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Eslovacos não podem falar húngaro. Tem metade do tamanho do Estado de São Paulo.

We know about the austro-hungarian prince’s murder in Bosnia. The killer was a Young serbian
student. The fact is that the austro-hungarian empire and Serbia had have some conflicts about
their land and the power of the austro-hungarian monarchy. So the austro-hungarian empire
took advantage of it and made a list of demands to the Serbian government. The list
underestimated the soberany of Serbia and was not accept. Two days later the war started.

There’s no way to know for sure the exactly numbers of the hungarian army, but the austro-
hungarian empire had something arround 3 million soldiers, of wich roughly 250 thousand of
them died during the war.

The Hungarian Army was reduced to a mere 30.000 troops, Hungary was forbidden to have air
force, tanks and any more sophisticated weapons. The borders were set in such a way that all
natural defense lines were crossed making the remaining territory totally vulnerable and difficult
to defend. The Czechoslovak border was drawn at 30 km from Budapest to put the city in the
range of the Czechoslovak cannons aligned on the border.

In november of 1918, with the collapse of the army, Austria-Hungary also collapsed. The ethnic
groups of the empire called for independent nation-states. Hungary lost two-thirds of its
territory, more than half of its population, more territory than any other country at that time.
Eight million Hungarians left in Hungary and more than 3 million Hungarians were stranded
outside of the newly established borders. New nations, such as Czechoslovakia, Poland, were
established and some already existing countries have extended their territories (Italy and
Romania) More than 104.000 square km were awarded by the to Romania, more than what was
left for Hungary itself

Hungarians soldiers.



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