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Outdoor Ecological &

Experiential Education

Class Resource Guide









Resource: I Love Dirt: 52 Activities to Help You and Your Kids Discover the
Wonders of Nature.
1. The name of the book: I Love Dirt: 52 Activities to Help You and Your Kids
Discover the Wonders of Nature. Published by Roost Books (2008).
2. This book provides diverse activities to practice in the outdoors for all season
and all weather conditions.
3. In this resource, like the title mentions it includes 52 activities to do with kids.
What is really useful is at the end of every activity description, the author
includes a note mentioning what this activity stimulates in the children.
Example: Activity 2: Bouquet of Color stimulates awareness of one’s
surrounding and concentration.
4. This resource could touch on many different components of diverse subjects in
the curriculum especially science and technology.
5. Activity number 3: Move Over. Clover. During this activity, the students
participate in a treasure hunt for as many different green items that they can
find. To make it more difficult, the teacher could ask for different shades of
green. With this activity, the teacher can discuss why so many plants are green
and how plants are important in the environment and for humans and other
living beings. This would fit with the grade 3 science curriculum of Growth
and Changes in Plants, for the specific expectation 1.1: how plants are
important to humans and other living things.
6. I would have liked if this resource would have included activity sheets and
pictures for the activities.
-Rebecca Alize-Minty

Resource: Natural Curiosity: A Resource for Teachers


This resource was created in Toronto at the Laboratory School at The

Dr. Eric Jackman Institute of Child Study. Its purpose as a resource is to help
teachers build children's understanding of the world around them through
environmental inquiry. This resource is divided into two main parts, part one
is an overview of environmental inquiry and the pedagogical approaches
surrounding it. Part two is an environmental inquiry in action and teachers
stories. I think part two of this resource is very useful as it breaks down
teachers experiences in various grades teaching the resources found in part
one. I think the section of “Teachers final word” is especially valuable as it
gives a positive point to their teaching and how their students have flourished.
I think (p. 116) demonstrates clearly how an outdoor experience can fit in with
the curriculum, things such as walks, field trips to important environmental
sites can be the springboard for many various activities that fit across almost
all curriculum and grades. One particular activity that was illustrated in the
book was collecting waste while out on a nature walk, bringing the waste back
into the classroom then doing multiple things with the waste (sculptures,
environmental impact, and stewardship etc.). This book is the best resource I
reviewed as it lets us see how the activities may unfold in the classroom and
teachers personal experience on what worked, and what needed adjustment.

- Katelyn Anderson

Resource: Childhood and Nature: Design Principles for Educators by David

1. Childhood and Nature: Design Principles for Educators by David Sobel
2. This book addresses public discussions of global climate change and other
threats to the planet that are making children more aware of environmental
issues. As increasing numbers of kids come to school wishing to take action,
educators want to know how to teach in a way that fosters a love of nature and
an understanding of the complexity and seriousness of these issues.

3. One aspect of the book that I find particularly useful is its examination of
relationships between children and nature from the bottom up. The author
approaches topics such as rain forest conservation with the idea that children
must first learn in their own backyards before they can address large-scale
issues such as the horrors of rain-forest destruction.
4. Using this resource, an outdoor experience where the educators closely
monitor children building relationships with trees in a forest would be possible
after having read the book and understanding the pedagogy. This could fit into
the curriculum of Grade 1 Science in Understanding Life Systems: Needs and
Characteristics of Living Things. The “fundamental concept” focuses
on sustainability and stewardship and the “overall expectations” include one in
particular that can be directly related to trees: All living things are important.
5. A practical activity you could do in class to connect the experience with the
science curriculum might be to discuss ways in which we can plant trees in our
community and why trees are so important in our ecosystem. It might also
provide an opportunity for a journal reflection piece about the children’s
experiences and relationships with trees. You could also discuss the different
types of trees, where they are native to and how they keep the air clean.
6. Available on Google Books at:
- Hannah Clark

Resource: The Garden Classroom - Cathy James

This is an awesome book full of hands-on activities used to implement the
garden into your classroom for math, science, literacy and art. Most of the activities
you will find in other websites or books seem to be more directed to science, so I
enjoyed being able to have a resource that included other subjects as well for easy
activities outdoors. This book is based on the idea of a garden classroom, whether it
be a small container garden or giant plot outdoors, it interacts with many different
opportunities. One of the tools I found interesting for literacy was a chalkboard

observation station, where students can reflect and record everything in their garden.
Chalk is a fun material for students to use other than the pencil and paper, so that
alone gets them more excited. Examples of what students can record could be the
weather on that day, what they are currently growing in the garden, and anything they
might have found in the garden such as caterpillars and other insects. This is a good
way for them to practice their writing as well as their observational skills and it can
also be something presented to the public so maybe they could get some other forms
of feedback on their observations. The book is directed towards having a garden, but
it seems like many of these activities could be manipulated into taking into other
outdoor settings as well..
- Samantha Cline

Resource: THE OUTDOOR CLASSROOM, ages 3-7. Using ideas from Forest
Schools to enrich learning.
Author: Karen Constable
The book I chose is titled “The outdoor classroom”. It was written by a UK
author, Karen Constable. This is a great book that would be very helpful to all outdoor
educators, in particular those of us who wish to take our classroom outside for the
first time. The book describes the various components of outdoor education and
discusses important aspects of the planning process. It begins with an introduction to
what an outdoor classroom could look like, then describes how to integrate the
outdoors into curriculum and finally concludes with various case studies to help
promote the many benefits outdoor education.
I enjoyed reading through this book as it very clearly articulates how learning in the
environment can be directly linked to curriculum. While the author links experiences
to curriculum from the United Kingdom, the correlation between OEEE and Canadian
curriculum remains the same. There are examples of how to integrate outdoor
education into Science, Mathematics as well as Physical Education.
For instance, there are several activities specific to Grade 1 curriculum, including
being able to distinguish between objects and materials found in nature and those
made by humans (which is a specific expectation in the Science curriculum). The idea

would be to have students identify similarities and differences between what mother
nature produces (sap) and what humans produce (plastic).
The author also discusses in detail the ideologies behind a Forest School. Again, her
references are based on research and findings in the UK, but the content is well worth
the read. Interestingly, there were a few paragraphs relating to risk and how parents
perceive the risk of outdoor education. This would be a wonderful reference to help
guide educators through objections to OEEE. If you are someone whom is
considering working in a Forest School, I would highly recommend this book to you.
- Ian Cockburn

Resource: Source: Wattchow, B. and Brown, M. (2011). A pedagogy of place.

Clayton, Vic.: Monash University Pub.
A Pedagogy of Place offers insight into the background of outdoor education,
placing the focus on the importance of the place or environment the educator is using
in their lesson. In many OE3 literature there is an importance put on the geographical
learning of the space that the educator uses. Wattchow and Brown use their personal
experiences to write their outdoor pedagogy book with the direction of the book
around how children retain information learned from their environment and setting.
Setting, or place as they refer to in their book, is how individuals develop and
experience their learning development. When educators put an emphasis and plan
their lesson around the environment around them they are able to help the student
create their own attachment to locations and this becoming an imperative tool to
learning. Limitations surrounding this resource is it is a strong literature focusing on
Australia and New Zealand case studies. However, it is still adaptable for the North
American outdoor educator and offers great theory and pedagogy practice.
- Jessica Forte

Resource: Shaping Our Schools Shaping Our Future: Environmental Education

in Ontario Schools (Report of the Working Group on Environmental Education,
June 2007)
“We create our future each day” – Dr. Roberta Bondar

This resource is a masterful contribution featuring the recommendations of a

panel of committed educators to improving the state of environmental education in
Ontario schools. Put together by an astronaut that has viewed Earth in a way many of
us can only dream of, this resource is designed to educate both teachers and students
on how to develop the skills, knowledge and perspectives needed to become engaged
and environmentally responsible citizens. These educators focus on bringing together
the people as a conscious community intent on preserving our wonderful world and
bridging the gap between the current framework for environmental education (albeit
in 2007), and a comprehensive and more ecologically friendly approach that can be
considered sustainable. The panel suggests that through visionary leadership, effective
resources and curriculum, and a system wide commitment, it is possible to reform our
current approach to environmental education to implement substantial and positive
growth and change. I think it is particularly important because it emphasizes that a
focus on environmental education is vital to a healthy culture and society and we as a
community need to adapt to changes in our environment if we wish to not only
survive, but thrive. Section B3.9 of the Grade 6 Social Studies curriculum outlines
how students should be able to describe some ways in which Canada’s interactions
with other regions of the world have affected the environment. As a world leader in
many areas, we as Canadians have a tremendous opportunity in front of us to set a
trendsetting example for the rest of the world in terms of our approach to
environmental sustainability. A great activity for the class would be to brainstorm
ideas for improving our environmental consciousness/impact and then implementing
one or some of these ideas via making a viral video, fundraising, spreading awareness
etc. Overall, this resource is an inspiring asset that shows there are people out there
working for environmental sustainability, and that realistic change is most definitely
“Good environmental education is first and foremost good education”
-Jeremy Galin

Resource: International Perspectives on Forest Schools: Natural Spaces to Play

and Learn

1. “International Perspectives on Forest Schools: Natural Spaces to Play and

Learn” was edited by Sarah Knight and produced by Sage Publishing.
2. It is a compilation of the histories and differences of Forest Schools around the
world. It includes information on German, British, Swedish, Canadian forest
schools and many others including Aboriginal. The resource details the value
of outdoor education in a child’s later academic success as well as some
curricular applications.
3. In one of the later chapters of the book, is discusses community involvement
in learning. To be specific, the community is involved in teaching the children
how to interact with the environment in a culturally appropriate way. Not only
does this incorporate cultural diversity, but it teaches children that the
environment should be respected, and that it has culturally relevant
4. This resource can be used to incorporate strand B of the grade seven social
studies curriculum which is to “demonstrate an understanding of the sources
and use of different types of natural resources and some of the effects of the
extraction/harvesting and use of these resources” (165).
5. To connect this curriculum topic to an outdoor experience, the students could
come up with plans to build a house. When they go into the forest they work
together to find natural sources for their building materials. For example, the
trees could be cut down to build up the frame, large rocks could be split to
make a walkway, and use water from a nearby stream. Next, they are tasked
with imagining the environment they are in without the materials they used to
build their house. What does this look like? How does this affect the animals
living in that environment?
6. This resource includes potential applications for numerous subjects and grade
levels and is not restricted to older children. Each country it includes has
information on outdoor education for a particular age range as well as how it
applies to the respective culture and socio-economic status.
- Kathryn Garagan

Resource: Rediscovery: Ancient pathways new direction. Outdoor activities based

on native traditions
1. The book I reviewed is Rediscovery: Ancient pathways new direction.
Outdoor activities based on native traditions.
2. This book introduces the idea of rediscovery and discovering and
respecting the world. It provides many activities that can be used for
outdoor learning and in the classroom. Many of these activities are more
than just academic, they are spiritual and reflective.
3. The most important aspect of this book is that it focuses on respect,
sharing and getting to know the earth through activities using nature
surrounding us.
4. This book discusses certain activities that can fit in many aspects of the
Ontario curriculum. One activity (The Earth in Hand) fits into the grade
5 social studies curriculum because it causes students to look at the
world through different perspectives. It specifically examines nature and
the earth as an ecosystem and how we need to respect the earth and
protect it. This activity would hit B2: inquiry: differing perspectives on
social and environmental issues. In the grade 5 social studies
5. The activity Earth in hand involves having students go to a riverbank
and find a round stone that is small enough to fit in their hand. The leader
then reminds the students that this stone is to be seen as a microcosm of the
earth itself. Have the students carry the stone in their pocket for a day or
two and use it as a touchstone.
 After carrying the stone around for a day or two, the students and teacher
carry their “worlds” in a candle lit procession to a pre-selected area in the
wilderness or forest under the stars. Singing and music are encouraged. (this
is a ritual to honour the earth.)
 The teacher then gets everyone to blow out their candles and says “we are
now going to experience the blank void of space.” The leader continues
“now hold your earth in your open palms close to your heart. Close your

eyes and breathe in very slowly, then release.” This breathing continues
until everyone is calm and relaxed.
 The leader then says “imagine if the earth were only the size of the stone
you hold in your hand – what a awesome object it would be. People from all
over would come to marvel at this incredible treasure of yours. They would
be amazed by its shimmering blues and emerald greens. They would watch
in awe as thin veils of water suspended in gas enveloped the ball-clouds
always shifting, forever changing shape, flowing pink and lavender, crimson
and burning orange with the setting sun. Clouds that create ever-changing
windows to the earth below, never revealing this brilliant gem in quite the
same way. People would wonder how something so beautiful and seemingly
fragile could be so dynamic and alive. They would be staggered by the
number of creatures that swim fly and roam the land. In time people would
come to love and cherish the irreplaceable ball. They would declare it
sacred because it was the only one. They would pray to it and seek healing
from it, for it would represent a miracle like no other. People would defend
it with their lives for they would come to know that their lives would be
nothing without it. If this wondrous world were only the size of the ‘earth’
in your hands.
 Singing and music is played and the teacher says “now imagine that you are
the magical ball and it is you. Slowly tilt your head skyward and open your
eyes and make a promise to yourself here tonight, with the stars as your
witness, that you will always care for this symbolic earth in your hand and
keep it close to your heart, as you will with the larger earth that this
represents. “
6. One limitation of the resource is that many of the activities will take some thought
to relate to the curriculum.
 Another limitation is that many of these activities require a wealth of
outdoor resources in terms of space and access to water etc.
- Joshua Gomes

Resource: From the Campfire to the Holodeck

1. From the Campfire to the Holodeck by David Thornburg
2. The book proceeds in a linear narrative starting from early examples of human
learning. It suggests four natural types of learning spaces: campfire, watering holes,
caves, and life. These reflect storytelling, conversation, self reflection, and
application respectively. He laments that the traditional classroom does not engage
these spheres of learning and that through integrating technology into the classroom
we have a unique advantage to create learning spaces that reflect the different ways
people naturally learn. Reading this book helps frame purpose into our activities. The
first four chapters provide the value for OEEE learning (the campfire, watering hole,
caves, and life are all taught through OEEE experiences.)
3.This book gives perspective on why the traditional classroom is boring for many
students and gives direction on how holistic learning can occur both within the
classroom and outside it.
4/5. This book doesn’t give specific direction for lessons in OEEE. The directions it
provides are more for including technology in the class. It could be a valuable
resource for connecting an OEEE activity to a classroom one. For example, an
ecology activity that took place in the field could be reflected on through social media
or exploration through research.
6. I think this is a valuable resource for teachers who recognize the importance of
OEEE and holistic learning experiences, but are having trouble understanding how
technology and the modern classroom can connect with those ideas. I found this a
very engaging read because it drew on the ideas of the “technological campfire”,
“technological cave”, “technological watering holes”, and “technological life spaces”.
- Shawn Goodwin

Resource: Teaching STEM Outdoors - Activities for young Children

1. Teaching STEM Outdoors - Activities for young Children by Patty Born Selly
2. This resource looks at helping children learn in the outdoors by helping them
grow to love it, while building STEM-related thinking skills, including
approaches to problems, collaboration and other important soft skills. Each

chapter has a different focus including: chapter 1 talks about and explains
STEM in education, chapter 2 contains research about the role of nature in
child development, chapter 3 explains each STEM discipline, chapter 4 gives
insight on additional approaches (ex. inquiry based), chapter 5 provides a road
map for evaluating your own program and resources, and chapter 6 provides
specific activities.
3. I think this resource is patricianly important, as it is easy to skim and find
something useful and relatively easy to do for outdoor education or for
incorporating into your classroom. It uses the big ides in STEM to build
different activities that kids can create a deeper understanding.
4. This book is great as you could use it for Science and Technology, as well as
Mathematics, for majority of grades, by altering different activities. For
example they go into Living Things, which can relate to grade 1 strand in
Science and Technology.
5. One activity from the book I would do would be STEM Start 6, in which you
build home for animals outside and go back to visit to see if animals had been
there. Before going out to build the homes, you could talk about what animals
and living things need to live, then make sure while your building you have
them all. You could do a sketch at the end or before.
6. Some limitations of this resource is that it has many pages (195) and that is
doesn't incorporate Art, making it STEAM, which is what education is leaning
towards now.
- Laura Harmer

Resource: Schoolyard-Enhanced Learning: Using the Outdoors as an

Instructional Tool, K-8
In Print, by Herbert W. Broda (*Can be found in the Heritage Place Library)
This resource is most helpful for educators who are looking for reasons to take
their class outside into their schoolyard. It focuses on providing activities and support
for schoolyard based OEEE, rather than some other resources, which identify good
destinations for class field trips. Emphasis is placed on the fact that even children who

attend school in a highly urban setting will benefit from outdoor learning, and as such
Schoolyard-Enhanced Learning offers up activities that don’t necessarily require
something like a forest, or large amounts of outdoor space. One sample activity
utilises a parking lot do math outdoors, by asking students to answer various
questions such as “How many blue cars are in the lot? How many cars are there in
total?” This resource also provides a couple of pre-made activity sheets to be used in
conjunction with other outdoor activities; my favourite is a “Self-Directed Plant
Awareness Study Guide”, which could be photocopied for work within small groups.
This book could be used to create lesson plans for any grade, but an example is the
Grade 2 Science and Technology curriculum, which includes the Big Idea that “Air
and water are a major part of the environment.” Students may decide to go outside
during a rain event to experience first hand the water part of the environment. This
resource is available in print form in the Heritage Place library.
- Gillian Harries

Resource: Urban Ecology: A Natural Way of Transforming Kids, Parks, Cities and
the World, by: Ken Leinbach

This book is a good conclusion for my resource review because it brings

everything together cohesively. It is a book by Ken Leinbach, who has worked in outdoor
and ecological education for over twenty years in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. He published
this book, after being part of a community initiative to create an outdoor education center
in the city of Milwaukee. The purpose of this book is to demonstrate the importance of
ecological learning, and that it does not need to be in a rural setting. It is very pertinent to
outdoor education, because it supports the notion that urban kids can be environmentally
active as well.

The book goes hand-in-hand with the Black Creek Community Farm and will
address the same elements of the Grade 3 curriculum. The impact of land and resource
use can be observed and questioned, and the students can compare and contrast the
natural settings in both rural and urban areas. In Week 4’s readings, the OE3 manual by
Pak (2004), it is stated that ecological education is about teaching children that the

environment is not something “out in the woods”. “It is about understanding that we are
the environment, that is, that we are the sun, the air, the water and the soil” (Pak, 2004).

