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What We Find Attractive

The Mystique Of Seduction

Taylor Truth

Black Swallowtail Publishing

Publisher's Note

It was a difficult task to preserve the poetry of the author's original text and
yet meet editorial standards. Strictly adhering to established styles would
have harmed many of the qualities that make this book so special. As a
solution, the original text has been modified only slightly. It is hoped that this
still captures the melody of the text, while also enabling a reader unfamiliar
with the author's intricacies of using the English language to thoroughly
enjoy this book.

It is the wisest, the most legendary, and those with greatest mystique who
have founded the rich history of the martial arts. When we think of the
samurai, their swords, their dedication to practice, spirituality and an empty
mind, we can't help but fall in love with the romance of it all. We picture the
wise old master who managed to surprise us all with his vital spirit and
humble resolve. His presence commanding such a mysterious power that it
seemed, despite his stature, that no man could defeat him in battle. We are
awed by such things, by the seeming purpose and resonating power behind
these masters and their words.

Perhaps when we hear the word seduction, we do not think quite so

similarly. For it would seem that there is no match or equal to the ancient
mystery that pervades the traditions of the samurai or Shaolin monks. We
perhaps think of fictional images of that man who kisses a woman to her
knees, without a word. We might think of names like Casanova or Don
Juan. Or perhaps we think that seduction is only an act that can be done in
the bedroom, as our partner puts on their bedroom eyes and lures us in.
However, seduction has so much more waiting in store for us than anyone
has yet led us to believe. So many of us are unaware of it, but seduction,
like the martial arts, can indeed inspire romantic ideas of a lifestyle of
discipline and purpose. Its practice contains wisdom that leads to
enlightenment, and satisfaction of the soul. Little are we aware that there
can indeed be masters of seduction — masters whose mystique and
wisdom resonate with such power as to serve as a guiding light for us all.

It is in this book that I provide the first glimpse into what seduction can be —
indeed, what it always has been — a first glimpse into this romantic world, a
world of mastery, enlightenment, and satisfaction. Perhaps by reading this
book you will understand that seduction has something to teach us, and that
if we learn to understand its principles, we can not only enrich our own lives,
but those of others.

Taylor Truth

I would like to acknowledge and give thanks to above all the two people that
helped make sure this book was written. Thank you most completely to
Damien for all your careful work, help and encouragement. Your dedicated
assistance in the editing is an inspiring example to all who would go beyond
their bounds and give more than what is possible out of faith and belief in
something. Secondly, I would like to offer a thank you to Kimberlee, who
gave me the inspiration to write the book. Without either of you the book
would never have been written. Also, I would like to thank all those who I
have left out, whose further excitement, faith and interest made this book
possible. And lastly, I would like to thank all those that allowed such an
original book to both be appreciated and published. It is with people around
such as this that originality can be embraced and pursued for the future of
the publishing industry.
The Philosophy of Freedom

"Problems cannot be solved by the same level of thinking that created

them." —Einstein

Seduction is all about doing what you want to do. It is not about knowledge.
It is not about manipulation. It is not about attaining all that you think you

Rather more humbly, the true value of being a great seducer — just like
playing a sport that you truly love — is that it isn't all about a medal in the
Olympics, or about being written down in the history books. It's about loving
what you do. The greatest reward is that through doing what you love you
can more clearly be who you want to be, and feel how you want to feel.
Unfortunately, to many seduction and sex are seen as gossip topics, topics
upon which we stroke each others' egos, because we have "answers to the
big questions," when it actually is something whose true purpose is both
intricate and innate: the reward of freedom.

A martial artist practicing by the setting sun feels a sense of freedom and joy
in the endless expanse of the art. An ice skater stepping into the ring does
so simply for the pleasure it gives her to feel so free. So too does a seducer
feel freed and liberated by loving what he does.
The biggest shift for a seducer is not when that seducer comes to
understand the questions he was seeking, achieves what he was after, or
achieves a level of skill that he felt he needed, but when he realizes the
irrelevance of the questions and achievements he was seeking, by
beginning to understand the pleasure in the act. It is the moment in which
one takes pleasure from the act that a seducer goes from one who asks
questions into one whom explores the mysterious nature of what is before
him. It is in this moment that he transforms from a person of need into a
person of limitless abundance and possibility.

To truly understand seduction, we need to first comprehend some very

complicated things. Complicated not because they are hard to understand,
but complicated because they are hard to believe.

In doing so, we can be open to focusing on the subtlety of learning the

simple things. We free ourselves to forget about what we thought that we
needed to know, for seduction is far from an understood topic. Never is this
more apparent than when one becomes closer to understanding its true

Seduction is for the most part essentially simple. So simple in fact, that it
could be said that everybody is already an inherently perfect seducer or
seductress. However, it's in the simplicity of seduction where the challenge
of its communication lies. Not because it's hard to describe, but because it's
hard to deliver to a listener or reader just how important small, seemingly
irrelevant details are.
It is for this reason that you must leave behind what you think is important in
seduction — what you think you need to learn or become. Instead, open
yourself up to the possibility that there isn't this mass of knowledge that
escapes you. Rather, understand that you may have to be part of the
evolution of understanding something that is inherently very simple and not
complicated at all. Assist the evolution by appreciating and taking pleasure
in the act of exploring the art, as opposed to the impossible hassle of
conquering it.

Seduction isn't at all a search for an ability that you don't have. It's about
understanding the basic fundamentals so well that you can understand and
explore the limitless rewards offered by the act of seduction itself. It's more
in patience and in a love for the act that one finds freedom in seduction. Not
by the seeking of non-existent rules and guidelines. For, if there is one truth
that is apparent above all others, it is that seduction does not have rules per
se. Rather, through a complex and interconnected set of relationships,
simple principles are the foundation for everything that we can see and feel
in our sexual and romantic lives.

By reading further, you will understand that it is the love of seduction itself,
and these principles, that in concert remove the need for "fixed rules."
Together they remove the need for this mythical secret knowledge, and
instead implement a system of understanding that is both limitless in
expanse, and of incredible simplicity and elegance.
It is for many reasons that the most important understanding of seduction is
that it is not a boastful or shameful topic to be scrutinized. Rather, it is an act
to be enjoyed, just like any other passion, sport, interest, or skill. Whilst it is
simple, it would seem far different from a beginner's perspective.
A Perfect Flaw

"It is better to create than to be learned, creating is the true essence of life."
—Barthold Georg Niebuhr

Seduction is something that you must feel. It is not something that you can
think about, plan, or get just right. Just like scratching a rash doesn't make it
heal, thinking, planning, rationalizing and overanalyzing do not work in
seduction. For, just like scratching the rash interrupts the natural processes
of healing, so too does rationalizing and being too thoughtful affect the
natural processes of seduction.

The main misunderstanding of most is that intelligence, cunning, or planning

have some special place in the merits of behavior, that, somehow, through
some secret, through some righteous understanding, everything will come
to them. Alas, we forget that even intelligence, analysis, and planning aren't
all that special in the world of behavior. People are animals too. We respond
to simple, basic things.

We respond to our senses: what we can hear, taste, smell, touch and see.
We, just like any other animal in a herd, tribe, gaggle, school, or litter, are
that curious thing that constantly tests the electric fence, seemingly too
stupid to realize that we can walk around it. Humming and harring at
obstacles, we too shift our approach from caution, to curiosity, to frustration,
and to anger. We, like that curious animal, take a while of grunting,
humming and harring, until we eventually figure things out. Even with our
brainpower and expensive educations. Despite what we may like to believe,
on the outside, we still appear just the same as any other animal, when
going about things.

The only difference about being human is that, even though all of the
outside characteristics seem the same as they once did — simple emotional
tendencies and cues such as aggression, frustration, and banging one's
head against a wall — we think that within these basic behaviors lies
something more powerful than, say, simply walking around the electric
fence. On the inside we think we are being intelligent. We believe that we
are coming up with solutions or are achieving something beyond what
anything else could possibly achieve. Whilst arguably this may be true at
other times, it's definitely not relevant in seduction. This is due to a very
powerful fundamental that is often overlooked.

One could compare this fundamental to the metaphor of how one's mood
would affect the music one would compose. Thoughts aren't helpful in this
process — this principle is of the utmost importance in seduction. This is
similar to how one would only be getting in one's own way by thinking in the
martial arts, sports, or music. One's thoughts in seduction get caught up in,
and retard the feelings and moods that are weaved into what one is doing in
seduction. If one is thinking in the martial arts, he becomes rigid and weak.
If one is thinking in sports, he becomes disoriented and flustered. If one is
thinking in music, the keys clamber and the body gets in the way of itself,
causing a forced, unnaturally rigid quality to the music. This is also all true in
seduction. Thinking and analyzing disrupt the natural processes of
seduction: the natural processes that help everything come together and
work effectively.

So, whilst we have a million different reasons why we should think, there is
but only one reason why we shouldn't. In many ways, this animal that we
are plays many different songs, with the same emotions and actions that
most in the animal kingdom so similarly share. By thinking and over
analyzing, we get in the way of this natural process, and disrupt our natural
symphonies, and the interconnection of our actions. How you experience
the world around you has a most powerful influence on the symphony that
your actions and feelings weave. It is through this means that your actions
are either beautiful or, if impeded by thinking, seem forced and unnatural.

It is so much easier if you forget the complications that everyone has told
you that you need to know. Instead, as the simple animal that you are, in the
simple world that you are in, stop imagining that you are intelligent, and start
feeling. For, as almost every species on the planet has come to learn, even
though our actions are simple and limited, our potential can indeed be great.
Just like the body can only move in so many ways, just like an instrument is
made up of simple strings, just like an artist's canvas is made up of so many
colors — so too is our basic and limited animal also made capable in the
process of dancing.
Women, and men alike, overanalyze things incessantly in the world of
romance and seduction. Every little nuance having to be understood and
twisted. Every action considered, weighed, regretted, and then reinforced.
However, such a strategy ignores the obvious. It is not so much any
individual behavior itself that matters, but the chain or sequence of events
that are of relevance. Intelligence is of little use in seduction. Thinking and
analyzing too much in seduction are about as useful as banging one's head
against a wall. It's rather ironic that people think that the analogous behavior
is actually doing something. People think this way because, on the inside, it
feels as if this magical form of frustration, rigidity, and confusion called
thinking is actually accomplishing something.

