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Exercise B, p.

1. A mass of blood, or “black-and-blue” mark, is a/an hematoma.
2. A red blood cell is a/an erythrocyte.
3. Inflammation of the small intestine is enteritis.
4. The prediction about the outcome of an illness is a/an prognosis.
5. The record of electricity in the brain is a/an electroencephalogram.
6. The study of women and women’s diseases is gynecology.
7. The record of electricity in the heart is a/an electrocardiogram.
8. Complete knowledge of a patient’s illness on the basis of tests and other information is a/an
9. A protein found in red blood cells is hemoglobin.
10. Inflammation of the liver is hepatitis.
Exercise F, p.26
1. Nerve pain is neuralgia.
2. Presence of large numbers of immature, cancerous white blood cells is a blood condition
known as leukemia.
3. An x-ray record of a joint is arthrogram.
4. Study of the kidney is nephrology.
5. Tumor of the liver is hepatoma.
6. Visual examination of the abdomen is laparoscopy.
7. An incision of a joint is called arthrotomy.
8. Abnormal condition of the skin is dermatosis.
9. Inflammation of the skin is dermatitis.
10. A specialist in the study of blood is a hematologist.
Exercise G, p.26
1. hyper- above; excessive.
2. sub- under; below.
3. dys- abnormal.
4. trans- across.
5. retro- behind.
6. dia- complete.
7. exo- outside.
8. aut- self.
9. hypo- deficient.
10. endo- within; inner.
11. peri- surrounding.
Exercise I, p.27
1. hypogastric; Pertaining to under the stomach
2. gastralgia; Pain in the stomach
3. gastritis; Inflammation of the stomach
4. transgastric; Pertaining to across or through the stomach
5. gastroscopy; Process of visually examining the stomach
6. retrogastric; Pertaining to behind the stomach
7. gastroenterology; Study of the stomach and intestines
8. gastrotomy; Incision of the stomach
9. gastrorectomy; Excision of the stomach
10. gastroscope; Instrument to visually examine the stomach

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