- Maximillian Hayes

Resource: Outdoor Education: Hands on Nature Activities, Games and

Techniques with Grades 3 through 6
1. Outdoor Education: Hands on Nature Activities, Games and Techniques with
Grades 3 through 6
Author: Susan Caplan McCarthy
2. Description from introduction provided: Ninety activities designed to encourage
children to question the “what’s, why’s and how’s” related to the environment
through a hands-on way. Not a textbook, no facts or specific information is provided
on animals, insects, birds or plants. No lesson plans, rather a resource of
games/activities to expand and supplement student’s understanding of facts and
curricula learned in the classroom.
3. The chapters are organized in to categories of activities such as Observation
Explorations, Sensory Explorations, Learning about Animals, and Learning about
Plants. So, if you have a specific curriculum objective in mind you can start in the
appropriate chapter. A list of materials is supplied at the beginning of each activity so
at a quick glance you can determine if you have time to find/prepare the materials
necessary for the activity.
4/5. Based on the title and the introduction I thought this book would fit directly into
curriculum objectives of the grade three through grade six science
program. Although, the activities sound interesting from the descriptions it is a
stretch to fit it directly into the science Ontario curriculum objectives. The focus of
understanding life systems in grade three is on growth and changes in plants, which
lead me to the chapter titled learning about plants. The activities in the book focus on
tree identification where as the grade 3 curriculum focuses on the following concepts:
plants have distinct characteristics; plants have similarities and differences; plants ar e
the primary food source for humans; humans need to protect plants and their habitats;
and plants are important to the planet. As the big ides of the grade three curriculum

are exploring a variety of plants and the importance plants play, tree identifica tion is
quite limiting.
Grade four focuses on habitats and communities so I turned to the chapter in the book
titled learning about animals. The activities focus on identification of animals and do
not go deep enough to cover a curriculum objective directly. The Quick Frozen
Critters game touches on predator-prey relationships which could cover specific
expectations 2.2 build food chains consisting of different plants and animals and
include animals or 3.5 classify organisms, including humans, according to their role
in a food chain. But in its current format is limited as it only divides the group into
predators and prey and doesn’t discuss what type of animals are predators and prey or
include factors such as humans, disease, weather.
From a science perspective, the activities in this book would be good for minds on
activities and to introduce concepts but do not delve deep enough to specifically teach
or reinforce classroom curricula.
If you move away from the science perspective there are many activities focused on
exploration and these activities would be great to spring board writing assignments
for Language Arts in all grades. I can see a lot of potential for students to have
experienced the outdoors in a deep and meaningful way and have lots of things to
write/journal about back in the classroom with the exploratory activities listed in this
Although the book is titled for grades three through grades six, many of the activities
would be appropriate for the younger grades and would especially fit nicely into the
kindergarten play-based inquiry curriculum.
6. Limitations: An improvement I would make to the book is to include the chapter
title in the header for easier scanning through book. Although the introduction states
the activities can be used to assess the knowledge of classroom curricula learning I
view these activities as too simplistic and would be better used to introduce science
topics or used for creative writing assignments.
- Crystal Jones

Resource: Teaching green: the elementary years: hands-on learning in grades

1. Teaching Green: The Elementary Years (Hands-on Learning in Grades K-5). Edited
by Tim Grant and Gail Littlejohn.
Citation: Grant, T., & Littlejohn, G. (2010). Teaching green: the elementary years:
hands-on learning in grades K-5. Gabriola: New Society.
2. This activity guide is filled with activities that are sorted by different topics, such
as Plants and Animals, Building Community, and Environmental Issues; which then
typically have activities for multiple grades. The purpose of this guide is to “engage
children in learning the fundamentals of environmental citizenship in the 21st century”
(pg xi). Children will have opportunities to connect with nature and other animals, the
learning will be hands-on, and will integrate other curriculum subjects.
3. A few things that I found useful about the activity guide was that each activity has
headings, some of which are “Prior knowledge” and “Extending project
opportunities”. It allowed for me to easily follow along on the activity and break it
down. Another useful feature was that in the table of contents beside the title of each
activity, there would be an age group that this activity would be appropriate for,
allowing me to quickly skim the contents looking for my grade.
4. The activity Forest Studies with Children found on page 74 of the guide describes
how to connect with individual plants as well as identify the parts of different trees
and plants and why each part is important. This can connect to the science curriculum
in Grade 3 where the main focus is on growth and changes in plants. By stretching
this activity out, you can visit the same spot multiple times in one year to assess the
changes that have occurred and why they have occurred.
5. To continue the same activity in the classroom, you could have the students grow
flowers or vegetables in a mini greenhouse and watch how they grow while discussing
the various parts of the plants and how and why they are changing.
6. This document has an edition that is suitable for older children as well. Each of
these activities can be pulled apart and be put back together with several different
options. They are great activities for getting started and are easy to build on.
- Courtney Laughlin

Resource: Outdoor Education: Methods and Strategies

1. Outdoor Education: Methods and Strategies Author(s): Ken Gilbertson,
Timothy Bates, Terry McLaughlin, Alan Ewert
2. Outdoor Education is an outstanding resource providing an extensive
overview of what is required to teach outdoors. The text focuses on
understanding the students, the learning environment, and what is required
of the teacher. Sample lesson plans are provided, as well as a step by step
guide on how to create lesson plans and assessments for outdoor education.
Different methods of delivery (physical, cognitive, and affective) are also
described in detail to provide different options for how to facilitate an
outdoor lesson.
3. The sample lesson plans are the most useful feature of this book, thankfully
there is an entire chapter dedicated to them. The section that talks about
knowing your audience is also very informative, providing some interesting
concepts that make the teacher adapt the lesson for the audience.
4. Health and physical education curriculum Grade 1 overall expectation B1.
“perform movement skills, demonstrating awareness of the basic
requirements of the skills and applying movement concepts as appropriate,
as they engage in a variety of physical activities”. The chapter that
examines physical skills development.
5. Grade 2 of the science and technology curriculum looks at growth and
change in animals. Included in this section is the realization that humans
are animals and we have a role in nature just like other animals. By using
outdoor learning environments this connection can be developed.
6. The main downfall of this resource is that it is American made, so the
curriculum references often do not correspond.
- Jacob Long

Resource: Outdoor Learning Through the Seasons by Ann Watts

1. Watts, A. (2013). Outdoor learning through the seasons: an essential guide
for the early years. Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.
2. The book is a guide for educators that want to engage in outdoor learning
for students in their “early years” or primary grades. The book outlines
what characteristics make up effective learning and how to create enabling
outdoor learning environments through designing layout and areas of
learning. Additionally, the book outlines a section on how to include
parents in the process for the students. The second half of the book
provides a season by season breakdown of ideal outdoor activities that will
provoke learning and correlate with the state of the environment around us.
(i.e. simply put explains why gardening may be acceptable in the spring but
not in the winter etc.) The book provides a variety of activities that could
produce lessons to address all strands of OEEE.
3. I feel the portion of the book outlining working with parents is a
component that makes this resource stand out. We as future educators are
focused on how to incorporate the curriculum expectations into our outdoor
experiences but I feel like keeping the parents engaged and confident in the
new methods is key for a positive experience overall. Also, I appreciate
Watts’ choice to break activities into seasons as it makes the process of
planning simpler instead of rifling through activities that would not be ideal
for the season chosen.
4. This book seems to focus most activities around what we as teacher
candidates would see as science, physical education or the arts curriculum
points. There is some inclusion of poems and songs which could be linked
to the language curriculum but the majority would fall into the other three
curriculums more obviously. The inclusion of nature walks can be related
to the Living Skills expectation of the Physical Education curriculum,
specifically the expectation of “Active Living”. This expectation is present
throughout all primary and junior grades.

5. A practical activity I, as a teacher candidate could pull from this resource

to use with my class, is gardening. This activity teaches students about life
cycles and ecosystems if the teacher relates the plant's’ presence to insects
(i.e. flowers and bees) while also producing a venue to talk about healthy
eating which is an expectation found in the Physical Education curriculum.
6. An interesting addition I found in this resource is the appendix filled with
“Recipes for Every season”. This addition could allow for the inclusion of
math curriculum expectations for specific lessons.
- Kaitlyn MacKenzie

Resource: Let’s Take It Outside!: Teacher-Created Activities for Outdoor

1. Let’s Take It Outside!: Teacher-Created Activities for Outdoor Learning.
Author: Kathy Charner. Date Published: 2012
2. This book is an amazing resource for outdoor activities for age 3-5,
kindergarten. Each chapter has a theme, i.e. colours, the sense of touch,
light and shadow, and animals and insects. Within each chapter there are 1-
3 outdoor activities for age 3, 4, and 5. Kindergarteners will get to be
outside and learn at the same time.
3. Along side each of the activities there is a small list of other children’s
books that follow along with the same theme. These books could be used
later that day or the next day to reflect or review on the activity and
stimulate a discussion. I really like how each activity is laid out because
that makes it very easy to implement.
4. The curriculum for kindergarten is different than grades 1-6. One aspect of
the kindergarten curriculum is inquiry through play. The activities outlined
in this book all have the potential to be inquiry based or have inquiry built
into them.

5. One practical activity outlined in the book is “Scoop. Pour, and Measure”
to acquaint the students with measuring units and their relationship to one
another. Using measuring spoons and cups in the sand box, see how many
tbsp fit into one cup for example. To incorporate inquiry you can ask the
students to speculate which measurements weigh more or less than others,
what activities you do that use measurements, how to estimate different
measurements, what else can be done with the measuring tools in the sand
6. This is overall an excellent resource for teaching kindergarten outdoors.
Some of the activities could be done inside if weather is an issue.
- Jenna McGillivray

Resource: Ritson, Linda (2016). Outdoor Education: Fun Games and Activities
for Children and Young People. Oxon: FiSH Books.
This resource written by Linda Ritson is an essential guide that promotes learning
and inquiry through adventure experiences. The book is divided into two sections: one
with concentration on how to plan, set up, and facilitate adventure education, and one
on how outdoor and active engagement enhances learning opportunities. Acting as a
practical toolkit for teaching outdoor adventure education, Ritson’s book includes
how to incorporate parachutes, music, climbing, and exploring into curricular
planning. What is particularly interesting and useful about this source is the diagram
on page 18 outlining the importance of using the senses during outdoor play.
Additionally, the diagram depicts the importance of the relationship with oneself,
others, the environment, and society in regards to successfully participating in
adventure education. This resource can be taken on field trips or class excursions, as
it provides a list of outdoor activities with detailed instructions and descriptions. The
listed activities promote collaboration, problem solving, and physical activity. For
example, the activity “people to people” engages students in active listening while
they work with partners to demonstrate the action called out by the leader. There are a
variety of activities similar to this that allow students to participate in an outdoor
setting and work with their peers.

Adventure education can be used for a variety of curricular activities, but is most
beneficial for health and physical education. Students of all ages will be able to
understand the importance of fresh air and physical movement, while also considering
the importance of outdoor play and teamwork. Overall, Adventure Education is a
great source for understanding, facilitating, and enjoying outdoor education.
- Isabella Nolan
Resource: Natural Curiosity
Natural Curiosity is a fantastic resource for OEEE programming as it offers a
detailed account on what environmental inquiry is, why it is important, and how a
facilitator can implement environmental inquiry into their program. The first edition
was published in 2011 by The Dr. Eric Jackman Institute of Child Study, which is a
research school in Toronto where the strive for 100% inquiry-based programming for
all subjects and grade levels. The book is divided into two parts. Part One deals with
what environmental injury is, what the inquiry process looks like, and how teachers
can use it. Part Two shares real teachers stories on successful inquiry projects their
class has completed. This resource can really be tied to the entire curriculum as it is a
great resource for facilitating the inquiry process. More specifically, however, the
resource focuses on environmental inquiry, which is why it is even more valuable in a
OEEE program. A specific expectation what this resource can be used for is 2.3 of
the Grade 3 Understanding Earth and Space Systems (2.3 - use scientific
inquiry/experimentation skills and knowledge and skills acquired from previous
investigations, to determine which type of soil will sustain life). A free .pdf copy of
this resource can be accessed at
- Sabrina Parrish
Resource: "Safety, Risk, & Adventure in Outdoor Activities", by Bob Barton
This book is an excellent resource for encouraging anyone with trepidations
about getting into planning and running outdoor education activities. The overall
theme throughout the book is essentially “don’t be afraid to have an adventure”, with
the author stressing their point that you have to change your perspective from one of
having “safety” to one of having excellent risk management.

The author extensively covers all aspects of safely planning a trip, from having
staff or guides who are knowledgeable about the area to carrying out risk assessment
plans beforehand to having a dependable emergency plan for any contingency.
Since the book is from the U.K., there are also a few sections that are less
applicable here in Canada, such as a chapter discussing outdoor education and the
law. Nonetheless, even these sections can help get you thinking in the right direction
for things that you may need to anticipate and plan for.
Unfortunately, despite some things that can absolutely apply to planning a trip
as a teacher, I found that this book is far more applicable to somebody running an
outdoor adventure business than to your typical educator. There are no lesson plans or
teaching strategies for you to take from the text. What it does have, located at the end
of the book, is a list of additional resources divided into sections: Outdoor education,
risk and its management, leadership, activity specific (kayaking, rock climbing, etc.),
and adventure.
- Michael Phippen

Resource: Exploring Outdoors: Ages 3-11

1. “Exploring Outdoors Ages 3-11." Works Cited: Bilton, H. and Cook A.
(2016) Exploring Outdoors Ages 3-11: A Guide for Schools. New York, New York:
2. “Exploring Outdoors Ages 3-11” by Helen Bilton and Anne Cook is a guide-book
for schools that introduces how teachers can create outdoor education opportunities
and support students in them and provides suggestions for activities that can be
undertaken with students aged 3-11.
3. The book opens with suggestions for leaders about modelling a love for the
outdoors and a positive, resilient attitude when the weather turns or conditions are not
ideal. It also talks about how outdoor educators can support student’s discovery and
how outdoor education learnings can be recorded by students to allow teachers to
monitor and assess knowledge and understanding over time.
4 & 5: The tools and resources proposed in this book are organized by season and are
presented as ongoing activities that can be extended or condensed based on a

teacher’s preference and the time available and often suggest cross-curricular
learnings that can be brought in. One of the activities proposed in this book that I can
see myself using involves having student’s work from guide-books to observe and
identify animal wildlife in an area that they can return to often throughout the school
year. The students can record the physical characteristics of the animals they observe
(including things like tracks, dens and nests) and see how the animals and/or their
habitats change over time. I see this activity as a direct link to the grade 2 science and
technology curriculum, particularly the curriculum expectation 2.2 “observe and
compare the physical characteristics and the behavioural characteristics of a variety of
animals, including insects...”
6. This book is a great introduction to outdoor education but is limited in the number
of activities and strategies it shares. It is also a British resource so Ontario educators
would need to consult the Ontario curriculum to build links when working from this
- Erin Posthumus

Resource: Nature and Young Children

1. Nature and Young Children by Ruth Wilson (Wilson, R. A. (2013). Nature
and young children: encouraging creative play and learning in natural
environments. London: Routledge.)
2. This book emphasizes the importance of creative play in outdoor
environments for young children. Creative play most often involves
imagination, problem-solving and engages the senses, while developing
deeper understandings and appreciation of nature.
3. This resource offers guidance and advice on how to set up nature play
spaces both outside and inside, as well as alternative settings for nature
exploration. According to Piaget, learning early in life id dependent on
concrete perceptual information. Nature and Young Children directly
reflects this theory as it uses sensorimotor stimulation to enhance

4. An activity such as gardening with young children would directly relate to

the grade one science and technology curriculum section, Initiating and
Planning, as children can ask questions that arise. It relates to Performing
and Recording as children could create and label diagrams of what they see
in the garden. This would directly relate to section 2.2, to investigate the
physical characteristics of plants. It would also relate to section 3.1,
identifying the environment in which something lives, and 3.2, identifying
the physical characteristics of a variety of plants. This activity could be
made cross-curricular with math by asking students to measure the leaves
and compare them.
5. This resource provides strategies for promoting environmentally
responsible attitudes and values and incorporates activities such as
gardening with young children, and outlines the role of the adult in outdoor
6. This book outlines activities and methods for supporting the activities
through creative and imaginative play. For example, instead of
reprimanding a child for “acting silly” when they are imitating a dolphin, a
teacher should ask the child to share more of their ideas on dolphins at a
later, more appropriate time.
- Samantha Smith

Resource: Playing Outside: Activities, ideas and inspiration for the early years
This book is the second edition written by Helen Bilton. This book provides
guidance on bringing learning outdoors and promoting physical activity. This book
provides activities and demonstrations for teachers to engage their students in an
outdoor-based education. It includes over 100 photos to show teachers exactly how
they can enact these different activities and create an outdoor environment. The
contents of this book include the importance of an outdoor environment, creating an
outdoor curriculum, creating a work environment, the adult’s role and finally how to
actually implement and create an outdoor environment.

This is a really good resource. It includes a lot of scientific research to support the
different ideas presented as well as case studies and developmental theories which
also support outdoor education. It is also beneficial that as activities and methods are
being presented there are real photos to accompany everything. As the reader, you can
get a lot of information about all of the different aspects of outdoor education for
young students. The reader is able to learn about developmental processes, and how
the outdoors ties into their development. Finally, this resource very clearly outlines
the different steps involved in each recommended activity.
I think this is a very useful resource for new teachers who are interested in outdoor
experiential education but are still looking for guidance on how to implement it. This
book provides insight on different ways to incorporate the outdoors into a fun
curriculum and helps teachers to understand the many benefits of doing so. A teacher
can refer to this resource to compare to their own lesson plans or borrow and adapt an
already existing lesson. There are many different charts that a teacher can fill in and
tie the activities provided into many different suggested curricula.
- Tristen Taylor

Resource: Mountain, J. (2015) 100 Ideas for Early Years Practitioners: Outdoor
Play New York, NY: Bloomsbury
1. Mountain, J. (2015) 100 Ideas for Early Years Practitioners: Outdoor Play New
York, NY: Bloomsbury.
2. The resource is a springboard to outdoor play. It has 100 separate activities in
order to get you and your class outside regardless of the time of year, weather
conditions, or curriculum you need to teach at the time. in reality it is more
OEEE learning for the teacher to learn to embrace new approaches to teaching
3. I think the most surprising section in the text is the "Whatever the weather"
section. When I was in school I remember rainy/snowy days as being stay
inside days. I never thought about making activities around them.
4. There is, if not almost, an outdoor activity for all the subjects within elementary
school. The section I found most surprising was the math section "Playing out

counts". By playing the game "Shape Hunt" the teacher could touch on Grade 2
Geometry and Spatial Sense. This game has children find different geometric
shapes within the environment and categorize them.
5. The teacher could take photos of the objects found that match shapes. Then
inside the classroom get the children to place them into the correct bin/box that
matches the corresponding shape. The teacher could also cross-curricular link
that activity to Visual Arts and get the children to describe the characteristics of
symmetrical shapes they saw outside.
6. I thought another fantastic section within this resource was the "Speak Out"
section. I found the "Story Stones" activity in particular interesting because of
the facilitation of a create your own story function. Getting children to
understand that they don't only have to read stories but they can also be a part
of and create their own, bringing in the "Big Ideas" aspect of learning, that the
curriculum is looking for.
- William Thomas

Resource: Last Child in the Woods: Saving Our Children from Nature-Deficit
Disorder by Richard Louv (2008)
Last Child in the Woods by Richard Louv is a novel that illustrates that our
students are not being given the chance to have meaningful contact with the natural
world. The book describes this trend as the “nature-deficit disorder”, which the author
argues is resulting in a wide range of behavioural and physical problems. As OEEE
educators, the crucial takeaway point from this novel is simply; how can we expect
our students to care and protect our natural environment if they do not have the ability
to experience and cherish nature. Topics like the “criminalization of natural play”,
and the elimination of risk from childhood are discussed. This novel also covers so
many different benefits and reasons why our students need to be exposed to nature.
For educators, there are chapters on using nature a teacher, natural school reform, and
incorporating nature into school. This book also has a field guide for ways teachers,
and communities can get kids back outside. One suggested activity teachers can do is
have their students journal about experiences they have had in nature. This can give

teachers an idea if their students are spending time outside forming connections. From
here, students that have prior experience and knowledge can help teach their peers.
For example, a handful of students who understand the needs of living things, part of
the grade one science curriculum, can help their peers learn more, and the teacher can
organize a visit to a local conservation area or forest. Our students need to roam-free,
and interact with their surroundings. For many teachers, this is a difficult task to
accomplish because there is a constant push to have technology filled classrooms.
While these technological advancements are wonderful, we have become consumed
by the digital world. I hope all of us can disconnect our students from technology so
students can connect with the world around them.
- Adam Vavrovics

