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Jovian Planets – this group of planets involves the outer planets in the solar system. They also rotate on
their own axis and revolve around the sun. They are also known as “Gas Giants” or huge planets made
up of gas.

JUPITER – which is named after the chi ef Roman god, it is the largest of the Jovian planets and in the
solar system as well.

Jupiter is covered with mostly hydrogen and helium clouds. Jupiter has the “Great Red Spot”. This red
spot is a spinning storm just like a strong typhoon or hurricane.

Jupiter has three faint rings made up of mostly of dust particles. It has 62 moons, its four largest moon
are called Io, Europa, Callisto and Ganymede. Ganymede is the biggest satellite of Jupiter and biggest
among the satellites in the solar system.

SATURN – the second largest planet, is named after the Roman god of agriculture. It is the sixth planet
from the sun. Saturn is well-known for its visible flat rings made up of ice particles. It has 62 moons but
only 53 moons are officially named. Titan, Atlas and Calypso are some of these moons. Titan is Saturn
biggest satellite. Second biggest in the solar system.

URANUS – the seventh planet from the sun, was named after the Roman God of the sky. Uranus is a
blue-green gas giant when seen in the sky because of the presence of methane in its atmosphere.
Uranus also has hydrogen, helium and ice in its atmosphere hence, scientists call it an ice giant.

Uranus has 13 rings that are made up of dark dust particles and rocks. Uranus has 27 moons and some
of them are named Miranda, Ariel and Titania. The planet has faint rings, with the inner rings narrower
and darker compared with the brightly colored outer rings.


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