Fortunately, for all of the thinkers out there who want seduction to help them
gain a sense of control and find a source of meaning, as I will detail through
this book, it becomes apparent that the more instinctive, primal, and
creative forces of seduction aren't as stupid as they seem at first glance. In
many ways, the forces of seduction are a kind of super- intelligence, a kind
of intelligence that must be used to adapt to the rigorous demands of
seduction. In a very real way, there is intelligence in something as simple as
adaptation, just as there is intelligence in music, sport, and other skills.
Some of the basic forces of seduction, which I will describe, will do things
that one never would have even imagined possible. In coming to
understand this, you will see that there is no flaw in this animal that we are.
You will see that our simple, limited animal selves can do more than we ever
dreamed possible, with our feeble analytical skills. Come with me, as we
discover that the most powerful principles of seduction are much more than
they seem, as we come to realize the irrelevance of thinking and analyzing
in seduction.
Limitless Potential

“Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere." —

If you are to truly embrace and prepare yourself for the idea that we aren't
all-intelligent beings, capable of absolutely anything if one only stresses
hard enough, then you must understand that, at the heart of seduction is the
idea that we are creators. We are not fixers, givers, takers, or pickers and
choosers. We don't need to sacrifice or pretend, or try to be something that
we are not. We do not need to solve problems. We do not need to have
something of value that others would barter for. We do not need to take from
others, nor do we need to pick and choose between things. For, in the
power of creation lies the power to move past these ideas. Within seduction
lies the power to create in a way that many other methods simply cannot.

A person's potential is limitless because the natural passing of time is filled

with surprises, changes, ebbs and flows. The forces of nature have a
powerful effect on us all. Yet, most of us go about our lives with little
awareness of it. The creativity of nature is something that we can all learn
from and use to our benefit. Through the natural occurrence of certain new
and ever-changing and adapting factors, nature, in its way, lends a helping
hand to those who wish to overcome a challenge in their life. The
introduction of new situations, new variables, and new elements coming into
the mix is so powerful that the nature of a challenge can and likely will
change. By even the most subtle and unexpected of additions, a situation
can change so completely that the old problem will cease to any longer
exist, and will become obsolete. As people we also hold this great power
within us. By simply moving on in our lives, we can not only move past our
challenges, but overcome them effortlessly by the natural changing of the
situation. It doesn't take much for something to change, for the old
challenge to become obsolete, and no longer relevant.

Most intelligent thinking is based on knowing what will happen in the future,
and perfectly remembering what has happened in the past. However, as
human beings we just aren't perfect in that way. We can't always imagine
where our actions will take us. That is one of the key reasons why creation
— even to the extent of just moving on — is so much more powerful than
thinking. Seduction is so fast and dynamic, that what was once the problem
will become completely obsolete as new information is introduced.

Everything changes in the blink of an eye: fast, completely, and utterly. To

ensure that you can't see it coming, it may happen through the most subtle
and unexpected of means. So for the most part, seduction cannot be about
solutions to problems. This is because most problems become obsolete
simply by moving on from them, and because most things can't be
comprehended since we can't predict the future.

Moving on is about realizing that your best chance at a good life is to make it
that way, no matter what happens, rather than trying to pick and choose
between the future options that you prophesize. Issues, problems, and
thinking all rely upon one resource that you just don't have: omniscience.
However, being willing to adapt to new and surprising situations, and to help
guide their creation, can have more powerful effects than you may currently

It's common for us to know someone in our lives who is always transfixed
with the idea that if they like someone, then that person doesn't like them
back. Similarly, if someone likes them, then that person ironically won't find
them to be in the slightest bit attractive. Maybe this person thinks they
always have to play a game: do the opposite, appear uninterested. Perhaps
they view situations as a choice between one option and another. However,
this isn't the only way of approaching challenges. There is another way. This
alternative is the idea that the options aren't clear choices, but rather, the
individual must always evolve or adapt to the natural changes that will
occur, as new variables are introduced into the situation. One mustn't
predict but, rather, be capable of adapting to and guiding change. If that
person had simply accepted that the situation would harbor surprises, and
that situations and challenges ebb and flow, come and go, then they would
have been more capable of moving on from their obsessive need for control,
and been more productive. The power of moving on is, in its simple way, a
limitless kind of creation. It allows things to change as they do, so that
challenges can be bent, and simplified to one's needs. It allows new and
more productive things to be invested in, fostered, and allowed to expand
and grow.
One of the most powerful forces of creation is what you focus on: what you
allow to remain the same, and what you allow to grow. You can learn to
create outcomes, without any need to pick and choose between the obvious
choices. If an athlete were to only ever pick the obvious option and not
make something happen, it would be nothing more than a constant back
and forth. If a musician were to only pick the obvious option, she will play
the same sound over and over again, not realizing how to form different
connections, which is essentially the heart of music. With this knowledge
you must come to understand that all challenges are temporary —
peripheral, even. Challenges do not hold any limitation to your ability, unless
they draw your undivided attention. It is your creativity and ability to make a
situation the way that you want it to be, regardless of challenge, that
determines your very skill. By using the forces of seductive principles, you
can learn the powers of creativity, adaptation, flow, and persistence.
Through them you will learn to create the outcome by the presence that you
project. With that no challenge will hold you. No problem is meant to be
solved, it is simply meant to be effortlessly passed. This is the utilitarian,
fix-all power of moving on.
Resonating Rapport

"All, everything that I understand, I understand only because I love." —Leo

Nikolayevich Tolstoy

Do you really need to know what the opposite sex wants?

Well, in nearly all cases, knowing what another desires often dooms things
to failure. For, knowledge, by going to your head, may cause your actions to
take on a different nature, and all of a sudden be forced and labored. You
don't have to understand exactly what the opposite sex wants in order to be
it, and to feel a certain level of satisfaction with how you deal with them. In
fact, it's better not to.

In most cases, the idea that you need answers is just a self-fulfilling
prophecy. If this is the way you choose to see and approach things, you will
not make the situation the best that it could possibly be, and you won't give
yourself a chance to see that this need is not real at all. No one is inherently
not what the opposite sex desires. The only reason people feel that they
need answers to questions, like, "What does the opposite sex want?", is
because beliefs like this will influence your behaviors toward the realms of
obsession, misguided frustration, unwillingness, and paranoia. This will
inevitably blind you to what is around you. It's essentially a dangerous
cocktail and a downward spiral, built innocently enough, by apparently the
best of intentions — those being the pursuit of truth and the seeking of the
appropriate adaptations. However, it's a tangled web that one can get lost in
very easily.

We do not need to completely understand the opposite sex. We only need

to come to an intuitive understanding of them. This comes only from ex-
perience, shared memories, and intuition. Coming to an intuitive
understanding and appreciation of the opposite sex can be far simpler and
far more rewarding than knowing every little thing about their desires and
tendencies. It can also deliver results far more astounding than what could
have been brought about by just formulaically applying certain rules and
tactics. Coming to a familiarity and fondness of the opposite sex through
having a shared experience with them is many times more powerful than
knowing the right things or having the right things. For, it's through this
connection that you can experience the world anew, and interact with it and
its inhabitants with new confidence and cooperation. It is through a new
understanding that your interactions will become stronger and more

There is an ancient Chinese proverb that depicts how we as people grow,

and it's also true in this case: 'Tell me and I'll forget. Show me and I may
remember. Involve me and I'll understand." It is through experiences with
others that we grow to an understanding of them. It is through sharing
something with others that we strengthen our intuition and come to
understand our true appreciation of them. Through a connection with the
opposite sex, you begin to have more than just answers. You begin to gain
the strength, intuition, and experience to shape the rules, to change them.
No longer will you need rules to follow, because you'll have the
understanding necessary to do things for yourself.

Let me tell you a story about an adventure that I had with someone very
close to me. Let's call her Jess. She is a very adventurous woman, one who
never recognizes danger. We are in a place that I affectionately nickname
"tiger shark alley," and for good reason. Jess sees a massive pod of
dolphins as the fall of night is beginning. She swoons, "Ooooooh, dolphins!
Let's swim out to them!" She dives into the water, beginning to swim the
hundred meters out to them. I am left thinking, "Oh no! She is going to be
killed by the feeding tiger sharks!" — and, yes, in my mind, masses of them
were likely there with us, as this is the channel by which they swim at that
part of the night to feed. I'd read somewhere that if you swim closer to one
another, you look bigger and are therefore less likely to be attacked. So,
that was my plan.

It's a long swim, with the feeling of a great chasm below you — it's quite an
experience. As the sun is gently setting on the horizon, the water now
seems to shimmer with a tranquil, almost oily nature to it. It's beginning to
take on an ominous and looming quality: a musky haze exuding from the
darkening surface of the water. We are way out into the water, when I see
six fins or more coming towards me at speed. My belly feels exposed, and
my body instantly recognizes the danger and sheer power of these fast
moving masses. I swim off to the side as calmly as I can, in a vain attempt to
at least do something.
However, as they draw near, I see that they are dolphins. They encircle me,
veering at the latest moment possible, with some going under, and some
going around to the sides. Their echoing and shuddering booms of sonar
pierce through me, in an ambush of overwhelming new feelings. This
piercing quality makes me feel like I am empty and hollow, like an ethereal
ghost. The very solidness that I thought was my body was so clearly not as
indestructible as I had always been led to believe. It felt as if I was hollow,
ethereal, and no longer quite solid.
I duck under the water, twisting and spiraling with this wild pack of dolphins
swimming and encircling me. There must have been twenty or more of
them. On some level, I thought that they must have seen my panic, or were
protecting me from an imminent shark attack. But, at that point, I didn't care.
Jess eventually swims over to where all of the action is happening. We are
in the water with wild dolphins, twenty or thirty of them, with about one
hundred meters to swim back to shore, in a place fondly known as tiger
shark alley, at the very dusk of nightfall, and it's just about dark. The water is
filled with screeching and rasping clicks, like nails up against a chalkboard,
going right through you.

Trouble Strikes!

My legs start cramping up, and I am stunned by the occurrence: "Ah!" I

swim, and I swim, and I swim, wading through the endless amounts of
potential danger, weaving through rocks and large dark spots in the water.
At a certain point the dolphins slip away, and their echoing call soon stops
passing effortlessly through every part of my body. Some fishermen start
screaming wildly at Jess and pull her into a boat, which then takes her to
shore. I make it to the shore and collapse in a heap. With every deep,
gasping breath I slowly relax from the experience, and start to see the
shining gleam of the stars above my head, as the wind sends chills over my
body: a hard and solid lump once again.

With these dolphins, I came to a new understanding of them, because I had

experienced something so profoundly new when I was with them. So, as I
lay upon the shore, looking upon the stars and feeling the swift chill of the
wind breaking up against my hard and solid body, I thought back to the
ocean, where I was but a ghost, while with the dolphins. Where, I was not
quite so solid as normal, but to some greater degree empty and hollow.
Now, whilst that is a story of an encounter with wild animals, it's also a story
of experience, a story of understanding. The story illustrates just how
powerful and freeing a single experience can be, and just how it feels to
develop a connection with something that didn't exist before. Coming to an
understanding of the opposite sex is really not all that different.

