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Hormones and Behaviour

Chapter · April 2001

DOI: 10.1038/npg.els.0000146


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2 authors:

Rae Silver Lance J Kriegsfeld

Columbia University University of California, Berkeley


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Hormones and Behaviour Introductory article

Rae Silver, Columbia University, New York, New York, USA Article Contents
Lance J Kriegsfeld, Columbia University, New York, New York, USA . Hormones: The Within-body Signalling System
. Hormone–Receptor Interactions
. Hormones, Development and Adult Behaviour
Hormones are chemical messengers that are produced by the body and act on target tissue
. Organizational and Activational Effects of Hormones
within the same individual. Importantly, not only can hormones act to influence behaviour,
on Behaviour
but the behaviour of an individual can also affect its own hormones.
. Hormones, Immune Function and Disease
. Summary
Hormones: The Within-body Signalling
System secrete gonadal steroid hormones. These steroids, in turn,
travel in the blood to reach targets all over the body. In the
The term ‘hormone’ was initially applied to molecules brain, the steroids have a negative feedback effect,
which were synthesized in endocrine glands, secreted into regulating the brain’s secretion of neurohormones. A
the bloodstream, and then transported to distant target similar three-part system of control operates for other
sites. Originally, only three classes of hormones were glands in the body, such as the adrenal and thyroid glands.
recognized: proteins and peptides (e.g. gonadotropin-
releasing hormone, luteinizing hormone), steroids (e.g.
testosterone, oestradiol) and amino acid-related hormones
(e.g. noradrenaline (norepinephrine), adrenaline (epi- Hormone–Receptor Interactions
nephrine)). Today, the term hormone is used more broadly
to include all chemical messengers synthesized by the body An endocrine gland is an anatomically distinct organ made
that act by binding with high affinity to target cells within up of cells that synthesize and store hormones. Classical
the same individual. Some scientists also regard as endocrine glands release their products into the general
hormones, molecules that leave the body to act on another circulatory system, or into specialized portal systems (liver
individual, while others refer to these as pheromones. and pituitary). In the traditional view, hormones are
There are over 100 known hormones, and this list is carried to their target sites by the blood.
growing. It is no longer feasible to group hormones into the In order for a hormone to influence a target cell and then
simple categories noted above. modify behaviour, it must first bind to a receptor. A
Our deepening understanding of hormones and their hormone will not bind to just any receptor – only to those
actions has shifted our views of ‘what hormones are’ and receptors with a high affinity and specificity for that
‘what hormones do’. The modern definition takes the view particular hormone. Different classes of hormones have
that a hormone is any substance that acts at the cellular specialized receptors, thereby differentially affecting cel-
level to initiate, stop or modulate a cellular process. The lular physiology and behaviour. For example, because
site of action can be nearby or at a distant target. peptide hormones are not lipid-soluble, they must bind to
Hormones are synthesized not only by glands but also by receptors located on the plasma membrane of a cell. These
neurons and other cell types in specialized tissues, receptors typically span the lipid bilayer of the plasma
including uterus and heart. Hormones can act via membrane and are often coupled to G proteins, which
paracrine, autocrine or intracrine mechanisms. It is not activate a second messenger. After a peptide hormone
uncommon for a given hormone both to act locally and to binds to its receptor, G proteins activate a cascade of events
travel through the bloodstream to act at distant target sites. that eventually alter biochemical activity within a cell. In
contrast, because steroid hormones are lipid-soluble, they
can interact directly with intracellular receptors. The
The endocrine system mechanisms by which steroid hormones interact with their
Classically, the endocrine system of the body has three receptor is the focus of this section.
main components: brain–pituitary–target organ. Neuro-
secretory cells in the brain synthesize neurohormones, Steroid hormones bind to receptors that are
which reach the specialized portal blood supply of the also transcription factors
pituitary gland. When stimulated by these brain hormones,
the pituitary gland secretes its products into the general Hormones such as the sex steroids, thyroid hormones,
blood supply of the body. Pituitary hormones, such as glucocorticoids, retinoic acid and vitamin D are small,
follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hor- lipid-soluble molecules that freely diffuse across the plasma
mone (LH) stimulate target cells in the ovary and testis to membrane. Steroid hormones are synthesized from the

ENCYCLOPEDIA OF LIFE SCIENCES © 2001, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 1
Hormones and Behaviour

Plasma cholesterol


3 β-HSD II 17α-Hydroxypregnenolone


17 α-Hydroxylase


17 α-Hydroxylase

11-Deoxycorticosterone 11-Deoxycortisol


11 β-Hydroxylase 11 β-Hydroxylase

17β-HSD I
Corticosterone Cortisol


5α-Reductase Aromatase


5 α-Dihydrotestosterone

Figure 1 The biosynthetic pathway for the production of steroid hormones from plasma cholesterol. Cholesterol is first converted to pregnenolone,
which serves as a prohormone (i.e. precursor) for all other steroid hormones. Relevant enzymes are depicted in italics. HSD, hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase.