Resource: Lens on Outdoor Learning

1. Banning, Wendy, and Ginny Sullivan. Lens on Outdoor Learning. Redleaf Press,
2. Lens on Outdoor Learning has several chapters on what Banning and Sullivan refer
to as standards. These standards include curiosity and initiative, engagement and
persistence, imagination, invention, and creativity, reasoning and problem-solving,
risk-taking, responsibility, confidence, reflection, interpretation, application, and
resilience. From this extensive list, the book models how to use the standards to
analyze and evaluate the experiences children have outdoors.
3. Banning and Sullivans included a how to use the text section that outlines the many
topics that they will explore in depth. The authors also ask the reader to reflect on the
indicators of the child. These indicators can be found on page 201 in the appendix.
The indicators listed are paired with the chapters of the book. The indicators are
summarized into one to five examples of a child's behavior and then allow the reader
to use the chapter for more detailed descriptions. For teacher assessment, this section
of the book is a quick way to get relevant information.
4. The grade one social studies curriculum has two strands of focus: Our Changing
Roles and Responsibilities and The Local Community. The focus of the grade
curriculum is that students will examine different roles, relationships, and

responsibilities and how they are connected to their sense of self. On page 149 of the
text, the authors describe imaginative play and how that play begins indoors and
extends into outdoor spaces.
5. In strand A of the social studies curriculum section A3 focuses on understanding
context: roles, relationships, and respect. Students are expected to be able to identify
significant people in their lives and describe their roles. Through play, students can
use their imagination to play “house” or imitate a role in a variety of job fields. The
outdoors offers children space where natural objects take the place of toys. A stick
can have different purposes for each child that uses it. The text encourages teachers to
support their student's conversations and interactions when they are occurring.
6. This source includes interactions the authors had with children, their views on
outdoor education and a helpful appendix that quickly takes the reader to the
information they need.
- Austin Vavrovics


Resource: Outdoor Education Australia

1. My online resource can be found with the following

url: It is a website based
in Australia, but many of the resources can be applied to our Canadian
classrooms. The resource is called: Outdoor Education Australia. This resource
provides information to the outdoor educators and the public about outdoor
2. The website offers strategic oversight, policy advice and operational support
for certain activities related to the outdoors.
3. This resource offers some risk management guidelines (within Australia) when
practicing Outdoor Education. This encouraged me to look up the Ontario risk
management guidelines related to the Outdoor Education. I believe this is very
important to be aware of these guidelines to prevent and assess any accidents
that could occur while practicing this form of Education. This is the website I
found that seems to relate to the Ontario guidelines for risk
4. This website gives ideas of activities for grades going from kindergarten to
grade 12. All of these ideas can be adapted to fit into the Ontario curriculum
and used for an outdoor education class.
5. One example of the ideas was to have students assist with the preparation of
food and set up an independent camp site. This could relate to the grade 5
curriculum by allowing a field trip to a community food bank and showcasing
the issues related to this and discuss the involvement of the government
(Strand B1). Afterwards, the class could go to a community garden and pick
the ingredients for the recipe. Finally as they are doing their camping trip, the
teacher could mention First Nation traditions and have the students research
the different communities of First Nations and their interactions prior to
1713(Strand A3).

6. This seems like a very good resource to use in Australia. It would be

interesting to utilize their events, but unfortunately since it’s based in
Australia, all their events are for that country.
- Rebecca Alize-Minty

Resource: The Journal of Sustainability Education

The Journal of Sustainability Education is an open access peer-reviewed journal that

specializes in reviewing, researching, and critiquing practices integrating economic,
ecological and socio-cultural sustainability within both formalized and non-formal
education. This resource is full of factual peer reviewed information for lesson
planning. Since it is a journal it organizes its archives by education settings,
geography, or topic allowing easy access to a variety of educational resources. Since
it is an academic journal this resource lends itself to a variety of learning
opportunities. Potential outdoor experiences include games that fit criteria in both the
social studies and physical activity curriculum with ideas that can fit from K-12. One
practical activity that you could do is walking(physical education) through a
community garden, and learning about the community (social studies) that is involved
with the community garden. I think a potential limitation of this resource is that new
content is only published three times a year, however, there are many years of
archived material a teacher could go through and utilize.

- Katelyn Anderson

Resource: Earth Rangers

1. Earth Rangers is the kids’ conservation organization,

dedicated to educating children and their families about biodiversity, inspiring
them to adopt sustainable behaviours and empowering them to become directly
involved in protecting animals and their habitats.

2. The resource is particularly important because it empowers kids to get

involved in a cause they care about. Earth Rangers engages kids through real
conservation projects that help protect Canadian wildlife, and offers a free
membership program.
3. An outdoor experience with this resource could fit into the curriculum of
Grade 6 in learning about biodiversity. The kids can address human impact on
species and ecosystems by getting involved in an Earth Rangers conservation
project. Earth Rangers is teaming up with Nature Conservancy of Canada
(NCC) to protect gray foxes and salamanders. Specifically, they might have an
outdoor experience helping to restore 1,000 acres of gray fox habitat on Pelee
4. A practical activity that you could do in class to connect the experience with
this curriculum might be to write a short essay on there experience restoring
the land or hold a discussion regarding how the kids might choose to
implement a plan to control invasive species (e.g. garlic mustard, common
reed, and honeysuckles) that are overtaking native plants important to the gray
fox diet.
5. One limitation of this resource might be that if you wanted to take part in a
project in a hands-on way you might need to travel quite far out of your way.
- Hannah Clark

Resource: Edutopia: Outdoor and Environmental Education - Resource


This site is awesome for finding the benefits of environmental education,

classroom activities and videos, environmental action project ideas, getting outside
and learning from nature, as well as info on school gardens and green schools. This
site is great for different teaching techniques, but the outdoor education section is
perfect for our class and as a future resource. The website makes it easy to find what
you might be interested in implementing into your classroom, whether it is just
bringing the outdoors in or getting your whole class outside and exploring. There is a

great link for teachers who might be just starting to think about outdoor education in
their classroom, that has ‘Five Tips for Introducing Outdoor Education to Your
Class’. Some of the examples were partnering with a local nature centre and
networking with other professionals. Another great source on this website is a link to
Apple Apps that could be incorporated to teaching about water conservation,
ecosystems, ecology, climate change, etc. Many of these sources are in relation to
celebrating the importance of Earth day and can be used in getting students outside,
relating what they find in their environments to information they might be finding
through these apps.

- Samantha Cline

Resource: The Council of Outdoor Educators of Ontario


The Council of Outdoor Educators of Ontario acts as a professional body for

educators in Ontario. They are a non-profit, volunteer organization who operate and
maintain their website, host educational seminars and events, promote and distribute
publications as well as work with similar (kindred) organizations to promote
encourage their vision and goals. The main goal of COEO is to encourage safe and
high-quality outdoor education for students of all ages.

This resource is fantastic as an eager learner can read about outdoor education in
Ontario dating back to 1989! This organization began a publication for outdoor
educators called “Pathways” which holds an incredible amount of information and
insight into some of the history of Ontario outdoor education. The publications are
filled with stories, education tips and odds and ends which can all be implemented
into today’s classroom relating to curriculum.

This website is also amazing as on their “Links” tab, they provide over 25 links to
other outdoor education organizations, schools and resources. You can find
information on educational clubs, community centers, adventure companies and more!

An educator, or future educator, needs only to browse through COEO’s 2007

publication “Reconnecting Children” to be highly motivated and encouraged to bring
students outside for academic lessons. This research paper describes the various ways
outdoor education can be tied to curriculum. As an example, within the Mathematics
curriculum, Grade 1’s have an overall expectation to compare, describe and order
objects. Lessons can be brought back to curriculum via understanding and ordering
measurement (length of sticks) as well as order objects (largest to smallest).

Readers also have the option to sign up to COEO’s mailing list to receive e-letters and
teacher tips and tools. I do acknowledge that some of the data on this website is
dated, however it is a great source to help spark our own creativity.

- Ian Cockburn

Resource: Association of Experiential Education

“The Association of Experiential Education (AEE) is a global community of

experiential educators and practitioners with the shared goal of enriching lives
through Experiential Education.”

AEE is a membership organization that offers a variety of services to help encourage

experiential education in communities. One of these services is directed towards
educators and students. AEE sponsors a variety of events for experiential educators,
practitioners and students from around the world to come together in a supportive
community with the goal of promoting, defining, developing, and applying the
theories and practices of experiential education. AEE Webinars provide you with an
opportunity to learn more about experiential learning topics, like outdoor education so
you can bring even more experience and value to your students. AEE also holds
annual and regional conferences to help connect outdoor educators with each other.
Their Professional Development section on the website offers a wide variety of
resources, webinars, blogs, and journals for the experiential teacher and learner.

- Jessica Forte

37 - is an amazing resource for bringing together outdoor resources in an
easy to access accumulation of information that is very user friendly. It is designed to
create a forum to find outdoor programs and support the outdoor education
community through providing quick links to articles, blogs, conferences/events,
document/files, news and videos. Easily find a program, job, or training opportunity,
or post any of the above to find like minded people to help you further your idea and
create a more momentous movement! I think this resource is important because it
brings together a whole bunch of useful resources into one easy to use, well organized
site, so that you can access a ton of valuable content quickly and efficiently. Sections
B3.2, B3.3, and B3.7, among others of the Social Studies Curriculum for Grade 1 are
relevant to this website. An outdoor activity that you could do with your students
could be to go to one of the sites or events described on the website to identify
distinct areas in the local community, community services that the government is
responsible for, and identify natural and built places within the community. In
conclusion, this resource is a fantastic tool to find cool places to go for lessons, find
videos related to outdoor education, or find a job in the field. The website brings
together a massive amount of information into one place to save you valuable time
and energy for other important activities, such as doing your outdoor ed assignments!

- Jeremy Galin

Resource: Nature Kindergarten: Ted Talk

1. The Ted Talk “Nature Kindergarten” by Frances Krusekopf can be found on

YouTube at Frances talks
about her journey in developing a nature kindergarten in Victoria, BC and
what she noticed the children learned and the ways in which being outside
helped their development.
2. The video focused on the implementation of outdoor education at the
kindergarten age. Krusekopf discussed how the outdoor program improved
four major attributes that will go on to help children succeed in academics, and
in life: locomotive skills, assertiveness, cooperation and self-control. The

locomotive skills was particularly important because it leads to age appropriate

risk taking, a more active and by extension, a more healthy lifestyle as well as
improved mental health.
3. A few quotes stood out to me in the video:
 “There is no bad weather, only bad clothing.”
 “It’s usually adults not children who don’t want to go outside in bad weather.”
 “We hoped nature would be their third teacher.”
 The outdoor program improved “locomotive skills, assertiveness, cooperation,
and self-control.”
 “The future of our planet depends on children who have reasons to protect the
world they live in.”
4. This video is extremely relevant to the kindergarten curriculum of inquiry
based learning. Additionally, it corresponds to the students learning about self
regulation. With respect to inquiry based learning, the children are
participating in hands on work and experimenting with what works and what
doesn’t. To reference the video, the children learned, without the assistance of
an adult, how to plant large sticks in the dirt to act as goal posts for a soccer
game. Alternately, self-regulation comes into play with the children’s natural
curiosity of their surroundings.
5. The educator can ask the students to go to the object outside that they find
most interesting. From there, the educator can ask the children questions about
what they can do with that particular object, what drew them to it, then share
this with a buddy. The students work together and listen to one another which
will improve their ability to have positive social interactions.
6. This video is limited to kindergarten and preschool education, therefore, very
few aspects will translate to primary or junior education.
- Kathryn Garagan

Resource: Victorian Nature School


1. The website resource I reviewed is the Victorian nature school. This is a website
for a forest preschool in Victoria, however it contains a resource link and professional
development link for teachers. The URL is

2. The website contains resource links and professional development course offerings.
The resources link is great because it gives access to a wealth of online resources that
include activities, lesson plans and other ideas for free. This can be used to create a
lesson; or give it can give you ideas for field trips and lessons.

3. I like the fact that the resources are all grouped together and that they are free to
access. This is great for new teachers to start building ideas for future lessons and
activities that they can implement into their classrooms.

4. This resource is more an amalgamation of resources for teachers. The website leads to
various sites that are good for creating lessons and activities rather than a specific outdoor
experience that links to the curriculum. One of the links under resources lead to a lesson
plan with an activity called I spy. This connected to the kindergarten and grade 1
curriculum in reading and visual arts.

5. (The activity below is directly from one of the resource links


 Choose which 4 or 5 areas of your project that you wish to look at with your

 Take the class outdoors, walk to the first area (eg. sandbox) and have children
sit together facing you in the sandbox. Ask the children to complete the
sentence “I spy with my little eye something that is (colour)” . Teacher

 Have kids create 3 more clues referring to the sandbox. e.g., I am made of
grains. I am a place to dig and I am a place to build. Teacher records the kid’s
ideas. Note - you may want to have more than 3 but choose the best 3 for the

 Follow steps 2 and 3 for several more areas in naturalized areas of your school
yard e.g., logs, rocks, field.

 Return to class and decide with the children which clues best describe your
area and each one will end with “What am I” ?

 Divide children into groups so that each child helps to make a portion of a
single illustration reflecting an area of the naturalized schoolyard (eg. for the
sandbox, one child cuts paper strips for the outside of the sandbox, another
draws and colours the sand and cuts out people, another does sand pails and
someone glues all the pieces in place.

 The teacher writes text in big print around the shape of a human eye. Do this
for the page about the colour clue and also for the page about the extra clue
ending in “What am I” ? This provides a peek through to the answer or

 Any other background knowledge about the resource, limitations of the

resource, or other interesting information.

 This specific resource just provides resources and ideas, rather than a resource
in itself.
- Joshua Gomes

Resource: Center For Ecoliteracy


2. The website is divided into three main sections: eco-education, food sustainability,
and systems change. Each section is a collection of news stories, editorials, lesson
plans, interviews, and book advertisements. On the website, they say that, “The
Center for Ecoliteracy is dedicated to cultivating education for sustainable living. We
recognize that students need to experience and understand how nature sustains life
and how to live accordingly. We encourage school to teach and model sustainable

practices.” In general they provide advice to teachers to start incorporating ecoliteracy

into their thinking and teaching practices.

3. The Center for Ecoliteracy is a good resource for interesting lesson plans. The
plans they provide are detailed as well as contextualized into the framework of
ecology, outdoor education, and systems. Additionally, they provide well-sourced
articles and other resource downloads.

4. The lesson plans the Center for Ecoliteracy provides are mainly applicable to
science and social studies. Many of the activities related to food scarcity are relatable
to the Grade 2 Global Communities section of the curriculum.

5. The website is challenging to navigate but has interesting articles posted to the
forefront. Students could explore the website and find an article that interests them
and do further research. The website also provides lesson plans for activities in the
classroom but they are arranged in a poor way for finding them specifically. Instead,
it would be valuable for a teacher who was interested in using the website to check it
semi-regularly and save lesson plans for when they will be relevant.

6. The website has no search function and while there is some valuable information,
you will need to spend time exploring the website to find what you are looking for.
They point towards other valuable resources, though and emphasis seems to be on the
eight books that they are selling. The site is arranged like a Pinterest board with loud
pictures and a subheading of either “book”, “article”, or “downloadable resource” for
everything. Articles are sometimes lesson plans, other times interviews, or
occasionally just an article. This lack of clarity makes navigating the website a
frustrating experience. It is clearly the result of poor web design and a focus on
promoting their product (the books).

- Shawn Goodwin

Resource: Teachers Corner Evergreen.


1. This resource provides an abundance of PDF in relation to outdoor learning

and the benefits of outdoor learning. This resource has different lesson plans
for all grades and in multiple different locations, for example being on the
school yard and how to be creative with limited space. It provides videos about
outdoor play as well as ideas for outdoor activity kits, in which to enhance the
students learning outdoors.
2. I think this resource is particularly important because it shares lesson plans and
experiences form teachers who are already bringing these lesson plans to life.
Another reason it is important is because it gives you a topic example “how
does our garden grow?” and then gives the grades it can be applied too (ex.
grades 1+2), subjects it can be applied too ( and math) and the key
words for students to understand as well as a full PDF document where it goes
into more detail.
3. This resource is amazing as it helps tell you how to connect different lessons
to multiple sections of the curriculum. For example under the grades 4-6, there
is a lesson called “A Tree’s Pleas” in which it directly connects to the grade 4
curriculum in science and technology as well as language. There are multiple
different activates that can relate to multiple curriculum points.
4. One of the activities I would do would be the school ground newspaper, in
which students in the grade 4 classroom all write different pieces foe the
newspaper to be complied into a newspaper about the school grounds and the
environment. It would be a great activity in for the language writing
5. Some limitations may be that this site only has 9 lessons plans for K-3.
Another limitation could be that some of these lesson plans might need a
specific area or type of outdoor space which might not be available, ex. a
garden for “how does our garden grow?”.

- Laura Harmer
Resource: Project Wild Website

Project Wild is a resource that can be adopted by any educator. It is a wildlife

and conservation-based education program designed for K-12 educators, however it is
also frequently adapted for scout groups, church groups, and even adults. The goal of
Project Wild is to get kids excited about wildlife, the outdoors, and
conservation. Although the program is American, its underlying principles mirror
much of the Ontario curriculum, and most (if not all) of the recommended activities
can be used to enhance OEEE in Canada. Project provides training to assist
educators in teaching their students about wildlife conservation and environmental
stewardship in fun and engaging ways. One very useful aspect of this online resource
is that it is a nationally recognized program in the United States; as a result, the
resources on their website are highly organized, and the details for each activity are
provided in a lesson-plan format, including objectives, materials, relevant curriculum
subject areas, and evaluation. One of the activities provided by Project Wild is an
outdoor interactive game called Oh Deer! This game teaches students about the
components of a habitat, which aligns with the Ontario Grade 4 Science and
Technology curriculum, which highlights the Big Idea that “Plants and animals are
interdependent and are adapted to meet their needs from the resources in their
particular habitats”. Following playing Oh Deer!, educators and students may wish to
research ways that a habitat may be affected (positively or negatively) by human
activity, or natural disasters.

- Gillian Harries

Resource: Via Campesina

197A Smuts Road Prospect, Waterfalls, Harare, Zimbabwe

Via Campesina is an international movement to unite farmers, peasants and other

workers of the land across the globe. Via Campesina works in solidarity with women
especially, to improve their working conditions, their rights and fight against any
violence they face. It is a massive movement, and there are many smaller initiatives
within it. They are fighting transnational corporations(Monsanto etc…), free trade (WTO

etc…), and patriarchy. This website will be useful for outdoor education because it
demonstrates the importance of food security and food sovereignty. It is tied to the
Community farm above, but it puts it into a global perspective so the children understand
the Big Picture. This resource is can be tied to the Grade 2 Social Studies curriculum in
People and Environments: Global Communities. It is similar to the Grade 3 unit but it
looks more at global factors. These two resources could be combined for a Grade ⅔ split
class, or even separately. We could cook some international dishes from different parts of
the world as an activity applying to this website. They could learn about food
sovereignty, geography and have something tasty to eat! This movement is very
grassroots, and could be considered somewhat leftist, so I would present it as: “This is
what we are fighting for” instead of “This is who we are fighting against”.