Through enhanced experiences with the opposite sex, attained through the
principles of seduction, very similar and very powerful events can occur,
which can change your view of the opposite sex forever. When something
like this occurs, everything makes so much more sense than it would had
you "figured it all out." In fact, it becomes incredibly clear, from the
perspective of your newfound understanding that indeed there actually was
never anything to figure out. Rather, there was just something beautiful to
overlook, something only the most observant could see. You'll likely kick
yourself in disbelief for not seeing it earlier. From this new perspective
brought about by enhanced experience, you will have begun to develop an
intuitive connection with the opposite sex.

The familiarity and fondness that come with shared experience is many
times more powerful than knowing the right things, or having the right
things, which often times just get in the way. So, whilst one's earlier
concerns may have been to see and adjust to the intentions and desires of
others — the opposite sex having motives, thoughts, and "who they are" —
by coming to a new understanding of them, you may find that all those
thoughts cease, replaced by a rather fond and liberating appreciation for
who and what they truly are. With this new outlook, through this new insight,
you will realize that there was never any need at all to put the opposite sex
in the right box but rather you will realize that you were overlooking the real
situation that was right in front of you, all along. It is very powerful when,
through shared experience, one comes all on their own to a new
understanding of the opposite sex, when one arrives at a new and refreshed
appreciation, fondness, and connection to the opposite sex. It is these
superior and fond memories that one should be after, more so than any
form of knowledge.
Accidental Attraction

The secrets to attraction are hidden deep within principles of nature itself.
Everything that is attractive, from a sunrise to the night sky, seduces us.
However, what very few come to realize is that being attractive is actually
just a very small piece of seduction. In uncovering the very secrets of
attraction, one actually doesn't find what they were looking for but, instead,
sees something rather peculiar and unexpected. One realizes that attraction
is actually an accident — an accident that hides an even larger and more
mysterious truth. The great cosmic accident of attraction conceals the fact
that there are many more important reasons to seduce, other than merely
being attractive: reasons of creation and influence. Of course, this news will
probably come as a shock to those heavily reliant upon gossip magazines
and peers for their knowledge of seduction. Since, never has it even been
hinted at that seduction might be connected to something grander than
shameful little pleasures. Of course, nobody could have really expected that
to hold up for long, and for things to be exactly like they are portrayed during
those gossip sessions.

Attraction is a strange thing in that it's affected by certain things that are out
of a person's control. It is affected by things that have nothing to do with the
person at all. Whether those be luck, the situation, convenience, timing, or
some other x-factor that seemingly comes and goes. Even stranger still is
the fact that seduction has more bizarrely to do with things not in the
slightest bit attractive or seductive, that it is more related to almost abstract
ideas such as harmonization, the reduction of chaos, the creation of
complex experiences, and principles of eventualizing inevitabilities: things
like power, adaptability, creativity, and persistence. In fact, it's probably one
of seduction's best kept secrets that a seducer isn't seductive for the
reasons everyone else thinks they are, i.e. to just get laid. Ironically, there is
much more to it than that, and it's not at all what it at first appears to be, to
the untrained eye.

In a way, a seducer is allowed to effortlessly create attraction whilst doing

something else, something that they'd want to do anyway, like create the life
that they want, or act out the actions that they, their instincts, or their
intuition please. Perhaps even more ironically is the fact that if you go about
the process of creation properly, the accident of attraction is only going to
be just one aspect of the things working towards your favor, and an almost
insignificant one at that, as will be described later in “The Power of

Rather neatly, attraction isn't related to a person's preferences for others

but, more so, it is a natural peripheral effect of the principles that can help
you and others get what you want in your life. Whilst I cannot cover
everything that is absolutely fundamental in a connected, simple, and
intuitive system, I am fairly confident that I can encompass more than
enough to give a person at least a passable understanding of the true
natures of seduction and attraction, enough to head toward the right direc-
tion, and to gain a better understanding of seduction, from the level of

Nature is abundantly filled with the principles of seduction. In this way, we

can learn how attraction comes about even from a flower. A flower capti-
vates your attention, creating an experience with its sweet nectar, its bright
color, its soft petals, and its alluring scent. Through captivation it grants a
powerful harmonizing effect on its surrounding world. Through creating not
only its abundance of resource, but also its pleasure of experience, it's no
wonder that there is inevitably something around that will transfer its pollen
to another flower. In this way, the experience that it creates, and the fact
that it uses the principles of seduction, causes the inevitability that the bee
might develop such a relationship with the flower as to strengthen and
achieve something that the flower would desire.

So, the flower is seductive, but not for the reasons of physical beauty.
Rather, through the principles of creation itself — such as increasing
harmony in its environment, providing abundance, and giving a sense of
pleasure to its existence — it has stumbled upon the powerful nature of
seduction, to allure in such a way that it was only inevitable to achieve what
it was really after, perhaps cross pollination. Seduction is the principle of
positive abundance eventually bringing about inevitability. It's a principle of
power and symbiosis. It is in this way, from examples within nature, that we
can see how attraction really is a mere accident, and a small part of a much
more motivated and purpose-filled system.
Beyond Words

"He who understands your silence will probably not understand your words."
—Elbert Hubbard

If you think about communication, it's actually rather extraordinary. More

than 93% of communication is non-verbal and is picked up via intonations
and body language. Differing types of confidence, beliefs, patterns of
behavior, and ways of viewing the world aren't mere parts of how we
communicate but, rather, they play a major role. The degree to which
non-verbal communication affects us varies, depending upon a person's
level of attention. Sometimes, the 93% of non-verbal communication is
completely and utterly unable to be picked up on if, for whatever reason, the
message lacks that captivating quality. If you lose a person's interest
entirely, you may effectively communicate nothing whatsoever. However, if
a situation is more captivating, tense, or sexually charged than normal, the
kinds of communication that occur non-verbally are enhanced manyfold.

It is for this reason that lovers can communicate almost wordlessly, through
how they feel around one another, sending such subtle nuances through
their levels of communication that it's like instinctive communication on
overdrive. Often they are so captured by one another, and there is such
sexual tension, that they pick up on the slightest of hints — the slightest
differences in intonation and body language — that it takes on a completely
different realm of meaning, sparking the beginnings of chemistry: small
twists, tweaks, and touches bringing on rich new meanings that they could
not possibly communicate before.

It is this principle that is at the heart of all of seduction. It is the

understanding that captivation alone opens up the channels of
communication that are otherwise impossible. Not only does it do that, it
opens up a much larger world of instinct, intuition, and non-verbal
understandings with the opposite sex. Without captivation, one is so
effectively crippled, that not even the most elaborate or intelligent plans,
words, or acts of consideration will be noticed for what they are. If people
choose to ignore the power of captivation, then their seductive capability
and their intuition of others will always suffer. For, being captivating has far
more to it than meets the eye. Its beauty and unique quality are unmatched
by anything of ordinary consideration. Its complex and interweaving nature
is a thing of mystery, wonder, and incredible power to many seducers.

Without it, we may have forever been forced to guess how everything
around us is, rather than feeling it, through and with our partners. It alone
can turn a situation that is chaotic into a scene that is intuitive and har-
monious. For some, it may seem a dull, dreary and one-dimensional topic
but to a seducer it's so much more than this.

For myself and other serious seducers there is an undeniable beauty in the
way a fine seducer or anything rather attractive gains the attentions of an-
other. Watching how it precisely aligns everything just so, preparing the way
for something to occur. Watching how the way that something captivates
completely eradicates any further need to do anything fancy or extravagant.
How it can make everything from the start, effortlessly flow.

Watch a flower! Sometimes, it can make someone's mind go completely

quiet and become still, simply at the sight of one. ... or a sunset! People
coming home from work, in the busy traffic, looking out of their window to
see a beautiful sunset, pausing, all of a sudden, with their jaws gently
agape, wondering at its display. A seducer's admiration for this phenomenal
ability becomes much better understood when you realize that, far from
being merely a side note sort of thing, the ability to captivate is the very
heartbeat of seduction. It is the part of seduction that makes a person stop
in their tracks, feel a buzzing in their body, and enjoy every single moment
of an experience. In fact, the importance of captivation is so striking that a
seducer spends nearly all of his time on the understanding of this one
ability, as opposed to a chaotic array of constantly changing fashions,
trends, opinions and rules.

Adjusting the quality of something to enamor a person in such a way, so that

they will be struck into a form of harmony and therefore everything justly
prepared for the very next step, could be said to be the whole purpose of
seduction. Changing and molding how you captivate another really can
become a lot of fun. It can be wild, adventurous, and joyous. More
importantly, however, it is about the only quality that makes seduction
possible. Captivation is, in its way, unavoidable. We all captivate others. We
all have a presence that we exude out into the world, which allows others to
hear what we have to say. In many ways, we can't avoid captivating an
audience, for, if we did not do so, we would not in any form be able to
communicate, for the simplest of reasons — nobody would be paying
attention, chaos would probably ensue.

Trying to communicate or interact with someone, without being captivating

is like trying to row a boat on dry land — you simply will not go anywhere.
On the other hand, communicating under the most heightened forms of
captivation is like rowing whilst travelling down an already surging rapid.
Captivation is an absolute necessity to interactions and communication. To
illustrate this point more clearly, we will separate a situation into three
different extremes: one, a situation with a normal, healthy amount of
captivation; the second, a lack of captivation; thirdly, a heightened form of
captivation, where things far beyond the norm can occur.

For our more normal and healthy scenario, picture a group of people talking
to one another. Each person takes their turn to speak in a fluid and dynamic
manner. One person may have a point and, in sensing this, the others
pause, allowing her to speak. As the conversations naturally develop, each
person has a dynamic and healthy role in the situation. However, under the
stresses of heightened demand, the situation quickly deteriorates, going to
an extreme. As one person starts being discontented by the natural back
and forth of the dynamic, he begins trying to speak over others. In a matter
of recourse, the entire group of people eventually ends up yelling over the
top of one another, with no one in any way listening any longer to the other
parties. Each person is thinking up better and better ways to prove their
point, or perhaps overwhelm the other people with their insights. However,
nothing gets through. It's like a bunch of chickens squabbling in a pen, or
perhaps this is insulting to chickens.