precursor cholesterol (Figure 1). The intracellular receptors transcriptional regulation. The first two of these domains
to which they bind are transcription factors. Each of these confer specificity of action; for example, a hormone-
receptors has the same basic structure: they contain a binding domain that recognizes oestrogen will not bind
deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)-binding domain, a hor- glucocorticoids with high affinity. Although hormone
mone-binding domain, and a domain responsible for receptors only bind one particular hormone with high

Hormones and Behaviour


Acceptor site


synthesis Rough ER Cytosol

= Steroid hormone
= Steroid receptor
= DNA-binding domain
= Heat-shock protein

Figure 2 Interaction between a steroid hormone and its receptor. The lipid-soluble steroid passes through the cellular membrane and enters the target
cell. Subsequently, the steroid molecule enters the cell nucleus and binds to its receptor. The binding of the steroid to its receptor causes the DNA binding
domain of the receptor protein to dissociate from a heat-shock protein (HSP). Following dissociation from the HSP, the hormone–receptor complex
binds to an acceptor site on the DNA and initiates a process whereby a gene is transcribed into mRNA. The mRNA then exits the nucleus and serves as a
template for protein synthesis on the ribosomes of the rough endoplasmic reticulum (ER).

affinity, most receptors will also bind other hormones with (Figure 2). When a receptor is not occupied by a steroid,
lower affinity. Thus, hormones may have unanticipated the steroid-binding region inhibits the DNA-binding
effects due to binding to low-affinity receptors; for region and prevents inappropriate interactions with
example, progesterone can bind to androgen receptors DNA. When unbound, the DNA-binding portion of a
with low affinity and have small androgenic effects. steroid receptor is thought to be coupled to a heat-shock
protein (HSP) in order to prevent binding to DNA. When a
hormone enters a cell and binds to a steroid receptor, the
Steroid receptors – intracellular receptors HSP dissociates from the DNA-binding region of the
receptor, and the hormone–receptor complex becomes a
Unlike peptides, steroid hormones are lipid-soluble and transcription factor capable of binding to DNA and
can readily cross the plasma membrane. Thus, steroid altering gene synthesis. Once a gene is transcribed into
hormone receptors are typically localized to the cytosol messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) from DNA, the
and nucleus of a cell, although membrane-bound receptors mRNA is transported to the ribosomes on the rough
have been postulated (see below). Controversy exists endoplasmic reticulum in the cytoplasm, where it serves as
regarding whether steroid receptors reside within the cell a template for protein synthesis. Gene transcription leads
nucleus or the cytoplasm. For the purpose of simplicity, to alterations in the number of receptor proteins, or the
each model will be discussed in turn. amount of neurotransmitter, peptides, proteins or hor-
Steroid receptors residing in the nucleus contain a mones synthesized and stored within a cell.
steroid-binding region and a DNA-binding region

