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Major List of Master & PhD of NENU International Student 2018

学院 授课语言 校区 专业
Faculty/School Language Campus Major
*课程与教学论 *教育史
*教育学原理 *比较教育学
Curriculum and History of
Principle of Education Comparative Education
Pedagogy Education
教育学部 学前教育学 教育经济与管理
1 C/E M *农村教育 *教师教育
Faculty of Education Pre-school Educational Economy and
Rural Education Teacher Education
Education Management
Educational Management and Policy
经济学院 *世界经济 *金融学
2 C/E J
School of Economics World Economics Finance
心理学院 *基础心理学 Developmental and
3 C/E M Applied
School of Psychology General Psychology Educational
*无机化学 *分析化学 *有机化学 *物理化学
Inorganic Chemistry Analytical Chemistry Organic Chemistry Physical Chemistry
4 C/E M *材料物理与化学
School of Chemistry 化学工程 *高分子化学与物理
Materials Physics and
Chemical Engineering Chemistry and Physics of Polymers
*植物学 *动物学 生理学 微生物学
Botany Zoology Physiology Microbiology
生命科学学院 *细胞生物学 *遗传学 *生态学 *草学
5 C/E M
School of Life Sciences Cell Biology Genetics Ecology Agrostology
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

地理科学学院 *自然地理学 *人文地理学 *地图学与地理信息系统

6 C/E M
School of Geographical Sciences Physical Geography Human Geography Cartography and Geography Information System
环境学院 生态学 *环境工程
7 C/E J Environmental
School of Environment Ecology Environmental Engineering
1. 授课语言中,C代表中文,E代表英文。
In the item of instruction language, C indicates Chinese and E indicates English.
2. 校区中,M代表本部校区,J代表净月校区。
In the item of Campus, M indicates Main Campus and J indicates Jingyue Campus.
3. 加*为博士和硕士学位专业,☆为博士学位专业,无特殊标志为硕士学位专业。
Majors listed with a * are PhD and Master's programs.☆ are PhD program, while those without special mark are Master’s programs.

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