Fortunately, there is one person in this situation who knows what to do. With
great and commanding presence, their words penetrate the entire group,
and everyone quiets, sensing something — some impending feeling. They
do it through instinct — through hunch, through gut feeling — and the
squabbling stops. Everyone, in harmonious synchronicity, begins to be
captured by this one person's commanding presence. This person's words
may be simple, but often the crowd senses something more behind the
words. Each person, pitching in, begins highlighting the further parts of this
person's meaning and relevance to the others. The group's sense of
intuition, gut feeling, and empathy has suddenly been struck into an
amazing state of harmony and balance. Now, communication has been
enabled to flow, even more powerfully than it had before. Along with the
benefits of the group being better able to communicate, come the benefits of
the group becoming capable of feeling fulfilled, satisfied, and now free to
enjoy the situation. In this state, the group is now much more capable of
handling stresses and pressures. It is in understanding this nature of things
that we can comprehend how futile many things are, and how often we take
for granted the natural sense of captivation and allure that we all have.

To a lot of people there are many confusing things that happen in the world
of romance and seduction. Something could work one day, and then not
work the next. Sometimes, one could have the best of ideas, yet become
shattered as these ideas cease to work the next day. Well, in understanding
captivation, we can understand that it actually has nothing to do with
yourself so much as it has to do with a lack of captivation. Captivation has a
certain ability to reduce chaos. Without it, one may find himself having very
confusing interactions, which seem to illustrate that something had been
done incorrectly when, really, all that was lacking was the fundamental
principle of captivation. Without captivation, it will seem like nothing works.
With captivation, it will seem like just about anything works. This is the
amazing thing about it. Through understanding captivation, we can reduce a
lot of the confusion. We can remove the number one fault that people make,
which is thinking that their actions really matter all that much.

Thinking that what you do, say, or are is that important in the role of what
happens, eventually leads to all sorts of troubles, such as self-fulfilling
prophecies, thinking things are important that aren't, and subsequently
behaving in ever more bizarre ways. By realizing that most rationalizations
about seduction — if not in any way relating to the above example — are
useless, one can focus almost entirely on what is important, and stop
focusing on what is not. This allows you to set up a harmonious
environment where your natural intuitive abilities can now more clearly act
to create, lead, and adapt situations.

In many ways, reducing chaos, pulling things together, and creating a

connection are the real reasons for captivation. This is in opposition to
merely gaining someone's attention, so that you can then have your say, or
chance to seduce them. In a way, captivation is not unlike the ancient
principles handed down from generation to generation in the martial arts.
Captivation, acting as a harmonizing force, effectively binds situations
together, and allows dynamic and healthy interactions to grow and adapt to
the pressures and demands of life. So, what may initially seem like a dreary
subject to many, will eventually become more profound than anyone in their
wildest dreams would have expected. In fact, a seducer, in realizing this,
begins to not only act as a seducer for the purpose of seduction itself,
though it gives them great pleasure, but also because in their growing
understanding of captivation they are given a glimpse into something
meaningful and profoundly impactful to all areas of their life.
Sexual Tension: The Seducer's

"Be the change you want to see in the world." —Ghandi

Whilst many things, such as a sunset, a flower, or a waterfall do not

captivate an audience by the means of sexual tension, a seductive person
will. For, it is by the means of sexual tension that a seducer is most
captivating, most in control — and out of it at the same time. Sexual tension
is one of the most powerful and most captivating forces in the natural world.
Sexual tension is, and most absolutely should be, the captivating charm of
choice for those wishing to seduce a lover, and lead them enticingly into an
experience. For, sexual tension has far more to it than meets the eye. Its
beauty and unique quality is unmatched by anything of ordinary
consideration. Its complex and interweaving nature is a thing of mystery,
wonder, and incredible power. Whilst sexual tension holds absolutely no
interest to the unobservant person, thinking it dull, predictable, overly
specific, and not relevant to themselves, sexual tension is such a vast and
largely complicated topic that to look at things this way only blinds one from
a beautiful truth. In this chapter, I not only want to familiarize you with what
sexual tension is, I endeavor to more importantly have you want to see just
what it can do.
At first it may appear that sexual tension is simple, perhaps even
unnoticeable, or even predictable and categorizable. However, as it
intensifies, it complicates in so many forms and in so many ways that unless
you are of the most keen experience and awareness you will be unable to
comprehend the sheer magnitude of the intricacies that unfold. To many,
sexual tension isn't anything more than a couple of words. To a select few it
is but a feeling or a zone. To the blessed few, it is so much more than this.

In the beginning, one person's view may be that of the general societal view,
that is using intelligence and thinking. However, through an understanding
of sexual tension a truly new world can be, and is opened up. This occurs in
the same manner as how a world of music opens to the musician, or a world
of martial arts opens to the fighter. Sexual tension creates an entirely new
dynamic, which wasn't there before. Its introduction adds something more to
seduction than what everybody typically expects to see. So, no matter how
ingenious we think that we are towards the understanding of seduction, we
are for the most part completely and utterly ignorant to its true and more
indefinable core.

In the process of the creation of sexual tension, so much changes that it is

difficult to comprehensively explain just how surprisingly different things are
from the typical view of gossip magazines and one's friends. It's difficult to
explain how a normal situation becomes a seductive situation as a result of
the addition of a complex set of interrelated principles. However, through
this book, if you are perceptive enough to decipher it, you will see that the
forces of captivation and harmonization, shared intuition, experience, and
chemistry, pleasure and directed focus, work together in such a symbiotic
way that they create something amazing from seemingly nothing. It is what
they create that is the very process of seduction.

However, no amount of explaining can compare to seeing it for oneself.

Below is an illustration of just how different things become: at first you will
see a familiar situation but, through the development of principles, you will
see an evolution of sorts into what is known as seduction. At first, the
tension may be barely present — a person may simply be drawn to another,
unable to get away from them. For the slightest of reasons, they always
have to be the one with the last say. They can't just turn and walk away,
without in some way thinking about the other. Yet, soon, as tension rises,
something different happens. As two people begin to interact, and perhaps
talk, a dynamic forms — a quality between them evolves. Suddenly their
voices begin to change — the tonality of their voices exuding an almost
resonant quality to the wisping edges of their words. Almost as though there
is an unspoken whisper something begins to spark. The perception of
distance becomes skewed and almost unintelligible. Their minds begin to
wander, adrift in a sea of feelings and experiences, and they are no longer
doing anything for a reason or a purpose, or for motive or gain.

Rather, more like a musician getting into a zone, new and creative ideas
come effortlessly. Seamlessly, the relationship evolves. Upon ever evolving
patterns of their nature, they begin to touch, to look more intensely, to hold a
little more tightly. What was at first a simple interaction has evolved into a
sexually tense situation. Their bodies start becoming responsive to one
another — bodies seamlessly fitting together like two pieces of a puzzle.
Something entirely new begins.

In a moment I will go into this process with even more vivid detail. For the
moment, however, it should suffice to help you begin to understand that,
during a seduction, there is no logical progression — some permission
sequence in which a type of permission or recognition is gained. Rather,
more creatively, a new dynamic begins to form. This can only occur by the
application of principles, not the application of certain types of behavior. The
true art to creating such an experience isn't something that you have to do,
it's something that you will naturally explore as sexual tension itself evolves
through some amazing twists and turns. So, from this short example, we
can see that the process of seduction is already vastly different than you
have been informed via social means. This is because, like any art form or
skill in life, it must be learned on a personal level before it can be
understood. The journey to become a great musician is not the journey of
society, but of one person, and her making her understanding her own.
Seduction is very similar, and you must come to understand it for yourself,
rather than coasting at the baseline of societal awareness.

The kind of sexual experience above — and more aptly the example that I
will soon describe below — is, in its way, a unique method of seducing a
person into a sexual mindset. The process that occurs during this kind of
seduction is about more than achieving a peak or a goal, it is a state of
considerable liberating satisfaction that extends for long periods of time and
experience. Driven passion, keeping you tied up for untapped periods of
time, everything passing by effortlessly, without even a single thought or
complication entering your mind. It is through this process of seduction that
sex naturally evolves and becomes a part of things, and a part of your way
of life. To master the concept of getting sex when you want it, where you
want it, how you want it, and with those you want it with, understand that sex
is as simple and profound as evolving the sexual tension between yourself
and another. As you will soon see in the example below, the evolution of
sexual tension is not only the principle of seduction that leads to great sex
but, as an entire process, it is just as pleasant as the act of sex, music, or art
itself. It is the method, but also a liberating reward in and of itself.

As sexual tension evolves, it will be, at one point or another, impossible to

resist the expression of sexuality, so impossible to resist, in fact, that there
will no longer be any challenge facing you, of how to seduce, but rather the
only challenge will become, how to handle this incredible force that is sexual
tension. So, effectively, the process of increasing sexual tension, doesn't
solve the problems people have with sex, it overwhelms them and washes
them away into insignificance as things evolve into an incredible power and
force, causing a complete flip in the situation. What was once before a
challenge of how to get them is now the challenge of how to control this
tremendous surging force.

Watch in the example below how sexual tension is described more vividly
than it ever has been before. Observe just how different this situation is from
what your friends or others may have told you that seduction is like. Below
lays the true experience of seduction. It is through the creation of
experiences like this, through the use of principles described in this book,
that one naturally expresses sexuality in a controlled and effortless manner.
Observe how easily sex is attained when the principles are applied, and
how great the experience is. Note that it is not manipulated by any means,
and therefore no issues are to be solved or overcome. No permission is to
be gained. Rather, more organically, a phenomenon occurs in which all
things work out naturally.

Have you ever vibed with someone so intensely that at the moment in which
you speak to them shimmers of barbed wire clarity shock, rip, and tear at
the very fabric of your body? The intensity sending trickling streams of purity
throughout your entire body. Your very presence resonating as if your veiy
body were but liquid under the influence of booming thunder. As your lips
press up against theirs, they feel full and burst, like biting into a ripe orange.
As their body brushes up against yours, their hips comfortably sliding up
against yours like the softest of silk, intentions and decisions become
lubricated. You just have to be with them, now! This tremendous, resonant,
sucking force draws you into them. Only hunger and tasteless, wordless,
empty, fulfilling pleasure, dripping from your body, from your lips, and from
your fingertips. This is sexual tension. One part music, one part fire.

The inherent nature of the sexual tension that they feel within their bodies,
the way two people may touch, the way they may gently grasp each other's
sexual and seductive attention, causes them to want to cozy up close to
each other. The way they move, the richness in their voices, the quality to
the way that they hold themselves. The succulent moments just before a
kiss, as the lips just barely graze upon the thickening breath, and as the
buzz of sexual expression and anticipation begins to bloom. The shimmer
and cascade of energy that flows between a single touch — as if your hairs
would stand on end. simply by being in that person's presence. This is
sexual tension.

