom my thir ons sured. es he WELCOME TO THE RED PILL = Red Plz Discussion of sexual strategy ina culture increasingly lacking a postive THE RULES & GLOSSARY ‘You are REQUIRED to read these before posting. Ignorance of the rules Official Rutes and cirectly proportionate to the degree to which the female trusts the male (which is not bloody likely). Full Post here!*! all 25 comments navigate bye @ subscribe Sorted by: best [FT Eeleteay So poles yar ace ‘Always good to wake up to the reminder that I'm nathing mor wallet and fists ~ an my cock, Tearhine_secounk 12 penta 4 yar ao T think your wits are (or should be) a factor too. Permlink source embed save save-RES parent gle gold de child commente thats what the wallet represents [-) raven account Os points «yeas ao I don’t think so. 1 know plenty of dumb rich men whose lack of Intelligence undermines their capacity to be effective men ave-RES parent olv Tlmechit Gi points yous a wits without wealth is ike funny without cocky, it ets you ‘And wealt without wits is Just beta yoihy GDS polis 4 yes oe ibe conte ReePiormei anes! Endorsed Contributors: Respect The Teg ‘Glossary of Terms and Acronyms (2015) Personal Question/Advice? Here to trol? Here's a Glossary of ‘Shaming Tactics, vy tobe creative avoid these. We know you wont, that's Fairs "THE RED PILL NETWORK TRP-RED - Dally Prescription Rational Male User Blogs TRP IRC Channel Official Fail Safe Forums (Currently Join Our Mailing List ‘New here? Read the following threads ‘and the Theory Reading below, Read Before partiipat Confessions of a Reformed Incet Michael's Story The Manipulated Man Schedules of Mating Allin-One Red Pill 103, Relationships, the Red Pll, and you Sexual Utopla in Power Athletes, Inheritors, Actors, Musicians. Criminals, Women, the most respons teenager in the house Sexual strategy is amoral The Light-Switeh Effect Permalnk source embed save saveRES. parent give go (=) machi 8 point year a30 (On Value and the Value of Women wits =/= social dominance 448 Laws of Power Superthread permaliok source embed save save-RES parent ive Powertalk and other Language ‘ide chia comments Categories, [EI robip_secount ©) pols yeas ape il Antibiotic Nuke Gender Studies 1s Nonsense Neither does money alone. Permalink source embed snve e4ve-RES parent 9h REFERENCES Everything you need to know about Shit Tests 101 Goals - A beginners guide on how to attain them One Key Step to Not Giving a Fuck How To Tease How To Manage Your Bitches TH] Sequencinglife 27 points 4 year 6 ches Legalize prostitution alreacy. permatin ide eit comments TUNKS TO THE MANOSPHERE [Wax S35 pant ayer oe Puerarchy T think It could be useful to paint women who oppose prostitution as a vagina Tnemeuons ate cartel, and demand that prostitution be legalized os part of exsting anti-trust Datrock ‘ows Aipho Game Chotenu Hearst, aka Rosy ermal source ambud save sive-tés parent ove gle She Red pit Room Private Man ‘Owning Your shit oI Whisper pointe yarsage ‘This is just @ specific case of the definition ofa relationship. FILTER BY FLAIR A relationship is an ongoing or repeated interaction with continuous + Red Pill Theory mutual benefit. + Rea Pill Example + Men's Rights + Field Report + Rant/Venting ibe cont haere anew! wonder how this fits with my friend ang his model of. He's aloha as shit, that’s, why she's with him, but he really does not provide much otherwise. he works @ minimum wage job at nearly 30, TI Weare 20 pointe yar ae Benefit does not have to be material resources; being alpha Is a marker of genetic fitness, or atleast isa signal to women as such. Dermnlink source embed save snve-RES parent hve gold hide child comment + Long Term Relationships Merow Science + ont Married Red Pill RED PILL SUBREDDITS| Tr] RestaSeds 10 points 4 yore she can definitely change as well (dump him and date @ provider), but she might have beta men who provide for her while she Is dating a alpha male the first one happened to me, but my fault because i went beta on her, she was dating a beta, she cheated on him with me, | got attached, so she called it off with me, why does 2 girl need twa beta if one is providing for her and the other has nothing to offer? (me) I) Pare 7 point ear ae ‘Yes, but women are far from perfect. They often make bad decisions. It can be amusing to be in the position of power when they ditch you for some transient issue and then you come out on top shortly thereatter save-RES parent lv TH] Bobetan G0 points yeu one That's ultimately what I predict, She'll get knocked up, they'll ight over money, they split up, then suddenly shelll be on the hunt for a beta provider. permalink source embed save save-RES parent giv [7 tote) 2 pint yan one tingles uber alles 77 TheReaPil 71] RedPitWomen IrfaskRP /r/RedPiiParenting Ze/thank Ir/becomeaman PrfaterRe [r/GE0TRP Ue/TROHTOpIC THE ARCHIVES ‘Hickied Threads 30 Day Challenges MODERATORS redpitlachoo! +2 Garkreamatter © tepbot O Galusseaevolus MachiavellionRed © CrazyHorseinvincible © beutansat o Redsovereign © OldMuckyTerrahawk © Epictevelcheater © ib ne can aR ara on aw re cen vie wen Lins (EEE Le is too short to be Tom i pane oa Sehump: Phe 80/20 rule isn't» theory itis law. Not ove Individual human value breaks down ike this Scion elds an eal ret The key to personal suc finding the 20% of things that [As long as you keep @ woman emotional towards you outside of the realm of sive you 80% of your results Poverty (where she acts out by calling the police, or blowing up some public land to double down on those scandal) do anything she seems to be weak against to charge her. You let her fetes eee empty by getting the fuck out of her lfe for @ while (that means all traces), Each irl nas different calibrations and sensitivities but thats all that matters to them, Got this from r/meditation. {All men like some form of parsimony and In this use of the word I mean removing eee obstacles that increase the variance in the certainty that his effort will produce the desired reward, Women - emotional current(cy) Men - parsimonious current(cy) Relapsed after 155 days. It should be appended to briffaults law as pontifx’s addencum lol 3 points 11 comments (-)reahanaman ©] 5 point year a30 | found your comment dificult to parse. I rewrote it below. Please let me know If there is that of my rewrite that is not what you meant, ecount activity Human value is ‘emotional’ for women and ‘parsimonious! for men, While women fee! [you to be high status because you provide them with an affective roller coaster, they will remain with you]. This excepts you pissing her off to the point she calls the police, or you shaming her publicly, as in a ‘scandal. She will of course respond variously to demonstrations of your status, which you will wish to note and to respond accarcingly. [If you ‘should need to reset the frame of the relationship] you cease contact with here completely. Women respond variously, but the basic need is the same, ‘All men want to invest the least effort/time/eneray/money toward relational rewards, or at least to have a predictable relation of effort etc. to payout. ‘This [gender dimorphism wrt value] should be appended to brifaul’s aw as pontifix’s addendum, Permalink source embed save

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