- Maximilian Hayes

Resource: Forests Ontario – Forest Education


2. Forests Ontario is a non-profit registered charity dedicated to ‘making

Ontario’s forests greener’ through tree planning initiatives, educational
programs and community outreach. Their vision is to assist in achieving the
provincial government’s goal of planting 50 million trees by 2025. This
resource promotes stewardship: you can apply for a tree planting subsidy;
education: lesson plans and activities that focus on learning about trees an d
forests; and awareness: through community engagements.

3. Homepage of website has a fascinating counter that shows how many trees
have been planted, the hectares covered, amount of oxygen produced and how
much carbon dioxide has been absorbed relating to how many kilometers of air
or car travel that offsets.

4. The lesson plans are clearly laid out with activity information (targeted grades,
estimated duration, materials and setting), learning goals and curriculum
connections. I looked at ‘Old Trees, Old Tales’ which states that this lesson

plan touches on the writing stand of the language curriculum for grades one
through three and the grade one social studies curriculum specifically People
and Environments: Local Community. The lesson plan provides background
information and an indoor writing activity on a tree that is important to them
and then an outdoor activity involving choosing a tree that deserves the
Heritage Tree designation. Students can extend the activity by nominating
their tree for the Heritage Tree program on the Forests Ontario website.

5. A classroom activity that can be done is applying for a tree planting subsidy
and planting trees. This would be a great stewardship project. If the school
yard is not capable of supporting a tree planting initiative, students could
contact their city officials and find out if there is local land available within
the city, or they may be able to find a private land owner that would like to
reforest a section of their property. For older grades, this could be a great
inquiry-problem based learning opportunity.

6. Limitation: Need to become a member to have full access to all

resources. Membership for a student $25 or individual $50.

- Crystal Jones

Resource: Nature as a Classroom

1. The name of the resource is “Nature as a Classroom”. It has been put out
by the David Suzuki Foundation and can be found as a PDF
2. The article explains why you should teach outdoors, what can be taught
outdoors, how to prepare yourself and your students, some sample
activities, and any barriers that may occur.
3. I particularly liked the “barrier” section. It had a few barriers listed that you
will commonly come across, as well as different solutions for those
4. By expanding on some of the same activities provided, you can have grade
2’s explore their science curriculum by pointing out positive and negative

impacts that humans have on animals and where they live. This can be done
via a sit spot, where they have time to digest the area around them.
5. In the classroom, you can discuss what you have seen during each person’s
sit spot. After they have discussed the negative consequences they can
break off into small groups to brainstorm ways to reverse those negative
consequences. They will them present their answers to the class.
6. This resource has more resources at the end of the brochure. They are
extremely useful and many lead to more lesson plans.
- Courtney Laughlin

Resource: Natural Curiosity

1. Author(s): Lorraine Chiarotto Produced

by The Dr. Eris Jackman Institute of Child Study, University of Toronto.

2. This is a comprehensive resource designed to educate teachers on how to “

bridge the “what” of Ministry policy to the “how” of practice.” This is
accomplished via a pedagogical framework of environmental inquiry. 4
Main branches are focused on in this framework: Inquiry-based learning,
experiential learning, integrated learning, and stewardship. Each branch
has a dedicated chapter full of helpful examples. This resource also
contains an entire section of anecdotes and stories, each focusing on a
different grade.

3. The most useful part of this resource is the classroom examples. For each
branch a complete breakdown on how the class looks and functions are
provided (i.e. what's on the walls, how the desks could be arranged, how
the classroom changes over the school year, etc). I also would recommend
the section on aboriginal perspectives on learning. It’s fascinating to see
how we are looking to ancient cultures for modern educational practices.

4. This resource can be applied to K-6 curriculum. Grade 1 science and

technology curriculum looks at daily and seasonal changes in the

environment. Using experiential learning techniques students can interact

with the changing environment and log the changes. Introduces children to
cycles, which occur so often in nature.

5. Taking children outside to collect samples of as many different forms of

life can introduce students to biodiversity and the interconnectedness of
ecosystems. In higher grade this could also turn into a lesson about
taxonomy, children can use inquiry-based learning to try to sort species
into their own categories based on characteristics they choose.

6. This will be a very useful tool when designing lesson plans for any grade.
I would advise just reading some of the stories at the back to gain
inspiration. The resource was created by U of T, so all references made to
the curriculum are relevant.

- Kaitlyn MacKenzie

Resource: Pathways Journal

1. Pathways: The Ontario Journal of Outdoor Education. The journal is put

together by COEO which stands for the Council of Outdoor Educators of
Ontario. The council is a non-profit and volunteer-based committee. Their
main objective is to promote safe and quality outdoor educational

2. The Pathways journal is published four times a year. The COEO describes
it as “the voice of outdoor education in Ontario.” The publications are
posted and available for download on their site. The articles within each
publication vary based on submissions. The submissions come from
COEO members and are picked and edited by an editorial team. The
journal itself provides practical ways to implement outdoor education in
various settings but also includes philosophical pieces on the importance
and benefits outdoor education can have on individuals. This resource
would provide teachers with the ability to plan lessons within the Outdoor

Education and Experiential Education Stream of OEEE. Because this is an

online resource made for educators students would not encounter aspects
of any of the strands by engaging with the resource themselves.

3. I think the number of issues available for educators or members of the

public to download is a key aspect that makes this resource stand out.
Additionally, the variety of activities discussed within different issues is a
great way for new teachers hoping to incorporate more outdoor learning to
pick pieces that can be implemented in their environment.

4. Because the journal incorporates a variety of articles and pieces I can

confidently say that if there was a specific aspect of curriculum an
educator wanted to they would be able to find a submission within the
posted issues to lend a guiding hand. However, one piece within a journal
issue discussed the process of block or relief printing. The process is an
ancient practice of carving a wooden block, rolling ink onto the carving
and then stamping the image onto some type of canvas. This activity could
not only relate to the art curriculum but also to the social studies
curriculum which discusses ancient cultures.

5. One practical activity I could do using this resource would be the block art
mentioned in the fourth section, however, another would be using a poem
found in the issue for a language lesson on analyzing texts. The poem
itself discusses an outdoor experience the author had.

6. The COEO has student representatives within their organization. The

student is the liaison between the COEO and their respective university.

- Kaitlyn MacKenzie

Resource: Project Learning Tree

1. Part of the Sustainable Forestry Initiative Inc.
2. Project Learning Tree (PLT) is an environmental education database for hands -
on lessons for preschool through grade 12. It contains helpful resources like units and

lesson plans, training sessions, and online training. Some require payment and others
are free.
3. There is an opportunity to purchase the modules and activity guides and incorporate
them directly into the classroom curriculum as well as be trained for the specific
activity guide you require. Our current curriculum strives on allowing students to
think critically, problem solve, and make decisions. All of the lessons available
through PLT are designed to develop these skills.
4. The resource fits directly into the curriculum as the activity guides and online
modules have been built upon a curriculum. For example, there is an e-unit about
grade 3-5 science and technology units on energy in ecosystems. The module
overviews the interactions within forest ecosystems to understand the importance of
our dependence on natural systems.
5. A practical activity for the example above would be to walk through a forest and see
if the students can point out some resources humans rely on (i.e. tree trunk for wood
and paper, herbal plants for medicine, home for animals to hunt, trees to breathe).
Bonus points if the forest is near an urban development or farm. That could lead to a
discussion about deforestation to make way for human development and farmland.
6. One of the main limitations of the resource would be that it is an American website so
it correlates directly with the American curriculum. I would believe the American and
Canadian curriculum to be somewhat similar and the general idea of each lesson
could be interpreted.
– Jenna McGillivray

Resource: Classroom Management: Outdoor Teaching Strategies

This resource by Evergreen Grounds outlines multiple classroom management
strategies while teaching outdoors. The document presents suggestions for teachers,
group-work techniques, lesson plans that “flow”, and how to introduce outdoor
activities. The most helpful section of the resource is the explanation of how to
successfully teach outside. The most important points include being able to get the
attention of students, using teaching circles, setting boundaries, and being flexible. In
addition, the document also mentions the importance of using what is found outdoors

inside of the classroom and allowing students to reflect, document, and visually
display their experiences with nature.

The resource is useful for any curricular activity, as it is always important to

practice and improve classroom management skills. If a scenario involves
kindergarten students, an OEEE educator may allow them to explore outside and
investigate natural materials. The materials found outdoors can be used for imaginary
play, counting, building, music, problem solving, etc. Overall, this document can be
used for a variety of different activities, as natural resources have infinite potential.

Although Evergreen Grounds provides readers with substantial information and

techniques, it is limited in multiple ways. It is not detailed, nor does it provide
examples or connections, making it a simple and quick way to retrieve classroom
management strategies. This resource may be useful if printed off and brought on
field trips as a guide for educators while they are teaching outdoors. In conclusion,
this resource promotes outdoor learning and provides educators with ways to
successfully teach outside. By reading this resource educators will be able to teach
outdoors more often and use environmental resources to enhance curricular activities.

For more information:

- Isabella Nolan


The online resource that I am reviewing

is This resource was created in 1999 to address
water conservation in Arizona. Due to this, many of partners are American
organizations. This site offers many fantastic features, such as: online games,
conscience information for students to easily access, and many complete lesson plans
that teachers can utilize in their unit plans. The site also features a “Water Challenge”
that may lead to valuable OEEE learning. Through this water challenge, students will
become conscious of their water usage by using the inquiry process to explore the

many ways we can reduce our daily water usage. Additionally, this resource
could be used in a Grade 1 Science unit of Understanding Life Systems. By
referencing specific expectation 3.2 from the Ontario curriculum, we can extend the
learning by taking students to a local watershed and have them identify similar ways
that humans can help reduce the impact we have on water (3.5: describe how showing
care and respect for all living things helps to maintain a healthy environment). For
example, in groups of 3, students will use the inquiry process to make thoughtful
observations of the current state of the watershed. The big question will be: what can
we do to make this watershed healthier?

- Sabrina Parrish

Resource: The David Suzuki Foundation:

This resource is a website run by the David Suzuki Foundation that focuses on
outdoor education. Specifically, it aims to connect youth with nature through the
“Suzuki Superhero Challenge”, which is an interesting idea that they will presumably
run in future when we can use them as teachers. The website describes the activity as

It’s a four-week program that gets kids, families and classrooms of students to learn
about environmental issues and make a superhero difference! By signing up, you’ll
receive four, fun outdoor activities complete with step-by-step instructions. This year,
the theme is our right to clean air, safe water and healthy food.

However, the main reason that this site will be a useful resource for you is the five
documents available through signing up at the site, or through a quick google search.
First, there is a .pdf file called “Nature as a Classroom” that provides a succinct
overview of what outdoor education is and what the benefits of it are. More of direct
use to you will be the resources page at the end which includes several links to
educational guides, lesson plans, and background reading on outdoor education.

Finally, there is a series called “Connecting with Nature” consisting of four pdf files
(Kindergarten, Primary, Grades 4-6, Grades 7-8). Generally, each document contains

age-specific guidelines, teaching tips, and lessons. They are 20-40 pages long except
for the grade 4 to 6 document, which for whatever reason is 171 pages long and also
includes many more resources including rubrics and other assessment tools.

I would highly recommend giving these resources a look. So much so that I’ll save
you the trouble of finding them all. Here are links to all five of the pdf documents,
which are the main takeaway from the site as a recourse:


- Michael Phippen

Resource: Resources for Rethinking

1. Website: Resources for Rethinking. Link:

2. Resources for Rethinking is an online database of lesson plans, curriculum ideas
and environmental education resources created and maintained by Learning for a
Sustainable Future (LSF). LSF is a Canadian non-profit whose mission is “to
promote, through education, the knowledge, skills, perspectives, and practices
essential to a sustainable future.”
3. This website is an incredible database of 1000’s of resources, ideas and ready-to-
download lesson plans that is user-friendly and rich in knowledge. Lesson plans are
created and peer-reviewed by teachers and tagged by key word making it easy for you
to find what you’re looking for when searching by grade, subject or theme. For every
grade and every subject, this website has ideas and resources for how environmental

education can be incorporated and/or ideas as to how the unit could be taught
4&5: The most useful feature of this website from my perspective is the search tool.
While experimenting with this tool, I consulted the directory for a lesson plan idea for
Grade 1 students in Ontario that could be tied to math, specifically, measurement. In
addition to these criteria, I asked the site to link it to an “ecosystems” theme of
environmental education. This search yielded me a unit plan for “the Great Canadian
Shoreline Cleanup: K-3” that has links to the Ontario curriculum for grade 1 students
in English/language arts, math and science and technology. A unit like this would also
cultivate environmental stewardship in students and is one that would be easy to
implement in classrooms. In this unit, students locate shore-lines in their community;
discuss how the shoreline is a habitat for animals, plants and people; participate in a
shoreline clean-up where they identify, classify and count (or measure) objects found;
and, create new things out of the items they have recycled.
6. I am very excited about this resource and see myself using it often as an educator.
An added bonus: assessment is built into lesson plans on this site and has its own
section in the lesson plan overview.

- Erin Posthumus

Resource: Earth Day Canada

1. Earth Day Canada.

2. The Earth Day website has a variety of different programs that are focused on
education, action, recognition and financial support that are comprised of simple, but
effective actions that each person can do. When each individual makes a small
contribution the effects are a substantial improvement for the environment.

3. One of the programs, EcoKids, provides free, curriculum-based environmental

education resources that are created to inspire children to learn about the
environment. It encourages children to form their own opinions, make decisions and
get involved with the environment. Another program offered by Earth Day is

EarthPlay. This program was designed to place a larger emphasis on the importance
of self-directed outdoor play and how this contributes to health and social wellbeing.

4. The EarthPlay program directly relates to the Kindergarten program and the current
emphasis on play-based learning. The EcoKids and EarthPlay programs relate to the
grade two curriculum Big Ideas to learn that humans need to protect animals and the
places where they live. Grade threes could use these programs to meet the curriculum
objective to learn about soils and the relationship between soils and other living

5. One activity is to use toilet paper tubes to make a biodegradable planter. This would
incorporate a Grade Three’s lesson on soil and teach children about decreasing waste.

6. The 2015 ParticipACTION report card calls for an increased investment in natural
play spaces in all neighbourhood. The EarthPlay program allows for children to spend
more time playing in nature and making meaningful connections to the environment.
- - Samantha Smith


This website was created by James Neill in 2004 and covers what Experiential
Learning and Experiential Education is. It is an informative website. The main page
provides headings including Introduction, Experiential Education Philosophy,
Experiential Learning Theory, Experiential Learning Cycles and Experiential
Education Practice. It also provides studies and other resources on experiential
education. This is a beneficial website for anyone who is just beginning to learn about
or incorporate experiential education. A person can use this website to learn about the
background and science of Experiential Education.

The breakdown of the theories provided is beneficial for someone looking for the
research and science behind Experiential Education. The theories are presented in a
manner which clearly outlines full backgrounds. This website also outlines direct
effects of Experiential Education on the students. Finally, it answers frequent

questions someone new to Experiential Education may have such as “what is

Experiential Learning?” and “what is a teachable moment?”.

This website provides a section on group activities, games, exercises, and initiatives.
Through the various activities provided, a teacher can find an activity which fits the
curriculum of different grades. For example, in the grade 5 curriculum, students learn
about First Nations in the Heritage and Identity strand. One of the topics provided
under the “Indigenous Games and Activities” category is “Indigenous Knowledge and
Outdoor Education”. This gives details on creating learning opportunities and
connections between indigenous lifestyles and outdoor education.

My one concern with this website is that some of the links have either expired or do
not work. I found two links that did not lead to anywhere, so a person using this
website as a resource should be wary of this and use supplemental resources as well
as this resource.

- Tristen Taylor

Resource: Ontario Hawking Club


2) This resource describes the sport of falconry and how someone within
Ontario can participate in the sport. It outlines the responsibilities someone
wishing to participate must undertake within the "Apprenticeship Guide". It
may give children a broader scope of being able to discover ways of interacting
with nature. It may even foster the development for further OEEE activities by
getting children inquire about things they might have never known existed, by
looking at historical activities mankind did before technology.

3) I think the resource is particularly useful in defining the legal aspects of

participating in falconry in order to protect the birds as much as possible. The
resource specifically separates falconers from "pet-keepers". The reason I
choose this resource is because of my fascination with the sport that dates back
thousands of years and is even embedded in religious texts.

4) I think that an outdoor experience related to this resource could fit within
many grade levels throughout the Science and Technology curriculum for
"Living Things". Depending on how the lead up to the introduction of the sport
is handled(As I will describe in section 6).

5) To be honest I really enjoyed the drawing activity we did with Alex, I would
probably use the "Ontario Nature Guide" and show students different types of
birds of prey and relate them to places and environments which the students are
familiar with. Integrating this activity to a broader theme of ecosystems/webs.

6) The major limitation I find with this resource is that it describes the sport
and not really giving a broader scope of birds of prey. If children in my class
did not show an interest in birds or something more broad like the sky, I would
not force them to interact with these specific animals. I would probably try to
take them to the zoo instead or something less specific. In addition I would not
introduce the sport without first examining birds and broader themes first. I
just remember having a falconer perform in front of me as a child and I
thought it was the coolest thing in the world.

- William Thomas

Resource: Eco Spark

Eco Spark is a southern Ontario organization that connects citizens to their
local ecosystems through environmental stewardship initiatives. Eco Spark organizes
many different natural education events and focuses largely on education. Their
website has a large variety of resources to help develop and facilitate OEEE learning
experiences so our students can become environmental stewards. The Eco Spark
website has three areas that are very useful for OEEE teachers. There are sections for
students and teachers that have information and resources to help guide learning
experiences focusing on local environmental issues, including protecting the greenbelt
and watersheds. There is also a section on environmental education that has a variety
of resources to help teachers facilitate lessons. One resource is information on urban
pollinators, that outlines the decline in pollinators, especially bees. The resource can

be used to cover the grade three and six science curriculum, and create activities on
growth and changes in plants, and biodiversity. After learning about the decline in
pollinators and the effects it has on growing produce, students can help to plant and
take care of a school garden with pollinator-friendly native plants, as well as a
vegetable garden. This will give students the chance to experience the natural world at
their school and practice environmental stewardship. A school garden also gives
students from many grades the opportunity to work together and develop a sense of
community. Overall, I find that the Eco Spark website has so many wonderful
resources to help teachers get their students outside learning about and respecting
nature, which can result in students becoming environmentally responsible citizens.

- Adam Vavrovics
Resource: Such Enthusiasm- a joy to see’An evaluation of Forest School in
1. The document titled ‘Such enthusiasm – a joy to see’An evaluation of Forest
School in England was created by Forest Research. The pdf. file can be found

2. This resource is an extensive study that covers the beginnings of forest schools,
some of the methodologies used in outdoor education, and research findings. This
resource delves into the details of forest schools in the United Kingdom. However, the
content is applicable in Canada. The document is well organized and is easy to search
through. The document's content focuses on eight themes that relate to outdoor
education. The topics included in the document are: confidence, social skills,
language and communication, motivation and concentration, physical skills,
knowledge and understanding, new perspectives, and ripple effects beyond forest

3. On page 18 of the document, the resource delves into the evaluation. The findings
in the report note specific students experiences and how they have improved. The
report has found that there have been notable changes in some of the student's

behaviors. These findings can be found in the “Evidence of change” boxes throughout
the document. I have found this to be useful because they have given me insight into
the interaction between the students and the teachers and what practical skills they
learn while enrolled in an outdoor education program.