You feel the air between the two of you swell, bursting into colors and
feelings of unstoppable thirst — unquenchably tasteless passion, dancing
upon the edges of your bodies. Holding them, just that slight bit tighter, as
the feelings rush through your body, and as a dense fog of dominance
surrounds you both in darkness. You watch them become an animal,
insatiable, only knowing how to breathe, like a bull at a gate, brunting and
gruffing, primal. Your body feels tense all over, yet pliable, like a green
branch of a tree. You feel the very edges of your body surge with power,
and sparkle from the very depths of your bones. Drenching surges of color
mixed with darkness, pass through you, into their body. Looking at them
everything disappears, and a faint glow surrounds their body, highlighting
the sensations of feeling, up against their body. Tenseness, like wringing a
cloth dry, wrings out the last dregs of thought left in your body. With a dry,
tasteless thirst that can't be shaken, you are left against their body,
breathing, caressing.

There is so much to the world of sexual tension. Yet, most of the world is
completely oblivious even to its existence. These things are affected by how
you feel, and sexual tension has an amazing effect on these things. To truly
captivate another, to hold a person sway, for a seducer, is all about sexual
tension. Sexual tension is often invisible in a situation. It often expresses
itself in a person's body language, movement, and how they feel to the
touch, sometimes, even in the tonality and rich flavor in the resonance of
their voice, even occasionally simply in their aura or presence itself: things
of intuition.

Sexual experiences evolve necessarily, almost uncontrollably, from this kind

of interaction with another. These things occur because of rising sexual
tensions. The feelings that it can create between two people, at its height,
are immensely powerful feelings that can make your very heart shake, and
your body fill with a mixture of fear and excitement. Things that, such as
music or art, can affect you deep down, into your very soul. Sexual tension
is an amazing thing. Its feeling is almost akin to a kind of sucking force, a
compulsion to act, to express, like a quenching of the deepest thirsts.
Sexual tension is perhaps the single most pleasant, seductive, mesmerizing
phenomenon that happens in nature. Most of all, it is captivating.

As you can see, it's this captivating quality that begins to harmonize two
people and organizes things into their proper positions. This harmony is far
more than people would consider to be able to exist, for such complicated
intricacies to seamlessly work together in a much heightened sense of
experience, not only enabling what most consider to be seduction, i.e.
"getting something," but enabling something entirely more powerful, an
immensely unique and satisfying process of seductive experience. This
process, this evolution of sexual tension, is the truest force of sexual
expression and experience. Through its presence, a seductive situation
becomes organic and harmonious in a manner that is self-sustaining,
without any intellectual issues to overcome. This is seduction. This is the
harmonizing and creative power of captivation. With it, sex becomes
effortless in all aspects.
Delicious Chemistry

"The only real valuable thing is intuition."

—Albert Einstein

Our intuition and instinct affords us many different feelings. It might be fear,
because we have vertigo and are afraid of heights, it might be a feeling of
accomplishment, because as we look back at the mountain recently
conquered, we feel the accomplishment's immensity. This intuition is the
key aspect of chemistry. It is this very thing that allows us to understand one
of the most powerful influential factors that we have on others:
understanding our vibe or energy. In seduction the most common thing that
we intuit is actually how the other person feels. We may not be right, we
may not even be close, but it is what we intuit within the other person that, to
some degree, determines how we ourselves feel, and how we interact with

A couple that has a great chemistry between them, finds themselves caught
in a surprising fall of rain.

At first they are shocked, but something triggers within them both. As the
raindrops swelled, falling from the tips of his hair, she bound his shirt, pulling
him in. But a breath away they lingered, for moments frozen still in time,
words melting, whispers hushing, there was nothing but the simmering
edges of chemistry sparking from their bodies. With an effortless type of
falling, they could not control their passions. A couple that is sharing an
experience greater than normal is not just about the cold hard facts of them
being attractive, being in the rain, and playing back and forth in a sexy way.
It's not about their actions, or them going through specific tactics, it's a
shared experience that has come from the phenomenon of chemistry.

The simplest way to understand the secret of intuition is that if an audience

is captivated by you, the harmonizing effect that this has on things causes
our intuition to become more accurate than normal. It causes our intuition to
become heightened in sensitivity and acuity. Through this occurrence,
people in a literal sense more closely share their experiences than normal.
In this example there is certainly some sexual tension or some chemistry
between them, which means that to a much larger degree they feel what the
other feels. Through that connection they feed off and share each other's
pleasures and experiences. Together, in a kind of feedback loop, through a
back and forth relationship, allowed by the principles of intuition and
captivation, they both experience a situation more strongly because they
are experiencing through each other.

So, effectively, seduction becomes essentially as simple as, "what one

feels, strengthens what the other feels." Seduction becomes as simple and
as intuitive as just what's in front of you. This occurs in the same way that a
musician feels the music, or an athlete can see all of the options in his mind
— you can simply concentrate on how things feel within you. Thus, in this
way, if you were to just learn to enjoy your world when around others, you
would actually be seductive. Astoundingly, most seduction is actually done
this way, without people even realizing that they have done it, for every
natural and healthy situation has forms of captivation which allow for this
shared chemistry. Most seduction is done, just by how you feel alone. This
process is only intensified by sexual tension.

The power that intuition can have on one's experience of a situation is

important in creating a powerful dynamic. Since the only step to making this
powerful tool useful to us is a simple and small use of the principle of
captivation, it's not so large of a jump to see that the healthy levels of
captivation that you inherently conjure up at most times ensure that you are
always in some degree sharing an experience with others, and have some
form of chemistry with them. We can see, most naturally, that intuition is
always to some extent at work in a situation in the manner described above.

By realizing that our experiences of the world are indeed being felt and
shared by those around us — most especially those captivated by us — we
can understand that we should pay more attention to how we ourselves feel.
So, even whilst the effect of intuition can lead to assumptions that may be
right or wrong or not even necessarily close to accurate, when a situation or
person has a healthy or abundant amount of captivation, presence, and
sexual tension, intuition is much more likely to be accurate, and experience
is shared more closely.

To share an experience, because you are so captivated, so drawn, and so

seduced into it, is so simple and intuitive that it probably shouldn't be the
most effective method of seduction, but it is. In fact, this principle stands in
the way of more logical and less ethical ways of manipulating people,
allowing people to see right through you. With this understanding we can so
much more fully understand that most all of us already are seductive,
drawing others into and rewarding them with our experiences of the world,
and all attempts at tactics are misguided and ruin your already innate quality
of seduction because they make you unhappy and unfulfilled, and others
share in that.

To be a great lover and seducer, one must realize that the nature of
attraction and seduction has nothing to do with having something, being
something, or attaining any type of permission or recognition. It's about
experiencing something with another. Creating something. Evolving
something that is either already there or most certainly could be there, by
applying the principles of seduction. It's a creation or an evolution of sexual
tension. It's through the more natural processes of allowing your pleasure of
experiences to grow, and that of others to grow, that things such as sex, fun,
admiration, respect, and love come from.

Nothing that gains recognition has that same splendid disregard to our
conceived notions of what is of worth, as something that completely ignores
the rules. Few are the times that we allow something to show us something
new and unexpected, but more common are the times that something new
and unexpected bursts into people's imagination and captivates them
entirely. This basically means that the introduction of how you feel can do
more than the notions people hold within themselves to be of worth. Simply
by enjoying the world, others will be converted because they are exposed to

Without seduction, all you have is permission sex, permission fun, or a

permission date. No matter how kinky you make it, or how much you try to
spice it up, it's still bland, it's still boring at its core, for it's no more than what
people already have. With permission sex, permission dates, or permission
fun, you start off in a very bad position. Indeed, if you continue to try to attain
permission and recognition for every single act, it could be said to be quite
the opposite of what we naturally find attractive. Doing so considerably dulls
the senses, and severely inhibits the processes of pleasure, captivation,
and intuition, retarding the effective growth of rich and quality experiences.

The event that is often called chemistry is based on the principle that we
generally share our experiences to an extent with the world around us.
Thus, the importance of how we feel and perceive the world is of the utmost
importance. However, the most important thing to understand about
improving experience is to understand the nature of subtlety. It's actually the
little things that make the biggest differences in how we see and experience
the world. In understanding how huge of an impact something small can
have, you can understand just how little you actually do need, and that you
don't need anything big, fancy, or rare to buy people off with.

Nature is unexpectedly the most magnificent of examples from which we

can understand the true subtleties of intuition and experience. The feeling
before a thunderstorm, the silence of the night, the softness of a flower, and
the tranquility of a mountain stream all illustrate how, even though each
experience is enjoyable, they are also amazingly unique in their subtlety. It
is in these natural moments that we can become most attuned to how we as
people can experience a moment differently: how we can appreciate the
subtlety of things, how even something mundane like talking normally or
doing the dishes can become an entirely different experience because of
the small things.

Whether you are simply sitting outside or partaking in some specific activity,
a different setting in nature seduces you into a different experience. To
simply breathe by the edge of a waterfall, by the gentle glow of the setting
sun, on top of a great mountain recently conquered, or within the wilderness
of a jungle, each experience, though the same, is entirely different. It is our
intuition that speaks to us and makes us experience something so
seemingly the same so absolutely uniquely. Through understanding how
our intuition can cause us to experience a situation that is seemingly the
same so differently, we can comprehend how to change and guide ex-
perience without needing anything to actually be all that different. More
importantly, we understand that situations can be more, without having to
have something to be valued or taken. This is because it is our intuition that
makes even that simple act of breathing so different and varied.

Through understanding the impact of subtlety on experience, we can

appreciate that an experience has something more to it than just what
meets the eye. We can more importantly understand how limitless and
powerful the subtleties can be. We can make something that is so
commonplace into something much more fulfilling and satisfying just by the
smallest of tweaks. One need look no further than a sunset, a flower, or a
mountain top, to see how true this principle is. So simple it is to enhance the
view at the top of the mountain by hiking it, rather than taking a helicopter to
the top. So easy is it to be mystified by a redwood forest by stumbling upon
it. So effortless is it to become mesmerized by a mountain stream, for
underneath every situation there is an undercurrent of feeling or a vibe —
an energy that a person not only intuits but experiences. It is these naturally
occurring subtleties that can make a large difference.

Most every part of nature has this quality, this variety, and it's important to
keep these small and unique qualities that naturally occur within you without
you even noticing. It's the most subtle of qualities that separates a
thundercloud from a car park. It's the most subtle of qualities that separates
a flower from a piece of plastic. It's the most subtle of qualities that
separates something that is truly enjoyable from something that just simply
appears it. It is in understanding that what separates nature's beauty from
what is coarse and undesirable is not much that we can appreciate the kind
of power it has. It's not money, it's not malicious intent, and it's not belonging
to a specific clique. It's simple, it's innate. It's the little things that make your
experience magical, as a thundering storm churns above, the wind sweeps
through the mountains, and the rain begins to gently patter on the softening

Our experiences aren't just about what we see or what is there but more
importantly they are about what we intuit. By understanding this you can
understand most clearly how to develop the experiences that you share with
others, by making what others intuit about you something to behold. People
not only understand but, more importantly, experience what is going on
within you. You must remember that you help shape how others' worlds
feel, simply by how you feel, how you act. It's because they share
experiences with you — feelings, vibes, etc. — that you don't want to be so
analytical as to destroy the most powerful things you have. They are often
destroyed by tactics, not enjoying things, or stressing too much. You want to
enjoy your life so that others will feel it too.

