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When Levon did his qualitative analysis, however, he found some even more

fascinating data. There was definitely a gendered difference in the way that men
and women employed HRTs in a narrative. Women used HRT to lessen their threat to
other people wanting to participate in the conversation, but they also used it to
maintain control of the narrative. Men, meanwhile, used HRT to signal useful and
interesting information in their narrative, and so control the spotlight on
themselves, so to speak.

Of course, there were some omissions from the study � there were no non-white,
lower class, or LGBT participants, who of course often differ from their straight
white middle-class peers in the way they use such features. Indeed, the gendered
aspect of its use could be very different amongst LGBT participants, and hence
worthy of further study. What is clear though, is that Adam Hills is wrong � people
don�t use HRTs because they are uncertain. If anything, they indicate just how
certain they are!

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