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Gavin Krebs

Assignments in Physics Description

For these small assignments, I tested my theories about how objects accelerate with

differing masses. In the elevator assignment, I learned that the normal force that the elevator

provides on the test subject (in this case, another student) is unbalanced when accelerating and

balanced when the test subject was at a constant speed. I learned through this assignment that

objects must have unbalanced forces to accelerate. In physics class, I and the other students, test

to understand why things are the way they are. Physics class has taught me a very important

lesson and that lesson is to not be afraid to ask why. When you ask why, you really learn a

lesson when you end up with an answer that is, “Let’s test it.”. Another assignment that I have

truly benefited from is another testing assignment. For this second assignment, I and the other

students tested a cart that had a connected pulley system. In our test, we learned how changing

the masses of the weight on the pulley affects the acceleration of the cart. Do successfully

complete this assignment, we had to use special sensors that connect to our laptops and display

the change in position and velocity on a computerized graph. The graph allowed us to get very

accurate info and make adjustments to make our own equation that was directly proportional to

the results. In Physics class for this first semester has allowed me to not be afraid to ask how and

why and the result of that is me being able to think critically and truly understand other subjects

like math, better.

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