Nature isn't beautiful because it wants to be, it's beautiful because to share
experience with it is something of awe. As a seducer you want to enhance
this very positive effect that you help create someone else's world. You
want to heighten your sensitivity to this connection that you share with
others. You also want to foster those intricate delicacies to your own
experience. The more captivating that you are, the more that you are
contagious. It's only by focusing on the most natural ways that you feel
enriched, and the increases in the quality of your experience, that your vibe
becomes more seductive.
The Power of Pleasure

"Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work." —Aristotle

Pleasure is something that has great practicality. Stop thinking that you
have to break your back or analyze your way around challenges — it's too
slow and unnatural. Besides, pleasure can do a much better job. A pianist's
actions are spurred by the feelings of pleasure that come from the very
ability to play. A delicate dance of pleasure and power are natural
occurrences as she explores the freedom of her instrument. Through
pleasure several beneficial things occur as well as a few idiosyncrasies or
traits that are common amongst all pianists, things like swaying or emoting
as they play.

When you see a fine seducer making little individual movements, like a
biting of the lip, a lowering of the eye lids, a change in breathing pattern, or
an adjustment to the way one stands and moves, do not mistake these as
traits of personality or character. Just like the swaying and emoting of the
pianist, these are not gestures chosen just for the sake of it. These are
naturally occurring idiosyncrasies, which occur under the love of what one is
doing, the passion, the skill, the pleasure. These things, just like for the
pianist, are helpful and natural. They help combine abilities that are
operating at that time, and help them work together, creating an even more
powerful effect. To truly control any instrument, whether it is a piano or the
human body, requires some sense of pleasure and, by losing some control,
gaining even more. Whilst these things may seem trivial, they can help
focus a person and cause them to act unwaveringly, remaining focused and
determined, amongst many other beneficial effects.

Most don't realize it, but pleasure is essentially the workhorse of seduction.
It is the glue that brings a person together and keeps them going. It gives
them the ability to not only juggle a lot of things at one time, but also to enjoy
it, in this creative nature, bringing everything together in ever more exciting
and powerful ways. Pleasure is thusly not to be mistaken as just a simple
passing curiosity but rather it is a powerful fundamental, equivalent to any
other. Pleasure has some of the most extensive benefits. It doesn't so much
just achieve one thing, but many, each of incredible and equal importance.
Perhaps the most fascinating thing about these traits is that they have an
amazing capability to create. As I stated earlier in the book, these traits are
in fact the kinds of intelligence and adaptability required for the dynamics of
seduction. Each of these qualities of pleasure further illustrating the power
and the art behind pleasure, and how incredible of a thing pleasure truly is.

One of the most immediate and obvious benefits of pleasure is its effective
cause for persistence. To truly take pleasure from what one does causes a
person to have a tremendous amount of resilience and investment in what
one is doing. Not only that, but the kind of persistence that pleasure creates
is somewhat smoother and more consistent than other forms of persistence.
This lends it the dual ability of being both a very acceptable reason for
persisting, and a very inoffensive form of persisting. Pleasure, surprisingly,
is in actual fact superior to courage in taking that first risky step of a
seduction. Not only does it afford action, but also a smoothness and a
refinement to it that lasts longer and is more aesthetically appealing than
most other forms of persistence. Aside from this, pleasure, as a form of
persistence, will always keep you going back for more, just like a child not
wanting to go to bed yet.

Another amazing phenomenon of pleasure is that difficult complications

become simplified. Inconveniences are made less so and opportunities are
made easy to take up. Under pleasure, all of the millions of seemingly overly
important details simply begin to fade away into the background as one is
taken away by the experience itself. You will forget about obligations,
responsibilities, inconveniences, and other obstacles, effortlessly finding a
way forward toward the end goals. As such, pleasure is an amazing
problem reducer. It effectively makes a lot of things matter a lot less. It
paves the way for fluid and dynamic interactions, and clears the way for
experiences to be embraced, rather than rejected because of small
inconvenient details. Everything just seems to fade away and lose
importance as pleasure effortlessly washes away things that aren't all that
important. In this way, pleasure is a great simplifier and problem-solver.

Another benefit of pleasure is that you may find yourself being

immeasurably more creative. One reason simply being that you won't have
the inclination to invent problems. The second reason being, you will feel
less stress and pressure, which will liberate you, giving you visibility into
new and exciting directions. Without little annoyances, you are more than
happy to roll up your sleeves and work hard, becoming committed to the
moment and all that it requires. More than that, you are capable of devel-
oping rather exciting, new, interesting, and creative ideas. Creativity itself
has the most amazing of uses. You become capable of finding ways around
issues, and find solutions to problems that you weren't even aware of. So,
creativity is, in a way, a kind of intelligence that can work blindfolded and
help you adapt to a new environment seamlessly
Another powerful aspect of pleasure regards risk-taking and the overcoming
of fears. When a person is in a state of pleasure, a remarkable thing
happens. They, in a sense, don't really care about making mistakes and
subsequently take more risks, because they enjoy what they are doing no
matter what. Because of this, they are not bound to strict structures and
forms, but rather more accurately, adapt to the situation, create
out-of-the-box-type thinking, and take amazing risks. Pleasure, in this
sense, beats courage yet again as a source of overcoming obstacles such
as fear. Pleasure allows one to be willing to take risks, and it also increases
one's confidence and focus.

Lastly, but perhaps most importantly, pleasure has the very beneficial effect
of allowing a person to focus and be confident. This is because of a more
physiological effect that pleasure has. It has the effect of making one forget
what is outside of one's immediate attention, and focus solely on the task at
hand. When all other things fade and wash away, all that is left is one's
focus and entire concentration. From this comes one of the greatest perks
of pleasure: the ability to shut out outside influences and zone in on what is
required at the time. As you can see, pleasure is an immeasurably useful
tool. It affords you the ability to focus, to be creative, to be fearless, to
persist, and to flow and adapt. However, whilst all of these abilities
separately are impressive and important, what is most striking is that,
together, all of these forms of overcoming challenges come together to
create a kind of superforce that is more powerful than most problem-solving
techniques one could imagine. In this way, it is an ancient and powerful form
of intelligence and adaptability that is, for the most part, misunderstood and
underappreciated for its adaptive capabilities.

Most of us go through our lives without realizing how powerful pleasure is,
and just how much we really do rely upon it for our health and well-being. As
a result of understanding the power of pleasure, many seducers, far from
feeling apprehension, actually feel great at even the idea of being able to
seduce someone, even if it is going to require loads of hard work.
Essentially, to be allowed to have such focus, creativity, persistence, and
adaptability, is a liberating experience like no other. Not only is it a pleasure,
it's a fulfilling and satisfying use of one's own potential. In understanding this
more fully, we can understand that pleasure is not just a feeling, but rather a
way of experiencing the world, and taking action. It is a powerful way of
overcoming the challenges that one might face. It is also an amazingly
ingenious way to break the chains of inhibition, and to do what is most
natural, most necessary, and most instinctive.

It may now seem apparent that pleasure is far from some guilty little thing —
some useless but enjoyable piece of flash. Rather, pleasure is a very source
to self-mastery, and a greater connection to one's deeper and more creative
instincts. It is a way to enhance and refine your actions, and to more ef-
fortlessly be who you feel that you are meant to be. In the realization of this
trait that you already inherently possess, you may come to understand your
innate self-perfection, for you see that seduction's purpose is not in the
pursuit of pleasure, but rather its purpose lies within the chance to
experience the freedom of expressing the power and potential that lie deep
within you.
Grow into Greatness

"It always takes an awfully long time to understand unbelievably simple

things." —Joe Chung

As you can see, the three main principles of seduction cover a lot of ground
and, for all of their simplicity, they are very complicated. One could spend
an entire lifetime understanding each one of them, for what I have detailed
so far is only the very beginning of each principle, and just a sifting of the
knowledge that I have accrued through my experiences as a seducer.
Essentially, the right circumstances for seduction come down to the few
principles of seduction. It all allowed to be possible via captivation, the
mundane becoming extraordinary through shared experience and intuition,
and the situation being driven forward through pleasure.

These three principles create an elaborate scene, containing the essentials

of structure and order, topics and behaviors, and innate self-driving
motivation that are required to truly create an experience worthy of being a
part of. With these three principles, you really can paint a world that others
can experience. Even if it wasn't to be what we find attractive, the simple
truth that you are able to affect others, the environment, and yourself in this
way would lead to success in seduction anyhow, with or without some
abstract concept of attraction. In this way, one transcends the need for
attraction, and instead gains the ability to freely create an experience
through the principles of seduction. It is what we were talking about in the
first chapter, to gain freedom from doing something that you love. We have
achieved what we set out to do from the start and it's taken on a life of its
own, so much so, that what was the original intent, becoming attractive, no
longer matters, because of the expanse of what one can do with the above

One thing that you will notice is that I have completely avoided the idea that
people need something and that you give it to them or, have it, and then
exploit the position of power. The beauty of this is that you aren't required to
be anything other than what you already are. It doesn't require you to make
massive changes in your life, and go through a midlife- style crisis.
Seduction really is humble, intricate, and beautiful. It has no connection to
the gossip in these magazines and pop culture self-help books. It really has
nothing to do with gossip and social interactions. It has nothing to do with
appearances versus what's on the inside. It really is as simple and as
intricate as an understanding or ability. Much like, how one can play the
piano, sing, or dance. Slowly, as we become in tune with our intricate ability
to create or seduce — the ability to suddenly inspire new experiences on a
whim that so powerfully draw in others — we will finally know what it means
to feel free in the hands of seduction.

In considering the above, and the nature of seduction's simplicity, perhaps

what is most difficult about the three principles captivation, intuition, and
pleasure is coming to an understanding that something seductive really has
more to it than meets the eye. The compulsion to believe that you need
certain things, other than the principles of seduction, is very strong and, as
such, the principles of seduction are very easy to overlook. However, in the
eventual understanding that seduction isn't complicated, one may at last
take a while to look upon and comprehend these principles that are so often
overlooked and, in so doing, come to a startling truth: the true power of
seduction does not lie within what you know.