4. This resource shows that forest schools are a place where learning is encouraged to
be child initiated allowing students to engage in exploratory activities. Viewing the
grade 3 science curriculum, Understanding Life Systems is one of the foundational
units for the rest of grade 3. The “big ideas” of the unit involve examining plants in a
variety of ways. This includes the similarities and differences between them, how
they are a primary source of food, and why humans need to protect these plants. By
being in the forest, students can be naturally motivated to explore their surroundings.
The student will be able to collect samples and ask questions about why a leaf is
shaped a certain way. The ability to have a project-based learning experience outdoors
will allow students to be physical, social, and concentrate during their collection of
samples to discuss further while out in the forest or back in the classroom.

5. By being in the forest students can be naturally motivated to explore their

surroundings. The students will be able to collect samples and ask questions about
why a leaf is shaped a certain way. The ability to have a project-based learning
experience outdoors will allow students to be physical, social, and concentrate during
their collection of samples to discuss further while out in the forest or back in the
classroom. The students will be physically involved with science rather than reading
from the textbook or comparing two pictures to spot differences.

6. On page 65 of the resource, the “Ripple Effects beyond Forest School” sections
summarizes some of the key benefits for students that are enrolled in an outdoor
education program. This sections key findings continue to page 68 where individual
students parents and practitioners have commented on the transferable skills they have
learned. This includes physical, social, and cognitive changes.

- Austin Vavrovics


Resource: Wasaga Beach Provincial Park

1. This park is located at 11-22nd St. North in Wasaga Beach. To be able to come
in contact with a representative you can call the following number: (705)-429-
2516. You can also visit this website for more information on the
2. The purpose of this park is to provide a proactive area within the beach for the
environment and the wildlife in need. This park would touch on many OEEE
learning components such as the importance of wildlife and the endangerment
of species.
3. The elements that stand out with this provincial park is the following: it’s the
first provincial park in Canada to have received the Blue Flag award. The Blue
Flag is awarded when water quality safety is met and when a park showcases a
commitment to both their people and the environment. Furthermore, this park
offers a natural habitat that protects the animal’s nesting area including the
endangered Piping Plover. This would allow students to observe the nesting
area or a diversity of animals and understand the impact humans have on these
habitats towards their endangerment.
4. This provincial park would allow to touch on many of the different grades’
curriculum, but more specifically it would align with the grade 4 science and
technology curriculum of Habitats and Communities (Understand Life
Systems). As an overall expectations (1) students need to analyse the effects of
human activities on habitats and communities. Under specific expectations
(1.1) student need to analyse the positive and negative impacts of human
interactions with natural habitats and communities.
5. An activity that would fit within the curriculum related to Wasaga Beach
Provincial Park, would be planning a field trip to this park and showing the
students the diverse animals that occupy the beach. Showing the students the
Piping Plover nesting area and hopefully they will get the chance to see the
bird. They could then draw a picture of this bird (if they are lucky enough to
spot it) and/or draw the nesting area. Afterwards allow them to research why

the Piping Plover has become endangered (how humans contributed to this
endangerment- negative impact) and what the Provincial Park is doing to alter
these effects (positive impact).
6. Unfortunately not everything can be perfect, and this Park does a great job at
protecting the wildlife but can’t always prevent the natural order of things to
play out. One example would be the following: the nesting area for turtles is
protected off from the humans’ interactions (having barriers to prevent humans
to walk across the area), but doesn’t have any protection from other predators
such as birds interfering with the turtles before they make it to the ocean. This
could still be an interesting topic to discuss with the older students by making
them aware of the animal food web.
- Rebecca Alize-Minty

Resource: Wishing Well Sanctuary/

The community site that I have looked into is Wishing Well Sanctuary, located in
Bradford the Wishing Well Sanctuary is a place for learning, growth, for both its
visitors and the animals that are a part of their farmed animal sanctuary. With guided
tours, and humane education programs available for the general public and school
groups Wishing Well Sanctuary promotes and shares humane education principles.
The goal is to educate its visitors on the promotion of a kinder, gentler world with
respect for all living things. I think that the organized school visits offered are not
only interesting but very useful as an educator. The information that students learn
while at the sanctuary could fit in with grades K-8 science curriculum. The particular
part of the curriculum it would fit with is sustainability and stewardship. One
practical activity that could be done in class to connect the experience at the Wishing
Well Sanctuary to the curriculum is teaching about being environmentally friendly
prior to the field trip, and then after the trip asking students in what ways Wishing
Well Sanctuary was environmentally friendly in a journal activity. Something
interesting about the Wishing Well Sanctuary is that in addition to their environment
programming they offer a variety of mental health programs at their facility.

- Katelyn Anderson

Resource: Orillia Community Gardens

2. Orillia Community Gardens is a network of gardens and gardeners working on
growing a healthy food culture in Orillia. There are three Agency Services:
Regent Park United Church Hillside Community Garden, High Street Park
Community Garden and Orillia Seed Library. Learning might include:
permaculture swales, geodomes, coldframes and various types of vegetables,
fruits and herbs.
3. This resource is particularly important because it promotes food sustainability.
Locals can benefit from using plots of the garden, having access to free food
and volunteer or donate.
4. An outdoor experience at the Orillia Community Gardens could fit into the
Grade 1 Science Curriculum in Understanding Life Systems: Needs and
Characteristics of Living Things p. 44. The fundamental concept is
Sustainability and Stewardship and one of the “big ideas” includes: living
things grow, take in food to create energy, make waste and reproduce.
5. A practical activity that you could do in class to connect the experience with
this curriculum could be to investigate how plants grow in a community
garden or ask the director of the Orillia community garden to come into the
school to talk to the kids. Kids might draw a plant and explain its connection
to humans and other living things in the ecosystem.
6. Garden tours available through primary contact Jacob Keary-Moreland,
Cultivator at Orillia Community Gardens or Sunday from 1pm-4pm on Bass
Lake Side Road E at the Bass Lake Market Garden

- Hannah Clark
Resource: Muskoka Birds of Prey-

It is a small educational centre located in Kilworthy, Ontario that offers hands-

on workshops with birds of prey such as a variety of species of hawks and falcons.

They also offer educational school programs from kindergarten all the way to a
college curriculum. They offer flying demonstrations, breeding programs as well a s
an apprenticeship program. I thought this would make a great field trip to learn about
different birds of prey and their habits, but I was very intrigued by their breeding
program they offer as well. A trip to a facility like this would be able to fall u nder the
grade 2 science curriculum for Understanding Life Systems: Growth and Changes in
Animals. An interesting assignment might be to assign students with a bird of prey
before going to this facility and then use this trip as a resource for information that
they could then share with each other again later by making connections to each
other's birds. Having the students draw pictures of their birds helps them make visual
connections if they are unable to orally collect all of the information. These
educational programs are also great for showing the different life cycle of a bird as
well as food chains considering that these birds are mostly the ones eating other
animals rather than seeds and insects.

- Samantha Cline
Resource: Dream Acre Whitetails

Dream Acre Whitetails is a deer sanctuary located in the Haliburton Highlands

which is in the Trillium Lakelands District School Board. This is an incredible
community attraction as it allows visitors to have a hands-on experience with nature
and animals. I have had several friends visit this deer sanctuary and have heard
nothing but amazing things. This facility is located in Kinmount, Ontario and is
operated by Derek Greer and his family. They can be contacted at 705-344-4443.

Their website is Unfortunately, their website is

currently unavailable. That being said, they can be found on-line through their
Facebook page by searching “Dream Acre Whitetails – Deer Farm Tours”.

Guests to this site are required to pay for admission and visits are offered through
private tours. Guests are able to walk, pet and feed the deer as well as take some
amazing pictures up close and personal with the animals. Visitors have the

opportunity to learn about bucks, does and fawns as well as how the deer live and
survive in the woods.

This would be an incredible introduction into OEEE as there are many lessons and
learning opportunities by visiting the facility. Students will be able to incorporate
many components of the Science curriculum from grade 1 through to 6, including:
needs and characteristics of living things, growth and changes in animals as well as
habitats and communities. Students would be able to notice changes in the
development of fawns, compare the sizes of antlers as well as understand various
types of habitats.

As a direct relation to curriculum, Grade 3s have a specific expectation to create two -

and three-dimensional works of art that express personal feelings and ideas inspired
by the environment or that have the community as their subject. Through Art, students
would also be able to draw the deer and habitat in which they survive as well as any
other aspect of the experience they enjoyed.

- Ian Cockburn

Resource: Scales Nature Park

Located in Orillia, Ontario. 705-327-2808

Scales Nature Park is a 21-hectare conservation area. The facility main focus is
the habitats of reptiles, amphibians, and fish. Exhibits and hands-on educational
programs featuring live reptiles, amphibians and fish of Canada, and from around the
world. Nature trails and outdoor programs about ecology and conservation. A nature
trail the provides access to two cold-water streams, three ponds, a provincially
significant wetland, hardwood forests, hemlock groves, and grassy meadows. The
nature part offers wildlife programming for schools with a range of indoor and
outdoor programs and curriculum-linked activities from grades 1-12. A perfect place
for a field trip when your class is learning about animal habitats, amphibians/reptiles,
and pond and stream systems.

- Jessica Forte

Community Site Review - Killarney Provincial Park

Killarney Provincial Park -

Killarney Provincial Park is a gorgeous nature reserve in Northern Ontario just south
of Sudbury. It features 645 square kilometres of pristine nature preserved to educate
the public and provide a sanctuary for wild flora and fauna. Epic biking, birding,
boating, canoeing, camping, fishing and hiking are some of the activities that
facilitate people of all ages connecting with nature and recharging their batteries. I
feel that this gorgeous retreat is interesting because it is uniquely situated, nestled
among the La Cloche mountain range, kind of like a more intimate Algonquin but on
mountains. The Science curriculum for Grade 4, section 3.1, describes how students
will be able to demonstrate an understanding of habitats as areas that provide plants
and animals with the necessities of life. Killarney is a diverse habitat with a wide
range of plants and animals that is in perfect harmony with nature. One classroom
activity to connect this experience with the curriculum would be to examine the food
chain starting from miniscule insects and going all the way up to big bears and wolves
by creating a play which shows the interconnectedness of life and the cycle of how
insects are eaten by fish and fish are eaten by birds and so on until the bear p asses on
and becomes fertilizer again for the insects to feed on. My experience at Killarney
was truly breathtaking; its beautiful scenery is awe inspiring and incredibly
therapeutic. I would recommend this wild wonderland to anyone with a love of
nature. A must see for the outdoors enthusiast!

- Jeremy Galin

Resource: O.W.L. Orphaned Wildlife Rehabilitation Society, available online


1 It is a non-profit raptor (bird of prey) rehabilitation and education centre. It

takes in raptors that have been orphaned or injured from BC as well as other
provinces, and the United States with the intent of preparing them for a re-
release into the wild. It is also home to a handful of owls, vultures, hawks,
falcons and eagles whose injuries were too severe to be safely released back

into the wild. The most senior resident was an owl brought in in 1984. Many
of these raptors were hit by cars, although two were hit by trains which
resulted in broken wings.
2 The resource offers information on how schools can hire the travelling
educator to come in to the school with a resident raptor and talk to the students
about how they can help the environment and what to do if they find an injured
animal or bird. Additionally, it offers information on dangers to raptors,
including lead poisoning, rat poisoning, and habitat loss.
3 This resource can be applied to the grade one science curriculum:
“Understanding Life Systems: Needs and Characteristics of Living Things”
(44). It relates specifically to the big idea that “all living things are important
and should be treated with care and respect” (44) as well as varying behaviours
of different living things. When my class went to O.W.L. we looked at owl
pellets and moved onto discussions about how owls eat their prey whole and
later regurgitate a ball of hair, bone, claws and other organic materials they
can’t properly digest.
4 After going to O.W.L., our teacher was allowed to bring home the owl pellet.
It was passed around the class and later, the teacher dissected it for everyone
to see, picking out and showing us the bones and claws of the mouse. In
addition to this, the students could come up with action plans and present how
they can help keep raptors and other animals safe.
5 O.W.L. became a registered society in 1985 and has since taken on veterinary
students from all over Canada as well as other parts of the world. The O.W.L.
conservation society is a community wide affair. They are supported by local
vet clinics, conservation officers, the police, highway maintenance crews and
many other community groups. They also participate in breeding programs
with the hopes of increasing raptor populations in Canada and the United
- Kathryn Garagan

Resource: Kortright centre for conservation.

1. The Name of the outdoor resource I choose to use is the Kortright centre for
conservation. Kortright centre is a conservation area that I used to go to as a child; it
is the premier environmental and renewable energy education and demonstration
centre. There are many programs available for children, adults and even parents and
tots programs.
 Kortright Centre combines a large nature area with some of the most leading
edge sustainable education programs and events in Canada. The centre offers
more than 50 environmental education programs for schools and 30
sustainable technology workshops for the public, trades and professionals.
 (416) 667-6295, then select 3. URL
2. The Kortright centre runs programs for Children and adults. The centre also
contains a kindergarten and primary outdoor school called “The Nature
School” at Kortright. The centre provides class trips for elementary and
secondary schools as well. The centre is dedicated to renewable energy and
conservation, therefore many of the programs they run focus and conservation.
Some resources for adults include building sustainable homes. Some programs
that run for children besides the school are nature themed days once a week
where children learn about a specific area each week.
3. I feel that this is a particularly important resource because not only does the
centre run a nature school, they provide information to more than just children.
They are running programs for families, children and adults. I think that this
creates a unique learning experience where children and their parents can learn
together about the benefits of nature and sustainability.
 Another aspect I find important is that there are field trips available for
students of all ages (K-12). This allows teachers that do not necessarily
have the facilities to create outdoor learning activities to still
incorporate outdoor education into their practice.
4. This particular resource would fit many aspects of the science curriculum. One
specific area however would be the grade 1 curriculum. A field trip to the

Kortright centre would fit perfectly with the fundamental concept of

sustainability and stewardship; as well as hitting specific big ideas such as all
living things are important and should be treated with care and respect; living
things have basic needs (air, water, food, and shelter) that are met from the
5. An activity that could be done in class would be to get the students to draw
pictures of the different plants and animals that they saw while they were on
the field trip. Then the teacher would lead a discussion and create a chart on
what these plants and animals need in order to survive. (Air, water, food,
shelter). And how these were met in the conservation area.
6. Some limitations of the resource are that it does cost money, and this can be
restrictive to students. The centre also has a great event in March and April
where they tap maple trees and show the whole process. It is a very fun and
interesting event to attend if you have any spare time.

- Joshua Gomes
Resource: YMCA Camp Pinecrest


2. Camp Pinecrest started as a summer camp, but has since expanded into offering
yearlong OEEE programs. They have small cabins with power, and heating but also
offer tent camping and canoe trips. They offer a tailored program for what the
teachers running the trip request, including: leadership & Team building, Outdoor
Living Skills (Fire lighting, cooking, compass work, shelter building, skiing,
swimming), ecological learning (Animal survival game, nature hikes, no trace
camping), campfires, guided canoe trips and various OEEE specialty workshops.
They can also act as a host location, for you to run your own activities, while
providing equipment, food and additional supervision.

3. Staff are very well trained and experienced in the outdoor learning cycle;
debriefing and reflection are important parts of the program. They also tailor the
activity to what you need (overnight trips, cabins, their staff can be more hands on or
hands off depending on your needs, they provide all necessary gear other than
sleeping bags). The YMCA has a long history of delivering valuable outdoor
experience to youth. They are committed to the healthy growth of children and
community building.

4.Camp Pinecrest is well suited to the physical education curriculum. The meals at
Pinecrest are served to the table, and there is a salad bar accessible at all times. This
allows teachers to have informed conversations with students about meal choices, and
why meals were designed the way they were. Additionally students can monitor if
they miss breakfast how they feel through the day or if they aren’t drinking water
what results. These concepts of nutrition and self monitoring are across the phys ed
curriculum at every grade. In additionaly going to camp and doing the various
activities (caneoing, rock climbing, swimming) can apply to movement competence,
and interpersonal communication strands in phys ed. The specificity could be tailored
to each grade.

Most science strands could also be explored at Pinecrest. I will give a specific
exploration of the grade 4 curriculum to give an example. I understand life systems
could also be done at an outdoor education facility like Pinecrest, for example grade 4
habitats and communities could be explored through nature walks, animal print
identification and casting, bog exploration, or bird watching. Understanding structures
and mechanisms could be investigated in various forms though you have to be a bit
more creative, for the grade 4 example pulleys and gears students could explore
sailing and rock climbing and investigate how the various parts work. Camp Pinecrest
is on the Canadian shield which provides an opportunity to look at minerals such as
Precambrian igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks, glacial overburden, and
iron deposits. Light and sound is the last unit in science in grade 4, and staying at an
overnight camp gives the unique opportunity to interact with students at night time.

Through night hikes, stargazing and campfires students can explore the ideas of light
pollution, how light travels with a flash light, stars, reflection and emission.

Camp Pinecrest also offers djembe drum circles which can be a cross curricular with
social studies, music and science.

5. When students return the classroom, all of the things investigated or explored could
be explained more deeply and applied to other concepts. Students can do journaling,
collages or posters to reflect on their learning. Students can also compare what they
saw at the camp to how they experience things in the city around their classroom
(how few stars they can see at night, what different animals are present, how things
are built differently)

6. Camp Pinecrest offers a wide range of programs, and have a long history an d are an
accredited OCA camp. This experience and quality comes with a cost so it can be on
the expensive side. Additionally they are very thoroughly booked and don’t run
during the summer (as an outdoor education faculty, since they run a summer camp).
Many TDSB schools have utilized it in the past so it may be easier to get approval to
run a trip when the school board is familiar with the location.