Hormones and Behaviour

In the two-stage model, steroid receptors are thought to in rodents may be due to the effects of progesterone on the
reside in the cytosol of the cell and, after binding to its g-aminobutyric acid (GABA) receptor complex. Drugs
receptor, the hormone–receptor complex is translocated to that block the GABA receptor inhibit the ability of
the cell nucleus. Each cell contains a full complement of progesterone to facilitate lordosis behaviour in female
DNA, thus genes may be activated in any cell to transcribe rodents. Thus one must be careful when evaluating the
any protein in the body. Because an intracellular influence of hormones because these modulators can act at
hormone–receptor complex binds to DNA to alter protein diverse locations by a variety of means.
synthesis, these effects have been termed the genomic
actions of steroid hormones. Electrical activity
Genomic (also called ‘indirect’) actions of steroid
hormones (discussed above) require a significant amount Neuronal communication occurs by means of both fast
of time to exert their effects, typically hours to days. transmission, mediated by neurotransmitters, such as
Nongenomic effects of steroid hormones are more rapid, acetylcholine, and by slow transmission, mediated by
typically a matter of seconds (discussed below). neuropeptides. Some synapses have messengers for both
slow and fast responses. In fact, over 40 different
neuropeptides have been identified in the brain. The
Nongenomic actions of steroid hormones precise functions of peptides released at synapses within
the central nervous system is not well understood. Part of
There is increasing evidence that steroids can act non- the problem derives from the complexity of the neuro-
genomically, potentially on membrane-bound receptors. chemical organization of the brain. Most of our evidence
After application of steroid hormones to specific neurons, comes from the peripheral nervous system, where synapses
rapid changes in firing frequency are observed. These rapid can be experimentally manipulated and where specific
effects on neuronal activity are not influenced by protein functions are easier to define. Studies of the frog
synthesis inhibitors, suggesting that gene transcription is sympathetic ganglion, for example, show that a luteinizing
not necessary. Likewise, progesterone administration can hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH)-like hormone can
facilitate female reproductive behaviour within minutes, activate slow, excitatory postsynaptic responses that last
suggesting a nongenomic mechanism of action. many minutes. The hormone also diffuses into the
Nongenomic mechanisms of steroid action have been extracellular medium and acts on cells that do not make
extensively studied in the roughskin newt (Taricha direct synaptic contact with the presynaptic cell. In this
granulosa). When a male newt encounters a female in way, neuropeptides can change the time course, size and
reproductive condition, he initiates courtship by grasping shape of the excitatory and inhibitory potentials mediated
the female in an amplectic clasp. During periods of stress, by small molecule neurotransmitters.
reproductive behaviour (and hence clasping) is inhibited.
This inhibition is regulated by increases in the stress
hormone, corticosterone. Administration of corticoster- Hormones, Development and Adult
one can inhibit clasping behaviour within minutes, Behaviour
suggesting a nongenomic mechanism of action. The
identification of membrane-bound corticosterone recep- The differentiation of the neural circuitry regulating adult
tors in Taricha lends further support to this hypothesis. sex-typical behaviour is modulated by precisely-timed
In addition to membrane-bound corticosterone recep- exposure to steroid hormones such as oestrogen, testoster-
tors, receptors for other steroids, including testosterone, one, cortisol and aldosterone. The neural circuitry of the
oestradiol and progesterone, have been localized to cell vertebrate central nervous system is established by
membranes. Further evidence for membrane receptors for exposure to sex steroids during critical periods of devel-
steroid hormones comes from studies where large mole- opment, associated first with neurogenesis and early
cules (i.e. too large to pass through the cell membrane) are differentiation and then with the expression of sex
conjugated (coupled) to steroid hormones to determine if differences in behaviour in adulthood. The relatively
the effects of these hormones are blocked. For example, permanent changes in the neural substrates regulating
progestagens conjugated to bovine serum albumin remain adult behaviour have been termed the organizational
capable of altering the release of dopamine from striatal effects of hormones, while the effects of hormones on these
neurons. Taken together, the identification of membrane- established circuits on the expression of adult behaviour
bound steroid receptors, along with evidence of their rapid have been termed the activational effects of hormones.
behavioural effects, suggests that steroid hormones may
act by nongenomic, as well as genomic, means. Hormones and the control of development
Steroid hormones may also act on receptors that have a
higher affinity for other ligands; for example, the effects of The process whereby males and females develop differently
progesterone in facilitating female reproductive behaviour is known as sexual differentiation. This process orches-

Hormones and Behaviour

Chromosomal sex? XX XY

SRY gene

Gonads? Ovaries Testes

Testosterone? No Yes

Seminal vesicles,
Internal ducts ? Uterus,
fallopian tubes
vas deferens

External genitalia? Vagina Penis/



Figure 3 The process of sexual differentiation in mammalian vertebrates. This diagram highlights the importance of hormones in regulating the sexual
differentiation of both secondary sexual characteristics and behaviour. Additional details on the process of sexual differentiation can be found in the text.

trates changes in many parts of the body, including the Early in development, both XX (female sex chromo-
external genitalia, the internal duct systems of the external somes) and XY (male sex chromosomes) genotypes have
genitalia, and the brain. Excellent evidence is available on gonads that are ‘indifferent’ and can develop into either
the development of physical sex differences; sex differences ovaries or testes. A gene on the Y-chromosome, termed the
in the structure of the brain and in behaviour have been sex-determining region on the Y gene, or SRY gene, directs
more difficult to assess, especially in humans. the development of this indifferent gonad into a testis. If
the SRY gene is not present, the indifferent gonad becomes