You must realize that these principles become stronger with time, patience,
and focus. The principles, though simple, truly have no end to what they can
teach you. These principles are not lessons in themselves, but sources of
knowledge from which you can draw, time and time again. It is most
important that with these principles you give yourself time to understand
them, because each principle is more like a mountain stream than a cup of
tea. In understanding the principles further, one can always nourish their
thirst for greater knowledge. Give yourself the gift of time to understand
these things, keep your focus positive, and eventually you will grow into a
passionate and fulfilled seducer or seductress.
The Perfection of Passion

"Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced." —Soren


Whilst we should be thankful for the occasional miracle in which we

seemingly have to do nothing for something amazing to happen, we should
also understand that more often than not our active contribution is required
to help enhance an experience and bring about something that is
worthwhile in our lives. It requires us to have the passion that moves us
toward the things that we desire to experience in our lives. It's not always
true that in attaining what we think that we want we get something that was
worth the pursuit. One could achieve the partner of one's dreams and find
such an event lackluster. Or one could have a chance encounter with
someone barely of worthy note and have an experience most profound.
More often than not we find that the experience of attaining something that
we want mysteriously shifts and changes for unknown reasons. Sometimes
you get exactly what you want, but more often you get something far
different from what you expected. In understanding this, it becomes appar-
ent that you may indeed desire to understand how to make ALL experiences
more beneficial, rather than relying on the random temperament of
attainment and how it feels to be rewarded for getting what you want.
To a seducer it is for this reason that the worth of an experience is not
judged by the amount of attainment, but rather by the amount of
enhancement provided via the seduction itself. So, more important than
being a method of attaining, seduction is a method of enhancing an
experience. By following the principles of what we find attractive, more so
than attaining what you want, you will learn to develop and enhance an
experience so that it is most definitely something that you will want. You
learn to create your satisfying experiences instead thinking they will
magically come by having the magic rock or the magic partner. Creating an
experience is not seducing others so that inevitably what you desire is
attained. It is done for the richness of your own experience and for those of
others to be evolved and created. It is the seduction itself that makes
something worthy of attaining, for essentially nothing in my experience
would justify the sheer amount of work required in a seduction, other than
the worth of seduction itself.

It is only within the seduction that we create a situation worthy of being a

part of. The seduction should never be to attain another person, but always
should be directed towards the positive evolution of experiences,
captivating communication, and sexual tension. Not only is this the only way
to be a seducer, but it's also the only way to truly take something away from
a seduction. A musician doesn't play for fame, but for the music. A seducer
or seductress, in this same manner, does it for the seduction and not so
much the attainment of something else. The eventual truth that appears to a
seducer is that nothing is more satiating than the fondness one feels for
seduction itself.
Truly appreciating the experience of seducing itself conjures up feelings of
love, chemistry and connection, not just to one person, but to the opposite
sex as a whole. You learn to appreciate the opposite sex for the
opportunities that they give you to be who you truly want to be: to be free, to
feel free, and to create experiences that truly are something meaningful. In
a way, it is love. This is one of the true purposes of seduction, and it is by
looking at the process of attainment that we can understand more fully how
to bring this kind of love into our lives. Whether we are single, or engaged in
a more permanent relationship.

With this understanding of the importance of seduction in personal

satisfaction, let's take a look at the part of the seduction where you are
ensconced in action. Everything is happening, bells and whistles are flying.
The point where a seduction is at full tilt, and really isn't going to get more
active. The biggest thing that people overlook, when they have a confused
mindset about seduction, is that, essentially, if you aren't getting what you
really desire right now, in the process of things, then simply getting to the
next step, the next phase, really isn't going to help you any, since there isn't
any next step. Success in seduction only magnifies what you already feel.
So, if you are worried about losing someone, you'll only grow more worried
as things go on. Or, if you don't feel worthy, you will feel less and less
worthy as things progress.

Everything that a seducer does, from the moment that he first prepares to
seduce, either pays off or it doesn't, in these moments — not, mind you,
because one either attains what is desired or does not, for that is already
seemingly in the bag, but rather because these are the defining moments
that determine whether you enjoy the experience like a fine seduction or,
because of your obsessive need for having, you are left with the opportunity
wasted, and no satisfaction of any kind. So, keep in mind that it is the
process that must be the most pleasant, the most wildly enjoyable, and in
the principles of seduction you will find great satisfaction, no matter the
hardship. To be a satisfied and effective seducer or seductress, you must
always be aware that you get out what you put in. It's just the cherry on top
sometimes a miracle does all of the work for us.
Effortless Positivity

"Our thoughts create our reality — where we put our focus is the direction
we tend to go."
—Peter McWilliams

Seduction draws upon your already innately perfect self that others may not
even be able to see. It draws upon a side of you that cares little for the
details, the ins and outs: a side without motive, intent, or thought. It draws
upon the natural qualities that you were born with, which cannot be
improved upon or damaged. Much like in the chapter Resonating Rapport,
acceptance of oneself isn't so much about intellectualizing everything about
you. It's a realization that there actually was nothing to figure out or learn.
There was just something beautiful to overlook. You'll kick yourself in
disbelief, for not seeing it earlier.

Learning to control your focus is one of the simplest, easiest and most
immediate ways to exhibit that you have learned to accept and respect
yourself, flaws and all. Seduction isn't about having anything. It's not about
having a specific trait, tendencies towards certain behaviors, or making
certain people perceive you in certain ways socially. It's not even about
having confidence, or having others know that you are capable of seduction.
Seduction is intricate. It is a world only a seducer has truly seen. A world in
which, like the serene setting of the clouds catching upon the peak of a
snow-capped mountain, magic occurs. It's a personal thing, an adventure, a
journey, and an incomparable experience. It's not something
communicated, it's not something to be understood. It is a sight to be seen,
most truly, with one's own eyes. It's the realization that there is a much
larger world outside of just what you perceive. A magical dance, a beautiful
symphony, a force of nature. As everything, working in seeming harmony,
exists in a pure and perfect form. Seduction is so much more than meets the
eye. The true natures of yourself and others are so much more than meets
the eye. In respecting this truth, and trying to avoid the eventual beating that
you will give yourself for not realizing it sooner, realize that by choosing
what you focus on, you determine what you give power to.

In nature, from but a small seed, a mighty oak can grow. The same is true of
the seeds of your focus. This kind of respect for yourself and what you focus
on has many benefits. Whilst it may be tempting to think that gossip topics
are related to seduction, as a topic that is stressful and confusing, more
than anything, it is actually likely to get in the way of seduction. Similar to
how doing accounting gets in the way of having fun. In fact, being seen
favorably in all of these gossip magazine-type ways could actually be seen
to inhibit the natural processes of seduction. Take nearly any pop star —
they are the "in thing," they are tremendously in demand — but as a result of
increasing levels of pressure, stress, and confusion in situations, the fame
eventually lends to inhibition, and doing the very reverse of the seductive
principles laid out in this book. As such, one's focus should not be drawn by
such things.
The power of a seducer's strength flows from his or her passion for the art.
Controlling one's focus comes from one of the most powerful principles of
seduction. The power of pleasure neatly solves this issue of
self-acceptance, and it does so by a rather unexpected means, the means
of focus. Essentially, one of the last benefits that I talked about in the
chapter The Power of Pleasure was that pleasure can give you the powerful
ability to control your focus. As pleasure overcomes you, you will do things
for your own reasons. You'll stop focusing on all of the small itty-bitty details
and gossip sessions of others, and focus in on your passion for the art that
is seduction. You will be reminded of just why you seduce. It won't be
because you should do so, it won't be because you deserve to do so, and it
won't be so you are recognized as doing so. It will be because you truly
appreciate the freedom and liberation that seduction gives you, and how it
enables you to truly be yourself.

The more you grow to love seduction, the more you will realize how little all
those other things matter. You will become more comfortable with whom
you are in day-to-day life, no matter what that may be for you, and you will
learn to accept yourself more than you would have ever imagined possible.
Slowly this passion becomes power. In seduction, one's slowly increasing
affinity with the art allows one to slowly feel at home with their seductive
abilities. Through the abilities of seduction, we see most clearly the
irrelevance of many flaws, as others would consider them.

As one progresses, the small, unexpected insights lead to new and refined
concepts of what is important, and what is irrelevant. As one grows fond of
seduction and of the feelings and freedoms that it grants, one realizes the
importance of focus and the power that it has over shaping an experience,
and doing things for your own purposes. As one appreciates positive
experiences more and realizes that seduction is a process of creation, not a
cyclical or deserving process, one grows such clarity as to no longer value
focusing on the flaws or criticisms espoused by many. Instead, focusing on
what may most likely foster productive trains of development and allowing
positive things to grow in one's own life. However, this is a gradual process.
It requires much patience and ownership of responsibilities. It is the art of
focus. If you can focus on the positive, you will have many more positive
experiences, and be true to yourself and your passions.
The Nature of a Seducer or

"In the right setting what to do will come to you most naturally." —Taylor

At the most basic level, there are a few things to understand and
comprehend well. Since we have a short opportunity in this chapter, we will
explore them briefly. Keep in mind that these are only a sifting of the
knowledge one can gain on the journey of seduction. These techniques are
simply the most fundamental and powerful techniques that I have picked up
through experience.

Have a delicious Vibe

As discussed in the section on intuition, everyone has a vibe, and this vibe
can take on the quality of one's experiences, motivations, and feelings. The
most basic and easy way of influencing this vibe is to understand that the
vibe you give off to others comes from how you experience the world.

• Have a good day, have a good vibe.

• Have a lousy day, have a lousy vibe.
• Perceive hostility around you, give off a hostile or fearful vibe.
• Think things around you are going well, give off a positive vibe.
• See and know things around you are going well, and give off a vibe that
they are.

It is your experience that sets the vibe. When you captivate someone's
attention with tension or your presence, essentially they will be more
affected by your vibe, by what you feel and how you are viewing things. So,
keep your focus towards things that result in good experiences that you both
can share in. Whether that be sexuality, instinct, fun, or pleasure, you name
it. Just remember that vibes are a thing of subtlety, and a topic more
far-reaching than I can go into in this book alone.

