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Possible Calendar Site off of Exit 10, RT9S

Brian Ghilliotti

A. Significance of 330 degrees Northwest:

May 20th, at 0000 hrs, Venus azimuth is at 330 degrees

B. Under clear conditions, Venus would break azimuth by 7:22 AM on May 20th, and would
have good visibility.

C. On May 21st the first quarter moon appears, leading to the first full moon (May 29) before
the beginning of summer (Jun 21rst). On Jun 20th, the first quarter moon rises before the
beginning of summer.

D. The quarter moon would cease rising and setting along the 270 degree axis between the
following times:

August 29th at 9:05 AM to December 29 at 12:09 PM

This period covers the season of Autumn, between the Fall Equinox (Sept 22) and Winter
Solstice (December 21).

E. The 90-270 degree axis also sees the sun break azimuth March 19th, with spring beginning
on March 20th, and September 22-23, with the fall equinox on September 22nd. Presumably
you would watch this from the perched stone.

Perched stone on boulder

<< 330 degree axis 150 >>

Boulder 2 << 270 degree axis 90 >> Boulder 1

Picture of perched stone on Attempt to photograph View of Boulder Two from

boulder Boulder One. Too much snow perched stone.
and obstructions. Looking 150
degrees from perched stone.

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