Hormones and Behaviour

an ovary. The next steps in sexual differentiation are driven neurons in the medial preoptic nucleus (MPN) of the
not by the sex chromosomes but directly by the hormones hypothalmus, are larger in males than in females. This size
secreted by the gonads (Figure 3). In other words, the difference is produced by exposure to steroids during a
internal ducts and external genitalia of males and females critical period early in development, and does not depend
develop as a result of the hormones secreted by the gonads on further exposure to hormones. Not only is the size of the
(ovary and testis). cell nucleus and the number of neurons larger in males than
The SRY gene codes for a protein that mediates the in females, but there are also sex differences in the size and
formation of a testis. Once the gonad develops into a testis, number of neuronal processes and synaptic connections.
several hormones are secreted during the perinatal period, While these morphological features have been described in
and these hormones instruct the body to develop a vas a number of species, the function(s) of this brain area is not
deferens, epididymis, scrotum, penis, etc., characteristic of yet fully understood.
the male. In the absence of the SRY gene, the indifferent In the spinal cord, the function of a sex difference in the
gonad develops into an ovary. The ovaries do not secrete morphology of nervous organization has been character-
large amounts of oestrogen until after sexual differentia- ized. A discrete cluster of neurons in the sacral portion of
tion has occurred. Thus, in the absence of gonadal steroid the spinal cord of male rats innervates muscles that
secretions, the external genitalia develop into a vagina and regulate penile function. These spinal nuclei and the
the internal duct system develops into a uterus and associated musculature innervating the penis are found in
fallopian tubes, characteristic of a female. numerous mammalian species, including humans. These
The steroids oestrogen and testosterone, which are muscles and the associated spinal motor nucleus is missing
produced by the ovary and the testis, also play an in females. A male spinal motor organization can be
important role in the development of the nervous system. produced in females by injecting testosterone in the
This is especially true with regard to brain regions that neonatal period, demonstrating clearly the considerable
influence sexual behaviour of the adult. The nervous role of hormones in organizing the nervous system.
system of a developing fetus, like the undifferentiated Sex differences in brain structure have also been found in
gonad, is the same in males and females, and has the humans. An area of the human brain that is homologous to
capacity to develop as a male or as a female. That is, both the rodent MPN, the interstitial nucleus of the anterior
male and female genotypes are compatible with either the hypothalamus (INAH), is sexually dimorphic in humans.
male or female brain phenotype. Brain development in a INAH can be subdivided into discrete nuclei; some of these
male or female direction is determined by exposure to subdivisions are sexually dimorphic, others are not.
specific steroid hormones during a critical period in INAH-3 has been found to be consistently larger in males
development. Steroid hormones create a different ‘blue- than females. There are several reports suggesting that a
print’ in each sex. In adulthood this leads to the expression similar sexual dimorphism may exist for INAH-1 and
of specific sex-typical behaviours in response to hormones INAH-2 as well. Recently, an ‘orientation dimorphism’
that are secreted, starting at puberty (termed the activa- has been found for INAH-3; this nucleus appears to be
tional effects of hormones). The actions of steroid smaller in homosexual men than heterosexual men.
hormones on the developing nervous system are structural Because studies where hormone levels are strictly con-
and permanent. trolled during human development are impossible ethi-
As described above, the formation of male genitalia, cally, the role of hormones in mediating these observed
internal ducts and neural circuitry requires the secretion of sexual dimorphisms in brain structure remain elusive.
testosterone from the fetal testes. The hormonal control of Future studies of brains of individuals exposed to
brain differentiation is slightly more complex. In males, abnormal concentrations of hormones during develop-
circulating testosterone crosses the blood–brain barrier ment, as the result of endocrine abnormalities, may
(BBB) and is subsequently metabolized into oestradiol in provide some insight into the hormonal basis of these
relevant neurons by the enzyme aromatase. Thus, male differences. Another fast-moving field of knowledge
neural circuitry is formed not by the presence of androgens involves the analysis of genetic mechanisms regulating
but by the actions of oestrogen. Given that maternal sexual and reproductive function. Our understanding of
oestrogens readily cross the placenta, why are female the genes, enzymes and proteins regulating development
brains not masculinized? Hormones are typically carried has been enhanced by the analysis of a number of genetic
through the blood bound to carrier proteins that facilitate mutations which result in reproductive dysfunction,
transport and prevent hormone degradation. During fetal including syndromes such as aromatase deficiency, 17a-
development, a carrier protein called a-fetoprotein binds hydroxylase deficiency, luteinizing hormone resistance,
to oestrogen and prevents oestrogens from crossing the androgen receptor insensitivity. Each of these states can be
BBB. Thus, females are protected from the masculinizing understood in terms of the metabolic and physiological
effects of oestrogens during fetal development. mechanisms discussed in this article.
The result of the sexual differentiation of the brain can be
seen morphologically; for example, the size and number of

