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erent fr Nacktume lifes A Simple Guide to + couse: infection mets phone, sera Phase 3 Examinations Contents: 1. cardiovascular 7. Galtand Co-ordination / Cerebellar 2 Res & Peripheral Vascular 3: Aso 9. ENT Exam & Uope eal S0.Fandoscony 5 Lower Lr Neurological 11 Peripheral Lamp | 6 Cranial Nerves Az Neck Lamp / Thyroid + ahimotos~crlaae ery had etre Traoidcancer cela, ar and poo defines edges. Horses of ace, stor Author: Sujan Sivasubramaniyam Year 5 Medical Student "tear do not erode without ptr parton 2 www. osiesroom. Conn Osler'!s Room on FB. Examiner as chapexne mudical jargon. arg 9s let relic Arwen conhcva pallor Corea arcs and santana ‘es cation Maras) ar fash severe zal tno] Make sure ow is STRRIGHT | gn? /my examination woul keto tae afl history, prior peripheral vascular and oPOrt ——respatory tamination look at obewation chars, perform ECS, stra and Proteinuria in infective endcardts andozcopy HTN change ot 1 ereptatons In “request chest X-ray and i murmur present request an E Cloth 1) 14 Tey enamine hr/s_.__ ya linet iy MU he appeared comfort "es. The pose ings were Ts content wth iar for Cersiovasculr Examination | hyrotrions, fre, exreba/eegnaney 1 ian iae emamie | in, yellow nals, mesg tr ting, palmar enters [C2 retentlonl + Hypererparson or bal het neresed AP damete in asta / COPD Peas caatum pectic year od set thrichy M/F who appeared comfortable at ‘est. The postive findings wore Tis consistent wth ierentiats in Rospratory Exam Movement . iaeome =e ‘etn reduced bat ype yperinited room sas ‘Abdominal Examination > Mota ais| * pacar pstusion: Warm cl cubbing, kalonyet lutonyhia pana nthe, dupure’consacture AV fst excoriation, brug wep) rarmot defect cry howge t Ra ate, ty, yolae od pressure, "eal | would ike to know the Hood pressure items for Abdominal Exaninstion Hepstomesaly 4 ‘The patents (tender/nn-tende) smocth/non-smooth hepatomegaly which was pple + Moning: sitemeter and 6 (685) + comfotabie at ret conslouses: cle ows, nate, petidakeratons [etl splenomegaly 4 Massive chronic myeoewaemia, myloBros, mai, 2. Mover: T, phoma, andl fever (symphadnapathy) ke Ouehene's muscular dstophy armyotonc patos, hemlet) Hepaterlenemegshy 12. To compete my examination I would ike to ake afl history, xaminelower tin ncetng ‘cranial eres, check for sad anaesthesia nd ana tone as well as perfom fndoscopy Ioptinewtie. 13, Today examined Mr/hs_2 _yea ld ner othley] M/E who appeared + Shingsmyets sks: ltd pan and temperature los + Union sensory ee ocation~ ary; mid humeral ectre radi ow recta — . rle-Toot hresary motor and snsary neuropathy] Mnemonic ABCD [Akohol BI, Charcot Mare-ooth, Diabetes] found: ge ec &exterson> wrt FE > 1%, “Thankyou very mh for etng me examine you, you cen now getredreszed~ do you need any bp with shar ‘Lower Limb Neurological Examination 4 Wash hands introduce & Consent Mame, ag ocupatin, temperature ess 14, Today | examined MMe ‘comforabie at rest. The postive Mndlngs were Theleconiten wth .__ year old inser ety) M/F who appeared Dern for Lower Limb Neurological Examination ent you [neglect ass hearing ads the patent: sions mor, aces nasmatoma + Optic Fst ask “do youhaveany trouble secng, bred isin, any bie teas? © Mua Acuity: Sets Brug: erty, ipl, rosa rngel ats, ccesory spina, ypoplos! Silty inking where Peywere opp for meet meake al 3 sorters 21, “Thank you ery much fretting me examine you, you cn now eetredressed, woul you 1+ Non-ersbals: Dowel Clu isu [B12 de, diabetes MS, 68S sei) ~ check patency et or septal devaton or petoatin, rthems, ered infor "7 a 20 “Thankyou vy much for lting me examin ou, there anything you woul! het sk 138 Tay I saw Mrs _3 _year ol net ethncy M/F he presented with _—eek/mont istry of _The postive finns on examination were Tiss eine with 12, To complete ny exam would tae fll Nstory, aque formal hesrng assessment ith ‘pure tone audiogram and typename, perform sabi any sigs of nection." ierentin for Ear Exam + Foregnbody ~ Nols induce/Ong ince = pecunte erors| ~ Meni’ dense foow vessels Veeated by verze points tomar opie) 6 woul take a fl history, request formal on tert, exmine ‘rani nerves 2,46 and request Goldmann vill testing” fronts in Fundoscone ~ Hypertensive ratinpatiny Die pomal 1 Ratna aomerhoges,microaneuyans ha Roti ploments © Ret: scattered rth pimanation case bone peu pattern © Vests grea tested a7 7 or teas any see neck=sotary epee, nw pt teased let me story, ions cy M/F wh appeaced ‘Ths scontent wth bbebigtoe (oat) tm oantender ‘ves norton plane ony, can get * Color ck, purl, shin eur 9 “Could ake sp ofthis water plese and hod it pase” and “ow swallow.” Introduce & Consent. Name ge, occpation, ow, does it reapparspontaneouy when Canyou pest dm, only espe with rv or eres 6 ses thyroid statu ofthe patient Upwarel gave is whey Sion mast affectecl. ete my exarinaton woul ket take a fllhistor, request thyrld uncon tests urasound anti sed be 36 Today examines Mr/Nrs_a__ yar od (insert thy) M/F who appeaced ‘comfortable st est. The postive ndings were

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