- Shawn Goodwin

Resource: Algonquin Provincial Park

1. Algonquin Provincial Park, Ontario.

2. Algonquin Park is a 7,630 km² park with rivers, lakes, trails and many
camping sites accessible by canoes. As a resource, you could use this as a
project to study wildlife or plan a camping trip, as it has canoe routes you
could use online. There is also many educational programs they offer about the
out-of-doors for all ages and offer different print out activities for students to
learn about the park and the environment
3. This resource is particularly important because it has many activities online to
incorporate into the class room including a whole website on the science of
Algonquin’s animals, different teaching resources including Learning

Activities, Games, Worksheets, Data Sheets, Inquiry Sheets, Colouring Sheets,

Puzzles and much more. It also has a virtual aspect, including videos, a web
cam and canoe route that can be taken. It provides lots opportunities to learn
about the environment in Canada as well as involving the students.
4. This resource could be linked to many different grades in the science
curriculum, for example Grade 2 - Growth and Changes in Animals and Grade
4 - Habitats and Communities.
5. One activity that could be used in Grade 4 science curriculum is getting the
children in groups of 7 or 6 and they create a web of the 7 different animals.
Then each student choosing one of the different animals on the research
project section of the site ( and they
get information about their animal to then make a presentation to their group
members and have a drawing with certain information.
6. Some limitations to the resource are that it would be for older age groups for
canoeing or travelling at the actual place is farther from SCDSB then would
ideally be.
- Laura Harmer

Resource: Mansfield Outdoor Centre

Mansfield Outdoor Centre (MOC) is located is Mulmur, ON and is a very

popular site for school groups and members of the public alike. On MOC property
there are extensive cross-country skiing and mountain bike trails, walking paths, a fire
pit, and access to a stream. There are individual cabins, indoor bathroom and shower
facilities, and a main centre which houses sleeping accommodations, washrooms,
common space and a commercial kitchen all under one roof. This facility is ideal for
overnight leadership/teambuilding OEEE excursions, as MOC staff guide groups
through curriculum-based outdoor activities, and three meals per day are prepared by
MOC staff as well. A very useful aspect of this resource is the highly detailed
website; educators who are interested in planning an excursion to MOC can find
ample information online, such as cabin and main centre layouts (for planning room

assignments), rates, and outdoor education program options. Additionally, educators

who are confident in their own OEEE leadership may select to guide their own
programs rather than utilise an MOC staff member. MOC has endless opportunities to
incorporate the curriculum of any grade and subject into outdoor activities. One
example is Grade 1 Science and Technology, which includes the Big Idea that
“Different kinds of living things behave in different ways”; there are many
opportunities for participants to see various living things up close (insects, fish, birds
forest creatures, etc.) and compare their behaviors. In the classroom before going on a
trip to MOC, a Grade 1 class may choose to brainstorm and hypothesize about what
sorts of living things they may encounter on their excursion. This facility is open

- Gillian Harries

Resource: Black Creek Community Farm

4929 Jane St. Toronto ON/

The Black Creek Community Farm is a community farm in the Jane-Steeles area
of Toronto near York University. The site contains vegetable fields, greenhouses, forest
trails, chickens, gardens, chickens, beehives, as well as an outdoor classroom and bake
oven. It aims to promote sustainability, food security, nutritional awareness and
ecological education to this particular neighbourhood in the North York region of
Toronto. This farm is great for class field trips, and even has P.A day and March Break
camps. It is very applicable to outdoor education, not only for children, but also for youth
and adults. The area surrounding the farm has eight schools in proximity, and is a low-
income neighbourhood. It is important for the members of the community to have access
to fresh fruits and vegetables, and be part of the sustainability process for a reasonable

I lived in this area for three years, and worked in community centers in the area
for over seven years. I have seen people do their groceries at Dollarama, and I have seen
many children bring chips for lunch at summer camp. I really like this farm because not
only does it provide affordable, fresh food, but it also teaches people the process. “Give a

man a fish, he can eat for a day. Teach a man how to fish, he can eat for a lifetime.” At
this farm, they also give you a “fishing rod”.

I can apply a field trip to this urban farm to the Grade 3 Social Studies
curriculum: People and Environments: Living and Working in Ontario. The B2.
component of Inquiry: The Impact of Land and Resource Use is very applicable to this
location. I would bring the children to the farm for a field trip, and then try to replicate
one or more of the crops on the school premises. The children would learn the importance
of growing your own food. All of my reviews go together cohesively, and the Black
Creek Community Farm would serve as an introduction to a unit on Sustainability and
Food Security.

- Maximillian Hayes

Resource: Wye Marsh Wildlife Centre


address: 16160 Highway 12 East, Midland, ON

Open 7 days a week from 9 AM – 5 PM (except Christmas Eve, Christmas Day &
Boxing Day)

1. Friends of Wye Marsh is a non-profit organization that has stewardship

responsibilities for the property and whose mission is to foster environmental
stewardship. Firm belief that learning while having fun encourages immediate and
long-term involvement in environmental stewardship.

2. Wye Marsh Wildlife Centre is comprised of 3,000 acres of wetland, fen and forest
in Midland Ontario. Resources include an amphibian and reptile display hall, a birds
of prey display, trails for hiking, biking and skiing, water ways to enjoy canoeing and
kayaking, an observation tower and boardwalks and facilities to host classes and
events. Naturalists on staff can provide guided tours for guests and there are
educational camps offered during school breaks. OEEE learning includes learning
about the natural world, environmental stewardship and benefits of physical outdoors

activities. Open to the general public and offers organized programs to schools,
community groups and facility rentals for events.

3. School programs include general interest and curriculum linked programming.

School program

Programs are organized into two ways which can assist teachers in finding an
appropriate activity depending on their desired learning objective. General categories
of Natural Science, Outdoor Recreation and Cultural History. And then within those
categories by type of learning: Natural Science includes biodiversity, investigation,
discovery and sustainability; Outdoor Recreation includes physical and activities;
Cultural History includes tangible. Each program is rated as to grade appropriateness,
curriculum connection and which seasons the activity is offered. Although there is an
indication if the activity has a curriculum connection, the teacher will need to be
familiar with curriculum documents to determine which curriculum objective the
activity meets as the curriculum connection is not specified.

The visit can be extended by participating in an overnight or weekend camping

experience which means that your students can not only create lasting friendshi ps and
bonding experiences but extend learning by being able to participate in more guided

4. A specific activity that Wye Marsh offers and how it fits into specific curriculum of
any one grade:

Animal Games: through games students will investigate animal adaptations, habitat
needs and stewardship initiatives on Ontario animals.

Grade one Science curriculum connection: Animal Games connects to Understanding

Life Systems: Needs and Characteristics of Living Things which focuses on the
fundamental concepts of sustainability and stewardship. Big ideas covered through
Animal Games are Living things have basic needs (air, water, food and shelter) that

are met from the environment (Overall expectations 1, 2 and 3); Different kinds of
living things behave in different ways (Overall expectations 2 and 3); All living
things are important and should be treated with care and respect (Overall Expectations
1, 2 and 3).

5. To extend this activity back in the classroom the students could draw pictures of an
animal and how its habitat is meeting its basic needs. A teacher could then scribe the
students’ ideas as they may not have developed sufficient writing capabilities to
describe what they learned through Animal Games. This field trip could also be used
as a shared writing activity for Language Arts, where the students can discuss what
they learned while the teacher scribes.

6. I have had the opportunity to participate in guided programming with my Girl

Guide Unit and the staff was engaging and knowledgeable. The facility is beautiful
and well cared for. The Wye Marsh also does a sugar bush demonstration every
spring which I would recommend checking out.

- Crystal Jones

Resource: Couchiching Conservancy

1. The Couchiching Conservancy at

2. The Couchiching Conservancy is an organization that is aimed at protecting nature
which is generally located in the Simcoe County region. They often have events, which
can range from yoga in the forest to art exhibits, which have been set up around some
of their trails.
3. I feel their education sections of their website is particularly useful. It has the contact
information to setup trips to local on-site outdoor education programs, as well as
neighbourhood nature programs, where someone will come to the school
4. When the conservancy has an art exhibit up it will fit in with the grade 6 art curriculum
by encouraging them to reflect, respond and analyse what they believe each artwork
means and the social concerns that they represent.

5. When the return to the classroom they will be able to share their opinions and why
they think art in nature is a good thing or bad thing. They can also be asked how nature
forms its own art.
6. Grants Woods has several trails which connect. They have a gazebo and an education
centre on site.
- Courtney Laughlin

Resource: Camp Wenonah Outdoor Education

1. The Camp Wenonah Outdoor Education


2. Camp Wenonah is an outdoor education facility and summer camp located in

around Bracebridge. Their mission statement reads “ Providing opportunities
that develop a healthy respect and appreciation for one’s self, for others and
for the natural world.” Children between 8 and 15 weeks can spend up to 4
weeks at the camp. This is a specialized facility that focuses on outdoor
learning experiences.

3. The camp has a section dedicated to outdoor education and leadership.

Stimulating lessons are created designed to build a child’s sense of
community, interdependence, personal developments and appreciation for

4. Spending time at the camp would give children a chance to connect with
nature and get some valuable physical exercise. This would correspond to the
grade 2 health and physical education curriculum overall expectation A1
“participate actively and regularly in a wide variety of physical activities, and
demonstrate an understanding of the value of regular physical activity in their
daily lives”.

5. Children could create a journal while at the camp documenting all of the
plant and animal species they see. Once back in class children could be asked

to reflect and make connections to the curriculum based on the information

they gathered

6. The camp is primarily a summer camp, but they do have all year staff. It
looks like they would do night trips for classes, but the logistics may be a
little tricky.

- Jacob Long

Resource: George Langman Sanctuary

1. The Orillia Fish and Game Conservation Club run the George Langman
Sanctuary. htt

2. The George Langman Sanctuary is 61 acres that the public can access
free of charge. The OFGCC maintain the conservation efforts through
forest management, fish stocking, stream improvement as well as any
projects that arise. The sanctuary is home to a natural trail (about 6 km
in length) and, wetlands in addition to a relatively new Education
Centre. OEEE learning at George Langman Sanctuary would primarily
align with the Outdoor Education Strand as well as the Ecological
Education Strand found within OEEE.

3. The dense wildlife population is particularly useful in my opinion

because students are becoming less familiar with different species
because they have no exposure to them during the regular life.
Additionally, the Education Centre seems to provide a fantastic hub for
classes wanting to explore the curriculum in the outdoor setting.

4. The versatility of this resource gives teachers the freedom to

incorporate copious aspects of the Ontario curriculum. Most obviously
the science curriculum can be met through a field trip to this facility,
each grade from 1 through 6 has an overarching unit of “Understanding

Life Systems” which is the direct link. However as stated in “The Arts”
curriculum, “There are many opportunities to integrate environmental
education into the teaching of the arts. Nature often provides an
inspirational starting point for creativity in both representational and
more abstract art forms” (p 51).

5. One practical activity a teacher could do with this resource to connect

the experience back to the curriculum is a nature walk. The teacher
could facilitate and lead the students through the trail. This provides an
opportunity to have students identify different species while engaging
respectfully with the ecosystem. The students could take jot notes on
observations to use when completing a reflective journal in the
following classes after the trip.

6. No visible limitations outside of transportation will be required to get

the students to the site.

- Kaitlyn MacKenzie

Resource: YMCA Camp Kitchikewana (YMCA of Simcoe/Muskoka)

1. Located on Beausoleil Island, in Georgian Bay Islands National Park near Honey
Harbour, Georgian Bay, Ontario

2. Camp Kitchi (for short) offers a summer camp program during the months of July and
August as well as an Outdoor Education Centre for schools during the months of May,
June, September, and October.
3. The camp is within a National Park so the students can engage with both camp staff
and the Parks Canada staff to learn more about the island. Spending time as a class at
camp helps to strengthen friendships and teacher-student connections as they engage
in fun activities they might not do otherwise.

4. The link below is a brochure relating to the specific curriculum connections. An

example of the curriculum is, the low ropes initiative will cover social studies,
language, and physical education aspects.

5. One game the students play is the Animal Survival Game. It ties directly into the
Grade 4 Science Curriculum as it relates to food chains,
herbivores/omnivores/carnivores, necessities for survival in the wild, and human
related impacts on animals (ex. disease, drought, and/or hunting).
6. I have been an Outdoor Education Centre Facilitator at Kitchi for 4 spring seasons
and the positive change I saw in each individual and as a class is amazing. Some of
the students have never seen a lake or forest before, others have never spent more
than one night away from home, but all of them always ask their teachers if they can
come back the next year!
- Jenna McGillivray

Community Site: Discovery Child Care Centre

Located in Barrie, ON, Discovery Child Care offers programs that encourage
outdoor play and exploration. The two locations provide care for infants and toddlers,
as well as nursery school, pre-school, school-aged before and after care, and full day
kindergarten. Discovery Child Care is the first licensed nature forest school in Barrie,
providing children with the opportunity to learn from the natural world each and
every day. The staff members at both locations encourage playful learning through
investigation and communication, build outdoor vocabulary (i.e. plants and animals
located in Ontario), assist children in recognizing sensory and seasonal observation,
and collaboratively contribute to conservation. The most beneficial feature of this
nature-based daycare is the nature classroom. Children are able to access and explore
a nature art area, a building/constructing zone, a messy materials area, an under-the-
tree house, a sound garden, children’s gardens, a sunshade covered sandbox, and a
running water observatory. Each area within the nature classroom benefits various

aspects of child development, but most importantly exposes children to nature’s

infinite resources and learning opportunities.

This community site is a beneficial resource for OEEE educators, as it outlines the
importance of outdoor learning for children of all ages. With this in mind, a visit to
Discovery Child Care can teach various curricular learning outcomes for multiple
grade levels, especially in terms of science and health. For example, a grade one class
will be able to learn about how living things grow, characteristics of plants and
animals, and how to retrieve basic needs through the environment. Simultaneously,
they will be able to see the significance of healthy and active living and use their
senses through investigation. As a class, students can investigate the different plant
species in the children’s gardens at Discovery Child Care Centre. Since this facility
grows fresh fruits and vegetables, students will be able to see how plants grow and
identify what they need to grow, and then make a connection as to why homegrown
food results in healthy life choices.

Overall, this resource is very beneficial for both children and adults, as it can be
used to promote outdoor learning and expose individuals why and how natural
resources and nature classrooms strengthen the learning process.

- Isabella Nolan

Community Resource: Free Spirit Forest and Nature School

The community resource I chose to review is the Free Spirit Forest and Nature School
(FSF) The FNS provides children an opportunity to engage in outdoor education
through emergent, place and play based learning. I think a particularly important part
of the school is that they encourage students to feel connected to nature and
simultaneously increase appreciation for the environment, while cultivating
environmental stewardship.

Below is a day plan for a “typical day” to give you an idea of how this school
operates. A direct curriculum connection to this school could be pulled from the

Grade 3 - Understanding Life Systems: growth and changes in plants (1.1 assess ways
in which plants are important to

humans and other living things, taking different points of view into consideration.) As
a teacher, you could organize a field trip to this outdoor school location and
participate in their outdoor activities facilitated by qualified nature experts/teachers.
Creating a bond and connection to nature encourages students to feel compassion and
a sense of pride over nature.

8:45 AM: Arrive at Bygone Day’s School House – Exploratory Play

9:00 AM: Opening Smudge and Morning Circle

9:30 AM: Core Routines/Storytelling

10:30 AM: Snack

After Snack: Exploration/Experiential Learning/Loose Parts

12:30 PM: Lunch and Exploratory Play

1:15 PM: Exploration/Continued Lesson

3:00 PM: Wrap-up – Bead ceremony, Debrief of Day

3:30 PM: Home Time

- Sabrina Parrish

Resource: Bruce Peninsula National Park

Bruce Peninsula National Park is one of the most well-known camping

locations in Ontario thanks to the amazing scenery there. As anyone who has gone
there knows, it’s also tragically busy, but even that doesn’t take much away from the
amazing sights here.

Like most parks, it runs all through the summer and runs a wide variety of
outdoor education programs from July and August. A schedule can be found

here: Many of these

activities are programs run at the park by heritage interpreters. However, a lot of them
would serve as great activities to use as the base of a lesson plan, such as exploring
nature via hikes, boat cruises (at the park they would be to Fathom Five National
Marine Park), canoe trips, and First Nations cultural demonstrations.

There are also a number of Educamp Interpretive Programs that run activities
for visiting school classes that can accommodate groups from 10-40. There are
activities like theatre and gallery viewings that can accommodate groups of 10 - 111.

This park has many distinctive features to learn about in the fields of ecology
and geology, plus there are many types of wildlife (quite a few species of snakes,
mostly harmless). The visitor centre is a great place to learn about these topics and
more. With that said, I picked a national park for my resource review because you
never know where you will end up teaching, and the national parks across Canada all
offer their own educational opportunities similar to this one.

- Michael Phippen

Resource: Bruce’s Caves Conservation

1. Bruce's Caves Conservation
Area. Link:
2. Bruce’s Caves Conversation Area (Bruce’s Caves) is located in South Bruce
Peninsula, outside of Wiarton, ON. Included in this conservation area are seven
hectares of Niagara Escarpment with many naturally formed caves (primarily
limestone and dolomite) throughout. Bruce’s Caves is surrounded by both forest and
swamp-land and is maintained by the Grey Sauble Conservation Authority.
3. This site includes hiking trails, unique floral and fauna, and interpretive signage
that introduces the geology of the caves and the historical significance/lore
surrounding them (they were once home to hermit, Robert Bruce!). Students enjoy
exploring the caves as they are permitted to enter many of the large crevices creating
an opportunity for hands-on experiential learning.

4.Students have diverse learning opportunities at Bruce’s Caves: they can learn about
rock formation and the role of glaciers and waves in forming the Niagara Escarpment;
they can discuss the unique plants and flowers they passed during their hike to the
caves; or, they can examine the types of rocks they are interacting with, seeking to
name and classify them. There is a direct link between Bruce’s Caves and the Grade 4
“Rock and Minerals” unit within the Ontario Science and Technology curriculum as
students inquire into how the caves were carved by changing weather patterns. With
many nearby stone quarry’s, instructors can also make links to how these rocks are
used in society and assess the environmental impacts of human uses for rocks and
5. I believe the best activity at Bruce’s Caves is getting in and exploring some of the
larger crevices but I also see this as an opportunity to have Grade 4 students classify
the rocks they are exploring as igneous, sedimentary or metamorphic and to break into
small groups to do a scratch test and streak test to confirm their answer (providing
these tools had been introduced in the classroom prior).
6. One of Bruce’s Caves limitations is that there is not an interpreter on-site so visits
are self-guided. I would propose having someone from the Bluewater Outdoor
Education Centre located nearby join students for this excursion and to partner the
field trip with other environmental education opportunities based at the Outdoor
Education Centre.

- Erin Posthumus

Resource: Holland Marsh Drainage System

1. A Community Site: Holland Marsh Drainage System (

2. The Holland Marsh is a wetland and agricultural area that stretches from the Oak
Ridges Moraine near Schomberg, to Cook’s Bay on Lake Simcoe. It is comprised of
approximately 21,000 acres and is commonly referred to as the “vegetable patch”
because of the large variety of traditional and diverse crops including carrots, onions,
celery, Chinese broccoli, Asian radish and water spinach. The Holland Marsh is
important to me because it is where the majority of my local produce comes from.

The Holland Marsh extends very near my home and is the closest source for local
fruits and vegetables. The success of the Holland Marsh farms is largely due to the
drainage scheme consisting on canals and dykes that are constructed to drain the
swamp and expose the fertile soil for crops.

3. The Holland Marsh would be an excellent outdoor educational experience because

children can learn about food cultivation and the importance of locally grown

4. This activity directly relates to the Grade two science curriculum and the Big Ideas
that air and water are a major part of the environment, and how changes to air and
water such as the drainage system affect living things and the environment. This
outdoor educational experience would also relate to the Grade 6 science curriculum
and assessing human impacts on biodiversity as well as investigating the
characteristics of living things and classifying diverse organisms. The current projects
underway in the Holland Marsh would relate to the Grade 7 curriculum on ecosystems
and their state of change due to nature or human intervention.

5. To connect this experience to the curriculum I would have students grow their own
type of plant and be responsible for taking care of the plant.

6. The Holland Marsh website offers a lot of information on the progress of their
drainage system project and their ideas for future construction to improve the
drainage system. A field trip to the Holland Marsh would be something that could be
beneficial for any grade.

- Samantha Smith

Resource: Bass Lake Provincial Park

Bass Lake Provincial Park is in Orillia, Ontario. It is a recreational park that was
established in 1957 which operates from May through September. It is 65.00 ha in
size, which consists of 182 campsites, a 2.8km hiking trail, 4km cross-country ski
trail, playgrounds, a boat launch, and more. The park provides canoe, kayak, and boat

rentals as well. I had the opportunity to go to this park and was provided with many
pamphlets about the park and its amenities.

This park is interesting because it is located only 5 minutes outside of the busy city
area. As you arrive at the park, it has a feel as though you are nowhere near a town
and are put right into the experience of the outdoors. Camping is open to the public
and the park is full of places to explore. This park would be a wonderful place to visit
for a class trip with students. The long hiking trail loops back around, and thus a class
can be brought on the trail and end up where they have begun while still having the
opportunity to enjoy a hike. Further, if as a teacher the opportunity is given to have an
overnight trip, this park is a suitable place to visit as there are many different
campsites and even spots dedicated to group camping.