Hormones and Behaviour

Organizational and Activational Effects males; female circuitry develops in the absence of sex
steroids. In adulthood, androgens are required to activate
of Hormones on Behaviour male sexual behaviour, while female sexual behaviour is
activated by oestrogen and progesterone. The preoptic
Sexual behaviour area appears to be important for the activation of sexual
As previously mentioned, the vertebrate brain is bipoten- behaviour in most rodent species studied to date.
tial and is either masculinized by exposure to steroid Manipulating prenatal and postnatal hormone concen-
hormones or is feminized in the absence of sex steroid trations in humans is not possible for obvious ethical
hormones during development. In 1959, a classic study reasons. Thus, one must infer causality in human studies of
conducted by Phoenix, Goy, Gerall and Young provided sexual differentiation of brain and behaviour using human
the basis of the so-called organizational/activational populations ‘naturally’exposed to abnormal hormone
effects of steroid hormones. In this work, exposure of concentrations during development and/or adulthood.
pregnant guinea-pigs to testosterone resulted in offspring For example, studies of young girls and women with
with a female genotype that had an increased propensity to congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH), a disorder char-
mount (i.e. male-like behaviour) an oestrous (i.e. in acterized by adrenal gland production of large amounts of
reproductive condition or ‘heat’) female when given androgens rather than cortisol, have revealed a potential
testosterone in adulthood, compared with control females role for androgens in human sexual differentiation. Girls
treated with testosterone. Likewise, male guinea-pigs that born with CAH exhibit moderate to pronounced mascu-
were castrated before completion of sexual differentiation, linization of the external genitalia, thereby supporting the
and were given oestradiol and progesterone in adulthood, contention that, as in animal studies, individuals with an
displayed an increased likelihood of exhibiting the female XX genotype can develop masculinized external genitalia if
mating posture (lordosis) when mounted by a male in exposed to abnormally high concentrations of androgens.
adulthood, compared with control males given oestradiol These anomalies can typically be corrected by surgical
and progesterone. means shortly after birth. However, as these girls mature,
Importantly, females exposed to testosterone in utero they often exhibit behaviours characterized as ‘masculine’
were less likely to display female-typical behaviour after (e.g. rough play, choosing to play with toys generally
being primed with oestrogen and progesterone compared preferred by boys). In adulthood, a larger proportion of
with controls. Normally, female rodents exposed to CAH females than that seen in the general population
oestrogen, followed 48 h later by progesterone, will be classify themselves as homosexuals.
sexually receptive when mounted by a male conspecific; Some genetic males (i.e. XY genotype) are born with
however, females exposed to testosterone in utero are less androgen insensitivity syndrome, an inability to ‘respond’
likely to exhibit receptive behaviour when mounted by a to androgens. These males are born with normal female
stud male compared with control females. Similarly, males external genitalia, although the internal duct system and
that were castrated early in development were less likely to gonads are masculinized, consistent with animal studies of
mount an oestrous female after being given testosterone. sexual differentiation. In studies of rodents, androgens are
Based on these results, the authors of this seminal paper necessary to masculinize the brains of males, while the
concluded that the neural circuits controlling behaviour brains of females are thought to develop in a relatively
are organized in a male- or female-like direction early in ahormonal environment. If this is the case in humans, then
development and these alterations are relatively perma- males with androgen insensitivity syndrome should have a
nent. The authors also concluded that hormones in female gender identity and normal ‘female’ behaviour.
adulthood act on these previously organized circuits to Indeed, this seems to be the case. Most males with
alter the probability of exhibiting male or female beha- androgen insensitivity syndrome are raised as females
viour. Thus, if the brain is organized in a female direction, and live normal lives as adult females. Hormone treat-
male-like behaviour, even in the presence of testosterone, is ments typically begin around the time of puberty in order
unlikely. Hence, hormones do not cause behaviour but to facilitate breast growth and female body morphology.
they alter the probability that a particular behaviour will be Although there is some disagreement on the importance of
exhibited in response to the appropriate stimulus. hormones versus environment (i.e. learning) in the devel-
Because testosterone can be metabolized into either opment of gender identity and sexual orientation, it is
oestradiol (by the enzyme aromatase), or 5a-dihydrotes- likely that human sexual differentiation is a function of the
tosterone (DHT; by the enzyme 5a reductase), further same mechanisms uncovered in animal studies.
studies have sought to determine which of these hormones
is actually responsible for the organizational/activational
effects of sex steroids. Most evidence suggests that the Aggressive behaviour
neural circuitry regulating sexual behaviour is organized
by the aromatization of testosterone into oestradiol in Male rodents are typically aggressive when they encounter
a male conspecific until a dominance hierarchy is

