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3-6 paragraph per question

each is its own individual

can you break down what youll do for me please

n regards to the task brother, we were suggested to do as follows>

clear thesis, specific historical examples to back up your points; draw examples from lecture and
readings. Pack as much thought and analysis as possible into limited space available.

please do questions 4,5 and 2 and The book(s) we used in class is

Foner, Eric Give Me Liberty!, Volume I, Seagull Fifth Edition ISBN: 978-0-393-60342-2
Foner, Eric Voices of Freedom: A Documentary History. Fifth Edition, Volume 1. ISBN: 978-0-393-

thank you, and please keep me updated. And again, Have a good, clear thesis. Use specific historical
examples to back up your points; draw examples from lecture and readings. Pack as much thought
and analysis as possible into the limited space available. 4-5 paragraphs each question. Each is its
own response/question. Meaning different papers for each question. THANK YOU KEEP ME

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