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Past Continuous - Positive and Negative

1) Make the positive or negative past continuous

a) Julie (sleep) ________________--at three p.m. o'clock. Commented [UdW1]: Belle, there are 4 periods in the
b) Luke (read) ________________ a book yesterday. end of this stc
c) I (work)__________________ very much last week.
d) They (eat) ___________________chocolate on Sunday.
e) John (play)__________________ tennis after school.
f) We (watch) _____________________TV at night.
g) He (use) _______________________the internet on Monday.
h) You (cook) ______________________lunch at noon.
i) We (travel)_________________________ to London last weekend.
j) Mrs Brown (not/walk)__________________________ in the garden when the murder happened.
k) Mr Black (not/work) _______________________in his study when the murder happened.

2) Put the verbs into the correct form (past progressive).

a) When I phoned my friends, they (play) _____________________Monopoly. Commented [UdW2]: It´s the name of the game –
b) Yesterday at six I (prepare) _____________________________dinner. capitalize first letter
c) The kids (play) _____________________________in the garden when it suddenly began to rain.
d) I (practice) __________________________________the guitar when he came home.
e) We (not / cycle) _________________________________all day yesterday. Commented [UdW3]: There are 2 periods in this stc
f) While Alan (work)____________________________ in his room, his friends (swim)_____________ in the pool.
g) I tried to tell them the truth but they ________________________________(not / listen ) .
h) What (you / do) __________________________________yesterday?
i) Most of the time we (sit) ________________________________in the park.
j) I (listen)______________ to the radio while my sister (watch)_________________ TV.
3) Mike had a busy day yesterday.
Look at the schedule below and complete the following sentences:

- At 9:00am Mike_____________________________________
Time Mike
- At 10:30am Mike ____________________________________ 7:00am - 7:30am ate breakfast
8:00am -10:00am watched cartoons
- At 12:15pm Mike ____________________________________
10:00am – 11:00am wrote e- mails
- At 3:00pm Mike ____________________________________ 12:00pm -12:30pm ate lunch

- At 5:00pm Mike ____________________________________ 2:00pm – 4:00pm did homework

4:30pm -6:00pm played tennis
- At 7:15pm Mike_____________________________________
7:00pm – 7:30pm ate dinner
- At 8:00pm Mike _____________________________________ 8:00pm – 8:15pm took a shower
4) Now, it’s your turn! Interview the classmates in your group. Find out what they were doing at the specific
times mentioned in the chart below:

Ex: What were you doing at 4 :00 pm yesterday ?

 I was playing football

Time Classmate Classmate Classmate You

1 2 3
4:00 pm

5:00 pm

6:00 yesterday

8:00 last night

1:00 this

6:30 this

7:15 this

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