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Julia Kocsis



A) Theme: Perseverance

B) Passage: “Like a ship traversing the heaving water: when it has passed, no trace can be found,

no path of it’s keel in the waves. (Wis. 5:10, NABRE)

C) Reflection: All human beings go through difficult times. We all become discouraged and

wonder why we even bother trying. This can be in our school work or friendships, jobs or

athletic aspirations. Regardless of what our struggles are, however, we as Christians can count on

our Heavenly Father to help us through to brighter days. If we persevere and remember that He

gave His Son to us as a promise that brighter days are awaiting us, we will leave our troubles


D) Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father, just as a ship traverses through rough and heavy waters, we

too feel the burdens of this earthly life upon us and on our hearts. Today we come to you and ask

for Your blessing as we plod our way through our own rough waters.

We pray, too, for those who are struggling with the sins of the flesh, with adversity in their lives

and work, with pain that makes life seem unbearable. We pray that You will help them to make it

We pray for all who are hurting and who are trying to overcome difficult times and we pray for

those who offer assistance to them – counselors, doctors, teachers, coaches, parents, friends.

Lord give them the strength to overcome.

Lead the hurting out of their darkness and into the gentle waters of Your grace. Show them that

by persevering and having faith in You, they can make it to the other side where love and peace


We pray as members of the Cardinal Wuerl North Catholic community, for peace and for the end

of pain and suffering as we all persevere through the darkness in order to be closer to You.

We ask this in Your Son’s Holy Name, Jesus Christ, Who lives and reigns with You and the

Holy Spirit. One God, forever and ever. Amen.


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