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I was 17 years old and I did not know what to study, I decided to apply to the Higher School of Public

Administration and SENA, I decided to join SENA to study business management, then I went out to do the
practices in the company Suppla and managed to link me after six months. After not having work experience I
stayed three more months for my family and then I made the decision to look for another job because they did
not pay me well, there I went to work at Fincomercio a cooperative, I spent a year working but the hours were
very long.

I decided to look for financial companies and I got a job in Banco Av Villas, and this company has been more
than three years and has given me great stability, because it has allowed me to continue studying and brings
many benefits to me and my family group.

Hello Laura, you are right the change of study from person to person is hard, I share your experience,
however it is a matter of habit.

Hello Meril, I congratulate you because it is not easy to make the decision to go to another city to work and
leave many things.

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