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23, 36. The Allies March to Freedom (1915) Song ‘Tempo di Marcia. VOICE. PIANO. way, a-way! from north-ern lake and moun - tain, — via’ mo le ban- die- ea tul- fii ven = Hi — Fromwest-ern field and east - ernplain ad- van - cing, : Com i fu he Hi le fan-fa-reei can ~ Hi Mar - 180138 2m a- way! from foun - di fron - tein men -geth - er, our ban-nersbrave-ly dan- cing. fis $0 ai mos tri co- man - dan fi 28 livd in song don - nea sa - cour- age and in glo ter ta dol tre ma 16135 tain. We march to - a Con toc ~ chio A great-er host néer Ci ten ne~ 10 Te 3) 4 p legato erese. @ poco March, march, —_ui-der Freedoms flag, Sul. ta Sfron_- le _por-tiam Fight till Jus-tice rules a - gain and wrong is right - in _co-reil_no~ me del - la patria __ bel un-der Freedoms flag, fron - te por tiam vio - try won, the tri- umph sure, we stand u - ai uo reil_no- me del- la patria bel oo” a ma (la 276 -way, a-way, no time for i - dle sor - row——— Though some we = dio, pen-s0'- se mam me che pian - ge - lel Ad dio, 1a - til that great To - mor ‘When back tri - ca - poe sor - ri- de Quag-giti ra - with col - ours schi- op - pet Peace shallbless our bal - sia-mo a re-ward shall crown ourhigh en - dea - vour_— For ne-mi- co scro~scia la mi- tra - glia Eni homes and hearts for ev sean - tial-la bat = ta eresc. a poco bro stel la roes and fa- la under Freedom’ flag, fron te _por-tiam march, la 136135 278. = gain and del. la ny Lf March, march, under Freedoms flag, Sul la fron - te por- tim > > 124 and bro - thers. ‘The = vic. ~~~ try ~—won, the — tri - umph ~fta- la sel == da Ein cu = teil mo = me del ~ da == sure, we stand 136135

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