Hormones and Behaviour

established. In contrast, female rodents do not typically together, these studies suggest that organizational effects
display aggressive behaviour, excluding maternal aggres- of hormones may have subtle influences on the neural
sion while caring for offspring. This sexual dimorphism in circuitry regulating aggressive behaviour in rats and mice,
aggressive behaviour suggests that hormones may act to while activational effects of hormones are necessary for the
organize and activate the neural circuitry regulating expression of aggression in adulthood.
aggressive behaviour. Aggression is typically studied in As with studies on sexual differentiation in humans,
rodents by placing two animals together in a new cage ethical constraints make human data on hormones and
(neutral arena), or by placing an ‘intruder’ mouse into the aggression difficult to interpret. For example, studies of
established cage of another, ‘resident’, mouse. Although human aggression are often based upon hormone mea-
controversy exists, these tests are thought to test offensive sures before and after athletic competitions. Typically,
and defensive aggression, respectively. testosterone concentrations after the athletic event are
Similar to results obtained with sexual behaviour, higher in the male winners than in the losers. These data are
testosterone is necessary to activate aggressive behaviour consistent with those obtained in animals studies of
in male mice; castrated males display very low levels of aggression. Other studies of aggression in humans are
aggression, and testosterone administration restores ag- either based on correlations between testosterone concen-
gressive behaviour to precastration levels. Female mice trations and self-reported aggression using a question-
exposed to testosterone in adulthood also show increased naire, or testosterone concentrations and criminal records.
aggressive behaviour, although longer exposure to testos- Although testosterone concentrations were not associated
terone is necessary. This finding suggests that the neural with self-reported aggression, testosterone concentrations
circuitry controlling aggression in mice may be organized are positively correlated with aggressive behaviour in male
by hormonal exposure to alter the sensitivity to adult and female prison inmates. Both males and females
hormone concentrations. convicted of violent crimes tended to have higher
In male mice, testosterone is most effective in reestablish- concentrations of testosterone than inmates convicted of
ing aggressive behaviour in castrated males, although there nonviolent crimes. Taken together, these studies suggest a
is some evidence that oestrogens can also reestablish potential role for androgens in human aggressive beha-
aggression. In female mice, only testosterone or nonar- viour.
omatizable androgens (i.e. androgens that cannot be Additional evidence for a role of androgens in human
metabolized into oestrogen) increase aggressive behaviour. aggression comes from studies of anabolic steroid abuse in
Thus, organizational effects of steroid hormones are athletes. One of the best-known side effects of anabolic
required to induce responsiveness to oestrogen in adult- steroid abuse is extremely pronounced aggressive beha-
hood. viour, known as ‘roids rage’. Anabolic steroid users
Similar results have been obtained in laboratory rats, typically use doses of the drug that result in concentrations
although their behaviour is far less studied. Sex differences of androgens much higher than those that are prescribed
in aggression in rats do not appear to be as pronounced as for therapeutic reasons, and are also drastically higher than
those seen in laboratory mice. None the less, castration endogenous steroid levels in a normal adult. Thus, these
abolishes aggression in rats, while testosterone or DHT studies provide evidence that androgens may be involved in
replacement restores aggression to precastration levels. human aggression but provide little data on the means by
The results with oestrogen administration are equivocal, which endogenous androgens may modulate ‘normal’
although several reports suggest that oestrogens are levels of aggression in humans.
capable of restoring aggression in castrated male rats.
Aggression in female rats has received very little
attention. Unlike female mice, female rats will attack a Hormones and appetite/homeostasis
female intruder placed into the home cage; however, a
female intruder will rarely be attacked by a male resident. In most nonmonogamous mammalian species there is a
The fact that female rats also show aggressive behaviour pronounced sexual dimorphism in body size and weight,
suggests that organizational effects of steroid hormones whereby males are larger than females. In many species, the
may not be important for aggressive behaviour in rats. One sexual dimorphism in body mass appears at around the
study found that testosterone was equally capable of time of puberty, suggesting activational influences of sex
stimulating aggressive behaviour in gonadectomized male steroids on this size dimorphism. In general, oestrogens are
and female rats. As seen in mice, oestrogen was capable of catabolic, whereas androgens are anabolic. Castration of
increasing aggressive behaviour in male rats, but not male rodents typically leads to reductions in body weight
females. and food intake, whereas ovariectomy typically leads to
Although most studies suggest little organizing effects of increased eating and weight. The effects of castration can
hormones on adult aggressive behaviour in rats, neonatal be reversed by testosterone administration; those of
castration of male rats greatly reduces aggression, even ovariectomy can be reversed with oestrogen but not
after testosterone replacement in adulthood. Taken progesterone.