When considering the science curriculum, going to this park would be beneficial in
reference to teaching students about environmental education. Teachers could bring
students to do the hike and explore the environment and observe the different aspects
of that environment. The teacher could also teach the students along the hike about
things that they see.

For more information and to find the information I reviewed from the brochures I was
given, you can go to :
- Tristen Taylor

Resource: Couchiching Beach Park/ Orillia Harbour

1) Couchiching Beach Park/Orillia Harbour (Port of Orillia)

2) This resource is about a 5-10 minute walk from our Heritage Place campus. Its'
purpose is really to allow for people to interact with the water in various ways. This
includes but is not limited to swimming, fishing, boating, tourism, walking dogs,
playgrounds for children, running along the boardwalk. Its' goal, I believe, is to
promote a healthy lifestyle and to get people outdoors. Many people focus on summer

activities, however some of the most amazing OEEE learning can come in winter with
skating opportunities, snowmen building, and ice fishing just to name a few.

3) I think the resource is an inexpensive way to be able to get children outside. It is

within public transportation routes, walking distance to a variety of amenities, free
public parking, a boat launch, shelter from the elements and full bathroom facilities.

4) Just one of the activities at this location as previously mentioned is skating. It can
directly be linked into the Physical Education curriculum of all grades. There are so
many opportunities for various activities to link to many different subject curriculums
at this location.

5) The amazing sun rises and sun sets, snow falling(flakes) many people come to just
sit and watch, I believe it would be easy to associate a painting or art focused activity
to this location.

6) It is an absolutely amazing fishing location, in an urban setting as a fisherman I

really cannot ask for more. I love this spot! You'll see for assignment 4, we've already
caught some.

- William Thomas

Resource: Tiffin Centre for Conservation

8195 8th Line of Essa, Utopia
The Tiffin Centre for Conservation is located just outside of Barrie and is a 300 plus
acre conservation site. The Centre has an extensive trail system, for hiking, biking,
and cross-country skiing. The Tiffin Centre is also home to the Nottawasaga Valley
Conservation Authority’s education centre, which offers a wide variety of programs
for school groups, day camps, and scout/guide programs year-round. The education
programs at the Tiffin Centre specialize in student-centred, holistic, OEEE learning
activities that are directly connected to the Ontario Curriculum, not just in science and
technology, but also social studies, health, and art. It is also worth mentioning that the
Centre has accessible trails so all students and teachers have the opportunity to

partake in OEEE learning experiences. One example of the learning possibilities at

the Tiffin Centre is a field trip for grade fours to learn about Habitats by examining
life in a pond (Papa Bear Pond) at the Centre. Students can explore the pond and
study the characteristics and features that create habitats for living things, and how
humans affect habitats. Students can draw or write about what they observe, and can
also participate in a scavenger hunt to identify key features around the pond and
Centre. As students explore the pond and wander around, they will also have the
chance to navigate and experience the geography of the Centre.
I remember visiting the Tiffin Centre as a student and it was one of the most
memorable experiences of my elementary schooling. The Centre has extensive
education programs that give students the chance to connect with nature at a
conservation area. By visiting the Centre, our students get to investigate the
environment that surrounds them, and hopefully they can leave with a more thorough
understanding and respect for the natural world.

- Adam Vavrovics
Resource: Discovery Forest & Nature School
1. The Discovery Forest & Nature School is located on 101 Harvie Rd. in Barrie
Ontario. Information about the school can be found online here:

2. Discovery Forest & Nature School offers an outdoor education based alternative to
the Ministry of Education full-day kindergarten program. The curriculum is student-
centered with a focus on play and inquiry-based learning. The school offers
outstanding teacher to student ratios of 1/5 teacher-child ratio while in the forest; 1/8
or 1/13 teacher/child ratio while in the indoor/outdoor classroom.

3. The school is dedicated to following their curriculum which will include hands-on,
play-based learning opportunities and active exploration. I found that the student to
teacher ratio is more than adequate and would offer the students a lot of opportunity
for individual interaction with the teachers. The location of the facility is also in a
very advantageous location for teachers as it is within walking distance of the forest
and Ardagh Bluffs.

4. This facility only teaches kindergarten-aged students. Looking at the full-day

kindergarten program/curriculum teaching self-reliance and responsibility is one of
the many key components of the document. The forest school takes students into the
forest which requires students to be alert and aware while outside the classroom. For
this example, before going outdoors, the teacher can co-construct with the students a
list of all of the items they will need before leaving. The idea of preparation correlates
with being responsible for one's own belongings.

5. While students are exploring the forest, items that they carry are bound to be lost.
The teacher can ask students to do buddy checks with the lists of items that they made
before leaving the classroom. This simple activity aligns with the curriculum by
promoting individual responsibility but also introduces aspects of belonging and
contributing section of the curriculum by making students use problem-solving skills
in social situations.

6. I live down the street from this school and know the forest that the students venture
into well. I think that this school is very clear about the services it provides. One of
the major positive aspects of the school website is the blog that is regularly updated.

- Austin Vavrovics


OEEE Activity Plan

Activity Title: The Circle of Life
Grade: 1
Subject/Strand: Science: Needs & Characteristics of Living Things
Activity Description (What are you teaching? How does it fit into the context of a lesson or within a unit?
What are the big ideas/essential/enduring understandings?)

Activity is done in the outdoors. The students will learn ways that they can help maintain a healthy environment and describe
what happens when living things are taken away. Students will learn the importance of positive human actions on the
environment. Students will also learn how negative actions affect various living creatures.

Big ideas: All things are important and should be treated with care and respect.

Fundamental Concepts: Sustainability and Stewardship

Ontario Curricular Overall Expectations (numbers from documents and details)

1. assess the role of humans in maintaining a healthy environment

Ontario Curricular Specific Expectations and Achievement Chart Categories

(Numbers from documents and details) selected & listed from the Ont. Curriculum, (refined when necessary): realistic number of expectations (1 or 2), connect
to assessment. Indicate category in brackets beside specific expectation :Knowledge and Understanding( K ) Thinking (T); Communication (C);

1,1 identify personal action that they themselves can take to help maintain a healthy environment for living things,including

1.2 describe changes or problems that could result from the loss of some kinds of living things that are part of everyday life,
taking different points of view into consideration

Learning Goals Discuss with students: What will I be learning today? (Clearly identify what students are expected to know and be able to do, in
language that students can readily understand.)

I am learning…

to understand how my actions impact the environment.

to identify ways that I can help keep the environment healthy. (positive consequence cards)

to understand how the loss of one species can affect other living things (organisms).


Prior Learning: Prior to this lesson, students will have:

- discussed actions that they can take to help maintain a living environment
- recognized animals and plants that are important to them and the environment

I.E.P. program implications: Accommodations, Modifications

- as required based on IEP’s in classroom

Differentiation: Content, Process, Product, Environment, Assessment

Teacher will form groups to ensure a balance in strengths of learners.

Words and pictures on the consequence cards to indicate which level of living things is affected.

Words and pictures on the circle of life poster.

Challenge by choice: giant Jenga may be intimidating to some students; they can choose to observe the activity rather than
pull Jenga blocks (can hold basket of consequence cards).

Learning Skills/Work Habits: [ x ] responsibility, [ ] organization, [ ] independent work, [ x ] collaboration, [ ] initiative, [ ] self-regulation

Vocabulary: (for word wall addition or reference and/or to develop schema for this lesson. To be addressed in lesson)









Resources and Materials /Technology Integration: List ALL items necessary for delivery of the lesson (you can include these at the end of
document). Include any attachments of student worksheets used and teacher support material that will support communication of instruction. Include the use of
Information Technology (ICT) in your lesson plan where appropriate.

Activity Description Identify what the students are expected to think about or do.

What Teachers Do: Write the lesson description with What Students do: Identify what the students are expected to
enough detail that another teacher could replicate the think about or do (in terms of learning processes).
lesson without a personal discussion. Prompts and
guiding questions are required in each section.

Minds on: Motivational Hook/engagement /Introduction (5-15 min)

Establish a positive learning environment, connect to prior learning, set the context for learning, pre-determine key questions to guide lesson.

Time: __0____-__10____ (Indicate time breakdown of instructional


Play the beginning of ‘The Lion King’, ‘The Circle of Life’

song on video (0-2:26). Engage students in describing
the relationship between living things.

Class discussion:

- Which living things did you see in the clip?

- Are animals the only living things?
- Why is the song called ‘The Circle of Life’?
Potential answers from students:

- animals: birds, cheetah, antelope, giraffe, elephants, ants,

zebras, lions, monkey
- plants: flowers, grass, trees
- what goes around comes around, life is a circle.

Action: During /Working on it (time given for each component, suggested 15-40 min)
Focus is on student interactions with task/peers/teacher. Identify students/groups receiving teacher direction.

Time: ___10_-__35____ (Indicate time breakdown of instructional


Show poster of circle of life and discuss in relation to

Potential answers from students:

- plants need soil, insects eat plants, small animals eat

Pre-activity: set up Jenga blocks: insects, birds eat insects (and seeds), mammals can eat
birds (and other mammals), humans eat plants and
layer of blocks (these blocks do not get moved) animals

humans (labelled with masking tape)

layer of blocks (these blocks do not get moved)

mammals (labelled with masking tape)

layer of blocks (these blocks do not get moved)

birds (labelled with masking tape)

layer of blocks (these blocks do not get moved)

insects (labelled with masking tape)

layer of blocks (these blocks do not get moved)

soil (labelled with masking tape)

Split students into 2 groups:

give them a set of Jenga blocks per group and one set of
consequence cards

Students take turns drawing a consequence card. Each

card has an action on it that affects one of the living things
labelled on the Jenga blocks.

- positive: nothing changes

- negative: the block is taken out and placed on top
- repeat until block structure topples

Through using blocks, students will learn that living things

support each other. Through the green cards: students
Actions of students:
will recognize the good things they can do to support the
environment (the structure does not become weakened) - students will take turns drawing consequence cards.
and the red cards: changes or problems that result from Green cards (positive) student does nothing, red cards
the loss of some kinds of living things (the structure (negative) students remove a block and place on top
becomes weak and collapses) - students repeat until structure topples over

Questions to provoke student learning while observing

students interacting with activity:

- Why does nothing happen to the structure when

you pull a green card?
- What does a green card mean? Potential answers from students:
- Why do you pull a block when you pull a red
card? - because those are the rules / green cards are good things
- What does a red card mean? that do not hurt the environment or the circle of life
- Why did the blocks fall? - green cards are good things
- because those are the rules / red cards are things that
hurt the environment or the circle of life

- red cards are bad things

- because the structure became weak as we removed
blocks (living things from the environment)
Consolidation & Connection (Reflect and Connect) (5-15 min.)
Help students demonstrate what they have learned, provide opportunities for consolidation and reflection. Close the assessment loop.

Time: _35____-_____50__ (Indicate time breakdown of instructional


Not done in OEEE presentation

Ask the class the following questions:

Potential answers from students:
- Why did the blocks fall?
- Were the little things on the bottom blocks big or - because the structure became weak as we removed living
small? things from the environment

Walk around the school yard and discuss what living - small blocks: insects, plants, etc.. support larger things
things the students see and how things rely on each like lions or humans

*this activity helps solidify the knowledge in the real world - trees (other plant examples) need soil to grow in
and leads into the next lesson - squirrels/birds live in trees
- insects need plants

Extension Activities/Next Steps (where will this lesson lead to next)

- Discuss how things would be different for us as humans if there were no cows (or trees, insects, bats, grass)? How
would things be different for other living things?
- Students will draw a picture of what happens to the world from different points of view when there is a loss of a living
thing (ie. the point of view of flowers or children if lost all the cows, or insects) and write a short descriptive sentence.

Resources & Materials (include any relevant docs, PDFs, required to facilitate the activity here)
OEEE Activity Plan

Activity Title: Air and Water Explorers!

Grade: 2
Subject/Strand: Science - Air and Water in the Environment

Activity Description (What are you teaching? How does it fit into the context of a lesson or within a unit? What are
the big ideas/essential/enduring understandings?)

Investigative hike and discussion, where students have the opportunity to explore air and water in a natural environment.
Emphasis on making connections between air, water, and the rest of the world.

Prior knowledge from within the unit: Students will have learned the difference between solids, liquids, and vapours

Big Ideas:
Living things need air and water to survive.

Changes to air and water affect living things and the environment.


Ontario Curricular Overall Expectations (numbers from documents and details)

Overall Expectation
3. demonstrate an understanding of the ways in which air and water are used by living things to help them meet their basic

Ontario Curricular Specific Expectations and Achievement Chart Categories

(Numbers from documents and details) selected & listed from the Ont. Curriculum, (refined when necessary): realistic number of expectations (1 or 2), connect
to assessment. Indicate category in brackets beside specific expectation :Knowledge and Understanding( K ) Thinking (T); Communication (C);

3.3: describe ways in which living things, including humans, depend on air and water. (K, T, C)

Learning Goals Discuss with students: What will I be learning today? (Clearly identify what students are expected to know and be able to do, in
language that students can readily understand.)

I can:
● Identify where air and water can be found
● Describe how living things depend on air and water
● Brainstorm ways in which I can protect air and water


Prior Learning:
Prior to this lesson, students will have:
2.2: investigate, through experimentation, the characteristics of air and its uses
2.3: investigate, through experimentation, the characteristics of water and its uses
3.1: identify air as a gaseous substance that surrounds us and whose movement we feel as wind
3.2: identify water as a clear, colourless, odourless, tasteless liquid that exists in three states and that is necessary for the life of
most animals and plants

I.E.P. program implications: Accommodations, Modifications

To modify this activity to accommodate physical exceptionalities, students could investigate air and water in the environment
through sit-spots as opposed to a hike.

Differentiation: Content, Process, Product, Environment, Assessment

For the investigative hike, students who are experiencing difficulty with the activity or environment may pair up with a teacher or
parent volunteer.

Learning Skills/Work Habits: [ ] responsibility, [ ] organization, [ ] independent work, [ ] collaboration, [ ] initiative, [ ] self-regulation

This activity addresses the following Learning Skills/Work Habits:

Responsibility, collaboration, self regulation

Vocabulary: (for word wall addition or reference and/or to develop schema for this lesson. To be addressed in lesson)
Solid, liquid, vapour, condensation, precipitation, conservation

Resources and Materials /Technology Integration: List ALL items necessary for delivery of the lesson (you can include these at the end of
document). Include any attachments of student worksheets used and teacher support material that will support communication of instruction. Include the use of
Information Technology (ICT) in your lesson plan where appropriate.
● Whiteboard (portable)
● Whiteboard markers
● Whiteboard eraser
● Students must have outdoor clothing
● Whistle or rain stick
● First aid kit
● Emergency binder (with student’s emergency and medical information)
● Yarn

Activity Description Identify what the students are expected to think about
or do.

What Teachers Do: Write the lesson description with What Students do: Identify what the students are
enough detail that another teacher could replicate the expected to think about or do (in terms of learning
lesson without a personal discussion. Prompts and guiding processes). [WU1]
questions are required in each section.

Minds on: Motivational Hook/engagement /Introduction (5-15 min)

Establish a positive learning environment, connect to prior learning, set the context for learning, pre-determine key questions to guide lesson.

Time: 5-7 minutes Students follow facilitator on short hike to designated

Hike to a designated spot in the forest. At the spot, have a quick location.
(2 minute) discussion on what air is and what water is.
Prompts: Students participate in brief introductory discussion,
● “Who can tell me what air is?” providing ideas and thoughts regarding questions posed by
● “Is it a solid, gas?” facilitator.
● “What is water?”
● “Where can we find water?” Students should be able to tell the facilitator that air is made
of gas, that you can feel it through the wind, and that it does
not have colour.

They should be able to state that water is a liquid and that

you can find water in ponds, streams, and in plants.

Action: During /Working on it (time given for each component, suggested 15-40 min)
Focus is on student interactions with task/peers/teacher. Identify students/groups receiving teacher direction.

Time: 7 - 10 mins Groups will set out and begin to explore their surroundings.
With a piece of yarn provided, students will make a loop on
In small groups, students will be instructed to identify 3 things the ground to focus their attention on a specific area and
within their immediate environment that require water or air to begin to make a list in their heads of things that depend on
live. air and water to survive. ( Ex. trees need water to grow,
Specific instructions: insects need air to breath)
- groups must stay along paths/in open space within
eyesight of facilitators/parents/teachers Students must work cooperatively and listen for the sound
- groups must return to the designated location when they of a whistle.
hear the sound of a whistle

Consolidation & Connection (Reflect and Connect) (5-15 min.)

Help students demonstrate what they have learned, provide opportunities for consolidation and reflection. Close the assessment loop.

Time: 5 - 7 minutes

After the whistle or rain stick, students will return to the Students will participating in the class discussion by raising
designated location. their hands and sharing their ideas regarding what they
A facilitator-led discussion will allow students to share their ideas found/saw in their groups.
on what they found.
They will respond to the prompting questions and actively
Prompts: listen to others responses in order to obtain a deeper
● “What did you see out there that requires air/water to understanding of the specific expectations.
● “Do things that need water to live also need air?”
● “What happens if we take away air/water? Will plants
survive? How about animals?”
● “How can we help keep the water or air clean?”

The facilitator will documents the students’ contribution to the

discussion on the whiteboard.

Extension Activities/Next Steps (where will this lesson lead to next)

Following this activity (back in the classroom), the next lesson or culminating activity may include having students research and
produce posters promoting the protection/conservation of clean water and air.

OEEE Activity Plan

Activity Title: Frogger

Grade: 2

Subject/Strand: (Science) Understanding Life Systems - Growth and Changes in Animals

Activity Description (What are you teaching? How does it fit into the context of a lesson or within a unit?
What are the big ideas/essential/enduring understandings?)

● Big Idea: “Humans need to protect animals and the places where they live”. (Overall expectation 1)
● This activity is an extension of a lesson on positive and negative effects human activity has on animals
and their habitats (specifically on frogs)
● Students will be able to participate in a physical activity to act out and experience positive and negative
impacts humans have on frogs in a series of constructed scenarios
● Afterwards, students will discuss the results from the individual scenarios to see how negative and
positive human activity affect frog population
● Students will be able to play this game outside (possibly at a conservation area that has a pond) and
after may be able to go view frogs in their natural habitat in order to form an ecological connection
with the natural world

Frogger game:

Each game has 3 rounds: egg, tadpole, and frog stages.

The goal is to survive from egg to frog.

The game space is a pond (the frog’s habitat) that is impacted by human activity.

Eggs must walk, tadpoles may run, and frogs must hop.

If the facilitator blows the whistle, players must freeze on the spot.

Game 1: (played for 3 rounds of egg, tadpole, and frog).

2 players choose a spot in the pond and act as pollution.

The starting pollution may walk.

If the pollution tags a player, that player must freeze in place and becomes pollution that can in turn tag other
players. Pollution that has been converted from frogs cannot walk.

The players that make it from one side of the pond to the other without being tagged by pollution have
survived the round and will prepare to cross the pond again in the next stage of frog life.

Pollution stays in play in the same place for the remaining rounds.

Game 2:

2 starting pollution.

On round 2: facilitator blows the whistle and players must freeze.

“Lake clean-up!” is announced, and one pollution is removed from play.

Game 3:

1 starting pollution.

On round 2: facilitator blows the whistle and players must freeze.


“Habitat loss!” is announced and part of the field is marked off and any players in the habitat loss zone are
removed from play.

Game 4:

1 starting pollution.

