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Good morning teachers and friends

We are here today hale and hearty

Lend us your ears
Here our say

We start to see this big blue marble

Full of beautiful colours like
Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet
and indigo
Ooo it’s the rainbow
Beautiful, wonderful, colourful
Then we start to know many strange faces
Looking right, looking left,
Making lots and lots of weird sounds
That we’ve never heard before
Recess time!!!
Yak... bread, bread and bread again
The same old diet
Where’s my teh tarik? Where’s my roti
canai? Hei.. Hei.. where’s my mee goreng
Teacher! Teacher! What about my koko

Later we get to know this sweet face

everywhere we look
Smiling all the time everyday, every
moment round the clock
Tick tock tick tock ding dong ding dong
Some call teacher, some call cikgu, some
call puan and some call them mummy!

But don’t forget the serious looking

woman, tall and stern
I know I know she’s Datin Su
Yes! You’re right! You’re right!
Ring ring hello Datin my daughter, siti
she’s so fragile pls always take care of her

Ring ring hello Datin my daughter scored

straight A’s thank you thank you! Hello
Datin wah your cikgu ah dare to give my
daughter ‘Kueh tiaw’
wah Datin Su very busy ah. Of course la.
As we step into the new world. Wow! We
get to learn more and more new things..
abc, 123, do re me.
Thanks to who? Teachers la. Teachers, are
the burning candles that light our life, the
sunshine after the rain, the wind beneath
our wings.

After years and years of ups and downs

we are see colours everywhere,
anywhere, up and down, east and west.
Ha! Ha! Ha! No more fairy tales, no more
Humpty Dumpty no more crocodile tears
now... it’s time for the famous physics,
bio, chemistry, addmaths and not
forgetting our all time favourite... PJK!

But don’t forget

Now what? We are about to lose... the
best teacher, the greatest listener and
most of all our school’s backbone (sigh)
that’s the fact of life

Wait wait! What’s the matter? It’s time to

sing about life
A school without teachers is not a school
and we without teacher are going to be
Slowly slowly our teachers are all going to
Gosh! That’s such a lost! That’s such a lost!
Datin Su, you have painted our minds and
guided our thoughts, shared our
achievements and advised our faults.

For the dawn of each poet, each

philosopher and king, begins with a
teacher, and the wisdom they bring.
You will always deserve our respect and
we wish you all the best!
Thank you!

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