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Interview questions:

1. How much does therapy actually play a role in psychiatry specifically? Is it more
diagnosis and prescribing, or sitting down and working with the patients?

2. Is your job different than what you thought it would be?

3. What is the most challenging aspect of your work?

4. What course of study would you recommend in college for a student looking to pursue a
career in psychiatry?

5. How much continuing education are you required to have in your field, and how do you
get it?

6. In your opinion, how has the market changed in terms of competitive employment?

7. Has your career changed based on the use of the internet or new technological

8. What is your experience in the private world vs. the public world (private practice vs.
public practice)?

9. What does a typical day doing your job usually look like? What are the most common
things you deal with in your work?

10. At what age would you say a patient is truly capable of articulating what is wrong?

11. What advice would you give to someone who is thinking about pursuing a career in this

● Email is strongly suggested

● Copy Mr. Rhodes in the email
○ Let the person know that you are copying your instructor into the email
● One, maybe two emails: do not email back and forth like 8 times
○ Wait and gather thoughts/questions; know what you want to ask/say
■ The interview is meant to fill in any holes in your paper
○ DO NOT wait until the last minute
● Don’t give a due date
● The first things you should say is something like “Hello, thank you for taking the time to
talk with me…”
● Don’t respond quickly
○ Take time and read through what they said, look up things that you may not
understand, and then reply back with follow up questions if needed
● End with something like “Thank you for your time…”
● NEVER ask about salary
● Use research to prompt questions
● Only ask about 10 questions
○ Don’t take up too much of their time
● Balance it out between specific and generic questions

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