Connect with sexual Tension

Sexual tension is all about how you captivate someone's attention, or

heighten their stimulation. If you are rushing to get a point out, it's not going
to work. Alternatively, if you are being slow, and the person just walks off
because they don't notice you, then that's not sufficient either. Instead, you
want to have a presence, or introduce some sexual tension into the
situation. You want their attention to be drawn, even if you are slow, or even
if you rush — creating a presence, no matter what it is that you do in
particular. In stopping a crowd, people don't just lift their arms, they increase
their presence. In speaking, people don't just start speaking, first their
presence increases. In pointing at a star or giving directions, people use
presence to make their actions more noticeable. There are many things you
can learn by observing how you already act, for most of us are quite capable
of using our presence to be noticed and affect people, for without these
abilities, all of your movements, words, or actions would be rendered
useless or poorly timed. The rest you will have to discover for yourself. This
is because it's not something that is easily learned or understood until one
experiences it for themselves. It's a feeling that develops between two
people's bodies, a quality, and a richness. A captivating and stimulating

Be driven by Pleasure

Pleasure is a very powerful tool. With it, you are almost guaranteed to be
doing things for your own reasons. Pleasure has the very favorable trait of
blocking out a lot of things that are happening peripherally, which otherwise
might upset you. It also has the characteristic of making you more creative
and persistent. Pleasure also increases your pleasure and helps out your
overall vibe. Pleasure is meant to automate your actions, making you
impulsive, creative, smooth and adaptive. In most cases sex, fun, and the
spontaneity of meeting someone new are always to some extent a hassle or
a difficulty. These difficulties aren't truly all that real, for a person with a
creative mind will always find a way. This is why pleasure is so important in
removing the hassle aspect, because through its powers, it just washes all
those little hassles away, allowing for the spontaneity of new experiences,
and the individuality and strength, to do so under close scrutiny and
observation from peers or loved ones. Pleasure is the tool that gives you all
that you need to be driven and reach goals you didn't even know you had.

How Seduction naturally or normally occurs

Seduction normally happens because a person, for whatever inexplicable

reason, has an amazing vibe or presence. This can happen naturally, for the
most bizarre of reasons, and it happens to all of us at some point. During
this time, a person is not only very alluring, but also very capable of making
things happen. Essentially it's this undercurrent feeling of confidence and
ability that results in positive experiences. Whilst, when not so upbeat, on a
natural low, a person won't do particularly well with seduction.

Usually, if a person is consciously involved in the seduction or romance,

they'll attribute it to something that they did, said, or some pattern that they
followed. Usually, however, it's just as simple as having a good day. Usually
a person's choices have little to do with it. What are actually at work are
one's perceived environment and one's general level of pleasure. Usually,
no matter how extreme one's behaviors, success is determined by the basic
principles, more than the little details. Typically, nature can provide us with
the undercurrents necessary for great seduction, even though we aren't
aware of it. Without any seductive help, it is analogous to a row boat on diy
land, whilst with natural seductive help, it's analogous to that same row boat
travelling down a surging rapid.

Most people rationalize that it is something that they do, but this is a simple
misunderstanding, for most effective seductions rely upon the seductive
principles, whether a person realizes it or not. All of the fundamentals of
seduction are connected. The more they work together, the more effective
they will be. For instance, when you captivate someone well, you will have
the proper tension in your body, which will travel throughout you, causing
you much pleasure. It causes the kinds of pleasure that will help you do
what you need to do, and cause you to even more effortlessly create a
difference in vibe for the audience to experience. Just as one faulty act
leads to others, each correct action makes it that much easier to do other
moves effectively. With practice, these actions will all blend harmoniously
together into something smooth and natural. A great seduction, with a com-
bination of facets working interconnectedly together, is a physical pleasure,
even when great work is expended. With all of these principles working
together in harmony, you will be a seducer. Eventually, you will understand
that most things in seduction are not methods, but rather side effects of a
much more potent truth.

At the highest level of seduction all forms disappear. Idiosyncrasies diminish

and take up the most subtle of qualities. Seduction becomes as simple as
the mental picture of one's mind and feelings, effectively being telegraphed
into reality. Such is a seducer's power. The bridge between the preparations
and the actual start of the seduction is usually nothing more than a
collection of idiosyncrasies. As a seducer looks at one's object of desire and
feels the kind of vibe one is going to use — the way that they are going to
captivate the audience — one's instinct takes over. Automatically,
idiosyncrasies will pop up. Not unlike the way that all pianists sway as they
play, all singers emote as they sing, and all surfers crouch to ride a wave.
One may bite their lip, their jaw or hands may drop, they may begin looking
up slightly, their posture may change, and they may become a little more
comfortable touching when interacting.

To be a seducer means to not have to think about what to do. It means

getting a few ideas clear in your mind and then learning to act off of them.
They require no thought, no planning, and no intellectualization. If your
abilities to create a vibe, captivate an audience, and enjoy the whole
experience all work together properly, you will never need to think of what to
do. You will be thinking and acting so clearly and intuitively, that what to do
will just come to you, and you will act appropriately automatically. If you take
the time to build upon the ability to understand variances in vibe and how to
create them, the different ways that you can bend tension and your
presence to captivate an audience, and how to bring it all together by
enjoying the experience and acting, you -will innately understand all of the
moves of seduction like you do your own body.
Owning your own Style

"The power of intuitive understanding will protect you from harm until the
end of your days." —Lao Tzu

No two people's paths are the same. Whilst looking for that right person
might be one person's goal, another's might be simply to learn about what
love, relationships and themselves can be, and follow where the adventure
takes them. Some will be in relationships, others will constantly be entering
new ones. No matter what you do in your love life, it can be quite the task.
Depending on your situation, there are going to be inherent variations to the
challenges that you face. Thus, how you use what's in this book is of great
importance. Use it towards your advantage. Your seductive quality isn't an
easy thing to attain, and I don't believe that a step-by-step method would get
anyone to their goals. However, most certainly keeping your head and
focusing on the main principles will keep you in good stead. That is, as long
as you are smart enough to use them to your advantage.

Pleasure is as powerful as courage and as creative as intelligence. Intuition

and the subtleties of experience are more powerful influencers on the way
others feel than what is actually happening. Captivation and sexual tension
can give you a sense of control and the ability to truly share experiences
with others. Finally, knowing that it's not about gaining the object of your
desires, but creating an experience for you both to enjoy and share, should
help you understand how to fulfill yourself and any partner that you may

If you are in a relationship, it won't hurt to build some sexual tension once
and a while. Or to focus on more positive things so that your partner can
share the good feelings. Or to more frequently be a little more aggressive
and, instead of asking for their permission, seducing your lover into a state
where they lose their senses. If you are single, instead of spending your
time humming and harring about what to do, learn to captivate your lover
and entice them into a shared experience. Take pleasure in each other's
company and don't stress too much about the details. Focus on the
positives and move on from what might bring the experience down. Take
pleasure in the seduction, and your persistence and creativity will bloom. By
doing so, you will eventually evolve your own unique and seductive quality.
In this way, you can become the master of your own love life, no matter
what you are after, if you work at it, for the true purpose of seduction is not
any one prescribed goal. Rather, it is a method of being in a state of
harmony, and creating harmony in one's environment. Through this very
way of doing things, you might set situations into motion, and adjust them so
that the very natural effects of seduction — the effects that create
inevitability towards one's goals — work in your favor.

However, no matter what you are looking for, I didn't write this book so that
you would instantly master and get what you want out of your love life. I
wrote this book as a guide on what not to focus on, and a clue as to what
direction to look toward. My goal was to start you off again, on a clean slate,
so that you don't have to get into seduction thinking that you have to be a
magic creature, or become one, or that seduction isn't inherently your cup of
tea, and that you subsequently have to be awkward and seek permission for
things in your life. So, the most important lesson is that no matter what your
goal is, your focus should be on the principles of seduction. However, you
must not simply take the principles at face value but rather develop them to
your own means. In this way, the depths of learning that these principles
can teach are to a large extent unlimited. Searching for other sources, such
as sources of inadequacy, is entirely unnecessary. These principles are
very strong, if you learn to make them your own and develop them to your
What we find attractive

"There is more to seduction than meets the eye." —Taylor Truth

Whether in the saucy and adventurous world of romance and seduction or

in the serene setting of waterfalls, sounds, sunsets, and the beauty of
nature, we find what is attractive and it bears a similarity across all fields.
Something that we find attractive first captivates us. It brings us from the
humdrum existence of day-to-day living into something different, something
to experience. It disarms us, fascinates our attention, and in some sense
makes us orderly. The experience it brings us into may seem ordinary,
everyday and bland to the outsider, but through that special connection and
chemistry, we not only see something more, but feel it coursing through our
veins. We lose our thought, we lose our control, and we don't want to get it
back, for in these seeming moments that we lose control, we simultaneously
seem to gain it more crisply than we ever had it before. In the pleasure of
the moment, we become stronger. We take risks, become creative,
adaptive, and feel a sense of effortlessness to our existence. We are
disarmed from our normal world of what we expect to experience, and are
more powerfully drawn into an experience that we would have never known
to be our most satisfying of moments. It is through this seduction that we
find what is most attractive to us. It is only in these moments that we truly
could ever comprehend what we find attractive.

As a last word, I would recommend that in using this book effectively, you do
not try to complicate the principles described into something more complex.
Rather take only what you need, so that you can experience an intuitive
grasp of the concepts, and use them dynamically with your natural instincts
and intuition. The material presented in this book amounts to only a sifting of
the knowledge that I have accrued during my years as a seductionist. I am
hopeful that these chapters will accomplish two things. First, I trust that they
will greatly increase the average person's enjoyment of this incredibly
fascinating part of life, and open up a new world of beauty and fascination to
them. Second, and most importantly, I hope that these lessons will serve as
a body of knowledge that will help keep people on the right track — to help
keep people's focus on what is true and real in seduction, and lead them
away from the typical and easily marketed trappings that reduce one's self
In the chapter addressing attainment, The Perfection of Passion, we
discussed how seduction isn't just about seducing the object of your
desires, but that through seduction you are given the very reason to seduce.
The experience and understanding of seduction, and how to do it, is the
most rewarding reason for learning. There really is no object to attain. This
understanding is at the heart of this book, the idea that you seduce for the
love of seduction itself. In the journey of seduction, we come to understand
how to create an experience worthy of sharing with others. By refining how
we ourselves experience the world, by refining our harmonizing effect on
the environment, by refining our actions through the power of pleasure, we
not only bring others into a great experience from which they reflect back
what we feel, we also learn to create it for ourselves.

The journey of a seducer can be quite the learning experience. You may
learn things about yourself and the world that you just didn't know before.
You may look at life a new way, interact with others differently and,
hopefully, find satisfaction with yourself and others just the way that they
are. However, as a final word, I must mention that there is no end to this
journey. To start this journey of seduction means to never finally attain, but
to always continue to grow. To always find something beautiful that you
have overlooked, to always more deeply understand that there is more to
seduction than meets the eye. So, never have the intention of abandoning
your quest. Rather grow the desire to always keep it close to you.

Then all that we can do is hope and wish that we will never see it end. With
this fondness and closeness to the mystique that is seduction and its
powerful principles, we can only forever thank this mystery that has
provided us with so much.

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