Whistle: “Conservation Area!” Part of the playing field is designated a conservation area where pollution can’t


Ontario Curricular Overall Expectations (numbers from documents and details)

“Understanding Life Systems”

1. assess ways in which animals have an impact on society and the environment, and ways

in which humans have an impact upon animals and the places where they live;

Ontario Curricular Specific Expectations and Achievement Chart Categories

(Numbers from documents and details) selected & listed from the Ont. Curriculum, (refined when necessary):
realistic number of expectations (1 or 2), connect to assessment. Indicate category in brackets beside specific
expectation :Knowledge and Understanding( K ) Thinking (T); Communication (C); Application(A)

1.2 identify positive and negative impacts that different kinds of human activity have on animals and where
they live (e.g., actions of animal lovers and groups that protect animals and their rights, the home-owner who
wants a nice lawn, people who visit zoos and wildlife parks, pet owners), form an opinion about one of them,
and suggest ways in which the impact can be minimized or enhanced (T/K)

Learning Goals Discuss with students: What will I be learning today? (Clearly identify what students are
expected to know and be able to do, in language that students can readily understand.)

Today I will be learning about how the things we do impact other living things. I will be able to tell the
difference between a negative impact and a positive impact.

I will be able to identify three of the life cycles of a frog.


Prior Learning: Prior to this lesson, students will have:

● learned about the life cycle of a frog (egg, tadpole, frog)

● learned about different positive and negative impacts humans have on frogs and where frogs live
(habitat) such as: pollution vs pollution cleanup/prevention, and human development causing habitat
loss vs protecting habitat (conservation area)

I.E.P. program implications: Accommodations, Modifications

● Indoor programming at Reagen House in inclement weather

● This game is accessible to all students even those with exceptionalities

Differentiation: Content, Process, Product, Environment, Assessment

The content of the game could be differentiated to fit other units, we could use different species, or
different variables to affect the pond environment

Learning Skills/Work Habits: [X] responsibility, [ ] organization, [ ] independent work, [X] collaboration, [
] initiative, [X] self-regulation

● Students will act responsibly during the activity by following the rules and not cheating
● Students will work with their peers to participate in the activity
● Students will self regulate their behaviour to follow rules of the activity

Vocabulary: (for word wall addition or reference and/or to develop schema for this lesson. To be addressed
in lesson)

- tadpole

- pollution

- conservation

- habitat
- environment

Resources and Materials /Technology Integration: List ALL items necessary for delivery of the lesson (you
can include these at the end of document). Include any attachments of student worksheets used and teacher
support material that will support communication of instruction. Include the use of Information Technology
(ICT) in your lesson plan where appropriate.

-pylons (ground markers)

-clipboard/ marker

-whistle (optional)

Activity Description Identify what the students are expected to

think about or do.

What Teachers Do: Write the lesson description with What Students do: Identify what the students
enough detail that another teacher could replicate are expected to think about or do (in terms of
the lesson without a personal discussion. Prompts learning processes). [WU1]
and guiding questions are required in each section.

Minds on: Motivational Hook/engagement /Introduction (5-15 min) Establish a positive

learning environment, connect to prior learning, set the context for learning, pre-determine key questions to
guide lesson.

Time: 2-5 minutes.

● Students will listen to instructions

● Describe the game to the students

“Today we will be playing…”

“This is how you play..”

Action: During /Working on it (time given for each component, suggested 15-40 min)

Focus is on student interactions with task/peers/teacher. Identify students/groups receiving teacher


Time:15-20 minutes
● Randomly pick out two students to be pollution ● Students will participate in the game
● Start playing the game in four different ways that ● Listen to instructions throughout the game
highlight the positive and negative impacts of and follow the rules
humans on the frog pond ● As students are participating, they can
● Keep tally of how many students make it to the observe how the number of their peers
last round “adulthood” each game survive each round

Consolidation & Connection (Reflect and Connect) (5-15 min.)

Help students demonstrate what they have learned, provide opportunities for consolidation and reflection.
Close the assessment loop.

Time: 5-7 minutes

-students will relate the game with their learning

goals and understand the purpose of playing the
We will discuss with students the tally of how many game
adult frogs lived each game. Then discuss possible
implications and why these results occurred.

Extension Activities/Next Steps (where will this lesson lead to next)

● This lesson could lead to a project on human impacts on ponds

● It could also lead to a lesson on life cycles of other animals, (The game could be played as a variety of
different animals)

Resources & Materials (include any relevant docs, PDFs, required to facilitate the activity here)

● N/A

OEEE Activity Plan

Activity Title: Winter’s Coming

Grade: Grade 3: Growth and Change in Plants
Subject/Strand: Science

Activity Description (What are you teaching? How does it fit into the context of a lesson or within a unit? What are
the big ideas/essential/enduring understandings?)

Students will be able to identify the distinct characteristics of the growth cycle of a tomato plant. Using play based
learning students will re-enact the life cycle of the tomato plant. Students will be introduced to environmental factors
that affect the life cycle of the plant.

Students will play the Evolution game. Students will progress through five stages: seed, germination, cotyledon,
flower, tomato, harvest (end game by beating teacher) by winning games of rock-paper-scissors against the same
level, ex: seed vs. seed, flower vs. flower. When a student loses rock-paper-scissors they go back one stage of the
cycle. If students are not harvested by the teacher by winning a game of rock-paper-scissors they will turn back into
a seed. The students will use body actions to represent each stage of the growth cycle. To incorporate
environmental factors into the game students who are not harvested by the teacher will turn into frost. When a
student is frost they can no longer grow. Students who are frost convert students who are one of the five stages.

This activity will allow students to engage in the life cycle of the plant.


Ontario Curricular Overall Expectations (numbers from documents and details)


2. investigate similarities and differences in the characteristics of various plants, and ways in which the
characteristics of plants relate to the environment in which they grow.

3. demonstrate an understanding that plants grow and change and have distinct characteristics.

Ontario Curricular Specific Expectations and Achievement Chart Categories

(Numbers from documents and details) selected & listed from the Ont. Curriculum, (refined when necessary):
realistic number of expectations (1 or 2), connect to assessment. Indicate category in brackets beside specific
expectation :Knowledge and Understanding( K ) Thinking (T); Communication (C); Application(A)

2.4 investigate ways in which a variety of plants adapt and/or react to their environment, including changes in their
environment, using a variety of methods

2.6 use appropriate science and technology vocabulary, including stem, leaf, root, pistil, stamen, flower, adaptation,
and germination, in oral and written communication

Learning Goals Discuss with students: What will I be learning today? (Clearly identify what students are
expected to know and be able to do, in language that students can readily understand.)

I will learn how external environments affect the growth of plants.

I will be able to describe the various growth stages of plants.

I will be able to identify the different parts of plants.


Prior Learning: Prior to this lesson, students will have:

-we have discussed plant cycles in class

-we have discussed the rules of rock, paper scissors

I.E.P. program implications: Accommodations, Modifications

-move inside in case of rain

-Reagan House and use of scout valley outdoor space

Differentiation: Content, Process, Product, Environment, Assessment

Adding in different elements/restrictions to the game


Learning Skills/Work Habits: [ ] responsibility, [ ] organization, [ ] independent work, [ ] collaboration, [ ]

initiative, [ ] self-regulation

Collaboration: playing a game interacting with others to learn about plant stages

Vocabulary: (for word wall addition or reference and/or to develop schema for this lesson. To be addressed in

Seed, seedling, sprout, cotyledon, harvest, flower, fruit, germinate

Resources and Materials /Technology Integration: List ALL items necessary for delivery of the lesson (you can
include these at the end of document). Include any attachments of student worksheets used and teacher support
material that will support communication of instruction. Include the use of Information Technology (ICT) in your
lesson plan where appropriate.

-chart paper (as needed)

-markers (as needed)
-tomato (as needed)

Activity Description Identify what the students are expected to think

about or do.

What Teachers Do: Write the lesson description with What Students do: Identify what the students are
enough detail that another teacher could replicate the expected to think about or do (in terms of learning
lesson without a personal discussion. Prompts and processes). [WU1]
guiding questions are required in each section.

Minds on: Motivational Hook/engagement /Introduction (5-15 min)

Establish a positive learning environment, connect to prior learning, set the context for learning, pre-determine key
questions to guide lesson.

Time: __0_-___10 min__ (Indicate time breakdown of

instructional elements)

Welcome everyone, thank you for coming in and listening Students will answer and be reminded that we have
so well. Today we have an excellent activity planned. But been learning about the changes in plants. We have
before we get into this wonderful experience, who can tell also been taking a closer look at the life cycle of a
me what we’ve been speaking about over the past few tomato plant.
weeks? What are some important elements of the life cycle
of the tomato plant? What does it need to grow and
develop through the process?

(after they answer) That’s right. We have been learning

about the tomato plant and how it will grow from seed to
fruit. We have examined how it will begin as a seed and
with the help of sunshine, soil and water will develop and
progress through the various stages of germination.

Because all of you have been doing such a great job with
your work and understanding, we get to apply what we’ve
learned in a fun interactive game. Does everyone know
how to play rock-paper-scissors?
Students nod and show us that they do know how to
play RPS.

Action: During /Working on it (time given for each component, suggested 15-40 min)
Focus is on student interactions with task/peers/teacher. Identify students/groups receiving teacher direction.

Time: 40 minutes

5 minutes: Students will gather in a circle to learn the Students will gather in circle.
rules of the activity.

The teacher will explain the five stages of the life cycle of Students will be listening to instructions and
a tomato plant. The students have learned these stages demonstrating knowledge of hand signals.
in a previous lesson.

Teacher will say: Okay everyone, this game is called the

evolution game. In order to play this game you need to
move through the life cycle of a plant. What we need to
know first is the hand signals we will use. The first hand Students will ask questions about instructions of
signal is a seed (puts hands together), the second is a game.
sprout (raises index fingers), the third is the cotyledon
leaves (separate hands, connected at palm), the fourth
stage is the flowering of the plant (palms open beside
head), and the fifth stage is the production of the fruit
(hands down, making fist). When you have made it to the
last stage you will then go to the teacher (farmer) and
battle by playing rock-paper-scissors. If the teacher wins,
your tomatoes will fall off the plant and return to the
ground to decompose. Then you turn into a seed again
and start the cycle over. To play the game you need to
find another seed to start and play rock-paper-scissors
with. When you win your round of rock-paper-scissors you
can evolve to the next stage and you will need to find a
sprout… Teacher explains all of the cycles.

20 minutes: Students will participate in activity without an

additional environmental modifiers. Students will play
multiple rounds.

5 minutes: Teacher will explain a new hand signal (frost)

and how that affects the game. Students who lose against
the teacher will turn into frost. Any students who are frost Students will participate in activity. Multiple rounds of
can turn another student into frost by winning rock-paper- the game will be played.
scissors against them.

10 minutes: students will play using the environmental

factor (frost) until the consolidation and connection
section of the lesson.

Students will listen to teacher and learn new

modification to the activity.

Students will participate in the activity, multiple

rounds will be played.

Consolidation & Connection (Reflect and Connect) (5-15 min.)

Help students demonstrate what they have learned, provide opportunities for consolidation and reflection. Close the
assessment loop.

15 mins

Teacher will clap a pattern Students will repeat the pattern

Teacher will transition students back to the meeting area to Students head back to the meeting area.
discuss what they have learned.

Teacher will say, “Great job everyone! In your science

journals, please jot down the growth stages of a tomato Students retrieve their science journals.
plant. Remember, we discussed and acted out these
stages in our game and we have been discussing this over
the past few weeks. You may talk to your elbow partner to With their elbow partner, students recall the growth
review these stages and record them in your journal. stages of a tomato plant. Students jot down the stages
Please add a quick sketch of each stage and please try not in their journal.
to look back in your journal for other notes you might have
made about the growth stages of a tomato plant”

“Great work!”

“Please raise your hand if you were affected by the frost

factor in our game? Wow, that many?”

“What are other external environmental factors that affect Students raise their hand.
the growth of plants? Remember, we used frost in our
game but there are many other factors that might affect the
growth of plants. With your elbow partner please
brainstorm a list of other factors.” Students brainstorm with their elbow partner.

Teacher will post a piece of chart paper on the board and

say, “Let’s share what we have come up with. I will record
your ideas so we can post it on our science wall.”

“Excellent work! Tomorrow we will continue our exploration

of growth and changes in plants! Please put your journals Students will actively participate in discussion and
away and get ready for nutrition break.” share their ideas.

Students put their journals away and get ready for

nutrition break.

Extension Activities/Next Steps (where will this lesson lead to next)

Resources & Materials (include any relevant docs, PDFs, required to facilitate the activity here)
Created by: Max, Jeremy, Katie & Erin

OEEE Activity Plan

Activity Title: Paper Airplane Flight Challenge
Grade: 6
Subject/Strand: Science & Technology / Flight
Activity Description (What are you teaching? How does it fit into the context of a lesson or within a
unit? What are the big ideas/essential/enduring understandings?)

Students form groups of 3-4 people and design a paper-airplane using resources provided:
 Round #1: Paper
 Round #2: Paper – Paper clips & alternate plane designs

Groups will gather at a starting line to race paper airplanes – as new elements (paper clips & design templates) are
introduced students will discuss how the different designs impacted the distance their plane flew. This exercise will
explore key concepts of flight such as drag, lift, thrust and aerodynamics.

Following this activity, we will debrief as a class to discuss the difference each change made to their planes ability to fly
and expand on these concepts to discuss and make predictions about what factors allow birds to fly and the differences
between birds (weight, wingspan) and how this impacts their flight.

Ontario Curricular Overall Expectations (numbers from documents and details)
Understanding Structures and Mechanisms: Flight

Overall Expectation:
2. investigate ways in which flying devices make use of properties of air
3. explain ways in which properties of air can be applied to the principles of flight and flying devices.

Ontario Curricular Specific Expectations and Achievement Chart Categories

(Numbers from documents and details) selected & listed from the Ont. Curriculum, (refined when necessary): realistic number of expectations (1 or 2),
connect to assessment. Indicate category in brackets beside specific expectation :Knowledge and Understanding( K ) Thinking (T); Communication
(C); Application(A)
Specific Expectations:
2.4 use technological problem-solving skills (see page 16) to design, build, and test a flying device (e.g., a
kite, a paper airplane, a hot air balloon). (A) (T)
2.5 use appropriate science and technology vocabulary, including aerodynamics, compress, flight, glide,
propel, drag, thrust, and lift, in oral and written communication (C) (K)

Learning Goals Discuss with students: What will I be learning today? (Clearly identify what students are expected to know and be able to do,
in language that students can readily understand.)

1. Students will design, build and test a flying device

2. Students will understand the flight concepts of lift, drag, thurst and weight
Prior Learning: Prior to this lesson, students will have:

Students will have been introduced to basic flight concepts in the classroom and some vocabulary such as drag, thrust,
lift and aerodynamics. It is anticipated that this exercise is one of the first introductions to the flight unit for Grade 6
students and as such students will not be asked to build too much upon prior knowledge.

I.E.P. program implications: Accommodations, Modifications


Differentiation: Content, Process, Product, Environment, Assessment

N/A for this lesson

Learning Skills/Work Habits: [ ] responsibility, [ ] organization, [ ] independent work, [X] collaboration, [X] initiative, [ ] self-regulation

- Collaboration: small group learning

- Problem-solving/thinking
- Initiative

Vocabulary: (for word wall addition or reference and/or to develop schema for this lesson. To be addressed in lesson)
 Aerodynamics
 Compress
 Flight
 Glide
 Propel
 Drag
 Thrust
 Lift
Resources and Materials /Technology Integration: List ALL items necessary for delivery of the lesson (you can include these at the
end of document). Include any attachments of student worksheets used and teacher support material that will support communication of instruction.
Include the use of Information Technology (ICT) in your lesson plan where appropriate.
 Paper
 Paper-clips
 Starting line rope
 Measuring tape
 Design templates (taken from
Activity Description Identify what the students are expected to think about
or do.
What Teachers Do: Write the lesson description with What Students do: Identify what the students are
enough detail that another teacher could replicate the expected to think about or do (in terms of learning
lesson without a personal discussion. Prompts and processes).
guiding questions are required in each section.
Minds on: Motivational Hook/engagement /Introduction (5-15 min)
Establish a positive learning environment, connect to prior learning, set the context for learning, pre-determine key questions to guide lesson.
Time: __8:30__-__8:40__ (Indicate time breakdown of instructional

(10 minute exercise for a 60 minute classroom lesson – we won’t be

doing this as part of our 20 minute class presentation. 5 minute
introduction for OEE class)
Students will participate in warm up activity. Share
what they know about flight and ask questions
Teacher will lead a warm-up game (duck-duck- about what they want to learn.
goose – “bird-bird-new bird”) to get everybody's
blood flowing and activate “minds-on.” Students
gather in circle, teacher gives game instructions
and starts play. Following the activity, facilitator
will ask children what they already know about

planes, what they want to know and introduce the

activity of making paper planes.

Action: During /Working on it (time given for each component, suggested 15-40 min)
Focus is on student interactions with task/peers/teacher. Identify students/groups receiving teacher direction.
Time: _8:40_-__9:20__ (Indicate time breakdown of instructional

(40 minutes total for lesson plan with students – for

outdoor ed class we will do 2 of these (10 minutes total) Students listen respectfully to knowledgeable teachers
without the debrief after the activity – instead we will do (5 min)
the debrief as part of the conclusions)
Groups build paper airplane (5 min x3)
Hand out materials – (1 min) - Students form groups of 3-4 people and design a
paper-airplane using resources provided:
Explain how to build paper airplane (4 min).
Students race airplanes (5 min x3)
Introduce building challenge and race – have students
form into groups (5 minutes): Students ask questions that they have and discuss the
flight habits of their plane (5 min)
 Round #1: Paper (5 minutes)
 Race & Debrief (5 minutes)
 Round #2: Paper, Tape & Paper-clip (5 minutes)
 Race & Debrief (5 minutes)
 Round #3: Folding tail up & down (5 minutes)
 Race & Debrief (5 minutes)

Teacher introduces concept/vocabulary of drag, lift, thrust

as students debrief on race results.

Consolidation & Connection (Reflect and Connect) (5-15 min.)

Help students demonstrate what they have learned, provide opportunities for consolidation and reflection. Close the assessment loop.
Time: __9:20__-__9:30_ (Indicate time breakdown of instructional

(10 minutes total for lesson plan with students – 5 minutes for OEE
class) Students will share experiences of the paper plane
challenge, analyzing which techniques worked best using
The teacher will lead a final debrief inviting students to flight terminology.
reflect on how changing elements of their planes impacted
the distance they were able to fly and how these same Students will make inferences and predictions on how the
principles might be applied to the flight of birds (or other principles of flight extend to birds.
elements of nature that fly) (10 minutes)

Key questions:
 How does your device use the principles of flight?
 How do these principles show up in nature to
enable birds to fly?
 How do birds use principles of aerodynamics,
weight, lift and drag in their flight?

Extension Activities/Next Steps (where will this lesson lead to next)

Teachers will record the length of each plane’s flight for round number 1 and round number 2 (round number 3 if the
class allows time). After the completion of the lesson the teacher will expand on the lesson through incorporating math.
The teacher will have the students graph the classes flight distances. Having the graphs be broken up by rounds
provides an opportunity to discuss the design differences and engage the students in a conversation about how the lift,

or drag might have been affected causing the distance differences. This next step is cross-curricular and allows for
follow up lessons to be introduced with a math lens in addition to the previous science lens.
Resources & Materials (include any relevant docs, PDFs, required to facilitate the activity here)

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