Hormones and Behaviour

In female rodents, further evidence for oestrogenic Leptin concentrations are highly, positively correlated
effects on eating and body weight can be seen surrounding with body fat mass. Likewise, food-deprived animals have
the oestrus cycle. During ovulation, when oestrogen low leptin concentrations and leptin administration can
concentrations are high, food intake is reduced. Likewise, inhibit feeding in food-deprived animals. Interestingly,
food intake increases following ovulation, concomitant although leptin concentrations are correlated with body fat
with decreased concentrations of oestradiol. Responsive- mass, female rats tend to have higher leptin concentrations
ness to the suppressive effects of estrogen does not than male. This difference is potentially modulated by sex
generally appear until puberty in female rodents; oestrogen steroids; ovariectomy can decrease leptin synthesis.
treatment prior to puberty has little effect on eating. The In humans, obesity is also associated with increased
effects of oestrogen on body mass are not simply the result leptin concentrations, and body mass index is positively
of increased food intake: ovariectomized females restricted correlated with circulating leptin; however, because obese
to the quantity of food eaten by control animals continue individuals appear to have reduced responsiveness to
to gain body weight. These findings suggest that oestrogen leptin, satiety may not be a result of high leptin
affects body weight by altering metabolism as well as food concentrations. As in rodents, human females have higher
intake. leptin concentrations than males. Oestrogen concentra-
As previously mentioned, testosterone is generally tions are uncorrelated with leptin, yet declining testoster-
anabolic (i.e. weight/muscle promoting), although phar- one concentrations during ageing are negatively correlated
macological (i.e. greater than values normally seen in the with leptin. Taken together, these findings indicate that
blood) doses of testosterone have been reported to decrease leptin likely represents a hormonal signal by which current
feeding and body weight. This decrease in feeding with high body state can be communicated to help maintain home-
doses of testosterone is likely to be due to aromatization of ostasis, and may help to account for body weight
excess testosterone into oestradiol. DHT also leads to dimorphisms seen across species.
increases in body weight and food intake, although the
effects of testosterone are more potent. Unlike the results in
female rats, testosterone administration can affect body
Hormones, Immune Function and
mass of rats prior to puberty; however, because castration Disease
does not influence feeding or body weight before puberty,
the physiological significance of these findings remains Gonadal steroids can have a pronounced influence on
questionable. immune function and disease. One indirect line of evidence
Sex steroid hormones may alter body mass by changing for an effect of a gonadal steroid on immune function
food preference; for example, oestrogen reduces the comes from studies demonstrating a pronounced sexual
relative proportion of calories obtained from carbohy- dimorphism in immune function. In general, females have
drates compared to other macronutrients. Likewise, a stronger immune response and higher immunoglobulin
testosterone treatment leads to a preference for proteins (IgG) concentrations than do males. Likewise, in skin graft
over other macronutrients. Thus, alterations in body mass rejection studies, female animals reject grafts faster than do
seen after steroid treatment are likely to be due to a males, suggesting a more robust immune response. This sex
combination of metabolic influences, alterations in feeding difference in immune function is apparently modulated by
behaviour and changes in food preference. gonadal steroids: oestrogens generally enhance, while
Few studies have been conducted on the organizational androgens typically suppress, immune function.
effects of sex steroid hormones and feeding. There is some The immunoenhancing effects of oestrogens and greater
evidence that neonatal hormone treatment may lead to immune response in females can be detrimental. Normally,
permanent alterations in body size/weight; however, the immune system is capable of distinguishing between
neonatal manipulation of sex steroid hormones has little foreign pathogens and ‘self’ tissue. However, in certain
effect on adult responsiveness to steroid hormones on cases, the immune system erroneously attacks self tissue as
feeding and body weight. if it were foreign. These disorders have been termed
Recently, a hormone secreted by cells from adipose autoimmune disorders. Apparently, one adverse effect of
tissue has been found to regulate body weight and feeding oestrogens on immune function is an increased likelihood
in mice and other species. The hormone is a product of the of autoimmune diseases. In some cases, the female:male
ob gene and has been termed leptin (Gr. leptos thin). Mice ratio for autoimmune disease is as high as 19:1 (auto-
missing the ob gene (ob/ob) do not produce leptin and immune thyroiditis). Treatments for autoimmune diseases
become extremely overweight. Thus, it appears that leptin in humans typically involve the use of gonadal steroids.
signals the brain and provides an indication of the current Androgens have been shown to ameliorate the symptoms
body fat of an animal. When fat content is low, leptin of several autoimmune diseases, whereas oestrogens
concentrations decrease, thereby signalling the brain to typically potentiate the course of the disease. In addition,
increase food intake. In turn, when body fat content is female patients with Klinefelter syndrome produce excess
high, increased concentrations of leptin limit feeding. oestrogen and have an increased incidence of autoimmune

