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Khorne is a god of battle, blood, and honor. He asks his followers to kill in his name and to offer
up the blood and skulls of their enemies to him. Many of his followers are indiscriminate killers
and murderers, but Khorne doesn't care for the blood of the innocent or weak. He wants the
blood of the strong, for warriors to fight other warriors in the greatest of all battles. There's no
glory or honor unless there is a challenge.

1 Refusing a challenge of combat

2 Using stealth or trickery to win or avoid a fight
3 Casting a Spell
4 Allowing a spell to be cast on you

Undoubtedly the greatest of all gods, with all of the powers. He is just so big and awesome and
strong, it's really hard to say anything too specific or exact about him. That's the story and I'm
sticking to it. If you really must keep asking more questions, well... Vectron isn't the god of
anything in particular. In fact, he'll accept worship from anyone for any reason in any way, just
as long as it's directed towards him. There are all sorts of crazy rumors that Vectron isn't real at
all, but that's clearly insane. Vectron must be real. Nine out of ten doctors agree that Vectron is
more likely real than fake!

1 Not accepting Vectron as your ultimate lord and savior

2 Deny the credibility of any miracle attributed to Vectron
3 Not carrying the book of Vectron’s teaching
4 Failing to praise Vectron by name in EVERY conversation

Rules of Acquisition:
The rules of acquisition were a numbered series of aphorisms, guidelines and principles that
provided the foundation of business philosophy in Ferengi culture. They were first written by
Gint, the First Grand Nagus. In theory, every Ferengi business transaction strictly followed all
285 rules.

1 Once you have their money, you never give it back

2 Never place friendship above profit
3 Never trade or make a deal with a woman
4 A deal is a deal

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