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This type of tissue is found widely distributed around the organs. It is crossed by many delicate threads, yel the Lissue resists tearing and is somewhat elastic. It serves to protect and support the organs. If such an organ is gently pulled out of its position, the strands of areolar tissue will be easily seen. The presence of great space between the fibers allows the accumulation of fluid. When the accumulation of fluid becomes abnormal, the condition is termed edema. Cartitage. Cartilage is a smooth mass of intercellular substance in which the connective tissue cells are embedded. They appear as continuous, fused, homogenous material. Ordinarily, individual fibers are not so visible. Cartilage is found in many structures throughout the body, and plays an important supporting role. IL also appear between bones to set. as cushion. Fibrous lissue. The fibers are very dense, wide and strong. The cells are aligned between Lhe appearance attributed Lo the character of the fibers. It is proper. Lo emphasize at this point that /endons at- tach muscles to bones, ligaments, bind bones together at joints, and fasciae hold bundles of muscle together. Bone or Osseous Tissuc, Bone is a connective tissue in which the intercellular substance is rendered hard by being impregnated with mineral salts, chiefly calcium phosphate and calcium carbonate. The inorganic matter constitute about two-thirds of the weight of the bone. Organic matter consist of cells, blood vessels and cartilagen- ous substance. Bone freed from inorganic matter is called decal- cified. It is rather a tough, flexible elastic substance that can be tied in knot. Bone freed from organic matter is white and brittle that can be crushed from the fingers. Bone isa living tissue, though at first inspection one may doubt fact. It has the property of metabolism, Constantly, it is assimi- lating substances and converting them to new bone and at the same time tearing down and discarding old bone. If a long bone is cut longitudinally, it will be found to contain medullary cana! filled with bone marrow. Generally, the center of Lhe canal is yellow, while the end of the bone is red. The red marrow is an important factory for many of the blood cells. ‘The bones except the ends where they are in articulation with other bones, are covered with fibrous membrane ‘The formation of bone is said to be complex process, although an interesting one. The skeleton in a young embryo is represented with cartilage and fibrous membranes. Around eight weeks old, the bone begins to develop in these two tissues. ‘Throughout life there is a constant “turnover” of bone, which means new bone is deposited and old bone is reabsorbed constantly. ‘The osteoblasts and osteoclasts are the types of cells associated with this process. Generally, osteoblasts are responsible for the forma- tion of new bone, and the osteoclasts bring about reabsorption. It is worth knowing that although this process is constant, later in life, it is going on a slower and slower rate. It is for this reason that bone when fractured heal so much faster in young individuals than they do in older people. MUSCLE TISSUES There are three types of muscle tissue: striated, involuntary, and cardiac. Striated or voluntary muscle has cross-striations and can be controlled at will. Nervous tissue is divided into 1.) nervous tissue proper and 2.) interstitial tissue (neuroglia). The nervous tissue is formed from the primitive neural plate of the ectoderm. The nervous tissue is the most highly specialized tissue in the body. It has the function of ini- tiating, controlling and coordinating the body's ability to adapt to its environment. In nervous tissue proper, the specialized conduct- ing cells are neurons, linked together to form pathways. The neuroglia Gnterstitial tissue) supports the neuron. NERVOUS TISSUE NEUROGLIA PROPER Figure 49— _ Nervous tissue has property of Excitability and Conduetibility. Involuntary muscle is without striation and is under the control of the autonomic nervous sytem. . Cardiac muscle although striated, is found exclusively in the heart and is not under voluntary control. All muscle develops from the myomeres of the embryonic mesoderm. ‘ES 7) STRIATED SMOOTH CARDIAC Figure 48— Muscle tissue has property of contractility and Excitability. NERVOUS TISSUE Nervous ‘tissue is divided into 1.) nervous tissue proper and 2.) interstitial tissue (neuroglia). The nervous tissue is formed from the

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