Hormones and Behaviour

disease compared with the general population. The data supplements. Although termed dietary supplements, these
obtained from individuals with autoimmune disease food additives can be identical to hormones known to
provide further support for the role of sex steroids in circulate in the body. Further information on this topic is
immune function. available from the FDA.
Gonadal hormones appear to act directly on immune The focus of the preceding discussion has been on the
cells to influence their function; receptors for oestrogen hormonal systems that have been well characterized. While
and testosterone have been identified on lymphoid tissue. some evidence of the interactions among hormonal
Likewise, when immune studies are conducted in vitro, systems has been presented, this is a complex topic lying
gonadal steroids are capable of having direct effects on at the borders of our knowledge. Recently, there have been
cultured immune cells. Numerous hormones (e.g. prolac- numerous reports advocating the use of hormonal treat-
tin, melatonin, thyroid hormone, dehydroepiandrosterone ments for disorders ranging from reduced sex drive (e.g.
(DHEA)) in addition to gonadal steroids are capable of DHEA) to jet lag (e.g. melatonin). The news media
influencing immune function. In turn, immune cells are broadcasts ‘miracle’ cures promoting the use of hormones
capable of influencing hormone concentrations. Thus, to enhance immune function, slow down the ageing process
reciprocal crosstalk between the immune and endocrine and increase sex drive. Because hormones are capable of
systems helps to maintain homeostasis within both travelling in the blood to sites all over the body, these
systems. agents can have a broad impact throughout the body; thus,
Another class of steroid hormones, glucocorticoids, it is impossible to focus hormone administration solely on
have also been implicated in immune function. In humans, the problem (e.g. jet lag) one is trying to combat.
the primary glucocorticoid is cortisol; the principal Some aspects of research on hormonal treatments are
glucocorticoid in rodents is corticosterone. Glucocorti- ‘immature’: often, long-term side effects of these sub-
coids are produced and released from the outer ‘shell’ of the stances have not been evaluated. Medical doctors who
adrenal gland, the cortex. Glucocorticoids are involved in advocate the use of hormones, such as melatonin, may cite
carbohydrate metabolism, but are also released in response the fact that extremely high doses of melatonin will not kill
to stressful stimuli (either psychological or somatic). laboratory animals. Certainly, one’s criteria for treatment
Numerous studies have provided convincing evidence for should not simply be whether or not administration of the
glucocorticoid/stress regulation of the immune response; drug will lead to death; thus, one should resist the
for example, animals treated with an antigen (e.g. sheep red temptation to use hormones unnecessarily until long-term
blood cells (SRBC)) have lower inflammatory responses clinical studies are conducted to determine whether any
than animals that have been adrenalectomized or treated unforeseen side effects result from their use.
with glucocorticoid antagonists. Glucocorticoids can In addition to unanticipated long-term side effects, one
affect a number of cytokines; for example, incubation of hormonal system typically interacts with other hormonal
macrophage-activation factor (MAF), colony-stimulating systems; for example, hormones of the immune system,
factor (CSF), interferon g (IFNg) or interleukin 2 (IL-2) called cytokines, interact with numerous other hormones,
with dexamethasone (a synthetic glucocorticoid) and including gonadal steroids, glucocorticoids, prolactin and
mitogen inhibits cytokine proliferation in a dose-depen- thyroid hormone. Thus, altering one hormone concentra-
dent manner. Production of the cytokines IL-1 and IL-3 is tion typically has far-ranging effects on numerous other
also blocked by glucocorticoid administration in vitro. hormonal systems. Unforeseen side effects of self-treat-
Thus, glucocorticoids are also capable of regulating ment with hormones can be a result. The knowledge of how
immune function, and their effect is usually inhibitory. hormones affect the body, from the preceding sections,
together with these cautionary notes will hopefully provide
a theoretical framework within which the reader can
Summary evaluate ongoing research in behavioural endocrinology.
An interesting issue relates to the fact that many hormones
on the market today are not regulated by the Food and Further Reading
Drug Administration (FDA) thereby making the purity of Brown RE (1994) An Introduction to Neuroendocrinology. Cambridge:
these hormones questionable and the doses variable. One Cambridge University Press.
might wonder why some homones are termed ‘dietary Cooke B, Hegstrom CD, Villeneuve LS and Breedlove SM (1998) Sexual
supplements’ and are not regulated by the FDA, while differentiation of the vertebrate brain: principles and mechanisms.
others are strictly regulated and sold only with prescrip- Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology 19: 323–362.
Food and Drug Administration (2000) [] [Infor-
tions from medical doctors. Dietary supplements are
mation on the regulation of the prescription and sale of hormones.]
products intended for digestion as a supplement to the Nelson RJ (2000) An Introduction to Behavioral Endocrinology, 2nd edn.
diet. These include vitamins, minerals, herbs and many Sunderland, MA: Sinauer.
other plant-derived substances. These agents may not be Norman AN and Litwack G (1997) Hormones. San Diego: Academic
sold as treatments or cures, but may be sold as dietary Press.

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